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Training Grounds - Kether+open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Grounds - Kether+open

Thu May 03, 2018 9:07 pm
The hooded ninja's head nodded as Kether explained his story.  Shinobi lived dangerous lives, Kiri ninja more so than most, and no parent wanted to bury their child, no matter how much pride might be gained from their child becoming an asset to the village.  Even Hayate's own father had balked a bit at the deadliness of just the training, though he wasn't from Kiri originally and so it was understandable.

 He took back the mini bottle, securing it in the leg Pouch with the previous gear, then pulling the strap tightly to make sure it closed snugly. Hayate leaned back against the tree, stretching out his legs and staring out into the mist, his hands resting on his chest.

"Nothing too special myself." he said.  "I kinda get the parent thing though.  My Mother is actually a Kiri Shinobi, but my dad's not, and he's not from here.  He got a bit freaked out when some of the students died not too long ago, but my mom was on my side.  Since I wanted to attend the Kenjutsu practice over there anyways" he nodded to the building to the west. " so they compromised by having me take a year off of academy to train with grandpa."  Hayate conveniently left out the part about not yet being able to do most of the ninjutsu that time, and taking most of the year just to get the meager level of Chakra control he had now.

Now it was Hayate turn to have a note of pride creep into his voice and a smile crept over his face. "The Kenjutsu academy even said I could continue lessons.  Once I made genin of course. And yeah, my Mom got some of that special paper, and I took the test.  Water, of course" he said smugly.

Hayate almost stretched to dust of his combat pants, but stopped himself.  Instead he formed the hand seal they just went over in class, furrowed his brow and concentrated, and the dust slowly lifted off of him itself, falling to the side.

Wc 334 twc 1683
Tatsuo Nomura
Tatsuo Nomura
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Training Grounds - Kether+open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Grounds - Kether+open

Fri May 04, 2018 10:39 am
Kether nodded at Hayate’s explanation about how he had ended up here. He had to admit, he was somewhat surprised that the kenjutsu academy gave Hayate any lessons before he was a Genin, even if they were minimal. That meant he was probably much better with weapon use than Kether was. Maybe he could get some tips from him at some point in order to improve his skills.  
As Hayate continued, Kether closed his eyes again. It made sense that he would be a water type. Most of the shinobi in Kirigakure were water shinobi, which made his own wind element somewhat of a rarity. Still, elemental jutsu were too advanced for Academy students to be taught, so their different affinities wouldn’t matter too much for training purposes here.
”You’re getting quite good at the chakra cleanse technique,” Kether commented as he watched the dust clean itself off of Hayate’s clothes. He copied the technique to clean himself off before standing up as well. ”Your assistance in this training has been invaluable but we must be getting back to class. Perhaps we can train together again in the future.” With that, he turned and began to walk back to the Academy. There was only one more jutsu left that he needed to learn before he would be ready to become a Genin: the Genjutsu release. The only way he was going to get any practice with that one was from an instructor or a full shinobi who knew some Genjutsu.
”Soon,” he whispered to himself as he walked away. ”Soon.”


WC: 260
TWC: 1,814

Gains: +9 stats, +Transformation Technique
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Training Grounds - Kether+open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Grounds - Kether+open

Fri May 04, 2018 5:43 pm
Hayate stood as his training partner did, stretching out his arms.  A good bite to eat and something to drink always refreshed him after spending a lot of chakra, just like with exercising too much.  And though he did feel like laying about a bit more, Kether was right, more class was coming up.

Hayate closed his fist and pushed it against Kethers arm in a fake friendly punch.  "Well, good training session." He said, and flashed Kether a smile.  

Wc 80 twc 1763
8 stats
3 E-level jutsu@500per (water/surface walking jutsu, Transformation jutsu, and substitution jutsu)

Last edited by Hayate on Fri May 04, 2018 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Training Grounds - Kether+open - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Grounds - Kether+open

Fri May 04, 2018 5:58 pm
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