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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
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Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:28 pm
The sun had just risen when Yurei had awakened, presenting a beautiful orange glow on the horizon. Yurei’s pale eyes gazed off into the distance, watching the brilliant fireball take flight and filling the air with its warm glow. Yurei took a deep breath and groaned, launching out of bed with a quick jolt before collapsing back into it. He was so tired, but wasting the day away was no way to live. Yurei quickly got up and touched his toes, taking a deep breath of air and feeling the burning sensation in his calves. The Uchiha popped his neck and reached for his kimono, groggy as ever, and placed it over his shoulders as he walked out of his cold room.

The pale shinobi tied his belt at the waste as he walked down the long hallway. His mother was still asleep, and he didn’t want to disturb her. Instead, Yurei decided to go eat in the marketplace again. The food had been distasteful, but the marketplace did seem to present him with interesting changes in course. Yurei took up his leftover Ryo given to him by his mother and tied his headband around his forehead, venturing outside before the heat of midday overtook the desert.

The genin marched onward, venturing past the numerous houses within the district until he came to the bustling city marketplace that was almost always rife with extravagant amounts of life. Ignoring the waffle shop, Yurei decided to head inside a ramen shop that always seemed to produce decent food. Yurei quickly took off his headband. He wasn’t looking to make a statement as much as he was trying to get a warm meal, and, with these villagers, you never know.

“Excuse me, Sir. One bowl of ramen, please,” the boy said, extending his ryo outward.

The old storekeeper smiled, nodding and turning to his food station. He quickly prepared Yurei’s meal and offered it to the boy. “One bowl of ramen!” he said with a bright smile on his face. Yurei bowed respectfully and took the bowl, finding a seat at the bar at the front of the store.

WC: 356
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:31 pm
Something Sakana had never really noticed before that was he got most of his food from the restaurant Kaigo owned back home. Actually almost all of his food. But sadly last night he had eaten the last bowl he packed.  So he was in need of some food. The problem was that he was living in a dump and it would take some searching to find something that wasn’t completely gross.  
As he walked through the village market place he saw some fruit stands, some run down taco carts, and a bad looking waffle shop. None of these were his cup of tea, even tea wasn’t his cup of tea though. He was actually very specific when it came to what he would eat. Finally he saw a nice looking ramen shop. As he walked in it was actually very busy, hopefully that was a good sign.
He walked inside looking for a place to sit but all of the tables were full, the only seat open was a corner in the front at the bar. When he was seated he would flag down one of the waiters so he could order some food. The menu consisted all different types of ramen but he decided to just go with plain for now, there was no reason to experiment with his taste buds now. “I’ll have one bowl of ramen and a glass of water please.” He would say as he shelled out the money from his pocket. While it was being cooked he looked towards the person next to him. It was a kid who looked similar in age and had a hoshi headband on. But, the weird thing about this kid was he had the same skin tone as Sakana, white as a ghost.
 Normally the gennin would stick to himself in a place like this but he was pretty bored. So why not made some connections in the village? They might be more useful later down the line if something were to happen. He spun his stool to face him and said “How’s the ramen here?  Oh and my name is Sakana by the way.” The genin would extend his hand so the boy could shake it if he was willing.

WC: 376
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
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Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:50 pm
Yurei looked up from his bowl of ramen just as he had devoured a mouthful. He looked at the shinobi with his chipmunk cheeks before slowly chewing. Yurei quickly grabbed a napkin, wiped his mouth and smiled. “Sorry,” he laughed. “I was starving, haha! It’s delicious.” Yurei lowered and raised his head at the boy. “Please to meet you, Sakana! I’m Yurei Uchiha.” The boy emanated a certain brightness from him that lit up the room.

The pale boy noted Sakana’s similar appearance before eyeing that shiny, silver headband. “Hey.. You’re from that other village, aren’t you? Kumogakure, right? I met someone named Komon earlier. Do you know him?”

WC: 465
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:09 pm
The expression on the kid’s face was pretty funny when he turned to talk to Sakana. His face was full with ramen. He told him that the food was great and his name was Yurei Uchiha. Something about that last name seemed familiar. He couldn’t place his finger on it but he thought he had heard of that clan before, maybe they were important or something. It was weird he didn’t shake his hand but Sakana figured it was just because he was eating, or maybe they didn’t do hand shakes in hoshi, he wasn’t sure. As he lowered his hand he would say “I worked at a ramen shop back where I live, best ramen in all of the lands.” There was a certain pride behind that statement, probably because it was where he was raised.
Yurei seemed to start to piece together that the Meijin was a kumo ninja and would ask him if he knew Komon. The gennin would reply “Indeed I do live there, and yes I know Komon. He wasn’t acting up was he? This environment seems to suit him even less then it does me.” There would be a innocent smile behind that, just in case the chuunin had done something to wrong the boy.

WC: 591
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:37 pm
Yurei smiled brightly and burst into laughter as Sakana asked how Komon had acted. “Oh, no, not at all!” he chuckled. “But I think he used a frozen waffle as a shuriken to someone’s throat.” Yurei voice got really quiet, but lighthearted. “But I think he ended up ok,” he snickered. “No permanent damage. He’s doing well for a newcomer though.” Yurei got slowly quiet, eyeing the shopkeeper. “Hoshi’s got a lot of rules, and, from the way Komon described it, Kumo sounds a lot better as far as civilians go.”

Yurei rolled up the sleeves on his silk kimono and grasped his chopsticks, grabbing his ramen and taking a bite. He smiled. “Let’s put your shop to the test then,” he smiled. “If you think it’s better, then maybe I’ll have to go and try some myself!”

