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Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:24 am
Kama yawned, sitting on an old stump and spinning a training kunai in her right hand. Her deep red hair was tied into a ponytail long behind her, wearing her new kimono that didn’t seem to quite be what a ninja would consider battle-wear. She needed some practice for the upcoming exam one seemed interested in helping her. Perhaps she got a bit overly competitive but what of it? Aren’t shinobi supposed to thrive in combat and excel? She huffed and stood up, tossing the kunai and hitting a target a few feet away from her and striking just off center. Kama grimaced, shaking her head at the poor attempt. How was she supposed to get any better all by herself? Its not like she had seriously injured any of her classmates but...suddenly they simply weren’t interested in training with her. Walking to the target she reclaimed her kunai, pulling it out with a bit of a huff and taking a few meters walk away. Spinning, she would hit the target again with a deep “THUNK” but was still off her mark by quite a bit. Kama frowns, and takes a running start. She jumps, planting both feet on the target firmly and using her chakra to stick her as she grabs her kunai. Not quite able to keep the balance, she leaps from the target and flips. While sailing through the air she once again flings her kunai and this time, hitting the target dead on center. The Red-Headed Kunoichi lands and crosses her arms proudly at the feet. “Hrm...I really need to train those jutsu though..what were they? Transformation and Illusion clones I think… That stupid paper on them was useless though!

She pouts a bit, finishing talking to herself and considering her next move as she stamped her foot lightly.

WC: 300
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:53 am
The New Jounin was walking toward the training ground, and as usual, her nose was stuck in a book, reading about a new chakra nature she was trying to learn. The as the girl walked, the book read as such,

Lightning style, or Raiton, is one of the five basic elemental nature transformation techniques, along with Fire style, Water style, wind style, and Earth style,  that allows the user to generate lightning by increasing the high frequency vibrations with the user's chakra, allowing the user to infuse weapons with chakra to increase its piercing power and make faster movement. The electricity, depending on how it hits the target, paralyses the target so that they are unable to move and leaves them vulnerable to a follow up strike. While uncommon, lightning can be infused into bladed weapons the same way that  Wind Release does (Which Hikari was knew about already) through chakra flow for increased piercing power through vibrations, with the added effect of inducing numbness and possibly paralysis. A down side to this however, is that jutsu based on this element does not move at the speed of lightning (Which is to say almost faster than what a user can comprehend,) But instead, moves at the user's own power ability. However, due to this the user can control to some exert over it, allowing the user to form techniques or gain control over the jutsu and make it into things, such as control the blast in certain ways. Lightning Release is common to the ninja of Kumogakure.

Ninja of Kumogakure....

The girl knew that the shinobi from the village hidden among the clouds was in the village, perhaps asking them to teach her would be a good idea? She already knew a bunch of them from before, what were their names, Kyson, Royalty, Kira, and  Nobunaga? Prehaps one of them could teach her how to learn the technique?

Hikari, who as usual had her chakra suppressed, would enter into the arena, not even looking at her area for a bit, she wanted to get some more reading in before practicing the jutsu.

After a bit of time after she entered the training grounds, the chestnut haired woman would look up out of her book, realizing she hadn't sensed any chakra signature's around, and gulped.

'Oh no, not her!' the girl would think to herself, seeing the red demon in the flesh.

About 30 meters from her, a girl who was throwing Kunai at a target, with long flowing red hair pulled back in a pony tail, was the little demon of class 2-B, Kama Uzumaki.

The girl was a monster! Always attempting to get into fights with the other students, always sleeping in class, and was just a terror to have in class!

The chestnut haired woman would look over at the girl, and slowly start to back up, perhaps the girl hadn't seen her yet! If she did, she could probably get away without anyone knowing.......


TWC: 502

Claims: 502 WC into Lightning element.
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:42 am
Kama had retrieved her kunai still in thought had turned right in time to see the jounin that had appeared and was backing up away from her. The chesnaught haired woman seemed to recognize her, which Kama was unfortunately used to but she wasn’t going to let this go. Narrowing her eyes, she wasn’t going to let a prospective partner escape so easily! “Hey! I need your help! You can’t just leave!

Having little regard for a shinobi of higher rank, she would fling her kunai, aimed for the handle to hit Hikari in the ankle and at least slow her down. She knew, deep down, that acting this way was what got her into this mess but older ninja shouldn’t back down from just a academy student right? So in all fairness it wasn’t her own fault! Not like someone her age would get hit right? Kama herself probably could have dodged the kunai so she wasn’t going to worry too much. All the other Kunoichi needed to do was show Kama a couple of techniques right? Then she could go about whatever she had planned for the day and not have to bother with the red-headed girl any longer.

WC: 200
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:02 am
(.... I hate you so much!)

