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Passin' the time [Private] Empty Passin' the time [Private]

Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:37 am
Do you ever get the feeling, where you just want to train? Do nothing but improve yourself physically and mentally. Bettering yourself for the coming trials and tribulations. That and Akemi wanted to try and squeeze in some last minute training before he started his chuunin exams. He had absolutely no idea what to expect, he wasn't that smart. How was he supposed to guess with this information little to bank on? He chewed the inside of his cheek, an annoying addiction he had picked up that happened nearly every time he tried to think about something. Using what little natural intelligence he had, Akemi could only assume about the exams. Via deduction, he was positive that the exams would either be combat related or have at least one section about combat. It would be silly not too. After all, while being book-smart had a part to play in becoming a chuunin. So did one's skill. And Akemi was SEVERELY lacking in both of those departments. He was a viable threat at close range, but at long range, he was pretty much dead meat. Unfortunately, though, Akemi was not training any long range techniques today. He was walking to the water gardens, new technique fresh in his mind, and his motivation up high!

After learning from how hot Haven tended to get, Akemi was actually wearing suitable training clothes today. Grey track suits, thin black vest, blue open-toe sandals. It indeed looked like Akemi was going on holiday, but unfortunately, he was simply waltzing to the water gardens... Hidden. Akemi wasn't walking along the streets like a normal person, not by a long shot. He was walking along the rooftops, his chakra suppression constantly hiding away any traces of his natural presence. The reason for his stealth mode was for two simple reasons. 1) He wasn't the best at socializing. 2) The vest he was wearing showed how thin and scrawny his arms were. Seriously, he was supposed to be strong. Why did he look like a short string bean with a head, arms, and legs? It was still quite useful, it meant that most of his enemies severely under-estimated Akemi. From his physique, most would think that he was some kind of long-range ninjutsu or medical user. But in actuality, he was quite the opposite. His gaunt frame was probably going to allow him to get close to people without that much difficulty. 

As he walked, Akemi thought about the one thing he wanted to learn today. The first one being a b-ranked taijutsu move called "Intersection Method" which seemed like a bit of a powerful defensive hybrid technique. It was simple, yet effective. Like the majority of taijutsu techniques. It was quite odd, taijutsu was supposed to be a mastery over the body. Yet it required little skill. At least, that was what Akemi had found. Perhaps his Hiyu cells - which had been specifically tuned to taijutsu - helped him in this regard? Or maybe Akemi was a genius... He scoffed at the thought, he was no genius! He simply trained and fought. He was a typical shinobi. The type to fade into the background without much "Screen time". It would've been depressing for most other people. The thought that they would simply fade from other people's memories the moment they stopped talking. But Akemi found comfort in it. It meant that he was always hidden, he would probably make for a good Anbu agent... Or whatever Hoshi's substitute for them it was. He realllly needed to learn about his city, it was driving him up the wall!

Upon arriving at the Water Gardens, Akemi would stretch and let out a biiiiig yawn. The day was still young, and Akemi had a habit of getting dressed and leaving his apartment at silly o' clock. Yet another saying popped into Akemi's mind "The early bird catches the worm" It was certainly a saying to live by. Akemi was the type of person who was most productive during the early hours of the day. Unfortunately, though, that meant that he wasn't as productive during night times. Without sleep, he was a zombie. Without sleep, he was EVEN MORE dumber than he usually was. He was so dumb without sleep, that he could probably make the Mizukage look slightly smart! (Still love you bb). He grinned, he was going to learn this technique today. He had to. Who knew when his exams were going to pop up, well, aside from the proctors. But ya know, Akemi dumb.

He continued walking through the Water Gardens until he was in a familiar setting. It was the place where he had met Damon and learned a bunch of stuff. Including his one other b-rank technique. The Sucker Punch. A simplistic technique which allowed the user to completely stun their opponent should they have much, much more strength than the victim or target. Whatever you preferred to call them. In Akemi's case, it was more of a "Student" kind of thing. It was a bad idea, but he liked to try and teach his opponents. It made his potential victory feel less of an empty win. And more deserved. He still needed to fix this habit of his. One day, he could be in a scary life or death situation, and he'd be worrying about all the opponent's potential downfalls, not his own.

Akemi settled into a quick stance and breathed through his nose slowly, he closed his eyes. Emptying his mind.

WC: 916

(Gonna add more in a bit, just wanted to post this before i lose motivation and delete it :P)
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Passin' the time [Private] Empty Re: Passin' the time [Private]

Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:04 pm
With his mind cleared, and his body ready. Akemi would start the basic routine of consecutive punches. His right fist drove forward in a quick jab, carving through the air like a sleep-stream bullet. He breathed out, drew back in his fist, breathed in, did the same thing with his left fist. This felt good. The power and speed of his fists gradually increased throughout each rendition of the combo. This was what taijutsu and training were all about. The self-improvement of one's body led to the increased capabilities of the brain. The two existed hand-in-hand, like Ying and Yang. Physical and spiritual. It was the two components of chakra.

