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On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Sakana Meijin
Satoru Nara
Shichiro Hashimoto
Duncan Crawford
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Arashi Tekiatsu
Akihana Akari
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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:32 pm
Satoru has not been paying very close attention to what is being said around him. The only indication that the group has been admitted entry is the sight of the other genin and chuunin beginning to move out. At this, Satoru stands up from sitting quietly and follows the group.

He would stop with everyone else and fill out the form given to him. It would read the following way:

Name: Satoru Nara

Clan: Nara

Rank: Genin

Specialty: Ninjutsu

With the paper work completed and the long travel over with, Satoru breathes a sigh of relief. His weary legs still have enough strength to carry himself and his belongings wherever he is told to go within reason.


Last edited by Satoru Nara <3 on Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:18 pm; edited 3 times in total
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:46 pm
Sakana really wasn't suited for this type of weather, the heat messed with his head more than he would've like to admit. Sleeping helped, he was never in a deep sleep just enough to make the headache go away. So as Senshi left for the gates with max sitting on his shoulder, the Meijin laid curled up on his ink hawk with Komorgi in his arms. 

A little while later Komon started to speak, telling them it was time to approach the gates. The gennin hopped off the hawk and threw all his gear on top of it so it wouldn't be a burden to carry. Komorgi opted to stay on the bird as he moved into the helmet of Sakana's armor as a bed.  

Just as they started walking Komon crossed the distance from the other side of the group to where Sakana was. He explained that the bijuu must be keep a secret and that he shouldn't tell anyone. Obviously he knew all of this, he wasn't dumb. But his headache stopped him from thinking of a smart remark so he just said, "Of course."  

The Meijin felt kind of bad watching everyone lug around all their gear while he had a bird walk it all for him. But his mind quickly wandered to a familiar sensation. Rain droplets. There was a small storm in the area surrounding the gates. It was a nice feeling but he knew it wouldn't last. 

Once they approached the gates he saw Senshi, Max and a familiar face. He might've forgotten her if not for that golden hair, it was Queen Akihana, the First Lady of Kumo. A familiar feeling of needing to look respectful came over him as it did when she proctored his gennin exam, she was the one who allowed him to become a ninja. So he walked a little nicer  and flashed her the same warming smile she gave him. The gennin wondered if she even remembered him, it had been a while. 

After some talk between the higher ranking peoples he heard a grumbled inside him. The three tails was worked up about something. "What's the matter with you?" Sakana would ask him in an angered tone. The beast would reply with only one word. "Family." Family? What did the turtle mean by this? Could there be other tailed beast around? 

His train of thought was stopped as the group the group was led to the academy where they were asked to fill out a form for their id. Sakana's would read.

Name: Sakana Meijin 
Clan: None
Rank: Gennin
Specialities: Ninjutsu.

And that was almost the end of it until he noticed the sleeping beauty inside his armor. Sakana pulled the puppy out of his bed and held him up saying, "I need another ID card please." Once he would have been given one Komorgi's would read.

Name: Komorgi 
Clan: Corgi
Rank: Ninja Hound 
Specialities: Looking cute
If lost please return me to Komori Hozuki or Sakana Meijin
The gennin would attach the the dogs ID to his collar. As they would follow Komons lead. 

Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Faded Glory
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:55 pm
--Entering from Here--

Sakana has some type of weird doggo crush on Komorgi but the Hozuki was totally fine with it after seeing the awesome ID badge on his collar. He had caught up to Sakana, most likely with Renji in tow, just as he had said, only to see the final result of the registration. Paperwork is so fun. Komori would then fill out his own ID:

Name: Komori Hozuki
Clan: Hozuki
Rank: Chuunin
Specialties: Ninjutsu/Fuinjutsu/Hitting on girls

Then he realized that this was probably somewhat important and official.

