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Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Training day for the new ninja (IO) Empty Training day for the new ninja (IO)

Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:11 pm
orokana woke up in his new home, shared with other ninjas he didnt know. his bed was right next to a window that shined light on him early in the morning. which he hated since he is used to sleeping till noon most days and staying up late. all for which he studies or practice gen. he sighed deeply as he got up and put on his shirt. buttoning up as he thought of how he was going to spend his day. his first thought was trying to learn ninjutsu. but then he thought he should finish his other training and things he started. first on his list was his book. he needed to finish that, because it was the most important. so he grabbed all his things. his book and some ink and made his way towards some place he could be alone. which he found a park with not much going on, which was lucky for him. he then opened his book and started to write in his book, with ink he infused with his chakra. trying to see if he could make all the gen he has written down in, into a sound gen coming from the book. it would be useful as a cheap trick to throw people off. it would be easy to do since he saw jace do something similar with his singing before. all oro had to do was finish his book and test it out later. thinking of all the ways he could use it made time fly. he couldnt use it openly for he needed to keep this on the down low. less people knew the more effective it is for him. 

There he was finished with his book. he would test it out later, but he was sure he had everything he needed. next on the list was an idea he had for a cloak. all he needed to do was infuse a cloak with chakra then it should make people unable to recognize him. a simple trick of the mind, not as hard as making see and feel a fake reality. he packed his book in his pocket and left the now empty ink and pen in the park. he walked up and down winding streets till he found a store with some cloaks, along with other clothing. he didnt care about the others. he grabbed a cloak that was black and looked to be about his size. maybe a little bigger. he brought it then walked outside with it over his shoulder. then walked to a small cafe to sit in and ordered some tea. once he had some tea he started infusing his chakra in the cloak. making sure he covered all his chakra all over the cloak, mainly in the hood. the cloak would be able to make him very good at sneaking around. since he was on the run from the leaf, he needed to make sure they would recognize him when needed. he hoped he would never need to fight them, because if he did he would probably lose, until he studied more ninjutsu. for now all his offensive techs where low ranking, and his sword wouldnt be as good against stronger foes, like yen, and love sadly. he needed to prepare himself to fight them he figured. he hoped the leaf would send them if anyone. times where troubling now a days, with kumo making their move now. he wondered if a big ninja war was coming. he hoped he would be able to survive it. as he thought he soon finished his task and the cloak was complete. but that doesnt mean it would work. he would put it on and pull up the hood. not many people knew orokana so it would be hard to test it, he would need to see if it work later, alone with his book. but he was sure it would, nothing should go wrong, he thought it out and everything. but theres always a chance he missed something. but if he did he would need to know about it later. he finished his tea and walked out of the cafe. he figured he needed to try to master genjutsu in a way others couldnt. but that needed to come later. he walked around the city cutting through alleyways and around streets, wondering if he was right about his cloak. then as he walked into one alleyway. a figure stopped him. he held a knife, he sighed and turned around not wanting to waste time, not worried about the small man with a small knife. then as he did turn around he saw two more men. he was surrounded. he didnt feel any chakra from these people, and if they could sense chakra they would feel his because his was hiding his, more so he would not be bothered for one reason or another. the men slowly walked towards him, one said "oi, had over all ya cash and yous wont get hurt." oro rubbed his head and sighed. he couldnt just kill three people in a village he just joined. but he could run. as oro was going to speak the man holding the knife tried to stab him. oro of course dodged for the man wasnt a ninja, just some guy trying to mug people. he kicked the man in the back and watched him fall into his friends. "i think you guys should practice being scary, before you try and be scary." oro would then make some hand seals and put them under ephemeral. he made the people see their world slowly fall apart, as hell fire fell from the sky and the earth cracked open, they see oro with walk away, as he did in real time. they would be unaffected by the gen soon. and once they where they would run and flee. he hoped they wouldnt run into him again. he didnt want to waste time and energy for that again. he walked down another street and found himself near the city square. 

