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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:40 am
Xuba took to the trees in the wooded area as to clear his mind. It has been a bit since he took some time to himself. Although this was as private and quiet as it could be. The world was still. He felt like he was when he was back in that valley in the earth country. The place he called home for many months. Almost 2 years has passed since then. The thoughts of the countless hours of training that he simply applied behind it dramatically improved his body. Perhaps to him it was for the best that he put forth so much of an effort behind his training.
I did go pretty hard at that point. Still now everything is simple to me. Hopefully this tournament here will provide an easy enough challenge. I took the chain style after that fool I killed. Wielding a wire and a blade. It was effective. But he was flawed…
Xuba thought as he with the twitch of a finger on the chain end the chain clinked and fell to his feet while he caught hold of the end of the chain and kept his head bowed as he took a deep breath. The feeling of the wind flowing through his lungs was reassuring as it reconfirmed that he was breathing in his home air. Humid, and warm for such a desert filled place. Still his goal was simple today. For today was the day of a simple mission. He was examining the area for an entrance to the sewers to the city of hoshi. As for the task was simple. To eliminate any deemed threats to the city. Although the best way was not to start in the middle of the city. But to avoid collateral damage one needed to start at the end. The least likely guarded area. The beginning of the sewers.
Well today is going to stink to high heavens. Regardless maintain and keep diligent for such a task. this is going to be a long day.
Xuba thought as he quietly waited for either a partner or noon to join him in this. For even in darkness or dawn the sewers would be dark. Perhaps in more ways then the lacking of the light down there.

Wc: 370
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Mon Dec 11, 2017 2:19 pm
Beeping machines and sterile walls surrounded Sanae. This morning she had taken to the hospital to stand at her father's side for a moment. She had put new flowers beside his bed and taken his arm for a while and told him what had happened so far in her life so that she could feel at least as if he was well informed and cared for. The destruction on his body was devastating but at least from what she had been told he was the saving grace in a moment where they would have been dead if not for him. She was kind of amazed that even if he and she had so many differences but still he did what she would have done. The price he paid was high his days of being a shinobi were over for sure.
A kiss goodbye placed on his forehead as she took her gear shouldered her backpack before she walked out to meet Tatsuma for the mission. Slowly she would walk out of the hospital and towards the meeting point. It was kind of weird to think that she would climb into the sewers of Hoshi to look for a presumed spy down there. She shook her head. She had the usual stuff with her. Food in form of rice balls and melon bread and something do drink in form of water and green tea. Although the prospect of being down there was not really appetizing, but still one could never know what this could be needed for. So as she reached the meeting point she waved at Tatsuma: "Hey Tasuma-sensei! Congratulations on joining Hoshi!" Quickly she would close in and nudge against his side.

WC: 283
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Mon Dec 11, 2017 2:35 pm
(little CD here npc can join in whenever)

xubas ears sharpend by entering the field heard sanae approaching and never faced her till she nudged him. he smiled and held out a chain covered hand to sane gently in a reassuring manner. As he offered her a hug and looked over towards sanae. 

"thank you princess... he allright? come.... let your tears fall into me sanae... For but this moment while we are in the field. I will hug you too as we will do this for him. i wish i was there to help him... even take the wounds for him. No matter what happens i will make sure you return unharmed sanae. understand?  We will return and speak to him. Make him proud sanae, and show him the kinochi that you have become. So.... come and squeeze out all of your grief, pain, and sorrow onto your tatsuma ok?"

he had a teary eyes as he spoke as it pained him too still he was going to be strong for sanae no matter what. An anchor for her. especially for her time of need. even while holding his chain link weapon he was still the warm soft man. yet he was also the man xuba of merciless to any whom cause harm to thoes that dared to harm thoes he cared about. Sanae and her father... were the two people he cared most for.

its ok princess. it will be allright
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:17 am
Sanae would hug Tatsuma but then look up. Sure she felt bad and all but still this was a mission. Why would she let it get the better of her? She sighed and shook her head gently poking his rib. "Tatsuma-sensei, although I am greatly sad about what happened to my father, this is a mission for the village. I don't really feel like crying now. What I feel is to be ignored by the fact that someone tries to invade it as it seems", she stretched a little and started to wave her hair into a close braid. "Also I am quite a skilled Shinobi and I have quite a reliable defence at my hand so don't worry about scratches", she sighed again. Now she felt not so good anymore because it kind of felt like he had no confidence in her at all. Why was he like that? She turned down her brows. Well she could make sure of that by getting through the mission just like she had said unharmed and victorious to say the least. She would look at the entrance to the sewers they were supposed to head down and shake her for a moment before taking her Hoshi headband that she usually wore around her waist and put it over mouth and nose.

