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Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:57 pm
Akihisa had entered hoshi now he needed to become a ninja so he headed to the unseen university Where the so called Flexkage was rumored to hang around he walked around the place for thirty minutes where he saw a blonde man in a in a tight suit he walked up and asked if he was the Hogokage.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:17 am
“Nope, I am not the hogokage. I am guessing you never met him, he has orange hair and never wears a shirt. If you are looking for him though down the hall giant oval shaped room that has his name on it. Kyousuke Snow.” The man would point in the direction Akihisa would need to go for him to find the office.

“These muscles are magnificent. Like artistic alchemy at work. Nothing is an equivalent exchange for abs like mine.” The kage was speaking to himself while doing sit ups in the middle of his office. The count at this point was in the thousands which people didn’t know of course as he didn’t count out loud.  As Akihisa crossed the front desk he could hear some people laughing about the ninja’s after lunch workout where he would do various exercises and motivate himself.  Hopping to his feet he would head to the door if Akihisa headed for it.

When the kage opened the door would note that the kages eyes were black with golden pupils. Looking at the person in front of him he would note he had never seen the kid. Not that odd given that this was Hoshi and it was actually pretty usual for this kind of thing. “So, how can I help you?” The kage hat sat on the desk behind him and the cloak on the coat wrack to the right of the door.  His chakra isn’t too strong perhaps he is new to the village. 

WC: 253
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:22 am
Akihisa responded saying "i would like to join this village and join the academy" Seeing that this guy had the biggest muscles and he had orange hair. If he says yes he would leave after formally saying bye. after filling anything out that was needed.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:15 am
“Straight to the point, nice.” The kage would say offering the boy a seat in front of his desk. “Anything to drink? I have warm tea.” The man would ask pouring a cup for himself aiding no sugar or honey to the drink. Though it was there, so if requested Akihisa would likely be able to have some seeing as he was being offered tea.

The kage would sit down after making and giving Akihisa his tea had he requested some. “So, tell me a little about yourself where did you come from, what is your name, why did you choose here to join?” This was a question the kage was asking a lot recently. Xuba, Thorfinn, Amber, Mori-jin, Yuki survivors of the Kumo attacks and Konoha survivors of the Kiri attacks. They all seemed to be gathering here, but for what purpose. Was Hoshi known for its hospitality or something or were other nations just that much more intimidating.

The man would smile while thinking these things. He truly wanted to know if there was some connection that he wasn’t quite missing. Hell maybe there was no link at all and all these people were after was safety. If, so that was okay with him. Haven country should be a haven
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:33 pm
When the kage had asked if he wanted tea he had said he had said "yes". And after taking a sip of his tea He answered "Sunagakure before it was conquered, my name is Akihisa Grim and I chose here because i was around and it was the place with the strongest people and it was hospitable". Seeing the man smile he though he was doing good and said "If you don't mind me asking what is your name Hogokage-sama".
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:56 pm
One sentence. One sentence and this kid gave him all that he asked. Fucking astounding, no story of how he felt, what happened, none of it. Where can I get six more of this guy? The kage would pause for a second. “But my name is on the door. You had to have seen it when you walked in.” The man would actually get up and look at his door to check if his name was still on it or if someone had moved the plaque. Still there. Not very perceptive.

“Kyousuke Snow.” He would say moving back towards the desk and sitting back down. “What have you been doing since you left Suna? And if you could tell me a little about yourself.” 

WC: 124
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:21 pm
Akihisa new that Kyou did not want trouble with other village's so he answered "Well I have been traveling raiding small bandit camp's I have no criminal affiliation with any major village and I have trouble with people who are loud and think they are unbeatable and I dislike people who disrespect my dream, I also like my grandmother". That should be enough for his question he had known that people liked having details.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:26 am
“But I’m usually loud.” He would say once Akihisa finished. Its just my voice is that deep, I can’t help it. “So what is your dream and your grandmother is she still in the sand village?” Once, again the kid was on point with the short answers. Messed up some bandits, likes granny, hates loud folks, and people with superiority complexes.
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Thu Dec 21, 2017 3:09 pm
Akihisa cringed a little and responded with "She is dead" Not trying too drag this conversation on and on. He also would say "sorry but I have had bad experiences with loud people". He was trying to be respectful.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Becoming a Hoshi ninja Empty Re: Becoming a Hoshi ninja

Thu Dec 21, 2017 4:31 pm
"Sorry, about your grandmother." He would say leaving it at that. "So, what is your dream?" He would repeat once more. It is actually probably just easier to read this kid's mind. The man's hands would tap on the desk. Before pulling out some papers. "Write down where you are from, what rank you are applying for, and any jutsu you currently know and I'll have someone file all the information." He would slide them on the desk in front of Akihisa.
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