The Chestnut haired girl (who had turned to try to leave,) Would turn around again when she heard the Red haired girl cry out to her. As she turned around, she would look just in time to see the kunai flying at the girl's ankle. A slight screach would come out of the girl's mouth as she on reflex activated 'wind style, Gale Force palm.' The gust of wind would catch the Kunai, and send it back to the girl in her general direction, but would only go at a speed/power of 59, (20 base power + 20 chakra scaleing + 9 master + 10 for master of ninjutsu) meaning that the kunai would fly just shy of where the young Uzumaki was standing. (29.5 meters, I think I said she was 30 meters... wow... that was not intended)

In her fear, Hikari stumbled back and fell on her butt, not being awear of how close she had been to making the girl get stabbed by her own kunai.

"Agh..." The Akari would groan, " where you throw those things! You could really hurt someone you know!"

WC: 194
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:59 am
Kama didn’t expect the woman to shriek, nor did she expect her to effectively retaliate faster then Kama could even really see, the kunai flying back towards the Uzumaki and stabbing into the ground just shy of her position. She would jump up and make a loud “EEP!”
Falling on her rear end in the same way as Hikari. “Watch where I throw it?! I aimed to miss you! You coulda killed me with that gust of wind you lunatic!
Standing she brushed herself off with a huff, shaking her head. “Well now you HAVE to train me! That has to be a rule somewhere right?
Kama headed over to the girl and offered a hand to help her up, in contrast to her attitude about the events of recent. “I’ll...try not to be too much of a pain…

She tried to give Hikari a sincere smile, though how this would come from a kunoichi who had just tossed a kunai at you was up to interpretation. On closer look, it’d be easy to tell the academy student had been out here for a quite a while, her outfit covered in dirt and her arms and face seemed a bit scratched up.

WC: 200
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:01 pm
As the chestnut haired girl fell on her butt, she would look down and groan, looking at how she got the white on her outfit dirty and groan, the one thing bad about having a white outfit was that it got dirty pretty quickly.

As the student would start to complain, Hikari's would put her hand behind her back, the thought of just knocking the girl out with and runing crossed her mind, Prehaps just a quick use of the five elemental seal jutsu..? No, that wasn't a good idea, that seal would probably kill her, what about lightning style? Yeah.... she could parylisis the red head with that, and the get away!

Using Chakra infusion, the Akari would start to force chakra into her hand, imagining it like a wave length and trying to move it the same way the book told her... she could feel a slight bit of electricity flowing through her hands right now, Perhaps this was enough?

Then something dawned on the Jounin, what was she thinking? She was litterarly talking about attacking an Accademy student! She should never do that, no matter who it was!

As proof of this, the girl would finish her ranting, and go up to Hikari, and offer her a hand up, "I’ll...try not to be too much of a pain…"

Yeah, attacking the red haired girl was obviously a no no.

"Yeah, ok, and sorry about the kunai, that was more of a reflex." The chestnut haired Jounin would say and take the hand up. Dispite her rank, The 16 year old girl had been a civilian a mere 4 months ago, and while her knowlege of jutsu was astounding, she was still trying to grasp a hold of the basics of the job. Once she was on her feet, she would brush off the dirt on her bottom and say, "So.... you said you wanted me to teach you, was there anything specfic you wanted to learn from me?"

WC: 335
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:48 pm
Kama would smile happily as the woman took the student’s hand, Kama doing her best to lift the older girl to her feet. “Reflex huh? Thats pretty cool!
As Hikari asked what the Redhead needed training in, Kama thought for a moment to remember what jutsu she needed again. “Oh it's the clone jutsu and the transformation jutsu! I need those for the test but...Substitution wouldn’t be awful to have either right?

Kama nodded to herself as if answering her own question. For once she was just happy to have someone to help her learn, as most of the academy teachers weren’t too keen on one on one lessons with the Red Demon herself. She normally managed just fine by herself but in this particular situation she was eager to have someone who could show the steps. In return...the girl figured she could attempt to be less of a pain at least when this particular ninja was around. In any case, she was fully ready to throw herself into this woman's tutelage and be absolutely prepared for the genin test that was to come so she could be a full fledged ninja...though thinking of it, they should probably exchange names. “Oh! What's your name miss? You probably already know me as Kama Uzumaki.