Name: Komori Hozuki
Clan: Hozuki
Rank: Chuunin
Specialties: Ninjutsu/Fuinjutsu/Hitting on girls

If everything was good to go at this point, he would get his ID and keep it in a pouch connected to his belt. He would cross the threshold and pause, turning back to make sure the genin Hyuuga had entered, as well as anyone else who was behind him. Komori was an expert in handling rears semantics are fun, so he just wanted to make sure that he was being a responsible chuunin.


Last edited by Kōmori Hozuki <3 on Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total
Renji Hyuga
Renji Hyuga
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On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:56 am
Renji would be not to far behind komori; maybe just a few steps. As he walks in Renji would see that just about everyone else had already filled out their registration forms. Not wanting to be the black sheep of the group, renji would quickly follow what he sees Komori do and grabs a form to fill out.

As he looks at the form, Renji would chuckle a bit under his breath “this is a lot of work to go through just to visit a village.” Renji would think to himself. However, not wanting to belittle any of Hoshigakures many customs, or at least that’s what Renji would take this tedious paper work as, he would simply fill out the form no questions asked.

Name: Renji
Clan: Hyuga
Rank:  Genin
Specialties:  Ninjutsu (not wanting to put down his true specialty Renji would just put ninjutsu so that he did not leave the section blank.)

Once he was done Renji would look up to see if there was anything else that needed doing. He would then grab his ID and follows the rest of the group.

---Potential exit---
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:28 am
They would have waited for hours to enter the village if not for the previously pregnant lady and her newborn baby. Saya had been hovering over the family since they’ve settled at the borders until they received their call. While Reizo had helped with the Mystical Palm technique to relieve the infant of its fever, the weather and the entirely new environment did not provide a stable place for recovery.

She frowned, eyeing the couple and the baby before pulling the blonde chuunin to the side, ”The delivery and the rain isn’t good for the lady and the child. We have to enter the village now.” Saya cast a furtive glance over her shoulder, noting that the lady’s complexion had become pale and she was shivering whilst looking for warmth between her husband and the baby, who they’ve named “Reiya Kiriyu,” an odd combination of her and Reizo’s name. The couple had also mentioned that their daughter’s name would have been “Saizo” if the newborn had been male.

Shaking her head at the memory, Saya implored him to take action, which resulted in them (her, Reizo, and the family) being escorted quickly to the gates. There she was met with a familiar face - Senshi. ”Sensei!” Saya gave a slight nod and small smile in his direction, making a quick beeline to him whilst adjusting the baby in her arms. ”This couple had a baby during our journey here, and I think it’s imperative that they go to a hospital as soon as possible.”

Looking around she spotted the others filling out some kind of form. Was that why they were being held up? Saya supposed it was a crucial thing for having so many guests arrive, especially when the bulk of them were allied shinobi. Wanting to get this entire thing over with, Saya handed the little tot over to her tall mentor. ”Do you mind, Sensei?” The parents of the child were already filling out forms on their end.

Saya wiped off some of the rain from her face as she scrutinized the sheet given to her. Frowns were becoming a thing for the girl today. Taking a brush she was quick to fill out her name and rank, pausing for a mere millisecond at one of the categories before slapping something on there. What kind of idiot would reveal their specialty to a foreign land (even if said foreign land were their allies)? Either way she returned the application and retrieved a guest ID in return.

Name: Saya Kirihara
Clan: ---
Rank: Genin
Abilities: Taijutsu

Once that had been taken care of Saya returned to the bearded man and had to laugh at the parents who were a couple of feet away, unsure of how to take in the scene of their child being held by a burly man. She was quick to assure them that Senshi was her sensei, and quietly led them to follow the group before them when everything was said and done.

: : : ENTERING HOSHI : : :

OOC NOTE: Given permission for slight god-modding to make things go a little more smoothly.
Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : woo! Missions
Remove Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 112500

On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:59 pm
Reizo sat in the couple's caravan comforting them while Saya took the child for evidence of the birth to their superiors. The father of the child made light conversation with Reizo, and although he returned the favor, the Chuunin was fixated on making sure they could secure swift entry to Hoshi for the sake of the child and the mother. Once directed to come forward to fill out the forms, Reizo would retrieve a medium sized umbrella from his backpack. He carried it around because any time he was going anywhere Komori was, it was a necessary item to possess. The Hozuki had a fondness for the rain and would often start rainstorms for fun.

