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Mad World  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mad World

Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:36 am
“Did... I.... Do.... Etttt?” The girl asked, her words slurred. Her head was spinning a million different directions, but she was still one hundred percent focused on performing the task at hand to become stronger. She could hear the beast that resided within her laughing his ass off, his voice rumbling in her head making the ache that was beginning even worse. “Shut up!” She though to herself, as she was trying to get a grip of what was going on. She felt the tremendous pain she felt quickly start to soothe away, a blue mystical eye covering part of her vision. The girl had been using her healing nature once more to save her from herself.

Once thinks felt a little more normal, and the pain subsided to just the average headache, the girl slowly got up, rubbing her forehead. “Owie.” was the only thing she let out. The girl was quite clumsy, so she was used to getting scraped and bruises, but when your moving five times the speed you are used to right into a tree, it’s gonna hurt... a lot.  Hikari was quick to take the blame, saying she should have explained the technique better. Of course, Kaya thought the opposite and thought the girl did just fine. The little girl shined a bright gapped smile at her teacher. “Nah it’s okay! I’ve had worse!” She said as she pointed at the large scar that spread across the center of her face. “You’re doing awesome! I got it on the first try after all didn’t i!?”

Feeling a lot better, the girl stood up, ready to go to the next one. “YEAAHH!” She shouted, excited to continue. At this point, she had completed forgotten her troubles, and was completely engulfed with the training session. Of course, the girl would probably fall back into despair afterwards, but for the time being, it was nice to forget, even for a little while.

Seeing that Kaya was ready, Hikari continued to explain the flicker technique, informing her to visualize the location she wants to appear before once again, performing the technique and returning to the previous spot she had been when she first explained it. Kaya took a deep breath, preparing herself for the possible pain she might face as she body flicked once more. After a few seconds, she proceeded and formed the hand seals, envisioning the spot she wanted to go. She pictured and focused on the spot next to Hikari. With that done, she concentrated her chakra and performed the technique and like that, her body zoomed forward at what felt like the speed of light. On the other hand, to Hikari, she was probably moving at a normal pace since in reality, Kaya went at a speed of 60.

Successfully, the girl managed to stop herself right next to Hikari. Although, not used to stopping so quickly, the girl tripped as she halted, briefly falling to her knees before getting back up. She stuck her hands in the air like a gymnast who had successfully made her landing. “And that ladies and gentleman, is how you DO IT!” She screamed out in the end. “WOOOHOOOOO!” Kaya broke out into a little dance. She’d then flick her fingers towards Hikari, to continue the party.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Mad World  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mad World

Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:14 am
The young girl’s enthusiasm brought a large grin to Hikari’s face, her eyes lighting up in joy as Kaya reassured her that she was doing great, even motioning to her scar to prove her point about being through rougher trials. She thought Kaya was such a strong kunoichi for how young she was, able to easily get back up and try again through any failures she faced. She knew Kaya would grow into a fine young woman as she got older, and Hikari hoped to continue being her teacher all throughout that process, to guide her on the right path and keep her afloat if she ever feels like she’s drowning.

It was time for her to practice the Body Flicker technique again, and this time, she did not disappoint herself. She ran at about half of what Hikari would run using this technique, but that was to be expected of someone who was still training to get stronger. One day Kaya would be just as fast as she, and maybe even faster like Salzem. Kaya stopped herself right next to the white haired Hyuuga, falling to her knees as her momentum suddenly ceased. Instinctively Hikari reached out to help her up, but before she could do anything to aid her, Kaya bounded back up to her feet, raising her arms high above her head in sassy pose. Her arrogant words and pose elicited a laugh to escape Hikari’s pink lips, her chest heaving up and down as she vibrated. Her laughter became uncontrollable as Kaya broke out into a mini victory dance. It was refreshing to see such energy in someone, and it made Hikari completely forget that Kaya had been crying in agony just twenty minutes ago.

She wiped away stray tears as Kaya pointed to her to do a dance, and she obliged, shaking her body in a celebratory dance for Kaya. After her turn was up, and if Kaya still felt like dancing, she would flick her fingers back at the green haired girl. Hikari would continue this dancing party for as long as Kaya wanted.