WC: 200
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:33 pm
The chestnut haired girl looked surprised as she heard the girl say which jutsu she was trying to learn, amoung them was the clone jutsu, and the Transformation jutsu... the two jutsu required for the Genin exam. This couldn't be, was the red haired teen actually thinking of attempting the Genin exam? Surely this couldn't be true, a little trouble maker becoming a full fledged kunochi? Never going to happen, however, even as these thoughts dawned on the Kunochi's head, she also knew that even if the girl had no chance of passing, it was still the teachers job to attempt to teach the student,
and to never give up on them. That being said, Fuinuser knew tat it was her job now to attempt to teach the girl how to preform the jutsu. With, that, Hikari would put on a smile and say, "OH! Ok, sure! I can teach you those no problem, perhaps we can even learn it by the end of the Day! Also, My name Is Hikari Namaikaze, I'm a jounin that teaches at the academy."

Anyways, to learn the clone technique all you have to do is form the hand signs Ram → Snake → Tiger, and then split your chakra off, and try to give it fourm.

Hikari would then make the same handsigns, (Ram → Snake → Tiger) Slow enough that the girl would be able to see it (Lets  say speed of 10) and made the jutsu. As she slowly made the handsigns, a thought occured in her mind. Usually, When Hikari used this jutsu, she used a netural element, the Yang element. However, the thought of using lightning chakra instead for the jutsu crossed the girl's mind, so the girl attempted to make her chakra in to short frequant wavelengths as she melded the chakra required to form the jutsu. After a slight bit of time though, the jutsu didn't really take effect, so Hikari figured that this just wasn't going to work, so she went back to using a neutral element for her jutsu, and it worked basically flawlessly. At that point, Hikari would turn the the red haired girl and say "Like that, now you give it a try!"

Word count: 374

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze <3 on Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:54 pm
Kama nodded at Hikari with a determined look in her eyes, taking a deep breath as she began to focus herself on preparing for the jutsu. It didn’t seem to be that difficult, and the Jounin showing her how to do it rather than just writing it on some paper made the process seem a ton easier. The Uzumaki shook her hands as if to loosen them up as she concentrated, trying to feel her chakra system throughout her body. A small circle of chakra seemed to gather around the young kunoichi, almost as red as her hair, as she began gathering her chakra. First she performed the ram sign, feeling as her chakra began creating the right flow for the jutsu as she tried to expand her chakra outward. Giving it form was a bit complicated, even in her own shape, but there was still two handsigns to perform before that part was necessary.  Next was the snake sign, and upon performing it caused the girls chakra to flare up a bit more around her, Kama getting a better feel for the creating of clones next to her but she still had some effort to put into it before she was completely finished. This had all taken place in the span of a few seconds, the young Kunoichi performing the last hand sign to perform the jutsu and causing two clones to poof next to her, looking quite real though they were simply illusions. Kama herself was heavily perspiring at the effort, the jutsu clearly taxing the Kunoichi. “That was...a little more difficult than surface walking….do Shinobi use this alot?

The girl released the jutsu, taking a moment or two to collect herself before the next technique. Uzumaki were known for their stamina, but Kama was still young and hadn’t quite tapped into that boundless stamina, try as she might.

WC: 300

Clone Technique

Last edited by Kiru <3 on Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Enter; Kama Uzumaki Empty Re: Enter; Kama Uzumaki

Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:29 pm
(Sick as all heck, but want to get this out for you)

The teacher (Who had with thought that learning this jutsu would take a couple of hours) was quite surprised that the girl was able to learn the jutsu so quickly! However, a after this, Hikari noticed that the girl was quite tired. That was to be expected, Not everyone had an unlimited source of chakra, and for a student to preform any jutsu, let alone a ninjutsu like the clone jutsu. With all honesty, it was kind of impressive.

However, they had a lot of jutsu in order to teach tonight, and the girl just didn't have the chakra to continue, however, that never stopped the chestnut haired girl.

Forming the correct hand signs, Hikari would place a chakra strorage seal on the girl, (Power of 30, so 60 AP returned) and say "Hey, that was pretty good! Keep this up, and we can get this done pretty quickly! And actually, I'm not going to lie, it isn't used that much, after all, there are alot of faults with the jutsu, not being solid, so it is pretty easy for a trained shinobi to be able to tell the diffrence, an easy way to do this is that clones don't have shadows.

Anyways, so the next jutsu you wanted to learn was the Transformation jutsu? Well, to do that, one needs to use their chakra in order to cover themselves and change it to whatever you would like to look like, to do that, you need for fourm the following hand signs, Dog → Boar → Ram."

With that, Hikari would form the hand signs slow enough for the girl to see it, (Speed of 10) Hikari would allow her chakra to mend over herself, and cover up her entire being. A small note is that rather than her normal Wind style chakra, she tried to use it with lightning style chakra, just to see if here was any difference. Hikari transformed into the small red haired girl, but after looking down at herself, found that there was no difference from what she had done before. After staying in there long enough that Kama knew that this was a legitment jutsu, the girl would transform back, saying "Simple enough, now you try."

WC: 388
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