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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:32 am
Perhaps Fenrir suspected Jason was up to something when he saw the shuriken weren't aimed directly at him, because the boy jumped forward a few meters, putting him just out of the path of the curved shuriken. Of course, it was almost impossible to dodge in mid-air. Jason didn't miss that, his eyes trained on the boy in front of him. The instant his opponent had left the ground, Jason launched the remaining kunai he was holding aimed at where his target's midsection would be once he landed. Of course, with that sword in his hand, the Senju was certain his ninja tool would be easily deflected. That was the point. The thrown weapon was simply a distraction to give Jason enough time to set up his next attack.

As soon as the kunai knife had been thrown, Jason would bring his hands together to form the Ram hand seal. It was one of only two offensive jutsu he knew, but this one was unique to his clan's bloodline and offered a variety of uses, both offensive and defensive. If Fenrir continued with his previous actions after deflecting the kunai, then:

His weapon had been deflected easily, just as he thought. Not only that, but it seemed Fenrir had gained a summoning contract. When the symbolic smoke had cleared, Jason could see both his opponent as well as a large snake charging toward him. With their distance less than 15 meters after that jump, he wasn't fast enough to dodge, especially not both Fenrir and his damn snake. It seemed this kid had learned quite a number of new tricks since their last encounter. If Jason was to land an defining blow, he would have to take a hit as well.

So, he didn't move when the snake slid between his legs and wrapped himself around, locking his arms in place. He didn't move when the 2ft long sword sliced through his flesh and struck bone, sending fresh, warm blood down his right side along with a sharp pain that was all too familiar. Instead, he waited for the instant he knew it would be too late for Fenrir to stop him. Just before the tip of Svalinn reached its mark, several sharp branches extended out of Jason's body at incredible speeds simultaneously. One extended directly out of his right bicep aimed to pierce Fenrir's right wrist, the one holding the sword. A second branch extended from the center of Jason's chest, aimed to pierce Fenrir's right shoulder, which was directly in front of the point the branch was coming from due to the position he was in in order to thrust Svalinn into Jason's right shoulder. Two more branches protruded from the back of Jason's arms, one each, to pierce through the snake wrapped around him. 

The fifth branch extended from Jason's left leg, curving to pierce through both of Fenrir's knees. The sixth, and final branch that would be extended, did so from Jason's stomach, going underneath the Kirigakure shinobi's extended right arm and curving upward so that the sharpened point was pressed directly against his throat, piercing it ever so slightly that a tiny bead of blood began to trickle out.

If these actions went through, Jason would say "I think...that's probably...enough," through deep breaths from the pain of being stabbed in the shoulder, forcibly restrained, and using so much chakra all at once to control the branches.

If Fenrir didn't continue with his previous actions, Jason would remain standing where he was while watching his opponents closely.


-95 ap for wood release: cutting
+5 ap from senju body
210 ap remainig

Last edited by Jason Senju <3 on Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:06 pm
How strange, Fenrir thought to himself.  The genin neglected to even attempt a defense against his thrust, nor did he make any attempt to stop the snake from wrapping around his arms.  Normally, this would mean only one thing, a trap.  This was proven to be the exact situation that Fenrir was in when wood began coming out of Jason, instantly causing Kindo to desummon, as he was directly on the genin's skin, meaning he would have no way to dodge.  The only one of these that he needed to soncern himself with was the first one that would be hitting him, which was aimed for the wrist that held his sword.  How wonderful.  The wood was slow enough for him to make the one movement that would be necessary to fix the issue.  With his hand extended towards his opponent, the wood would be reaching it rather quickly, but that only worked to his advantage, as he only needed to move a few inches to cause the attack to hit his sword rather than his hand.  This would let him use the blades special function.  As soon as the sword made contact with the wood, Fenrir's chakra would flow through the blade, being drained from his body by force once he began to fuel it.  It would glow a bright red, as if it was coming alive with a fire of it's own.  As it did this, the space around the blade would seem to warp, the wood around it and Fenrir changing direction to enter the pocket dimension within Svalinn.  As this happened, Fenrir would be noticeably drained, his eyes widening with surprise at the energy the other ninja had put into the technique.  Was it actually that powerful?

Now that he had the jutsu captured, Fenrir would begin running backwards, stopping once he was again 20 meters from the other genin, ensuring that he could gather his breath and come up with a new plan of action.  Completely blanking on what he should do, Fenrir had a sudden realization.  So far, he had been training with people weaker than himself and had been improving greatly, so how well would he do if he did the same kind of training with this guy?  He would likely improve much faster than before, so that would be the offer he made.  You're pretty good, but I think we've gotten about as much out of this spar as we can.  Would you be willing to join me for some normal training?  If not, we can continue the spar, but I don't know how much longer I'll be able to go unless I start really trying.  Fenrir smiled with this, even letting out an actual laugh at his comment.  They were both fully aware that both of them were trying, but without actually trying to kill the Senju, Fenrir wasn't sure if he would really be able to do much more.