If the dancing stopped at any point, Hikari would take a deep breath and begin speaking gently, “That was a lot of fun, Kaya! I haven’t done anything like that in ages!” Her voice was airy, a happy tone swirling her words, “Want to learn about the next jutsu now? We can celebrate more after you learn it, too!”

If Kaya did anything to affirm her wanting to hear about the Mark Seal, the Hyuuga would begin to explain this technique as well, “The Mark Seal is a fuuinjutsu. You apply this seal by touch once you focus chakra to your hand, and whoever you place it on can then be tracked or even summoned by using more advanced jutsu. This jutsu does, however, allow you to tell if the seal is still active, meaning if it was taken off by someone or the person you marked left this dimension, you’ll be able to tell that. Would you like me to place a mark seal on you? If so, where would you like it? Ah, right! This mark is visible for about a second or two but then it conceals itself, so you won’t have to worry about it being visible forever.”

If Kaya stated she wanted a mark seal placed on her, and she offered a place for Hikari to mark her, Hikari would focus her chakra to her hand and lightly place her hand where Kaya specified she wanted to be marked. If the spot was in a location where Kaya could see it, then she would notice a small dot mere millimeters wide and then it would become hidden, out of sight for normal eyes. Then Hikari would say, “Now that you’ve seen this done, you can practice doing it on me, if you’d like.” If Kaya wanted to test out this technique, Hikari would extend her left wrist for Kaya to mark.

If Kaya did not want to do any of this, Hikari would understand and oblige to do whatever the young girl wanted to do instead, whether it be to dance some more or something else, reasonly of course.

(WC: 1521)
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Mad World  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mad World

Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:39 pm
A black hawk, almost as large as the girl in front of her, cawed high above in the sky, circling the white haired Hyuuga and her green haired student. Once the hawk locked on target they dipped from the sky, falling like a bullet at high speeds towards the duo training below. Hikari knew instantly what the hawk meant, signalling she was either expected at the Konohagakure Hospital or the Hokage had summoned her, although she guessed it was the former rather than the latter.

She out stretched her arm as the hawk swooped down, resting its sharp talons on her kimono sleeve, a white piece of paper attached to its right foot. Hikari instinctively untied the note from its clawed foot, and as soon as the note left its leg the hawk flapped their giant wings, gaining momentum as they lifted off back into the sky. The hawk flew off in the direction of the hospital, and Hikari would be in tow shortly after it, her eyes confirming her suspicions as the note informed her the hospital was in dire need of her assistance once again. It seemed they were always such short staffed, having to bring her in on her off days quite often it seemed.

"I am so sorry, Kaya! The hospital needs me to help heal the patients, otherwise they might get really hurt." She bowed apologetically to her student, with or without the mark seal in place depending on if Kaya wanted to mark her or not. "I will be able to keep tabs on you through that Mark Seal, so if something ever happens to you I will come running to your aid, understood?" Hikari really did hate to leave her new student, but duty called her and as a shinobi she had to respect her orders. "If you ever want to talk to me or see me, or if you ever get lonely or sad, please come visit Kuro and I at the hospital! I'll give you candy and you can help me deliver flowers to all the patients, it'll be a lot of fun!"

Hikari cheerfully grinned at the young girl beside her, her tone as sincere and heartfelt as the words she spoke. Kuro nuzzled Kaya one more time before they had to leave, his fur tickling her hands and arms as he showed her his affection. "I think Kuro would like to see you again, too! He really likes you, Kaya." She giggled at the end, watching the antics of the two, especially Kuro and how he was acting like a dog at that moment, probably for Kaya's sake more than anything else.

With that, the Hyuuga and her companion took their leave, waving goodbye to their new friend, and her new student, as they crossed the training grounds, running as fast as they could without using any boosts to keep from wearing themselves out too much before they even got to the hospital. Hikari made a silent vow to herself to find Kaya another day, soon, and continue her training session with the young girl, for she would not allow the young girl to get abandoned, especially in her fragile state of mind. Hikari, however, was still unaware of the immense power hidden inside the little body of Kaya.

(TWC: 4406)
(Claiming 44 AP)
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Mad World  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mad World

Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:48 pm
Very cool thread you two. Approved
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