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Alister Yama
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an outside logic (open, nk, spar if ya want.) Empty an outside logic (open, nk, spar if ya want.)

Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:31 pm
yen took towards the training grounds as he spent less time in the grounds due to either doing his own stuff, or being with his family. he recalled many times where he frequently went to the grounds as a genin, but in less and less times of going there as a chuninn. partially out of choice to keep his training at home, and partially to keep his training's quiet and away from the rowdy shinobi that went to the grounds to mumble about missing a throwing star or cry over some bruised ribs.
his blue cloak over him and a black shirt hid his jouninn jacket and hence he knelt down in a quiet place to sit and meditate. openly surging his chakra anmd letting it flux so the grass shivered and the leaves on the tree's waved a little before relaxing and keeping his thoughts clear. For once he wanted to do some improvements of his own. Since the jouninn exam ending, so he had a desire to develop a few more personal tricks of his own for his own uses. Although pretty much all saw his barrier amid the kiri invasion, the mystery behind its uses were never revealed. So yen was fine with this. After all he would leave it for others to interpitate his techniques, because only he himself knew the truth.
Although it would’ve been fitting for someone to come train as he never minded teaching a thing or two.

Shitai Orochi
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Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:47 pm
Seiryu had woken up early in the morning, remembering what he had told his mother and quickly started to get dressed setting his clothing on rather neatly unlike most days. As he looked into the mirror his eyes had fluxed from hazel back to brown almost instantly, but it wasn't that big of a deal. Noticing his hair had also grown a couple of inches mean that it was also time for a hair cut, however that could wait until later. The small...well now growing family house bear they had obtained would stand up after stretching and walk over to his master and paw at his leg symbolizing the cub was hungry. With a small smile he would pick the bear up although he was getting a bit larger it did not bother him in the slightest. Walking down stairs he would immediately sense the sharp object coming at him and catch it before it came near his face. Smiling he would turn to his mother," Good morning to you too mother and that was faster than usual, everything okay," walking over to her and giving her a small hug.

Looking over to the calendar his smile would slowly disappear as he nodded," Oh today is the day your father...passed away isn't it. Are we going to visit his grave later on today like always mother?," her head would nod slowly as she began to go back to cooking. Sighing he would get what he came into the kitchen for, a large salmon and feed it to the bear as he petted it," Alright mom i am off...i will be back before it is time to go visit him," with that he would slowly walk past the bear who would take the remaining salmon and walk beside his master as they left the house. Looking at the clouds it had seemed like it was going to rain today, however if it did that just meant it was going to a somber day for him. Setting the small cub down, he would begin to head out toward the training grounds where he would at least hope to get in a few hours of training before going to see....him again

It only took him a matter of minutes to land at the entrance of the Training grounds where he would slowly walk over to the tree and lay under it, looking around for a moment as he sighed and closed his eyes. Today had always been sort of a weird day for his grandfather and his mother. Her father which had been his grandfathers brother died just after Seiryu had been born, but he never got to meet him so he has no memories of him. Apparently though he had been a spitting image of him. For the time being the male sat under the tree and relaxed unless someone came up to him and spoke.

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Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:57 pm
Reason for Edit: somehow missed Yen's entire post

Fenrir was weak.  He wasn't technically weak, as he was stronger and more durable than a normal human, but by ninja standards he was nothing to look twice at.  This meant he needed to work on his physical abilities, less so on the side of speed, which he had covered pretty well throughout the other parts of his training, and more of his power.  Raw, physical power was something that could come in handy for a ninja, as attacks that use no chakra are unable to be stopped by techniques that target chakra based attacks.  It also allows for more powerful basic attacks, ones that take little energy to accomplish, which is neat.  Today, the specific technique he would be training to increase his strength was the Gangeki, part of the Arhat Fist fighting style.  The style puts an emphasis on strength, and the technique is certainly representative of this, as it is literally just a seriously powerful punch, one that increases the impact of the user's strike.  This would be useful for if Fenrir needed to punch someone, reaaaaaally hard.

