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Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:43 pm
After Thor answered the mans questions about his family he seemed a tab bit distracted possibly thought of his own family or where he came from. Thor did not care as long as they were both happy.

Then the boy laughed when Thor tried to explain how he remembered jutsu classes, this puzzled Thor for a moment then he figured it out he must have offended they young ninja with his semi lecture. “ I am sorry if offended you with my quite rash comments it was really looking for some kind of correction that I am right or a tip on how my knowledge was wrong and I’m sorry if it offended you” Thor would then think deeply. Then he was shocked that his ice technique was a off shoot of another technique one that Thor could someday learn. “ you have Wind and water, I have earth. You see I can learn all of the basic elements it is something I have known for a while but try not to talk about in an attempt to avoid other people getting angry.” 

Then the boy told him about how his family had flead Konoha, then he talked about an invasion. This surprised Thor greatly, he had always heard of Konoha as a strong village that weathered all of the punches thrown their way. But this time someone had been stronger.

Then Thor started to think about other types of jutsu there were six or seven different types of jutsu. Genjutsu, ninjutsu, Taijutsu, gen jutsu, and a few others Thor couldn’t remember. After Thor went over this he thought about ninjutsu, there were jutsu that had no chakra nature, what about them he believed they were quite powerful. He started to think about jutsu he already knew, he knew only 1 jutsu that wasn’t a non elemental jutsu, it was his earth cane.

“ would you like to try some non elemental ninjutsu if you would like. I don’t know any that you probably wouldn’t know so you would probably have to take the lead.” Then Thor would wait for the mans response, if he decided to take the lead, if he did Thor would follow his lead and train how the man wanted him to. But before he did anything after the boy was done speaking he would put away his food and whipe the dirt off his face from his unorthodox training earlier. If the boy said that they still didn’t have enough common ground with each other then Thor would begin his speed training for the day he began sprinting side to side. ( sorry I took so long to respond chemistry has been a terrible pain but I am finally done finishing my chemistry work, Kotetsu please don’t be mad dude)

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:37 am
Kotetsu dismissed the apology with a wave of his hand. "Don't be concerned about it." He says to Thor. 'He shouldn't be so quick to assume things...' Kotetsu thought to himself. It's not like Kotetsu was quick to anger or anything. He was a tad annoyed that because he was young, it was assumed that he was not knowledgeable on the basic points in shinobi knowledge.  In any event, it wasn't something to get upset over, as long as it was not something that was constantly assumed. You know what they say about people who assume...

Things got a little interesting though when Thor mentioned that he could learn every element. 'How though...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'Everyone at most would be limited to 3 basic elements. Unless it has something to do with his Earth Grudge Fear bloodline. "I'm not surprised..." Kotetsu says to Thor. "I'm not overly familiar with what's involved, but from my understanding the most that any individual can have is three basic chakra natures, and an advanced nature based on your bloodline. So of the four natures I could potentially have, I have three of them. The Wind and Water basic chakra natures, and the Ice chakra nature courtesy of my Yuki clan heritage. I inherited that bloodline, and therefore I can use ice chakra." It might be worth looking into further, since there wasn't anyone that Kotetsu could think of that would have more than the amount of chakra natures that he had already listed. 'He sure spends a lot of time making sure people aren't angry at him...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'Does he imagine that people don't like him? Does he simply have a tendency to say the wrong thing at the wrong time?..' There could be a myriad of reasons why, but that is not Kotetsu's concern. His primary concern is training.

When Thor asks Kotetsu about trying some non-elemental jutsu, he wasn't quite sure where to begin. He had a few techniques, but some of them he learned as a result of his Genin exam. There was really only one way to progress from here. "I have some jutsu I could pass on, however I don't know what you already know. Specifically, what techniques do you already know so that we can work on jutsu that I do know, that you do not." As Kotetsu waits for Thor to respond, he would reflect on what jutsu he does know, simply to help him determine what he would be able to teach. 

His list of E-rank jutsu was fairly extensive; He had Basic Medical Ninjutsu, the Clone Technique, Fuinjutsu Lock and Fuinjutsu Breaking. He had mastered the Genjutsu release jutsu so he could use it without hand signs. He had learned the Inside to Outside block, the Mark Seal, Puppet Art: Ventriloquism, the Substitution technique, the tree climbing/surface walking technique, and Wind Style: Quiet footsteps. Thor was not likely going to be able to learn the last one, but who knows... 'Perhaps I have something here that he may be able to learn...' Kotetsu muses.

