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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:07 pm
The training ground. The fair place for training. Once it was a place of joy to the man in his black cloak. However, yens gaze was on where he met his wife. Now there was a tree stump and his knees were up to his chest as he gloomily stared at the spot. His memories an ache of pain and joy. Yet he still needed to do his duty. Yet it was painful. He closed his eye and in a fleeting moment he relaxed. Yet his demeanor was glum as opposed to the joy that once was behind his love for the crafts. Now it was as if fate was a crule hand that dared to defy him. Yet he did not push back.

Much greater things lay beyond my reach and influence... even with all my power... i could not save my freind. Now my family. My village broken and beaten down

He thought as he gazed quietly at the spot.
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:20 pm
Atarashi was having a horrible day. Nothing was going right. He'd been avoiding his home out of fear that if he went there he would find something he didn't want to see. Such as his father dead, killed in the attack. Or his father alive and wounded, ashamed of his son for running away when the village needed him the most. He knew he would have to go back eventually, but right now he was too afraid to go back there. He decided to go to the training ground to try to occupy his mind with some training, but his fear and guilt quickly started to overwhelm his thoughts and soon he found it impossible to do any training. Instead he found a spot that looked like it was isolated and he sat there trying to calm himself down and hopefully actually be able to do something useful. As he sat down he thoughts returned to everything that has happened and how he could have changed the outcome if he'd stay'd. That is, if he could have done anything at all.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:59 pm
Yen glanced at the spot. The webs were long since gone. His gaze remained fixed on the spot. The terms that were needed to come fully into swing. Despite this it was like moving an mountain alone.

Alone... this... is what it felt like once before.... the void that resounds empty, upon the hope that something may fill it. Such an empty void. The echoes of the children. Their potential. Taken from me like water falling betewn my open fingers, and smoke escaping my grasp. Not even a whisp to be caught.  This darkness. I feel it's cold hand.... this is lonliness.

Yen thought as he gazed sadly at the ground his tears long since dried. There were originally 5 plates. One for himself and his family, an. And one out of tribute to salzem. Now  he respected his wife and toddlers spirit with 3 full plates added  next to salzem.

"What should i cook for you today hota"

Yen found himself speaking suddenly. A brush of the wind reminded him of her touch and such he blinked and tears formed in his single eye. Pain beyond the flesh that no illusion could replicate was here.

Yen could tell with this it was both as if there was nothing wrong outside. No scratches on the skin. Nor bruises, but inside he was screaming to no end. Something or anything as a remedy of asign things were going to be ok.

With a grunt of frustration yen stood up and a tear fell down the right side of his cheek. He walked away from the spot and wandered around the training ground occasionally speaking to himself as if he was comforting himself.
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:12 pm
Eventually Yensung would see Atarashi curled up on the ground crying. He was wearing blue clothes with a leaf headband. With him there was a very definite metallic scent. It seemed to be coming from his left hand. He just sits there sobbing to himself. It's unclear whether he's noticed Yensung walking around and is too engrossed in his own thoughts to noticed and/or care, or if he too lost in his own misery to notice Yensung at all. He's also mumbling something to himself but it's too faint to make out.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:43 pm
The slight sniffle caught the aburames. Ears as he stopped. Perhaps in his slow decent into lonely madness he swore he heard his wife sniffle out of sadness. A second sniffle and yen looked around.

"Twilight? Yen jr? Don't cry... dont cry too... please dont cry..."

A third sniffle and a fourth. Perhaps it was all in his head. To hear the sobs that he would never hear because they were in the grave. A fourth. And yen shook his head. Blinking his one eye and with revaluation the sounds were closer than he thought.

Come on yen grief will not get us together.... together.....

The thought made him teeter like a drunk slightly as the terrible woe gripped him once more. There couldve been many actions. Yet he felt his insides hurt more. A deep breath and another. To regain composure. The young man heard another sniffle. Then the scent of iorn strong and powerful. The scent not from an smelter, but rich. Like blood. The scent that brought flashbacks of him stabbing his dearest freind, the slaughter of the werewolves in suna, the blood of another dear freind, the sure scent of his wife and twin children as they passed that evening. It was invigerating and a flame roared within his single eye. Even as he would decend into madness he would not let another of konoha fall. Not ever again. Save for sickness. 


