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Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Nova Tsuba
Akabayashi Terumi
Hikari Namikaze
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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:01 am
It was late at night when the new chunin put on her cloak and started to walk toward the village entrance. This was her first A rank mission that she was to complete…. Well… not her first A rank mission, she had done one in the library before… but this time was different. This mission would test her shinobi abilities…. Not her ability to do research and find something in a library, an ability the girl possessed since she was nine, looking up how to use sword techniques at her local library. No, this was a mission where the fate of the village hidden in the stars was at stake.

The Mission was a simple one, the team that Hikari was with was supposed to make sure that a couple was to be safely married. Usualy, this wouldn’t be a problem that would require a team of highly trained and skilled shinobi to undertake. However… this marriage was one of great importance… it was a wedding between a shinobi by the name of Sword Nato, and a woman civilian by the name of Dee Maro.

The mission was split up into four parts. Part one was to find a priest who would be willing to find someone who was willing to do the mission. Part two was to find a place where the two could get married, preferably a church, part three included making sure the bride and groom made it to the wedding, and the final part was to make sure that the wedding went on without a hitch.

The last three parts were semi difficult, but the true hard part was the first part of the mission, finding a priest to marry the two. In the village hidden among the stars, usually Villagers hated Shinobi, and there were many reasons for that, some shinobi in the village gave them a hard time, before the shinobi system was founded here, Hoshigakure was constantly attacked my Missing ninja, creating a fear of them. If that wasn’t enough, the church preached that the shinobi used dark magic, or some sort of demonic possession to use their jutsu…. Or magic as the priest so call it. That being said, any priest inside Hoshi would probably be executed if they were to preform such an unholy marriage.

That being said, not all priest were from Hoshi.

Back before Hikari was a Chunin, she ran a mission with a few other shinobi, A chunin named Shiro Kaguya, A new Genin by the name of Damon, and a been around slightly longer Genin by the name of Tenma Ketsukei. They preformed a mission where they took a priest who was supporting shinobi out of the village for his own protection.

Originaly, the plan was that that said team were supposed to run this mission, however, The Chunin, Shiro Kaguya went off on a mission a while ago, and has been missing in action ever since. Hikari was hoping that she could go try to chase him down after this mission. The other person, Tenma Ketsukei, was busy preparing for his Chunin exams. That left Hikari and Damon to preform the mission. However, they were put together with a genin Hikari met before, Akemi Hiyu, and a new person called Yurei.

But anyways, the reason why this is important is because there is a priest out there who is willing to marry a shinobi to a civilian… and Hikari had sent a messenger pigeon to the holy man, asking him to return for the ceremony, and the man agreed.

So that is where Hikari was right now…. Heading to the Hoshi gate in order to pick the man up.

As she walked, the girl was getting distracted by reading a book with a new jutsu she was trying to learn in it. It was the same jutsu about the five elemental seal jutsu, and it read as such.
The Five Elements seal is a powerful technique that is used to block or disturb the target’s chakra flow. It is an A rank Fuinjutsu, and is made by using one’s chakra in order to make a seal on each of ones fingers. Each seal is a kanji of a certain element, a seal for fire style, a seal for earth style, a seal for water style, a seal for lightning style, and a seal for wind style. Each corresponding seal removes the targets ability to use that jutsu. Along with that, when the user places the seal on a person, that person will feel a great shock, and will immediately pass out for an extended period of time unless said target has a great ability to take damage. Along with that, if the seal is strong enough to make the target lose his or her ability to use chakra, then said user has to break the seal in order to use chakra again.

Hikari had been reading this for the last couple of days, and felt like she had it down by now. Prehaps she could get Damon or Shouhei to let her practice on them tomorrow… or today…. It was dark out, Hikari wasn’t sure if it was morning or night yet. Either way, Hikari would continue walking toward the gate Where she was supposed to be meeting with Thoros (The holy man.)

After a bit of time, she got to the front gates of the village. Looking around the chestnut-haired girl saw that there were only two rather large queen’s men guarding the grounds. It was strange, there wasn’t any shinobi around. Usualy there would be one or two posted on garud right now. But anyways, that wasn’t her job right now… it was Chunin’s job to find the priest and to escort him safely to the hotel which he was to be staying at.