Arriving at the training grounds later than usual, Fenrir would take note of the boy sitting under the tree, not far from where he entered the training grounds.  He would ignore the boy and the strange figure in a blue cloak for now, not quite seeing the gain of sparring with one who wasn't even a ninja, and not wanting to risk meeting a stronger ninja who didn't quite like the Mist.  Instead, he would target one of the dummies nearby, beginning to strike it over and over again, slowly splintering the head into bits.  Of course, the phrase "into bits" would only apply far later in the training, after he had hit it a good many times.  

Realizing that it was very difficult to keep the dummy in place, Fenrir would scan the area for a more suitable target for his training, his eyes focusing on to the tree near the entrance, then dropping to the boy sitting next to it.  He was here at the training grounds, and seemed built well enough, but had no headband.  These details led Fenrir to believe that this was an academy student.  In his limited experience with them, Academy Students tend to jump at any opportunity to train with a higher ranking shinobi, or at least they did when it was offered.  Hopefully this one would be much the same, as Fenrir didn't enjoy punching trees.  It hurt his damn hands.  Approaching the boy, Fenrir would ask very simply.  You want to hold this dummy in exchange for some training?  Academy students weren't capable of very powerful jutsu, so Fenrir knew that teaching him some tricks wouldn't take too much focus away from his training.

WC: 464

Last edited by Fenrir <3 on Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:33 am; edited 1 time in total
Alister Yama
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an outside logic (open, nk, spar if ya want.) Empty Re: an outside logic (open, nk, spar if ya want.)

Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:50 am
The day was truly strange was it? simply amid meditation the smallest of chakra signatures approached. their soft steps on the grass could be heard as he simply noted that the person decided to take a rest for the moment. perhaps It was an academy student that wished for some practical application to their studies? It would be nice after he meditated a bit longer. Or so he thought. As hardly a moment passed as another individual swaggered into the area. although quiet their foot steps showed the hesitation of uncertainty. As if new in the area. well the chakra radiating off the porr person was not light either so that broke yens concentration.

he opened  his eye and quietly watched the person have a hard time choosing over what to practice on. As it seemed the boy merely began to strike the wooden dummy repeatedly. Although yen did not recognize this boy, Hence he figured he was some kiri geninn that wished to practice somewhat. So he watched the kiri warm up. It was a wonder why the people lacked some type of substance or actual strength. 

they punch dummies till they break... guess most shinobi do the same annoying method of training. punch till they gain "enlightenment" at least learn to... oh great....

yen thought as the fellow got bored by the looks of it and headed towards the tree where the other boy was resting. the simple fact tha
the look of disappointment on yens face would be apparent as the boy then simply with lack of class asked the  resting boy to use himself as a brace. yen sighed and spoke up.

"you need a real target to see real result. sure you strike a dummy, but a dummy does not strike back. Tree's are hard and rough so most hands untrained cannot handle them. from what i see you lack the callouses and the overall willpower to bear striking a tree a few times  so your best bet is to simply use a person. if you get  hurt then i can heal you."

yen stated as he merely sat there his eye trained on the boy quietly. As he noted the reddening on the knuckles of the boy's hands. They were not broken by the look of the knuckles. still they boy needed gloves or something to protect his hands at the least so he has some cushioning between the hands and a hard surface.

Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
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an outside logic (open, nk, spar if ya want.) Empty Re: an outside logic (open, nk, spar if ya want.)

Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:20 am
Seiryu sat in silence looking up toward the sky or more so through the trees as he collected his thoughts and in time himself. Unfortunately someone had begun to walk over to him assuming he had been wanting to train with him. While Seiryu liked to train he was more of the one to talk to someone before agreeing to training, but this male seemed a little too persistent. In the wake of him about to answer another male had came up, offering him a chance to spar with him or at least using him as a training tool. Which ever it was the young Uchiha didn't know but he sat there quizzically wondering if the male (Yen) had been a member of Konoha. Upon inspecting the two he found his answer quite obvious. One of which had been a Konoha ninja and the other (since you make no mention of having it on you) a kiri ninja, which inadvertently caused his eyebrows to furrow. Due to that he shook his head to the Kiri ninja and continued his gaze to the tree," No thank you." The answer was quite simple and to the point without being rude, but certainly someone might have taken it as such.

