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Bad For Business Empty Bad For Business

Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:07 pm
Mission Details:

The leaf village had seen rain for the first time in quiet some time. It was pouring as far as the eye could see and it could be mistaken for Amegakure from a distance. Allegro did not care for the rain, rainy weather, or all the associated memories that came with rainy seasons. He was flashing back to moments of his past that involved the rain. namely, the memory of the day his mother fought a relentless battle in the Earth country resulting in the destruction of Iwagakure. It was also that day that Allegro found him self in the middle of a war skirmish, where an explosion left a ringing in his ears that would never fade. The constant tone in his ear was his personal reminder of the horrors he witnessed as a child. It was also a reminder that it was time to put his headphones back on so he could drown out the sound with the tune of his favorite music. The sound of the music always seemed to soothe his tinnitus. He wore his mesh shirt over his bare chest followed by his loose fitting robe that tucked into his pants. He tied his hair in a ponytail and wore a straw hat to shield his hair from the rain. He wore a cloak overall and head out the door of his fathers house in the Uzumaki district of Konoha. The boy waved to his father before leaving, whom in returned shouted as he left.”Oh! Out for another mission, eh? That’s my boy, I’m proud of you. I’ll have dinner waiting for you when you get back! What will you be in the mood for, kiddo? I was thinking something American…How about Hamburgers?” Allegro sighed as he left. His father had forgotten that his son was a pescatarian.

The leaf genin would be gone long before his father’s myriad of trivial questions. He welcomed the dense sound of rain meeting pavement that drowned out the sound of his fathers voice, and everything else in the universe for that matter. He took a step forward and could feel the cool rain water trickle into his sandals. What a terrible design for shoes, and a terrible choice in shoes to wear in the rain, for that matter. However, it seemed to be something that ninja wear rain or shine, and so the Uzumaki did not bother to moan or groan about it. Allegro traveled through the streets of the village with his hat tucked forward to shield his face from the rain. He thought about today’s mission. A relatively simple one, regarding the reports of petty thief getting a bit more bold with his crimes. Before starting the mission officially, he waited around for the person he would be executing the mission with. Once she arrived, they would proceed with the investigation before making an arrest. He passed each shop that had been robbed in chronological order. At each stop, he spoke with the shop owner and introduced himself. He never wasted an opportunity to network with fellow shop owners. He collected information from the shop owners regarding the thief’s appearance, what was stolen, any weapons he might have had, which direction he went in after the robbery. After making it through three shops that had been robbed, Allegro found a pattern in the criminal’s movements. 

The man described to be dressed in ratty clothes and a mask over his face. He first robbed a high end clothing store, then a jewelry store, and then a small bank. A cliche rags to riches scheme that was tried and attempted all too often on his side of the hood. With the Uzumaki Clan still being a small one in the Leaf village, the did not have a entire district to themselves unlike the Uchiha, Hyuuga, or Aburame clans. The Uzumaki still lived in the urban district, where the crime rates tended to be highest. Up to this point, Allegro never had an issue with crime affecting his own home. Since becoming a genin of the village, his rank intimidated most who would even have the thought of robbing his home. Anyone with the gumption to put the thought to action would only find the cold feeling of defeat at the hands of the sole shinobi from the Uzumaki clan. 

[720 WC]
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Bad For Business Empty Re: Bad For Business

Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:41 pm
It was time for Cho’s first mission assignment. She tightened her headband over her head before proceeding outside into the rain. To avoid getting drenched in rain, she wore a large black hooded cloak that covered just about everything but her face. For once, she was looking like a true aburame, all covered from head to toe as if hiding from the sun itself. A few hours earlier, Cho had reported to the mission assignment office to receive more details on the mission at hand. With this being her first mission ever, she was assigned a partner for today’s mission. The girl recognized the name as soon as she read it from the mission assignment scroll. She closed the scroll up and headed deeper into the village where she was instructed to rendezvous with the other genin. As she walked she checked each pouch for her ninja tools and every strap to make sure it was tightly fastened and secured. He was not totally sure if she would need kunai and shuriken to take down a petty thief, but she did not want to be caught without them, as that could be what decides if she lives or dies in the line of duty. 

Finally, Cho caught up with Allegro Uzumaki, the other genin assigned to this D ranked mission. At first, the boy was hard to recognize under his cloak and large straw hat. However, at a closer glance, those fiery red dread locks were unmistakable. Cho would walk up and say, “Ready to do this, Allegro kun? Since you have seniority here, I’ll be following your lead if that’s okay” She spoke in  a kind tone, which was not quite the norm for her. However, since their sparring session with Yensung Aburame, a man who she longs to beat and strip of his title as Clan Leader, she had come to respect the genin for putting up such a fair fight against him. She herself had tried hundreds of times only to fail and suffer defeat at the hands of the dwarfish jounin, never coming as close as Allegro had to beating him. As usual, the musical ninja had very little to say in response, but instead commenced the mission immediately upon her arrival. The two of them passed through the village, stopping by each shop that reported a robbery. She allowed Allegro to introduce the two of them to each shop owner while she took a look around, inspecting the damage done and observing any significant evidence left behind. She had her insects take note of the scents in place for a chance that she would be able to track them. After repeating this a few times, the information between she and Allegro was enough to establish a pattern in the criminal’s movements.