It took about 30 minutes of nothing happening, The chestnut haired girl thought for a second that the maybe she had gotten here early?  Hikari looked over at the clock that was in the guards station. No… she was here on time … the man was late. It was kind of concerning… there were Missing ninjas and bandits around…. Perhaps they got to the priest? As these thoughts went through Hikari’s mind, she saw in the distance, 3 figures of people coming over to them.

Amoung the three, the Chunin noticed that there was one walking in the center… standing out a little bt infront of the other two… and she recognized him as the preist that the young girl was supposed to be escorting.

A warm smile would appear on the girl’s face as she approached the oncoming group, she walked out until she was about 20 meters away from the village.

“Mr. Thoros?” Hikari would ask… she wasn’t sure why, she knew the man. “My name Is Hikari Nami…. Hikari.” Hikari stopped herself, she probably shouldn’t of given away her last name. “I don’t know if you recall, but I was a part of the group that evacuated you from the city originally, I was the girl in the cloak, which is why you probably don’t recognize me. My job is to escort you and your guards to the hotel and keep you safe while you are here. If you don’t mind, I will take you back to the hotel now, and we can discuss plans for the wedding from that point on.”

With that, Hikari would turn around and walk back toward the gate. She expected the oncoming party to say something after that, however for some reason they stayed quite. As Hikari made her way to the gates, two of the queen’s men would approach her.


Hikari would groan in her head as she heard this, she knew what was coming. “We need to know who you are, and why you are coming here….”

Usualy, this wouldn’t be a problem…. But Hikari knew that this was a very…. Different situation. She couldn’t just say that he was here to perform a marriage, this was a bit of a big deal right now in the country, and if word got out, it would make her job of protecting the holy man even harder. That being said, The chestnut haired woman would have to convince them to just let them in without answering any question.

“HI,” Hikari would say in a super friendly way, she also figured she should probably lie about her name, just to be safe,   “I’m Eva Marie, I am a Chunin from the village, just coming back from a mission…. And just reporting back from it.”

“Bull shit.” the other garud would say. “We have been watching you for the last half hour, you have been here, you just met up with this group and are letting them in.”
Hikari bit her lip, Her original plan wasn’t to lie the way she did…. “Well… you see… that was my mission… I was just here to make sure these Very important clients got here safely…. And now they are so…. I will be takeing them in now.. ”

Hikari would start to walk back to the village, but she was cut off by the queen’s men physicaly getting in their way.

“Not so fast,” the massive man would ask, and nod his face toward the guard. “And they are?”

Biteing her lip, Namikaze would think for a second. As stated before, she couldn’t say who they were and why they were here… ”That…” She would say, thinking quick,  “Is business of Her Grace, and the shinobi she deployed on this mission, so if you don’t mind…. Thiis isn’t your concern”

Well, that was a mistake….

It wasn’t the girl’s desire to be rude when she said that… however… the moment she said that, she realized that is how it came out.

“None of my concern?” the Garud asked, “I am a Queens man of Hoshigakure, I have been here for over a decade! Where does a snot nosed kid like you get off telling me what is my buiseness!”

Hikari would shake, a little bit, just for a second, before regain her composure and saying, “Sir, that came out harsher than what I meant it to, and for that, I apologize, however… that being said, I do stand by what I said. This is Shinobi business, so, I can’t tell you. For that… I apologize.”

That was the last straw for the man, rage filled through his eyes as he drew his sword at a speed of 50 and sharpness of 75, and tried to swing it at the girl, screaming “DIE YOU FUCKING DEMON!” as he did.
Hikari, with a speed of 62 back out of the way of the sword, as he reached out, Hikari would activate the five elemental seal, and place it right on his stomach.

As it hit his stomach, the man would pass out due to the seal.

Once she was done, The other man would draw his sword and try to swing it also. At a speed of 60, and a sharpness of 80. This time it was way too fast for Hikari to just dodge, that being said, Hikari would look into his eyes and Use the body paralysis jutsu, in order petrefy the man. Once he was stuned, Hikari would preform the same attack on him in order to render him unconscious.

That being done, Hikari knew she had to move quick, or more people might show up, she quickly put some booze, poor it in their mouths, and put some bottles of it around them, that way, when they woke up in a few hours, they would think that they just had just gotten drunk and that is what happened to them. With that, Hikari would then rush her client to the hotel he was supposed to stay at, that way, he would be safe until the Wedding in two day’s time.

