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Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:06 am
Its been a while since oro walk around the streets of hoshi, and longer still since he wanted to do something. but as always he was bored. the morning had nothing of interest, he did relax to himself most of the time as he read his books and updated his style. now he was walking around the maze like streets aimlessly. he still had his cloak. he now had a black tee shirt on, as well as black jeans. he was mostly in black. which made him kinda hot but he didnt mind the heat. as he walked around he would read his book like always. ink filled the air with its tainted smell, if only lightly. he hasnt added anything new to it for a long time... he needed to fix that. and he intended to fix that. so he would start by thinking of what he should do. as he thought he would make his way near the city square, finding a nice cafe he could have some coffee, think and read all at once. it had a nice out door deck to it as well with some comfy chairs. he would sit their once he had obtain his drink.  his coffee was kinda sweet and bitter, always cold with a small shot of vanilla. his favorite drink. as he flipped though his book he made his his chakra was at 1 as he always did thanks to the trick he learned, no one should be looking for him but if they did need him he would be yelled at later no doubt. he sighed loudly and looked around at the streets. always busy. kinda like worker bees or ants. working together and not notice they work together. most of the time. he still hated human interaction and people but in his line of business he needs to brown nose someone and be kind to many people. he wished he was dead. he sighed again and leaned back into his seat. closing his eyes and sat there thinking. he needed some new gen to work on for a bit. or maybe revisit new ones. there was a lot he wanted to do and needed to do. and not a lot of time. what he needed was more time, to work, to sleep, mainly to sleep, but he was happy he didnt have to worry about people waking him up to do random things like love use to. he thought as he wanted to take a nap in his seat. he yawned loudly and sat still trying to sleep a little.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:22 am
Just as planned Love had spent the day sightseeing. While in the City Square, Love stumbled upon a nice little cafe. She wasn't much of a coffee drinker but she felt she'd need an extra boost of caffeine to continue with this day. Upon approach the girl noticed a few people sitting outside, one of them was dressed in all black. His hair was shorter than Oro's was the last time she saw him, Orokana was also last seen wearing a white shirt. Though it wouldn't be weird for him to change his clothes or even his appearance for that matter, it wasn't until the male looked out into the street that Love knew that he was exactly whom she'd been looking for. The closer she got the clearer it was to see his signature posture and the raggedy little book he was always reading and writing in. With a second sigh and casual lean back in his seat, it was obvious that the male hadn't caught sight of the kunoichi for if he had Love was fairly sure he would've fled.

Although she had no way of suppressing her chakra, Love could silence the sound of her footsteps. Of course, if this had been Konoha she could've unleashed a jutsu on his ass but the people here weren't fond of ninja. Not to mention the Hokage would likely have to pay for any repairs needed, that or make Love pay out of pocket. While the Hyuuga clan was wealthy that kind of incident would shame them and the next in line couldn't have that stacking on top the other reasons certain people didn't want her to lead. So while his eyes were still closed the red head dashed over as quickly as she thought wouldn't ruffle any feathers. Being cautious the kunoichi grabbed a menu while the lazy fool yawned loudly then she proceeded to silently pull out the empty chair at his table and sat in it. The sudden accumulation of chakra would likely cause his eyes to flick open, assuming that he could sense her, Love wasn't too sure. The girl would sit quietly reading for however long it took the male to realize, not only someone was there but, that she was there.

She would smile and say, "Hi." when he did unless he tries to run.