If his sparring partner agreed to move on to regular training, than Fenrir would sheathe the sword, walking forward and letting out a sigh of relief.  He had grown much more tired than he had been, not entirely aware of how much his weapon increased the chakra drain of techniques.  Smiling as he once again spoke to Jason, he would let him in on a little secret.  You know, I had absolutely no idea that would work.  You're actually the first person I've used that ability on, believe it or not.  While it was a major drain, the sword did still accomplish its goal, and that was a success in Fenrir's book.

If Jason didn't agree to end the sparring match, Fenrir would remain in a defensive position, still saying all of the same things, but staying at a distance while he did so.

WC: 633
All actions performed at max speed
Svalinn's ability: 95+20=115
AP: 153-115=38/153
1 wood cutting absorbed and stored
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:01 am
This was it. Jason's wood style was just about to pierce Fenrir's wrist when suddenly the boy managed to tug his arm back just enough so that the branch hit Svalinn instead. That would have been an easy fix, if it were a normal blade. It became quickly evident that wasn't the case. The branch that had impacted the sword was quickly sucked in, but it didn't stop there. All of the other branches that Jason had made, even the ones he still had yet to make, instantly began retreating back into his body and then directed back out attached to the first, as if they were all just one enormous branch. It left the Senju with a very strange, dizzying sensation as he felt the wood style jutsu being drained from him. 

Luckily, he had managed to make the snake de-summon itself to avoid a fatal injury, freeing up both of his arms. Before the technique was fully absorbed, while both ninja were still locked in close proximity, a dense, high velocity sphere of chakra formed itself in Jason's left hand which he had already moved toward Fenrir's right side. At the same time, he used the force of his jutsu being absorbed to pull himself closer to the Kirigakure ninja and grab onto his right wrist with all his strength. 

With the Rasengan less than an inch away from Fenrir's side and the tip of Svalinn now lodged in Jason's right shoulder along with Fenrir still having a kunai in his free hand, the Konohagakure Genin had to admit it was a draw. Both he and Fenrir looked pretty drained at the moment and, though he was loath to say so, he was actually...enjoying himself. "I think....we...should call it...a draw," he said through strained breaths. Using the wood style and rasengan back to back like that took a lot of chakra, not to mention the painful stab wound in his right shoulder. But, he was actually smiling when he had spoken, something he thought he would never do when speaking to a Kirigakure ninja. And sure enough, he quickly turned that smile into a frown once he had realized it. 

If Fenrir agreed, and continued to offer a different style of training, Jason would release the boy's wrist and let the Rasengan he had created vanish. He would let the other boy's words hang there for a moment while he caught his breath. Then, he broke into sudden laughter at the mention of that absorption ability. He couldn't help himself really, this kid truly was something else. But the laughter didn't last long, thanks to the sharp pains in his shoulder and chest from the sword wound and not fully having caught his breath. "Don't, don't make me laugh, kid. It hurts." he managed to say through the pain, the smile reflexively coming back, even with him trying to fight it and hold onto his hatred of Kiri. "You're probably right, though," he continued. "What kind of training did you have in mind, exactly? Oh, and I'm Jason, by the way."

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Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:46 am
Even with a Rasengan inches away, Fenrir couldn't help but maintain his smile.  He enjoyed the fighting, as usual, but this guy was actually kind of fun to talk to.  He was a little broody, which made him seem a lot like an asshole at first, but the sense of humor was still evident too.  Watching him erase the smile from his face only caused Fenrir's to grow as he continued on with his comment about the sword.  When this finally caused Jason to laugh, Fenrir began to laugh as well, albeit lightly so.  It also prompted a question as to what kind of training Fenrir wanted to do, and finally a proper introduction as Jason.

Well, I didn't have any particular thing in mind, but I figured we could just teach eachother some useful jutsu.  This guy seemed to be an ninjutsu specialist, and Fenrir was... lacking, to say the least, in the specialty.  I know a lot about Space Time, including how useful it can be combined with other types of jutsu.  You seem to know a good deal about Ninjutsu.  Maybe we could teach eachother a bit about our specialties?  Fenrir knew he would be unable to learn any of his Wood Style techniques, or the Rasengan, as one was a clan element and the other was simply too advanced in Ninjutsu for Fenrir to grasp, but lower level jutsu could often be quite useful, as could more elements, of which he knew this guy had to have at least two.  So, whaddya say?

WC: 257
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:33 am
So he puts up flyers all over the village asking for a training partner, and then doesn't have any real training in mind. Everything about this kid seemed to be utterly ridiculous. He had gained so much power between Jason's first battle with him and now, made really weird comments, couldn't draw at all, used abilities he wasn't sure worked, and tried very hard to find a training partner without knowing what he was going to train. The sheer stupidity of it all made Jason break out in laughter again. He couldn't believe it himself. He certainly didn't want to admit it, but this Fenrir kid could actually become a friend.