After hopping out of the caravan and popping open the umbrella, Reizo would help the couple out of their wagon. He then held the umbrella in his left hand to shelter the couple whilst they made their slow way to the registration line. He couldn't imagine the feeling of having to walk not even 12 hours after giving birth with no proper medical care. Reizo could ease her pain and heal wounds, but he lacked the professional expertise for post-child delivery care. After the couple registered themselves on the forms, Reizo would fill his form out too, continuing to ensure the umbrella sheltered the couple from the rain.

Name: Reizo Shoyu
Clan: ---
Rank: Chuunin
Abilities: Taijutsu / Medical

As much as he disliked giving out private information about himself, especially to a foreign country, they were the guests. Plus, this information could barely be considered private at this point so he didn't see any advantages to lying on the form. Reizo and Saya would then escort the worried parents to hurry with the rest of the group entering Hoshi's gates.

----- Enter / Exit -----
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:45 am
once all the shinobi had entered safely and been escorted to the academy, Akihana watched over them carefully as they filled out their paperwork and collected their identification token. As Arashi carefully led them one by one, she found many familiar faces. The twins, Sakana, Reizo, it was almost as if she was back in Kumogakure teaching her classes in the early morning mist.

But those children had not been battle scarred as they were now. Looking at Senshi's burnt face, at Max's prosthetic limb and scars across the Hozuki-Hyuuga twins made her realize that she had let them all down by leaving. As much as she tried not to hurt anyone at her behest, she was indirectly responsible for their injuries simply because she had not been there to prevent them.

Once all papers were signed, she would speak to the group with quiet authority. "Your general has requested you be escorted to the slums where he will meet you. Despite the name, rest assured the district has been made as comfortable for you as can be given the circumstances. Prince Arashi will lead you there and show you the area. Our ninja will be watching you to ensure you don't accidentally run afoul of any of our laws and they will provide any emergency aid you may need. you are all of course welcome to make an appointment with me personally should you wish. i can be reached at the palace or the university."

Making sure that everyone understood, she turned to Senshi next, reaching out to pull Max with her, finding comfort in holding on to his small hand. "You two can go to the slums if you wish to.. but I would rather you came with me to the palace. There is a lot we need to talk about and... and I missed you both dearly." The warmth in her eyes spoke the truth of how much she had missed them.

If there would be no more questions, she would gesture to Arashi to lead the group to the slums and then walk with Max and Senshi to the palace, still holding on to his small hand and trying hard not to imagine Arata out there with no one to take his tiny fingers and guide him to a path that led back home.

(Exit Akihana, memorizing all chakra signatures I don't already know)
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
Stat Page : Link
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:37 am
Arashi stood by while the newest visitors to the village registered themselves at the Academy.  He kept quiet and sullen, even more so when his comment about the state of the ninja being brought was commented on by the two forward ninja from the village.  One was obviously a bit offended at the insinuation, but the other... that seemed like a veiled threat.  As his own mother was busy with the others, Arashi decided instead to stare at Senshi.  He reached under his chestplate, producing an old Kumo headband, with a blue band.  He then gestured to Max.

"When I was his age, I watched as my village was destroyed and conquered by the very person who until recently held the hat of the Raikage.  Only a day later I watched as my entire family was murdered for defying him.  So forgive me if I find it difficult to hold the village of my birth in high regard... my Kumo was lost many years ago." he said, shaking his head.  He really didn't want to hate these people... the actions of the so-called Lord of Decay was not their fault.  They had no choice, at least in his justification.  

Aki asked that he escort the others to their temporary living areas, and Arashi nodded, though he noted that Aki was taking Senshi and Max with her back to the Palace.  He debated for a moment, and then lead the others off to get settled, but as soon as he was out of sight, he created a clone to watch over Aki, and to make it back to the Palace.  He wanted to understand these people that Akihana trusted so much, and then he would return as quick as possible once he was done with his task.  

