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Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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(Holy Helpers E Rank) Ft. Akihisa Empty (Holy Helpers E Rank) Ft. Akihisa

Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:15 pm
Akihisa had been training training and training its all he had in his life he had no real friends they just used him to further there own goals but was what he was doing not the same, he was doing the same he was he not trying to gain the way he lived back was he trying to gain loved ones or get back the ones he lost or was he just trying to fill himself with greed to mask the pain inside or was this all to fill his self desire for what was it he desired was it more love was it a family no he had his puppets for that no he needed to subject his hate.

 He Awoke smelling the dark cooking of the dango shop close by. This was a food he would stress eat when he had major thoughts about the world when he though about himself when he thought about how the world had treated him and how it had made him feel the thing he missed in his life. He then grabbed some using money that he had on him and went to bed not even putting on proper sleeping ware. He then thought back to the topic he thought about. Hate, a word, a feeling, a grasp, a being... for so long have I been so focused in hating the world around me, only to realize it was me I hated all along, for I am nothing more then a being, a grasp, a word.... not even a feeling. Why why when everything is lost shall the world keep going why will everything go on when the lives of others are lost is it because they are not important is it because they have no future role in this world and its future. DO lives not matter in the grand scheme of things. do there feelings and emotions not matter. 

Or does it matter. That is up for discussion. But what happens after death what happens is it the end will it just be an eternal darkness where nothing and everything exists? Or will it be an oasis for every man Where they live out there world that there imagination made up. Akihisa himself was a believer that after death those who have sinned majorly get sent to hell while those who lived with minor or justified sins get sent to Valhalla. But that was a topic for a day he hoped will never come.  we now Akihisa doing something he does a lot studying major puppetry users that are not over a century old. But to be honest Akihisa is afraid of death afraid of the afterlife because it is so unpredictable. What when where why all these question can not be answered about the afterlife. That is why he was taking this mission this mission to deliver supplies to the churches as they where civilians and they supported our village as a hole but the sad part was they hated our shinobi because there arts are unholy and to be honest Akihisa and his ring yomo would be happy to shove a hate.puppet up there ***. 

On his arrival from sleep he would dress in his natural shinobi attire black sweatpants black turtleneck with his kunai smoke bombs and shuriken in his sleeves and his scrolls in his scroll holder. Outside it was one of the hottest days since the winter 75 out and it was sunny so sunny that he had trouble seeing. But as was normal when waking up he realized he woke up at 7:30 his usual time but when you think about it rather late when some ninja come to work at 5:00. He was smelling his stress food once again but had the urge to get to the place for he would fall to thought once more. He arived and asked for the mission but not before hearing the tips of the mission orginizer the man than said "I suggest you put on some more civilian clothes. You know how the priests are". So akihisa went to a shop and grabbed some clothes sealing his ninja stuff in a scroll and put it in a bag he had bought. He then headed swiftly to the church he had been directed to. The priest slammed the door open and screamed "OH my lord save me your will so i my strike down this poor and unfortunate soul who has sinned in the majorly ways". By now Akihisa was scared for his short life (Not realy). Then the priest dark skinned priest yelled without looking at akihisa's to notice his attire "God allow me your unlimited knowledge and power to strike down this poor and unholy soul who has walked on the porch of the one and only god".

 Akihisa then replied with a faked disgust. " Oh my ever loved god do you you think that this woman belies i am a unholy ninja who stains this planet. If so may god strike me down..." Nothing happens thats when the priest notices akihisa and his attire but then her face twists and a light bulb happens to appear and she says " Oh lord boy if you think i would fall for one of your ungodly and disholy tricks you got somethin coming to yah i will smite you down with the will of god so god please hear my repent as i will sin" and she grabby a cleaver ready to chop my head of when suddenly another priest comes out and says "now linda cant you see the boy just has some clothes to deliver. Akihisa then says "thank you my fellow saint for i thought i would have to sin in the face of god.". He then drops the clothes on the front porch when the woman says "i have not seen you around here" then here mood changes swiftly with a "its good to see a new and fellow priest." Akihisa then say "bye" and runs off after out of sight of the priests sprints returns the mission and goes to bed having nightmares.

Claim 500 ryo for

Last edited by LordGrim on Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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(Holy Helpers E Rank) Ft. Akihisa Empty Re: (Holy Helpers E Rank) Ft. Akihisa

Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:16 pm
You're gonna need to post your claims before I can approve anything
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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(Holy Helpers E Rank) Ft. Akihisa Empty Re: (Holy Helpers E Rank) Ft. Akihisa

Thu Feb 22, 2018 8:04 pm
fixed sorry hehe
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

(Holy Helpers E Rank) Ft. Akihisa Empty Re: (Holy Helpers E Rank) Ft. Akihisa

Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:06 am
Don't forget your whole 1 AP. Approved
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