Chakra was very interesting, to say the least. Some techniques derived their power from a single component of chakra. Like how Medical ninjutsu used the spiritual side of chakra, while taijutsu used the physical part. Ninjutsu was simply a combination of both these arts. But it was very unlike most combinations. Normally, using two things resulted in making a combination which had some properties of the two original things. But Ninjutsu - Which used a combination of Physical and Spiritual chakra components - was completely different from both of them. It was rather odd, and something that Akemi would like to study further. An idea suddenly popped into his mind, what if he could harness the physical portion of chakra, and use it so create a body flicker-Esque type of technique? He smiled at his own thought, it was certainly interesting. Excitement bubbled up in his chest. If he ever made it to Chuunin, he would definitely invest ALOT of time into making it.

Akemi stopped his overflowing flurry of fists, and let both of his arms hang wearily at his side. He had this annoying problem of going off on a tangent whenever he decided to train stuff. It was useful because it allowed him to think up all his wondrous ideas. But it was annoying because it meant he got distracted from what actually mattered. Learning the technique. He mentally slapped both his cheeks and closed his eyes, chewing the inside of his cheek while thinking. The technique he was learning... What was it again?

Ah yes, the b ranked taijutsu technique known as the "Intersection Technique" a technique which allowed the user to completely shatter an opponent's bone should their durability not be high enough. The technique sounded... Deadly, almost like it was a technique made by some kind of psychopath who gained enjoyment from putting people through unnecessary amounts of pain. It was not exactly the kind of technique Akemi liked to learn, but in his pursuit for everything taijutsu, Akemi was kind of forced to learn it. He NEEDED to become the GOD of taijutsu. Though he somehow had the feeling, that taijutsu completely and utterly... 


TWC: 1386

(Darn motivation, where haft thou went D: Will post more soon)
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Passin' the time [Private] Empty Re: Passin' the time [Private]

Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:35 pm
It was a shocking revelation to Akemi, why wouldn't it be? Suddenly having the realization that something that he had sunken thousands of hours of his life into was little more than a cake topping, was a rather strange feeling. Well, there was no turning back now. He had to make this (Crappy) specialization his! He was going to become the master to overrule all masters. He would be known as "Akemi, the teen who can beat down Bijuu with his bare hands". Quite a strange thing to aspire to be. But his goal nonetheless. He also had a nagging feeling to not be known, part of him just wanted to be a generic shinobi. In fact, most of him did. But it seemed that that kind of life was not meant for him, it was meant for pretty much no one. After all, where was the fun in writing a character who was just generic af?

Akemi recalled the simple moves to the technique. It was extremely effective against taijutsu, but also had the possibility of being used against some other techniques. The moves were simple. It was effectively, a brutish way to completely shatter someone's bone, via wedging their appendage in-between an elbow and knee, and simply crushing with all your strength. Yeah... It was quite grim and disturbing. But like he thought earlier, all taijutsu techniques were equal, it would be rude not to learn them all!

So, with the move set replaying constantly in his mind, Akemi settled into a stance. He pictured an enemy rushing towards him. The sound of their footsteps, the hate in their eyes. It was a small exercise Akemi had thought up, to allow him to easily get fully into his illusion of a spar... Against no one. The enemy neared him, Akemi was now fully immersed in his imagination. The enemy decided to start with a slow jab towards Akemi's face, perhaps it had something to do with his recent increase in training. But Akemi could actually follow the attack clearly and concisely, he had grown far. Of course, though, Akemi was completely forgetting about the teeny little detail that this was all in his head. But let him be for this couple of seconds, he likes to feel strong too!

To counter the jab, Akemi decided to use the technique he was currently learning on this incredibly slow jab. He sidestepped to the right, making him go out of the way, letting the opponent's fist go sailing in front of Akemi. Following this action, Akemi would then simply drive his right elbow and knee into the enemies arm. *CRACK*, the sound echoed around the Water Gardens. Followed by a scream of pain. Not from the imaginary opponent, but from the poor Hiyu teen known as Akemi.

Caught up in his incredibly realistic illusion, Akemi had made the rookie mistake, of thinking that imaginations had corporeal bodies which could be felt and have techniques used on them. Well, he was incredibly wrong. As evidenced from the severe pain now emanating from both his kneecap and his elbow. What a twat. Akemi uncharacteristically swore and fell to the ground, howling out in pain, clutching his knee while his right arm laid lifelessly next to his side. The pain! Oooh, the pain. It felt like thousands of knives were hammering against the interior of his leg and his arm.

After laying there for a few more minutes, the pain started to dull. Akemi wasn't sure if that was a good sign, or a bad one. If the injury wasn't that bad, it would make sense that the pain would already be fading. However, Akemi had read a book, that had stated that when a bone-breakage occurred, the body automatically served to try and dull the pain, to try and get away from any immediate threat.

Welp, there was only one way to find out!

With his left hand, Akemi reached it out, and gingerly rubbed his knee cap. Quite a weird thing to be doing in the middle of a public place, but he needed to be sure goddamnit! When all he felt was a solid, not broken, knee cap. He breathed a sigh of relief, he was possibly, the luckiest person to live. Ever. Period.

TWC: 2101

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Passin' the time [Private] Empty Re: Passin' the time [Private]

Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:59 am
Okay, motivation has completely disappeared now :(. I'm just gonna claim whatever I can.

2000/200 = 10

Claiming 10 stats

Also gonna claim 2100 words to Intersection Method
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Passin' the time [Private] Empty Re: Passin' the time [Private]

Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:00 am
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