WC: 603
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:36 pm
That had only been in the village for a little while now and of course Komon had already attacked a civilian. He really needed to be more level headed at times, because even if the man was unjustified they weren’t following kumo laws anymore. They were foreigners in this unsavory land and still needed time to adjust.  Sakana would say very plainly “ He should have known better, Just know we’re not all like that. Some of us actually try to follow the rules. He would have then taken a spit from his water and wiped his face with a napkin. “Our citizens are very prideful of our shinobi, they are not a thing to be hidden. Even the zombies know better than to attack our own.” Sakana would let that last thought linger for a moment.
The two would eat for a moment, collecting their thoughts before Yurei would tell Sakana he would have to try the ramen shop some time. The Meijin wondered if anyone from Hoshi would come back with them when they went to kumo or if this was a one way kind of visit. The gennin also wondered when he was going back, so far it had not been much of a party.  When he finished his thought he would look again to his new similar skin toned friend and say, “Nice enthusiasm, I’ll tell you what, if you ever find yourself in Kumo stop on by and you can have free ramen.”
Well hopefully that was one way to make new friends, offer them food. There was so much he wanted to ask him since he had not come in direct contact with a Hoshi shinobi yet so Sakana would start off with some basic questions. “Is it ever not blazing hot here? And tell me how did you get yourself wrapped up in being a shinobi, seems to be an unpopular profession around here.”

WC: 920
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:34 pm
“Nah, he’s fine,” Yurei said dismissively, fanning away Sakana’s criticism of Komon. “Adapting can be kinda hard, ya’know? Well, of course you do,” he’d say, downing more ramen. Yurei chewed the noodles and slurped the delicious, seasoned juices as Sakana went on about the village he hailed from when he said something that striked Yurei as odd. “Erm… zombies?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

The two went about eating as Sakana continued, offering free ramen should he ever visit Kumo. “That’d be great!” Yurei said, smiling. Sakana began to ask about Hoshi, namely its temperature. “Yeah, no, it’s hot everyday here and the nights are freezing. The weather’s really hard to adapt to.”

Yurei drank a bit of water before returning to his ramen. He chewed the spicy meal and swallowed it completely before he spoke. “Yeah, we’re not too popular here, especially with the villagers. I wasn’t really supposed to be a shinobi, but, when I discovered how much chakra I had, I couldn’t resist it. My parents weren’t too keen on it though, so for the majority of my time at the academy I had to sneak out or convince them I was doing something else. It’s all really complicated,” Yurei said, taking another drink of his water. The Uchiha turned to Sakana after wiping his mouth. “How about you? How’d you become a shinobi?”

WC: 830
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:16 am
Yurei’s defense of Komon surprised the genin, he was excepting to be agreed with but he figured maybe the white hair kid was scared of him. He was an easy person to be scared of. Or maybe he actually felt that way which would be a sudden turn of events. As Sakana suspected, the Uchiha was curious of the zombies that surrounded the gates to the village. “Yeah, they aren’t the eat your brain type of zombies per say. Actually they are quite harmless if you’re a friendly, but if you’re an enemy watch out.” Sakana would say with a playful smile on his face. The rot citizens actually had a much sadder story behind them but this kid didn’t need to know that just yet.
As they talked Yurei agreed to the free ramen if he ever came to visit and informed Sakana that the weather always sucked in Hoshi. “Freezing I can handle, this heat is disgusting though…. Good thing I’ll be back home before long though.”
Sakana would fill his face with ramen as Yurei told his life story the behavior of the villagers. The Meijin would swallow hard as he said, “I never knew my parents, was raised by the owner of the ramen shop I told you about. Cooking isn’t really my thing though, being a delivery boy was even less satisfying. I used to watch the shinobi train as I delivered their food. Eventually one day I convinced Kaigo to enroll me and the rest is history. The genin would smile at that memory, he really missed the normality  of his old life.

WC: 1,195
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Oni
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:01 am
Yurei nodded as Sakana spoke, slurping the last of the ramen into his mouth. Only Sakana kept talking. Zombies, no matter the variant, weren’t the most pleasing conversation piece over a meal, and it didn’t exactly make Kumogakure sound pleasant. At all really. Still, it couldn’t be all that bad. Yurei forced himself to swallow, going back to his food. “That’s lovely,” he said, trying to suppress the thought of decaying guards.
The boy quickly drank the remaining contents of the bowl and lowered it back onto the counter. Yurei wiped his mouth with a napkin for turning back to Sakana. “Yeah, I’m usually better in the cold. I burn pretty easy, and that’s not the most comfortable experience,” Yurei replied.
Sakana went on about his life. He never knew his parents and had been raised by another man, much like Damon had been. Truly, it was a tragedy. “I know someone like that, Sakana,” Yurei said, handing over his bowl to the shopkeeper. The boy quickly bowed his head and said thanks, turning back to Sakana. “Hey, I’m gonna be doing some training if you want to come with me. I’d love to see what you’re capable of,” Yurei offered, smiling brightly.

WC: 1033
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO) Empty Re: Decent Food: Yurei meets Sakana (IO)

Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:03 pm
Sakana thought it funny that Yurei seemed a bit distraught over the conversation of zombies. They weren’t really scary as much as it was sad. Those were people before Youka came and turned them into the zombies. But he put on a pleasant face and pretended to be ok to appease Sakana? He wasn’t really sure of the motive behind it. As he finished his food and told the Meijin about how he burned usually. “I know the feeling.” He would remark gesturing to his own skin.
After Sakana had scared his story, Yurei said he knew someone who was like Sakana. “Really? I’d like to meet him then.” The Meijin had already finished his food and pushed it towards the front right before the Uchiha did. The genin would raise his glass and finish his water as the albino boy asked if he wanted to go train with him. Sakana get out of his chair and reply, “If I was more paranoid I’d think you just wanted to spy on my abilities. But why not? Lead the way my Hoshi friend.”

WC: 1383
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