No need to breath in the stench coming from below so she opened the manhole cover and got onto the ladder to climb down. The sweet smell of something that had been eaten before and other stuff would pass her by as she stopped her steps on the small sided path beside the flowing river of shit. They started at a dead end and would have to navigate though this. Sanae herself would look around causiously while she would wait for Tatsuma to get down as well.

WC: 306
WC: 589
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:48 am
village over emotions... i should take a page from that.

xuba thought as he listen to her and thought over that for a moment. the prospect he took whenever there was a contract to be handled was the money on the spot. like the end of the tunnel there was money to be earned. here as well but also to be generally expected as well. he closed his eyes as he went back in time for but this minute. for this mission. for the moment. he dropped the guard that was tatsuma and all but her name  and the integrity he held for the village he served for but the moment. the light hearted man that thought first.. was going to be the man he is and shall always be xuba. his voice remained warm although there was an edge to it. not directed towards her but that she knows.

"your i will take the words to heart. embody them. but for this mission sanae. you can call me by my real name of  course. lets do this"

xuba said while casually slipping on the gantlets of impact he pulled out of his bag while throwing on his grey cloak as he wished to keep himself clean from the impeading slouch of the sweres. the least of his concerns overall. the stench was obvious, but in the stink of manyu summers dealing with  the borders of dead corpses and obviously the streets not properly ssanitized xubaq was fine to walk through the seweres without the aid of a smell inhibitor. there have been worse places namely kumogure that meant that this was a cake walk.

at least there are no moat full of fecees, body parts, blood, unususal acids, and the obvious, mud and blood. that place makes a sewer seem like a rose garden.

Dreading to imagine a kumo sewer. He glanced over at sanae and spoke

" stay close and we will be fine princess"

He said as he knew he had his assortment of weapons carefully up his cloak sleeves for quick stealthy acess should a person be a fool. Senses as per usual on high for the slightest bit. However his chakra supressed to 5.

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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:39 pm
As a well prepared young woman Sanae would pull out a copy of a map that she had made of the sewers in preparation of this mission and hand marked the pipes that led out of Hoshi so someone coming from outside would most likely either come from that way or feel to that way. If he knew his way around that is. They had gone down here, she pointed her finger to orientate and look around. "Thank you Tatsuma-sama", she mumbled and peeked around the corner and turned right, "What name would that be?"
Curious what the real name behind that he had claimed for himself. It was not really unusual that People who travelled or more Shinobi who travelled alone used other names then they actually had so the reveal would not be that shocking. Still would be a good to know. So she moved on while she stayed almost within the reach of him. It was still new to her to be able to sense other ones Chakra and she felt Tatsuma behind her at least while she tried it to scout ahead of them as well as to get a feeling for it. Once in a while she was looking at the map in her hands. "You think we should look more south or more west?", she asked running her finger along two paths so she could make out were to go. It was like this children's game where when you needed to decided on what to choose you put both at the end of two lines that were randomly connected with several lines and whenever you crossed one you needed to switch line sides until you came to one choice.

WC: 284
WC: 873
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:24 pm
Xubas eyes scanned the area quietly as he noted the water too. One could never be too careful. As he noted that a city so clean was true to its name as the sewers. Dirty inside. Although he dared never to clean it lo heavens. Still sanae asked him his name as they went around the corner.

"Its xuba. But i would keep it quiet. As i explained to the hogokage. Names have power. Iv been around. Besides... the name i choose is tatsuma. I just let you know in case i one day fall."

He stated as he was not even sure if the intruders would even know him. Although outside dark deeps are watched by many dark eyes. He made it his thing to stay as neutral as possible. Avoiding any sort of crew formations to simply save the hassel of know as too much.

"There is no telling which way to go. A smart man would leave an obvious trail to merely throw off a person. This although we must study the area. No matter how good. There is always a mark. I suggest follow the path where there are the least civilians. An assault would be there. The lower the profile the easier it is to set up."

Xumb said as he studied the tunnel nothing yet but careful meant taking time to set up.

Sure... this is quiet, bit too quite am i missing something?

Xuba thought. As he stood next to sanae his eyes softening as he saw her.

"To the quiet area please sanae. It will make more sense."

Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:37 pm
(Each clone has stats/inventory/jutsu/skills that are a mirror to their PC counterpart.)