(EXIT Arashi)
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:45 pm
No one seemed to react to Max explaining what had happened on their missions, not Aki or Arashi and Senshi found that weird. His own reactions were simply the audible grinding of his teeth and a furious, fiery loathing shining in his eyes. He'd even emitted a low, gravelly growl as Max mentioned Maku's name but it quickly petered off into silence as he waited for Max to finish his extremely abbreviated version of the mission. He could only mentally thank the Henkn, rather profusely, for not dragging it out. He really didn't want to have to think about that mission any longer. It was easier to remember his loyalties and respect for the General when he wasn't constantly reminded of that terror filled day. 

As the rest of the group finally arrived Senshi turned looking them over carefully to ensure they all were as presentable as possible. He hid the vague annoyance he felt st Komon for refusing to listen and coming up in the front of everyone. He had expected Komon to understand that he wanted him to walk at the back with Sakana so as to head off any serious assaults from that direction. That the Genin would then be safe by being sandwiched between Senshi and the two exceptionally strong, but apparently incredibly dense and lacking in combat tactics minds. He would definitely be giving Komon a heavy lecture later on about combat tactics and forcing him to learn them better. If they were going to be stuck in a foreign land then the Chuunin needed to know how to control the battle field and outthink their opponents. 

They were at a disadvantage and this was one advantage that they could take control of. Just as Senshi turned and began following he felt two chakra signatures approaching fast. He turned again surprised to see Reizo and Saya along with some civilians approaching so quickly. Their explanation was met with a stone faced nod, and as Saya approached him handing the baby off he gave another nod before speaking. "Good job. I'll find the woman and give and offficial check up on her later but just at a glance it seems you and Reizo did exceptionally well. I'll make a note in your file. Thank you for the good work Saya, you undoubtedly helped save this child and her mothers life." He gave her an approving nod, adding in a slight smile to let her know that he was sincere in his words.

He turned walking with the rest of the group, his place behind Akihana, Arashi, and Max would probably have felt looming if he didn't have a crying baby in his hands. As he walked he turned the little girl carefully in his arms, in several directions until she suddenly stopped crying. He gave a slight grin as he lifted a hand, a green glow of chakra covering it as he held it over the little girl. He ran it carefully over her, wiggling his fingers as he did so causing a gurgling noise to release form the new born as she rose her arms trying to grasp at his gloved hand. He smiled slightly as he finished his quick check up allowing the little girl to finally latch into his finger. He wiggled it lightly causing another baby gurgled laugh to emit from her.

He finally looked up and watched as the troop he was escorting with the others began to fill out there forms. He felt a distinct amount of pride in Renji and Saya for not allowing an enemy to know about themselves and made a mental note to commend them for their forwards thinking. He looked back down at the baby lifting her slightly and tickling her belly while the other continued to fill out their forms. The little girl laughed again before reaching up and waving her arms at his beard. He gave another small
Smile before issuing a sigh and walking over to her parents. Stopping befor ethem, he let them know that she was fine and should they need any further assistance to search him, Reizo, or Saya out and they would help immediately.

Reluctantly, he handed the little girl over just as the final shinobi he had brought with him finished Collin out their paperwork. He walked over to the desk accepting the form and glancing st it with slight distaste. This required far too much information on him than he would like to admit. Lady Akihana already knew he was a weapons specialist and though he hadn't shown any truly advanced medical abilities he had just shown that he was capable of using the E rank version of the jutsu without hand seals, so he should probably admit to that as a specialty. But none of the Hoshi shinobi knew that he was also a fuuinjutsu specialist. Or that his skills had resulted in nkt only himself but others in the Kumo group of being capable of boosting their abilities. 

As such, he decided it was best to completely hide his fuuinjutsu abilities. It would be his surprise ace in the hole so to speak. With that decided he finally filled out the form, a serious and displeased look on his face as he handed it back over and received his own ID Card.