The laughter stopped quickly this time, the pain in his shoulder being too much. He was losing a lot of blood too, he could already feel himself getting weaker. This little training session might have to end quicker than Jason actually wanted it to. "Sure. We can...." his words were broken off by a sharp pain that brought the Senju down to one knee, his left arm reaching up to grip his shoulder. "Maybe, maybe I should get myself healed up first. This shoulder wound you gave me, hurts pretty bad." he said through ragged breaths. He wanted to train more, but in his current condition well...that probably wasn't a possibility. If they were lucky enough to have a medical ninja nearby to heal his wound then Jason was all for it. But as it stood, he would probably have to go to the hospital instead. 

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Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:50 am
Fenrir did his best to follow Jason's train of thought as he watched his facial expressions change, from... confusion, then to laughter, then back to pain.  Watching the Senju drop to his knee from the injury invoked feelings he hadn't had in quite a while.  Then again, he hadn't regarded someone positively for quite a while either.  It felt... bubbly, and kinda warm.  This situation was quickly changing that, making him feel how he did when sneak attacked, like a sudden burst of confusion, worry and fear, all at once.  He wanted to make it go away as quickly as possible.  Dashing quickly to his newfound... Friend, yes, that word sounded about right, friend.  Dashing quickly to his new friend, Fenrir quickly removed his jacket, it being the first thing he thought of to use as a bandage for such a large wound.  Maybe it wouldn't have been as bad if he had held back a bit more earlier.  He didn't have much medical knowledge, but at the very least he could stop the blood loss aspect of the injury.  He wasn't certain how the situation would be dealt with after this, but he knew this was the only thing he could do for now.

Once the jacket was removed, Fenrir appeared quite different, his usually black clad figure exposed, as he had stopped wearing a shirt under his jacket upon arriving in the warmer climate, but still loving the jacket.  Now, his paler skin tone was more apparent, his full upper body now visible, as well as his many scars.  Normally, Fenrir would be very uncomfortable with this, but here in Leaf the sun felt strangely nice, not like in Kiri.  In Kiri it was just all very, very wet.  Wet and squishy dirt.  Don't worry about the jacket, I've cleaned my own blood out of it plenty of times, some of yours shouldn't hurt.  Thinking about the idea of getting Jason's blood into his own during a fight caused him to worry a bit though, prompting another statement.  Unless you have a little... secret.  Always check your needles, and your jackets kids.

WC: 354
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:08 am
Fenrir quickly dashed over to Jason when he noticed the Senju falling to one knee. He took his jacket off and handed it to the boy, obviously meant for it to be used as a makeshift bandage of sorts. It probably was the best they were going to get at the moment, considering where they were. It wasn't the best, but at least it would stop the bleeding for now. "Thank you?" he said questioningly. He wasn't really sure how to take the gesture, and the comment about a secret just confused Jason even more. 

"You cut through to the bone though, so I don't think the jacket is going to help much. I'm going to need to get it fixed up by a med nin over at the hospital. If you want, you can come with me and we can come back here to train again when I'm all healed up. It shouldn't take too long." Come with him to the hospital? What had gotten into him. He hated Kirigakure for what they did. Or at least he thought he did. But, Fenrir didn't seem like a bad guy. A bit of an idiot or a goofball maybe, but not bad. How could someone from the village led by that monster act the way he did? Jason didn't want to call the boy a friend, exactly, but he didn't really consider him an enemy anymore either. Actually, he was starting to get curious about Fenrir and wanted to learn more about him. In fact, maybe this was a good thing, going to the hospital together. Maybe this would be the chance they needed to really learn about each other's villages and begin to understand one another. 

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Thu Jan 18, 2018 5:32 am
The hospital?  Fenrir was unsure of where this place was, but he didn't quite like the idea of this person walking alone with an injury he had given him.  He wasn't entirely sure why, but he was actually concerned about his safety.  Concern was another new emotion, or at least one he hadn't had for a very long time.  I stabbed you in the shoulder bone during a sparring match, I'd say I can walk you to the hospital.  The comment was made with a level of humor, and Fenrir smiled a bit, but he was getting annoyingly worried about the wound.  If it went to the bone, it could be making him bleed quite a bit on the way there.  He should go with to make sure he doesn't pass out or anything, then die of blood loss.  Death is bad.

Fenrir would walk with the Senju to the hospital, remaining entirely silent on the way, but constantly looking at the Senju, making absolutely certain there was no deterioration in his condition.  Upon arriving at the hospital, Fenrir would walk the wounded Genin in, ensuring he actually made it to a medical nin.

WC: 194
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:47 am
He didn't remember much after that. There were vague memories of walking toward the village hospital, but he was very dizzy and lightheaded from the blood loss at that point. Then suddenly he was in a room there with some medical ninja fixing up his shoulder. They gave him some juice and crackers to help replenish the blood he had lost due to the injury. It was good of Fenrir to help him the entire time. A new, yet exceedingly unlikely, friendship had been born today. One between a shinobi of Konohagakure no Sato and a shinobi of Kirigakure no Sato who had fought each other in the battle at the gates. Things were definitely going to get more interesting from here on out.

TWC: 2,786
13 stats
344 wc to finish water shuriken
2,000 wc to finish hiding like a mole
442 wc to headhunter technique
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

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Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:47 am
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