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Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:32 am
After Fenrir's question, another ninja approached.  Now that he was close and speaking, Fenrir realized that this ninja likely outclassed both himself and the academy student sitting against the tree.  This was the one that Xyxer decided would fight the now-hokage for the position.  Although he had been beaten rather easily, it was a testament to his ability that he had even been paired with the Hokage.  Looking back to the student as he simply denied Fenrir's request.  It was a short response, with no real explanation, so it wasn't necessarily polite or rude, simply straightforward.  Shrugging off the response, he would turn to the ninja.  He had made a statement, but Fenrir wasn't really sure if it was an offer or not, so he would simply ask.  Was that an offer to train with me?  I doubt I could spar very well against you, but I'm willing to try if you're up for it.  If the answer was yes, Fenrir would move over to the more open portion of the training field, where less trees would impede movement during their spar.  

Short post, tired
WC: 183
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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an outside logic (open, nk, spar if ya want.) Empty Re: an outside logic (open, nk, spar if ya want.)

Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:10 pm
Yen thought for a few seconds as the boy spoke up for clearifications. Although yen could sense his chakra with ease as opposed to the boy on the ground it was not much to conciquence. The fact that by striking a dummy was the simple testimony that even when others are around. The stationary and inanimated object as a target would provide very little criticizm or slight bits of encouraging. Yen merely walked over towards the clearing as he spoke and sat down in the middle of it. Using the greater part of his cloak as a blanket and crossed his legs as he gazed at the boy. Adressing the last part tge boy said first.

"It matters not if weaker, less experienced, or sheerly out matched. You still fight to learn. In defeat one learns both how to improve, where they went wrong, and where to go next. To make a statement like "i am unsure" simply shows that you are not confident in what you can learn and a hence leads to indecisiveness, and ultimately the spiral of failure and repeated failure without improvement."

Yen stated as he gazed into the boys eyes with his single eye.

"I could offer you some practice, but it will not be neither easy if you simply return to striking a dummy in  it's inanimated state. For starters i will ask you this. As you struck the dummy. What did you truely learn from it? To hit the same spot? Or did you imagine that you hit the vital part of a person? Did you consider the countless ways to utilize the technique as opposted to simply striking a dummy? You can break boards and shatter rocks, but untill you use it in application you will not understand it fully."

Yen asked as his single eye simply  flickered over towards the boy resting on the grass. He would adress him in a moment or two as he would bring his eye back towards the other boy. 

" i would simply say its best to strike an actual person as opposed to a target. A clone even so you have a physical manifestation and a goal for using such things. That way you may have better use of your skills in combat. As we learned first hand most of your home is adapt in combat. They did not sit in front of a dummy to learn that. They fought even among themselves. So time to naturally learn."

Yen stated as he did not even move he still sat there  and his eye returned to the boy laying down. 

"You may strike when you are ready ill judge how it goes as i may or may not put a few challenges for you to match up to in order for you to meet your goal."

Yen adressed to the boy as his eye fell on the boy once more and  waited for him to strike all the while  attempting to maintaining eye contact with the boy his straw hat resting on his head as he simply looked as if he was in a simple meditation position. Ah but the fact being was that he was not simply just keeping eye contact. It was a test to the boy as it had already begun from the first word he uttered to him.

Wc: 554
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
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Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:12 am
The young male stayed silent in the midst of the other ninja, locating a headband lead him to see that the other had been a Konoha shinobi which was comforting to say the least. He only made a small sigh and it was more like an exhaling of air, but he didn't trust these foreign shinobi within their home. Needless to say he wasn't going to declare this out loud for obvious reasons. The other shinobi had of course stepped in and took the mantle of being his sparring partner, probably sensing the young academy students distress and thus came over or he had another motive that Seiryu didn't know of. Regardless of the fact he sat up placing his eyes onto the cloaked male before simply listening to him speak. For some odd reason the male had either a way with words or quite possibly enjoyed hearing himself talk. Taking into account his clothing choice it may have been the latter.

Ever curious he continued to watch the two taking mental notes with each movement they made with a mental note of every overreach or over extension of their movements. His Grandfather had taught him the basics of hand to hand combat, never forgetting the basics that he had taught him, but from what seemed to be more experienced shinobi he was going to compare the teachings to that of other styles. For the moment unless interacted with he would remain sat with his legs crossed and watched the events as they played out, unless of course something had happened to change his course of action in which he would plan and act accordingly.