WC: 391
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:58 am
orokana sighed, he heard movement near him and sensed chakra near him, he didnt want to open his eyes and hoped they would go away. after a while he heard her say hi. he recognized the voice but he forgot where. or he was too tired to care who it was, all he knew was it was a woman. "im trying to think can you please leave me alone miss?" he said with his monotone voice. people havent bothered him in so long so why was she bothering him now. he hope it wasnt anything that would be a pain. he couldnt help but think about love right now, her annoying him and always coming around when he wanted sleep. not to mention that this girl sounded kinda like her, but she couldnt be in hoshi could she? thinking about it made his heart jump in his chest, it was an uncomfortable feeling. but now he couldnt shake it and had to be sure. he would open his eyes and look at the red head in front of him. he didnt say anything for a long while. barely moved, keeping a straight face. he wasnt in a genjutsu he had to tell himself. he blinked and looked at her again. "mmm" he would stand up slowly and tried to slowly walk away if she let him, he knew she wouldnt let him but he was hoping it was some kind of mistake. if she did spot him in someway he would say "well i guess i wasnt asleep after all, afternoon?" he would say panicked and nervous. what a terrible day already.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:27 pm
"Hmm.. must be something in this Hoshi air causing your brain cells to work slower than normal." She replied to his inhospitable response to a stranger. Aren't these holy people also supposed to be happy? Clearly, the male still failed at spreading the village's philosophy whenever the chance was presented. Love, however, continued to look over the menu unbothered. When Oro finally opened his eyes Love was smiling at him once again. As he rose from his seat Love laid the menu on the table and using her enhanced strength grabbed his wrist. Once standing she would pull him in for a bear hug saying, "It's so good to see you again!" The nervous and panicked tone in his voice caused her smile to grow. "Let's take a walk, shall we?" She would whisper in his ear to be menacing, the words were spoken as a question should anyone be eavesdropping but he didn't really have a choice. If he were smart he'd come quietly and not disturb the others in the area by causing a scene.

WC: 177
(Short post cuz I have to go out.)
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:51 pm
when he was pulled into a hug he wheezed out saying" yeah... great isnt it?" once she let him go oro would pant slightly trying to make sure his rubs werent broken. "w-walk? im sure you are busy, and i am meeting someone here f-for a date, ive been working on some things you see." he tried sitting down in his seat and taking a sip from his coffee he had. "would you like to erm meet up later? we could talk then or something?" he tried to make her leave, though love knew him too well and he knew that, but he could hope this would work and he could just hid in the big city, thankfully they cant hunt down his chakra super easy but she was a hyuuga and could maybe find him, he didnt really know what it could or couldnt do. but that was an issue for later, for now oro just needed to survive this encounter and hope he can hide. he did note that her grip was... stronger then when he last seen love. never a good thing, it was what he knew was coming. distaste and worry was on his face a little.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:55 am
Love didn't mind the sarcasm when the male replied to her question. She even grinned when he tried to make an excuse for not wanting to go on a walk with her. "Yes, you're right. It's better to stay in public, a lot more witnesses." She would say following his action of sitting back down. Since she didn't have anything of her own to sip she waved over a waitress and ordered a venti cup of mint and camomile tea with half steamed lemonade and a little honey. Very calming and refreshing, Oro might end up needing it more than her. When the waitress had gone Love turned her attention back to the boy who would do well not to try leaving again during their exchange. It would be a real pain to make that poor girl go through the trouble of taking her order just for the two of them to disappear before her eyes. That would definitely put more of a bad taste in the citizen's mouths about shinobi.

"Oh? A date? That doesn't at all sound like you?" Love briefly paused to place her fist against her chin in a thinking position. "Tell me, is it with that Sanae girl or the Hikari one?" She would ask very calmly even though under normal circumstances Oro would insist that she was being jealous. However, this time it would be to show that she'd been going around asking about him and some people were kind enough to tell her who they saw him hanging out with. Having him in the hot seat like this was exhilarating for Love, normally she wasn't one for torture but he was doing that to himself. Yes, the young kunoichi was just a bystander to the fool digging his own grave. "I find it hard to believe that you would escape one village just to relive the same life in a new one." She added to fluster him even more and not give him a chance to think of a new lie. This day was going to be a lot more fun than she had originally anticipated.