Yens eye clearified of its fog and he knew he was a failure to have to drag his will from the broken craveses of failure and shame. He spotted the boy as he approached him and spoke.

"Show me your wounds? Is that blood i smell? Where are you hurt?"

Yen stated as he would kneel down before the sobbing boy.
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:08 pm
When you walk over to Atarashi he notices you. Immediately backing away a little.

"W-who are you? What do you want?"

He goes from laying on the ground to a crouch and starts backing away. Fear fills his eyes as he wonder's who this stranger is and why they're talking to him. When he gets into his crouch you can see a kunai sticking out of his left hand, which is where the blood is coming from. He seems absolutely terrified.

"Please don't hurt me."

Despite his fear he has subconsciously adopted a stance would allow him to flee as fast as he could quickly should things go south.
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:11 pm
(see what I mean when I say I'm handicapped? I can't write long posts well)
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:20 pm
(Dont worry. We shall assist you in improving ok)

The boy shouted in fear. For it was understanding as he mustve encountered a fear of some sort in his past. Hence the jumpy behavior. This was not much of a concern as that kunai in the boy's arm. It only meant the wound would get that much worse in the time. A hand up as he looked up at the boy. The four foot aburame spoke up.

"Yeah might've shocked you a bit, but that looks bad... you need it fixed and ill fix it one way or another."

Yen stated his usual joyful quip seemingly had adapted as he found himself once more speaking to another person. Still this was nesscary to assure that this induvidual would not run off with a kunai, just to tragically faint from bloodloss and pain as they climb in their window. Gravity would be A bit too crule.

"Yeah ill fix that and save you a trip and money to the hospital. So calm down and relax. The pain will only get that much worse."

Yen stated as he calmly approached the boy and knelt to a knee a few feet from the young man. His single eye had a long slew of hair over hisface as his eyepatch was apparent. Still his appearance was not very fierce for his more harsh and ruthless reputation.

Yen then upon the boy's approach would wait till he was still and quiet. Although for this endangerment it would be wise for him to follow yens orders.
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Wed Mar 21, 2018 11:48 pm
Atarashi stops moving back but keeps his stance, still very afraid of Yensung. He looks him over, searching for anything thing that could be dangerous. Hidden weapons, loose clothing that could be used to choke, and he kept an eye on Yensung's hands at all times. He want to make sure that Yensung wouldn't try anything. Just in case there were any clones or anything of the sort he keeps his eyes peeled for any sounds other than his own and the Yensung in front of him. Atarashi keeps his hands close to each other at all time just in case something bad happens and he need to perform a jutsu.

"Why would you heal me? What purpose would it serve? What do you want? Who are you? Why are you here? Why are you talking to me? Why would you care about a coward?"

Atarashi involuntarily sobs at the last question.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16500

A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi) Empty Re: A dark cloud on the soul. (Open atrashi)

Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:42 am
yen quietly listend to the young fellow before him. Nervous eyes were on him and seemingly intent on scanning him as he remained kneeling. Sure the cloak was large and loose. However, it was misconception for the most part of what he intended to show. The questions then began to rain down and yen still remained quiet as the boy asked his questions then on his last question the boy broke down. 

It is like the boy here is broken and has little will overall. Perhaps explains the possible reason why there is a kunai in his arm. perhaps i should wait till he is dizzy?

yen thought, but instead he began to speak slowly.

"well to answer your first, and second question. You are wounded. Healing is what medical ninjas do. Save lives, ease pains, make you better. On to your third question. I wish to help you and not see you in such a sorry state. Who am I? I am just a high ranking shinobi in search of a bit of peace in the ever changing world we live in. Why am I here? to help you as you are a shinobi no?"

yen asked that last question pointedly As he looked at the boy for a mere second and continued.

" Why am I talking to you? Because you were found in a fetal position wailing in sorrow. Why care for a coward? Because I turn cowards into heros and heros into legends. That is why. Now arm out and now Genin. You will get better and improve in time, but you must have some pride and confidence in yourself." 

yen stated with a sort of authority that deemed from experience and failures. He failed many times in the day.It was to be expected that he would have all the peices he needs to effectively teach. One of the few positive quirks he still honestly had.
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