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Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:42 am
Fenrir, having little to no experience against Genjutsu apart from his fight with Kisuke, had no idea how bad it was to maintain eye contact with a Genjutsu user.  Even without the knowledge of this, Fenrir broke the eye contact immediately, instead looking to his opponents limbs.  He then charged, moving at half of his maximum speed and preparing his attack.  The technique was meant to be used against opponents you wouldn't be able to hurt with a regular punch, such as opponents with a large amount of momentum or a particularly tough body.  This guy didn't appear to be either, so Fenrir had at first assumed it would be a simple task to hit the man and deal damage.  This was before he remembered the tournament, where the man had simply taken the attack from the new Hokage without retaliating in any way.  That already showed that he was stronger than he appeared, and Fenrir refused to underestimate another opponent like he had Jason upon first meeting him.  Pulling back his fist, Fenrir swung with as much force as he could muster, attempting to boost the power of his punch to more than double its usual power as he struck at the left side of the man's jaw.

This failed.

While Fenrir might land the punch, he certainly didn't have the power to deal any real damage to Yen, especially since he wasn't able to boost the punch to the levels necessary for the technique to be considered a success.  If the attack actually landed, then it would be entirely ineffective, and Fenrir would notice this, scream at it mentally for a moment, then simply jump back to avoid any retaliatory strikes from Yensung, retaining his composure the entire time.  Looking at his unharmed opponent, he would simply say to himself, Well fuck. He would then await one of these "challenges".  If one didn't come, he would charge at his opponent once again.

WC: 324
All actions performed at max speed (of course)
Running is done at 42
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:44 am
yen merely sat there as he watched the boy begin his approach. it was understanding that at the least he wished to gauge the strength of anyone that was seeking improvements. As they always had room to improve, gain strength, and ultimately become a worthy threat. The idea of challenges were going through his head as the boy's punch made contact and due to his strength being higher then yens sending him rolling backwards. Although with this roll back wards yen simply rolled to his feet and stood now 3 meters from the boy.

"you are going to need more power then that for me to feel it."

yen stated dryly As his single eye studied the boy quietly for a second as he was deciding on the best way to present a challenge to the genin. Although it was perhaps the best bet to do this. His eye glanced over to the  boy from earlier as it appeared the boy took some interest into this. This was good as perhaps he would wish to join.

"seems out friend will perhaps join us in some quality training. Perhaps you can show him that ferocity your village showed us."

while he was speaking  as he took a stance as he lifted his left hand rolling back the cloak sleeves of his right arm and simply weaved a ram handsign at a slow speed of one. grimace as he lazily  pointed his left index finger at the kiri genin. hence if fenrir looked at his left hand at this moment he would be caught in the genjutsu known as ephermal.(power:60)  before lifting it and wagging it at the genin.

"hold on for a moment. let me stretch."

(note when i use genjutsu with yen i color code the genjutsu part fenrir.)

If fenrir was caught in the illusion then yen would apparently roll his neck and fenrir would hear a cracking of bones As the area would be the same, but a tiny cool breeze would form soothing to the skin. 

" what a good breeze... much better. now where were we?"

The illusion of yen would state as he would inch towards the boy in a stance as shift  his stance before running up, and aiming a kick at a speed of 10 at the boy's side. the kick would be weak so it would mask the fact it was an illusion. the sounds of foot steps behind him would put the boy from earlier asking a question.

"May I join too? You might be teaching some really important stuff. So i guess i may as well join."

The boy would bow to the illusion yen and glare at the kiri boy as he took a stance. facing side by side with him.

"I will work with you once to take him down."

if fenrir was not caught in the illusion then there would be a few small cracks and yen would quip up.

"yep that is much better. now then"
yen stated as he began to advance upon the genin in question holding up a stance and attempting once more to maintain eye contact.

"why do you look away from your opponents eyes? do you fear of genjutsu so much you refuse to look into a person's eyes? if there was a lie to happen you should know the difference between the false reality. From what i see you are being cautious. but a genjutsu is rarely utilized from the eyes. sometimes its purely your environment. the sounds you hear, the voice you hear, the flowers, being close to a person. However i am only knowledgeable of these because i studied the stuff enough."

Yen stated as he would approach the genin known as feniri smiling.


AP: 1,479/1,509

ephermal -30
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