Allegro had gathered that the masked man in question was robbing locations that sell items regularly affiliated with wealth. “Fancy clothes, Jewelry, a bank. This guy sure likes living the high life…” Cho speculated along with Allegro. Cho was surprised that crimes like this still happened in a village with a shinobi military. However, Allegro sure looked unsurprised, as if he was used to it. This was probably the case, as Allegro had accomplished many more missions than Cho had. “So what now, Allegro? I’m afraid in this rain, my bugs won’t be of much use to track the perp down. But I have a good idea of where he’s headed. Theres a district full of the Fire Country’s most wealthy people. They gather there to gamble and whatnot. Tankzaku Town” Cho laid out her idea for a game plan and waited for Allegro to give some kind of signal of affirmation. She was getting used to the man’s habit of falling mute. If the boy agreed, the two ninja would rush in the direction of Tanzaku town, keeping a watchful eye out for anyone who might fit the profile. Since it was still raining hard, there was a chance that the perp had not yet changed into his fancy garb. 

After pacing through the village for a while, the two ninja would come across a masked man with a  large brown sack over his shoulder heading out of the village. The man sleuthed past the shinobi guards, who were slacking in their duties as usual. Cho would look to Allegro with confidence. That had to have been him. Before he got too far away from the village gates, Cho would suddenly appear in front of the man with one hand on her hip while the other hand removed the hood from her head, revealing her super long braid. She would be the voice of reason in place of her silent comrade. “Listen up, scum. You’re days of petty theft are over from today forward. Come with us immediately, and for your own sake, do not resist.” Cho gave a blood thirsty smile to the man, who would without a doubt be startled by her sudden appearance. Her eyes seemed to dare the man to make any sudden movements, so she could have a reason to kill him on sight. 

[856 WC]
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Bad For Business Empty Re: Bad For Business

Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:12 pm
Allegro's partner was just as smart as he was, if not smarter. He took note of how she came to each conclusion as the clues began to unravel themselves with each visit to a robbed store. The genin was already quite familiar with Tanzaku town on account of his part time job he recently acquired. Therefore, it was not hard for him to agree with Cho's conclusion. Truth be told, the thief they were dealing with was an amateur. He left all sorts of clues behind and did not even bother to cover his tracks behind him. Nonetheless, Cho and Allegro rolled up on the fool before he had an opportunity to get out of the Leaf village. While Cho intercepted the thief from the front with words that would instill fear in both he and Allegro, the Uzumaki would block any attempt to exit from the rear flank. The thief would freeze in place after heading Cho's words. He took a few hesitant steps backwards as he stumbled over his words. He pivoted on his heels in attempt to get away from the kunoichi, only to see the red haired genin behind him. Allegro said nothing, but stared sharply through the thief's mask and into his eyes, as if to dare him to try anything. 

"Heh, just two genin? I like my odds....Take this!"

The thief would whip out a large machete out of nowhere and attempt to give a back handed slice straight to Cho's temple so he could attempt to make a run for it away from the Leaf Village. What a fool he was, trying to take on two ninja, even if they were only genin. The man's second hand was occupied with his bag full of stolen goods, so countering would not be a difficult feat at all. Allegro spilled with his eyes closed, trusting that Cho could handle this herself. However, in the event that she could not, Allegro would use his top speed and strength to grab hold of the man by the wrist and squeeze until he was forced to drop his weapon. 

Once the man was properly detained by the Konoha police force, Allegro would extend his closed fist to Cho and offer her a fist bump on a job well done.

Mission Complete~

[1103 TWC]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Bad For Business Empty Re: Bad For Business

Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:37 pm
Approved of everything save Mission rewards, as Mrs. Midori needs to finish her 1k WC before the mission can be claimed.

Once she does, you got that as well.
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Bad For Business Empty Re: Bad For Business

Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:44 pm
The kunoichi did not flinch when the thief expressed his defiance, even after being caught red handed with his back full of stolen goods. She stared at the man wearing a cheap mask that resembled a bird, and gave a sign as he attempted to turn around and run back to the village, only to meet Allegro's mean mug staring back at him. Her eyes watched the machete appear out of what appeared to be thin air as he refocused his attention on the Aburame. She could see the look on Allegro’s face that seemed to read “Tssk Tssk” which made the girl smile. She was hoping the idiot would try something. "Now my insects, time for your first meal of the day" The girl gave a silent command to her insects hiding within her body as she lunged forward simultaneously as he swung his blade. Cho allowed Allegro to grab hold of the man's swinging arm as Cho used her right hand to choke the thief. At the same time, her right leg swept the man off his feet and forced him to the ground, causing his back of goodies to drop and spill all over the ground. 

Finally, the village was cleansed of the villain and apprehended by the village authorities. Cho helped return all the goods to their rightful shop owners, and then returned Allegro's fist bump to acknowledge the completion of there mission. Being a shinobi was not so hard after all.

Total Word Count: 1102
Arhat Fist (500/2000)
Hiruichū (600/4500)
1000 Ryo
3 AP
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Bad For Business Empty Re: Bad For Business

Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:54 am
Approved, good read. I'll add the ryo to the village on Friday when I do the weekly updates.
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