oro sighed. the mass of people walking like a river annoyed him. the ebb and flow of the crowds. it was almost impossible to get to places in a timely manner. he started to walk around the crowds of people as he was thinking about a genjutsu he saw before, it was weak but it would combo well with his fire element he had. making him able to make people chock on air and pass out. effectiveness depended on what was happening. if there was a forest fire it would be more effective then a small fire he could make in a cave. but it had the ability to be invaluable. he slowly found his way towards a park. there he could make a small fire and try to master this new genjutsu. he was about to start it when he heard someone yell there he is. he looked back and saw the same men as before, and their friends. eight men surrounded him. one he found had a small chakra signature. which meant he was either the boss, or he was one of the few that could be dangerous. the man with the chakra yelled saying "this man messed you our men? we are going to show him why that was a mistake right boys?" the seven others yelled in agreement. oro looked around and was almost tempted to kill them. but this was a good chance for training. oro sighed, pulling down his hood and letting his eyes turn red as he activated them. then oro casted some hand seals and used his fire tech, the only one he had, to spit out fire around him. making a half circle in front of him, then saying. "if you want to try me, cross this line." he said stepping back a few steps. the men looked mad as they knew he was under minding them. one man took up an axe and charged at oro. the man was slow, as for they where trained like a ninja. oro yawned and looked at the men in the eyes and used genjutsu binding on him. the man suddenly stopped moving and looked confused. the others yelled in protest of the man and started to run at him, all but the boss man. meaning six men where coming at oro. oro would nodded and count how long it took for them to get to him. and then waited for them to cross the line. once all of them did he would use another genjutsu, cat genjutsu, to make them think they where in a mansion. the men would look confused at they looked around. then one would hear a cat hiss, as it would jump on him. attacking him. the man would scream in terror as the others could only hear him. the rest tried to run to find an exit in the mansion, but to no affect. the one man that got attacked would break out of the genjutsu and look at oro. then charged him as oro would dodge pass him and knock him down with the hilt of his sword. one man was down. meaning seven more to go. oro would walk past the others in the gen. and walked to the man that couldnt move. oro looked at him in the eye and said. "you know you should think about who you have to thank for this." then oro would knock him out with his hilt again. then took his sword and sheathed it, looking at the boss man in question. he was with no doubt a boss, and a bad one as well. he just looked at oro. and oro looked back. "you know whats going to happen right?" he said as he made hand seals for ephemeral. the man would see oro knee and touch the ground as a giant earth wall would form behind the man. then oro would slowly walk to him. the man charged and tried to punch him. as the man got closer her noticed the man had a scar on his face, and only had one working eye. oro smiled and let the man try to punch the fake oro in the gen. then when the punch connected the man would then find oro missing, along with the mans right arm. the man would be shocked and see blood slowly drip, then fly out of him. as the man would try to move his other arm, he would find that one missing as well. the man would go to his knees and as he did, oro would break the genjutsu. the man would awake to see him standing in the same spot before he charged. "i can make you feel pain like you never felt before. make you see anything i deem. so why dont you just go away." shortly after the man started to charge at him and oro sighed. either the man didnt like threats, had a death wish, or was stupid. he didnt care. he opened his palm and then made a fist. as one arm of oros pointed at the man he used a lightning tech on the man. shocking him enough to almost die. then oro would look at the other men. the five men left. as they quickly got out of the genjutsu. oro took out his sword and knock them out one by one. it was cute of them to try and attack him. oro sighed as he rubbed his head and noticed some ninjas coming to him. oro talked to them as they asked what happened and who he was. oro showed him his headband on his left upper arm and they nodded as they took away the people, they knew of the men as some small time gang. "i will see you guys later eh?" oro said as he walked out. he sighed more. he had to try to be nice to hoshi ninja since he was freshly in their ranks and a unknown to them. oro made his way towards a different place now. 

oro walked to his home as he was tired and was done with running around for the day. now his plan was to walk to his bed and sleep. oro sighed as he sat on his bed and thought about the leaf. about jace, love, yen, aya, and some others. he didnt miss the life nor was he regretting what he did. he was thinking of how he could get away from them. and was thinking if he should tell snow of what he was, an ex leaf ninja. he didnt know what kind of problems that could make. but he did want to take to snow about other things, like what he can do for a rank up and what he could do about becoming a wanderer for the hoshi ninjas and or making a genjutsu corps for hoshi. many options so he hoped one of them would be ok. best case he could be a wanderer and just leave hoshi behind until he was needed, making oro able to walk and not stay in one place for long. make it harder for oro to be found. but what if he meet them on the road, what would that mean for him. would he be able to get away or kill them. he had to train more. get stronger. but that takes time, and oro had to be careful how he spent his. if he could get the ninja from hoshi to like him and befriend him he could use them as canon fodder for him to run or kill those who might come. and of they never did it would mean he could live in hoshi doing what ever he needed to. but if not then he would need to get ready. he had a long road of training and he didnt want to do it but he had to. not just for the leaf but so he could be ready to fight most things. he couldnt be weak forever. right now the only thing oro was good at was running away and using genjutsu. not something many people would care about. genjutsu was impressive but not by much. he needed to be a fighter not a survivor. and he would need to make more genjutsu, make more  gen that could be used in a worse case way. and one that was s rank, a trump card for him. nothing would be easy for that. but he always had ideas. he just needed one good one. and he hoped it would be good. but that had to wait till after he trained everything else. a long list oro has made, but number one would be talking to snow so he could see what he can do. oro would take off his cloak and his clothes, changing into something to wear for bed. and lying down as he thought more and more. he watched the moon as he thought. then the sandman would bless him by making oro falling asleep.

(twc 2,532, claiming, my cloak (2250), orokanas book (750, 500 towards it, 250 needed))
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Training day for the new ninja (IO) Empty Re: Training day for the new ninja (IO)

Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:30 pm
Please link your cloak and book.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Training day for the new ninja (IO) Empty Re: Training day for the new ninja (IO)

Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:42 pm
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Training day for the new ninja (IO) Empty Re: Training day for the new ninja (IO)

Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:05 pm
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