TWC: 2118
A rank mission reward
2118 Words toward 5 elemntal seal, with discount for max stats and other practice giving 3000/3000 WC

(Will not be exiting though, just in case my team needs me to help them.)
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:52 am
All participants must do the WC before the entire mission can be completed. Denied at the moment for mission rewards, approved for 5 elements seal.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:55 am
Ok, thanks
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:23 pm
Oh gods, another mission with a girl. How did he predict something like this happening? Was he a psychic? A holy prophet? It mattered little, all that mattered was making sure he did this mission to the best of his ability. He didn't want to embarrass himself again, or maybe he wouldn't. After all, he had received word that the mission was going to be in four parts/stages. The first one having already been completed by Hikari. That left... The second stage for Akemi. Hooray for sloppy seconds.

Alright, the second stage was all about finding a place where the bride and groom could get married. How hard could that be? It was virtually impossible to mess this up. Unless the person who was doing it had black hair, had gray eyes, was extremely short, was pale and had a name beginning with A and ended with an I, Okay, okay, Akemi understood that putting himself down was not the key to success. But with self-esteem as low as Akemi's, it was hard not to. 

Akemi knew little about his clients or why he had done this mission. After all, he had been kind of 'thrust' into it. Without much information other than "This is the mission, do the second part". Yeah... Not the best way to start a mission. See, Akemi was not very smart. Even if he had known the backstory, he would have nooo clue on where to even begin looking. Or where to even learn where to start looking to learn where he had to begin looking. Akemi widened his eyes slightly, he didn't know it was possible to confuse himself. Yet he just had. What an oddball he was turning out to be...

Akemi was wearing his normal clothes of course: his baggy gray trousers, his black t-shirt, his baggy gray jumper which was several sizes too large for his small frame. And last - but by no means least - his fabulous blue scarf. It was truly the cherry on top to his outfit, which the theme of was simply 'Boring and Bland as possible'. He had also decided to leave his bo staff back at his apartment, it drew too much attention to himself. His newly-acquired tanto though was tightly strapped horizontally to the base of his spine and both his weapon pouches were loaded with all the necessary ammunition. I.E: All his Kunai and shuriken.

A ha! As he walked through Hoshi, he spotted a small stall with the words "Tourist Center" written on the sign above it. Akemi was no tourist, but they would probably have some kind of map he could borrow. Even if they didn't he would most certainly complain to the higher-ups about that. The city hidden among the stars was fairly infamous for its sprawling streets and hard-to-navigate paths. What kind of city wouldn't have maps anyway?

He walked up to the stall and got the old man's attention via a short, polite cough. "What can I help you with, young man?" asked the store owner, a wise and kind twinkle reflecting in his eye. It was an odd thing to see in Hoshi, most people hated the ninja. "I was just wondering if I could receive a map? I appear to have gotten a little lost." Akemi said, to which the old man started to chuckle. It was a nice laugh, filled with a distinct welcomeness and heart. "Don't worry, kid, Hoshi is definitely not the most welcoming of places to newcomers such as yourself." Akemi held back his tongue, it appeared that the man thought Akemi was a new-comer, oh well, it would be less embarrassing if the man continued to think that. "Here's a map," the man's smile grew as he slid a map across the counter to Akemi "Try not to get lost!" Akemi nodded his thanks and unfurled the map as he walked away.

Akemi started to multi-task, one-half of his brain was scanning the map for any possible locations, while the other half was thinking about the technique Akemi had wanted to learn for ages. It was a weaponry technique, hard to learn by nature, and it was called "Wind Release : Chakra Blade". He had never been able to learn it for a while, due to the simple reason that he hadn't owned a proper sword/blade until now. Currently, he had a tanto. A blade which would work quite well with his chakra infusion and subsequently, this technique.

The technique seemed to use the fundamentals of chakra infusion, but instead of sending pure, unrefined chakra into the blade. It sent wind chakra. The wind chakra improving the basic properties of pure chakra, and giving the weapon a huge sharpness increase. Heck, a basic tanto enhanced by this technique could probably even pierce straight through some types of armor! He smiled, he had recently been gaining a huge sum of techniques to use. It was a shame that his reserves weren't large enough to use them all in succession. He would probably find that he would have to rely on his base physical prowess most of the time. Especially with how much energy the Seven Heavens Breathing technique expended.