WC: 353
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:33 am
oro sighed love knew a lot didnt she. "i think that would be considered stalking love." he said drinking his coffee. "well once someone saves you, you tend to try and repay them. they saved me from kumo as i told you." he said not looking at love, trying to keep his lie alive. "have you talked to people about me? fuck that is weird love, you are like a crazy ex, and no the date isnt with them, its to study genjutsu, i always ask for test subjects or people wanting to learn." he would say. he would take another sip and look at love. "so why are you here? trying to drag me back? kill me? or is it for something else and im just here as a side dish?" he would hate to go back to kono because he would most likely die, or deal with yen, he would rather die then deal with yen if he was honest. "or is it you came to visit your beast friend oro because you missed him?" he said rolling his eyes. he leaned back in his chair and sighed once more. he wasnt ready to deal with any of this yet. he needed more time to prepare for the storm he is in. he also looked around for any openings. "im surpised you found me, i was hiding my chakra very well."
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:17 am
Love shrugged at his stalking comment, besides assassins, that's what ninja were. The Hyuuga leaned back in her chair when the male reiterated his letter aloud to her. "You see I'm having a bit of trouble believing that." She, of course, noted how he looked away from her when talking about that. "If Kumo wanted to attack us they would have done so even if they lost what they were trying to use as a pawn." She kept her eyes locked on him even when the waitress reappeared with her drink. He would ask a rhetorical question following that. Likening her to a crazy ex-girlfriend Oro would state that the date was actually with genjutsu, what a nerd. He claimed to have been spreading the knowledge of genjutsu around which, while he wasn't that great of a teacher, didn't seem to be a lie. Maybe they were getting somewhere. Taking a sip of her tea at the same time the male sipped his coffee their eyes would lock in a sensual gaze before he would break the silence with another question. Love would let out an audible "heh" while watching her hand guide her cup back down to the table. "You'll find out soon enough." She said giving absolutely no context so he wouldn't know whether she'd also ran away, was coming to kill him, or if there was going to be some Hoshi-Konoha interaction that would make his escape pointless. Heck if he knew about Kiri being the ones to attack Kono he might even get the gist that she might be gathering information for them in preparation for an attack.

Love smiled again when he added a sarcastic option to the list of reasons she might be here. "Of course I missed you, surely you didn't think that I would forget about you." She would ask innocently. She then watched as his eyes danced around before more words spilled from his mouth. "Yea well aside from that you aren't doing much to blend it. Other than a few missing inches of hair and a new colored shirt you haven't changed at all." She said in response. The latter of her reply not being true for herself which he should've noticed by now, especially during their hug.

WC: 378
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:47 am
"i mean it happened at the same time suna got attacked, they got what they wanted then left, i was stuck in the middle, i know you know im not fond of the leaf and wanted to leave, but i thought i made it clear i wanted to leave with the leafs blessings so i dont get hunted down like an animal. but i guess i dont really have a chance for my case. one way or another you are going to kill me eh?" he said sighing. "might be better to kill myself." he said resting his head on his arm looking at love. he just stared at her with bored eyes now. at this point he didnt have control over things but he never thought he did in the first place. if love didnt say anything he would say "i heard kiri attack you guys, im guessing it didnt go well?" he said sighing. he was fucked he knew it. he just needed to know what his options where. maybe he would have a quick death. that would be nice. then at least oro can go to a void, maybe hell. some place that wasnt here. a real hell for him. he wondered what love was thinking. if she did care about him or if she saw him as someone that needs to die. either way he should probably get ready.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Bad News im back (love, p, nk) Empty Re: Bad News im back (love, p, nk)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:45 pm
"Mhm." Love said to his response to her questioning the validity of what he wrote in the letter. After taking another sip of her drink Love would say, "The best way to leave with their blessing would've been to ask the Hokage. In all honesty, you might've been allowed to be a wanderer since Kurisu disappeared along with his brother." She crossed her legs to relax more now that the initial awkwardness was gone and they were back to just Love and Oro. "Ashi Inuzuka was made interim kage in his place before she passed the mantle on. Our dear Yen had a shot at the title." She said with a small smile knowing that just the mention of that name would cause Oro to stir. After a sigh, the male leaned his head on his arm while looking at Love with his classic tired eyes. A gust of wind came by moving her head of flames, "You're too interested in dying." She said while resettling a few strands, after a moment of silence he spoke again. "It went as well as it could have. Sal's dead but the rest of us are ok thanks to him." She looked away for a moment. "Some of the buildings and the gates got burned but there was no real damage to the village other than that." She sighed before the thing was angering but now it's just annoying that that defeat is apart of their history now. "So what's life been like over here?" She asked changing the subject.

WC: 257
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