Name: Kobayashi Senshi
Clan: Kobayashi 
Rank: Jounin
Specialties: Weapons, Medical, Taijutsu 

He placed the ID card he received into his weapons pouch with a further annoyed glance. As he stepped over to Akihana and Arashi again he rose an eyebrow as the red haired man withdrew and old Kumo headband and began to speak. His first sentence elicited a raised eyebrow from Senshi. What did he mean?  'Until recently held the Raikage hat'? There had been no change in who was the Raikage in several years, did this young man have a strange definition of what recently meant. When he finally finished speaking Senshi looked at Akihana was a slightly confused look before looking back st Arashi. "There has been no change in the position of Raikage in several years, so your information seems to be slightly out of date. While you may not hold us in high regard you should remember that we are shinobi. Battle tested in the fires of war. What war has tested your strength to give you the right to assume you are so much greater than we to refer to us as "new academy students, sent here to learn." 

Senshi was left without a chance to further berate the man, or allow his presence to come across as more threatening when Lady Akihana spoke informing them of where they were going. A flash of irritation flashed across his face at the information that Hoshi was housing them in the slums. That in itself was something Senshi viewed as an insult, despite Akihana's reassurance that everything had been made livable. He straightens his sword clinking against the scabbard of the Ninjato concealed beneath it st his back. He held himself as straight and proudly as possible, looking down on Arashi and Akihana. "Very well, please guide the way Lady Akihana." He didn't bother verbally saying anything to the rest and didn't even down to look at them as they followed Arashi. He would walk a respectful step behind Her and a step to the side. Unconsciously adopting the position of a guard as he was so used to doing. His eyes and sense as alert as they usually were. His chakra pulsed alive suddenly as he sent out the telepathic message, before quickly silencing itself again.

"Watch out for the Genin, no one goes anywhere alone. Update me on any complaints as quickly as possible and I will see about getting them fixed. Get the ones who are not tied into our telepathic network together. I'll give them a seal as soon as possible. Be safe."


All chakra sigs I don't yet know
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: On Edge (Invite Only, No Kill, Private)

Wed Jul 19, 2017 8:17 pm
Max would listen as the others spoke, hearing that the kumo group was to be living in the slums. He didn’t see that as much of a problem considering that he had lived in a small, rotting shack for years. It was right before he said something that Akihana would ask both of them to come to the palace with her. Max was happy as could be, a smile all that anyone looking upon him would see. “I’d be happy to go to the palace. I missed you a bunch, too. You have to tell me about how you have been since you left.”
Arashi would bring out a kumo headband, his tone growing more somber. It seems that Lord Mortarion had taken everything from him. Of course, the knight would not have had to live through the Lord Raikage’s reign. He didn’t have to watch as many get… punished for their insolence. The two of them had a lot in common, more than either of them had known. Max wanted to ask Arashi the first question that came to mind when he mentioned the takeover, but he couldn’t find the time. How did you manage to survive? Max had never met someone who went against the Lord Raikage and lived. Arashi would leave before he could brave the question, the knight guiding the rest of them off to the slums.
Max would be one of the last to fill out the paperwork, making sure to fill it out to the best of his ability.
Name: Maximillian Yamaguchi
Clan: Yamaguchi
Rank: Genin
Specialties: Building stuff, analyzing a situation, making friends, and being a puppeteer.


Max would put the identification badge on, happy to pin it to his shirt. He would then look back to his puppet pal over his shoulder. The boy would then start whispering to seemingly himself, “No, I’m not sure. I could ask if you would like. What do you mean you are against being registered?” Max would shake his head and just walk over with Akihana and Senshi. There seemed to be a strange feeling in the air, and Senshi seemed bothered by something. Max wanted to ask, but maybe it would be best to wait. He would quietly follow his makeshift family to the palace, ready to see what this chapter of his life would offer. 


TWC: 1591

Putting it towards learning the Chakra Sigs of those I don't have (Aki, Arashi, Kaori, Saturu, Sakana)
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