With his mind split on two different things, he almost didn't spot it. A small church on a small, relatively hidden place in hoshi called "The Avenue of stars". Akemi had never even heard of that place, an ode to how hidden it was. Had he found the perfect place to start the wedding? He doubted it, his luck never took him this far, especially during missions. Well, he technically could go back to the hotel where his clients were supposed to be staying and tell the next mission partner to escort them there. But he could potentially ruin the mission if he did that. And he most certainly, did not want to make a fool of himself again. Especially in front of someone he already had made a fool of himself already. He could just imagine the fear that would accompany it. 

He traced the route from his current position to the church multiple times. Making sure to firmly cement it in his forgetful mind. It was likely that he would forget it, he just wanted to narrow the chances of that actually happening. He had forgotten stuff so many times, that it had become a habit for him to re-read things multiple times before committing them to memory. As he traced the route for the fifth time, he realized something. 

It was on the other side of Hoshi.

How had he not seen that sooner? He needed to become more perceptive! He was a close-range specialist for god's sake, what good could he do if he didn't pay attention to his surroundings? That's right, absolutely nada. On the plus side though, it gave him a good opportunity to practice the "Wind Release : Chakra Blade" technique while he travelled. Every cloud has a silver lining. He found himself reciting another famous quote, go figure.

He checked around to see if anyone was in his vicinity - they weren't - and then proceeded to use the surface walking technique to walk up the side of a nearby building, and end up on the roof. Once on top, the wind blow through his hair, the whole scene looking like some kind of crappy conditioner commercial. He looked around in absolute awe, while this high up, he could see the majority of Hoshi. It was breathtaking. It was almost enough to distract him from the bitter cold up here. There was no protection from the harsh winds of Haven. And it was certainly hitting Akemi hard.

To prevent himself from turning into Jack Frost, Akemi started to run in the direction of the church. While running, he pulled out the tanto from its sheath, keeping it to his side so that if he accidentally tripped, it wouldn't impale him. He started by using the basic chakra infusion on the blade. He felt the sharpness and durability go up in his hand. He could bring it further though, he just needed to practice. He started to search around his chakra coils for the familiar feeling of wind chakra. The fluidity and sharpness. He soon found it, the task proving to not be difficult in the slightest. After all, his main chakra infinity was with the wind element.

Once finding the feeling of wind chakra, Akemi 'pushed' it into the blade. The increased durability stayed the same, but Akemi somehow Felt the shift in the sharpness of the blade. It was hard to explain. It was like... He was connected to the blade. And he had just felt it shift. Yeah, not the best of explanations. But Akemi (And his writer) was not the most articulate with words. So dear reader, that is what you're going to have to roll with.

Akemi soon realized what a hit to his reserves this was doing, he whistled in astonishment. Holy ****, either his reserves were tiny (Which was true) or the technique required a lot of chakra, both of which were most likely true. He made a mental note to only use this technique when he was sure that his reserves would be fine.

With the prospective wedding destination in his sights, Akemi breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like a pretty formal establishment. Well... Formal as in 'None of the windows were smashed' and 'There was very little graffiti littering the walls'. It didn't look posh, not by any stretch of the imagination. Perhaps it looked like this because it was in a very tucked-away corner of Hoshi? He hummed and nodded, that was probably it.

He jumped off the building he was currently running along, breaking the damage of the fall by rolling when he hit the ground. Akemi almost smugly smirked when he hit that perfect roll. But he was in a race for time, he needed to do this without getting distracted! Easier said than done, but entirely plausible should he put his mind to it. Unfortunately, that was quite a rare thing. Putting his mind to a task that is. He started sprinting towards the doors of the church, he needed to do this!

Once he was at the doors, he was sweating profusely. Why would he not be? After all, he had just ran the entirety of Hoshi, without stopping once. That was a pretty impressive feat by itself. Akemi didn't dwell on his awesomeness though, he had a single job to do. There was no way - in hell - that he was going to mess this one up. Akemi was a man on a mission! And hell hath no fury like interrupting a man on a mission. Was that how the saying goes? Akemi mentally shrugged, his author must be too lazy to search it up or something.

He stepped through the doors and was immediately greeted by the sheer emptiness of it. There was no sound, apart from a faint humming sound emitting from behind a corner. Akemi cleared his throat, the resulting sound echoing around the empty church. He heard the humming stop before a tiny old man came stepping out from behind the corner. Christ almighty! This man was almost as small as Akemi! The Hiyu grinned at the man, before walking across the church foyer and stopping in front of the man.