WC: 520
TWC: 4400

Mid-topic claim
22 stats
1000 WC towards Wind Release: Air Bullets (2000/2000)
3250 WC towards  Hollow Ice Bullets (3250/3250)
150 WC towards Master of Winter (687/2000)

Proof of progress: Air Bullets & Master of Winter
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:00 am
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:05 pm
the man told him not to be concerned about his comments, thor wasn't concerned about what the boy thought but he didn't really want to make enemies for no reason. it just didn't seem like a good idea to make the boy angry.  
the boy said he wasn't surprised, he then talked about how he could only learn 3 basic elements and 1 advanced element or clan element as he put it. Thor thought for a moment about legends and how elements worked, "I don't know how familiar you are with legends and shinobi of the past, I know of at least one ninja named sarutobi who could use all five elements. I don't have a clan element so that in my mind opens a slot for an element, if I train hard enough I can become strong enough to be like him." (I just ate 18 deviled eggs srry but that's an accomplishment for me) 
Then the boy asked him about what jutsu he knew and what he was looking to learn, Thor though about what he knew and wanted to know. he wondered if the boy knew anything about genjutsu it was something he had briefly learned about in the academy, he remembered it being an illusion that looked and felt real. What if the boy could teach him about genjustu. " Do you know any genjutsu I have always wondered about them but never recived any real training in them" if the boy said no thor would get back to work on his medical jutsu. Playing patty cake swapping the medical chakra between his hands back and forth slowly but surely any time he failed to swap the chakra he would have to run 50 laps around the training grounds the equivalent of 5 miles give or take. if he swapped the chakra back and forth one hundred times he ate a pear, and so on all the way up too one thousand. once that was done he would run one to ten laps depending on how he felt. Then begin sprints while maintaining his medical chakra in his hands, after three sprints he would drop the ground and release the chakra into the ground. slowly pretending it was a person while he pushed the chakra into the ground he was starting to feel a gentle hum coming from within himself like a pur or engine it was steady and you could start to tell quite quickly when something was wrong it disrupted your flow like a clank or wine in an engine it was quite easy to find but took a long time to fix, he had to feel within him self and search for it deep down at first he was doing well but after a while he started to wear down after he was no longer able to use his chakra he stopped and started to massage his hands slowly attempting to get blood flow but especially chakra flow back into his hands. then he would start the whole process again, if he wanted to become like the great warrior doctor orochimaru he would need to practice hard.
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:57 pm
Kotetsu was extremely confused by what he was hearing. ‘opens up…a slot?..’ He thought to himself. ‘That’s not how a shinobi’s chakra natures work…’ This was something he would have to look into at a later time. As it was, it was getting late, and Kotetsu had other things he needed to get to work on. Of all the jutsu that Kotetsu listed off, Thorfinn asked about Genjutsu, the one style of jutsu Kotetsu did not have. “Unfortunately I have not learned any Genjutsu at this time.” He says to the older shinobi. That being said, he watches Thorfin continue with his own self-training for a few moments longer before gathering his things. “I have to head back into town. I have a few errands to run before heading home. It was nice meeting you, Thorfinn. I’m sure we will see each other again soon.” That being said, he heads out of the training grounds back towards Hoshigakure


WC: 158
TWC: 4558

Claiming 158 WC towards my necklace. Don’t really feel like linking it but I can if you absolutely need me to.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:22 pm
Kotetsu had a puzzled look on his face thor had no idea why but he continued on with his training. Then the boy started to leave Thor said good bye. Then thor began to pack up his stuff and do his cool down. Thor started to do some simple yoga and take some deep breaths.

twc 3036
3036/4000 mystical palm technique 
claiming 15 stats
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:07 am
Approved on both counts.

In the future, yes, linking both jutsu and items is very helpful to staff, but it'll be fine this time.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:08 am
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:25 pm
Changing mystical palm to Poision mist
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor  - Page 2 Empty Re: A slight chill (i,o nk) kotetsu and Thor

Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:20 pm
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