The two watched their prey intently. It seemed the sewer lines were being guarded, a most bothersome complication in their plan, but not the end of the world. They glanced at the two ninja who were searching for them, and then at each other, and then they smiled, their forms changing. Soon enough, they were each a replica of one of their foes, one of Xuba, and one of Sanae.

Through the combined application of body modification and the transformation technique, the two quickly managed to take on the form of their quarry, and with it, their abilities. None of this could be witnessed from their concealed position, about a half mile away from the pair. From there, the pair split off, approaching at some distance apart, always keeping in cover. The clone of Xuba would approach the two from their left, his position still hidden by the thick forest, using the brush for cover to break his line of sight from the two. He stalked from his position, about 100 meters from them, slowly advancing, making sure to keep himself visibly concealed. The other would wait, about 150 meters from her partner, and 110 meters from their prey, also hiding herself in the brush.

Now, all they had left to do was wait.

Xuba Mimic

-5 Transformation Tech

Sanae Mimic

-5 Transformation Tech
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:42 am
Sanae nodded to the mentioning of his name and why he kept it hidden. This was not really for her to judge so she would just roll with it and keep it for if it was needed. But she was sure it was not really needed today. He would walk out of this just fine just as she would and therefore she walked on slowly while checking the sewers left and right for any sign of anyone sneaking around but no sign so far. So after a while they reached on of the exits she wanted to check. With a turn towards Xuba she would then nod to the exit: "Let's quickly check outside for signs of intrusion and if we don't find any we will get to the other one." With that she opened the grille and walked out of the sewer in a kind of woody area. Maybe the liquid, she would not name this water, coming out of the sewer enabled this much growth around the area, but well who would figure out Hoshis vegetation anyways? She brushed off her feet a little and looked around the area while trying to get a reading in, she was walking a little around. As it seemed right now everything was quiet and peaceful but there was something else.
She could definitely feel someone else being here. Her head turning left and right a little irritated about it and then she looked at Xuba nodding at him and turned her head a little all around. Did he get her warning for danger? Maybe, maybe not but that was what she wanted him to know. So now she slowly drew out a Kunai to be prepared.

WC: 285
WC: 1158
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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to smoke out a rat..  (xuba, sanae,  c ranked mis) Empty Re: to smoke out a rat.. (xuba, sanae, c ranked mis)

Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:38 am
xuba noting that the area was secure and no obstructions noted sanae's words. perhaps that was the best  choice. but an enemy not here could've watched them descend into the sewers. it would be as bad as intentionally making yourself the catch of the day. Although his gut feelings do not mean that he will not act them out. but as he learned he would wait to follow them.

his voice only audible as a whisper as his feet welled with chakra for both surface walking and silent footsteps technique. he began to walk up the side of the wall. looking toi set a trap for drainage tunnel. 

"its possible they could be watching the space here.... still be careful. keep look out as i do this for a moment. if you notice anything we draw them in. speak a random order of foot steps aloud so then they must figure it out and debate. transform, to something small and hand onto me, but only if you notice something ok?"

xuba stated uncertain of this crawling out a hole in the ground in wide sight if the world. if anything you were considered dead at that rate.  So for safety he began to set up a trap in the sewers entrance by lacing the the area wall to wall with wire, whispering an order of per step, that one would have to follow if they were mere 2 meters away. to make certain xuba tapped his feet in conjunction to the last 3 steps. with the respective foot.  it was to prevent a person from jumping away. latching a smoke bomb of his at the bottom of the trap where it was nigh invisible. due to the light reaching only so far.

"mind the smoke bomb.  right, right, left, right, right, left left, skip a step, (tapped step), (tapped step) ,(tapped step) ground." tapped steps: right, left,right

the use of 6 meters of wires would be loosen and tight across the  waterway. so if a person were to make a mistake it would tighten around them at their speed with sharp wires and double loop around their neck, certain to cover  and slice off limbs, and strangle the poor individual caught. a quick end to the poor sap as the light of the hole would reveal the wires for the first 3 steps. the rest would nuzzle the handle of the sewer walls. he would then use a meter of wire on the center where they would be nice and loose so that if a person was foolish they would walk right into them. save sanae. All freshly cut  so to make a false trap on the inside of the the real trap bout be tied in a strong knot 

it would take several minutes as xuba would while setting up the latch ask sanae aloud.

"paper bomb please so i can place it on the wall."

he would ask as his hand would reach up for sane. now seen in the light as hoping she would have some way to set it off. as with a careful hand hehad an ear near the ground as he would note that any approach minus a silent one would be heard by xuba.

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