"Who are you, young'n? This church doesn't get many visitors," The tiny old man raised a shaking, threatening finger. "You better not be planning on vandalizing this place!" The man stared accusingly at Akemi.

The Hiyu raised both hands in a defensive manner, "Oh n-n-no, sir! I was just told to find an out-of-the-way church to host a semi-legal marriage in. Is that ok?" Akemi questioned, his nervousness getting the better of him. The man only opened his mouth, revealing his complete lack of teeth, and started to properly laugh. "Most criminals are not that forthcoming about their crimes, go ahead. No one ever uses this churche anyway. Besides, if you do get busted, it'll bring some fun into my life." Akemi nodded, he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. 

Akemi waved goodbye to the man and sprinted out the door "Thank you!" he shouted over his shoulder as he left the door. Once outside, Akemi immediately made a break for the hotel where the two important guests were staying.

Once at the hotel, Akemi walked through the doors and strode up to the counter. The receptionist looked up at him and Akemi simply said, in a somewhat quickened manner. "Hey, another ninja should be coming shortly. Please may you give this to them and tell them to bring the clients to the specified place? Thank you!" Akemi handed the receptionist the map he had been given earlier. Though with one distince difference, he had drawn a large circle around the designated church, along with the shortest route posible from the hotel to the destination.

Akemi sighed, he had done it. He left the hotel and walked back to his apartment at a lesuirley pace, he could collect his pay later, he just needed to rest.

(I apologize for any typos, I didn't have time to proof-read it.)

WC: 2201

Claims: A-Ranked Mission completed (Along with all the rewards once Yurei and Damon do their posts). Also, i believe you can claim stats from missions b-ranked and above at an increased word count. 2000/4000=5. So claiming 5 stat points. Also, going to claim Chakra Blade [2000/2000]
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:21 am
The City Blessed by the Stars certainly had a romantic air to it. Perhaps it was due in part to the underlying pink hued undertone and a rather impressive collection of hearts. All metaphorical, of course. Marriage happened to be the subject of the day at hand. Sword Nato (yes do not laugh at his name), a fellow comrade in arms in the shinobi forces of Hoshigakure, had fallen in love with a beautiful woman by the name of Dee Maro, who just so happened to be a civilian. Now with the current circumstances surrounding the village, these two star crossed lovers belonged to entirely different factions, both of which seemed to hate the other. Damon himself had seen this hatred first hand, after all, he had held the lifeless body of the man who raised him before his very eyes, which had then turned into a deep, crimson red complete with a single tomoe swirling about.

Damon was currently living within the dormitory of a rather unpopular cathedral, that rarely received visitors it seemed. It was quite obvious that it has seen better days before, and now was only run by a lone monk by the name of Saishi. Although, sadly, he had received intel that confirmed that Akemi, the boy with the difficulty learning to breathe, seemed to have found a temple for the marriage to take place  before Damon even had a chance to, which sucked since it would have been the perfect task for the Uchiha, given his connection. Oh well, maybe he should have been quicker. He was left with an almost equally important task, maybe even more important. Actually, yeah it was more important. So suck it, Kibbles you job stealing thief. Damon swung his legs off his makeshift hammock, and slipped on his default clothing. Getting a good look at himself in the mirror, he felt off. I can’t really just wear this… right? He was going to a wedding after all, so he should dress up for the occasion. A short sleeved jacket and pants which were not formal would not suit the event in the slightest. Whelp. Guess I’m going clothes shopping.

Damon exited the cathedral and headed to the marketplace once more. It seemed like he continually kept coming here lately. However, this time, he was not checking out the vendors, tracking down a girl, or heading down into the sewers and stopping a coup. Today was simple. It was just time to get some clothes. He started by window shopping until he noticed a rather nice, neatly tailored suit that suited, hah get it, a mannequin very well. He headed inside the boutique store, where he would try it on in view of a mirror. Dang, I look fine, he would think as he tried on a silver dress shirt and sleek black dress pants complete with a matching sportcoat. Nice. Now having his duds for the day, Damon walked to the register to pay the appropriate ryo cost. The cashier then responded, “Oh, sir, might I say that we have a rather nice selection of belts available along that far wall,” the balding old man stated as he pointed to the belt rack. Damon checked his wallet. He really was starting to run low on funds, since he had just bought this super cool sword and all, and now this suit? It was already enough, so instead he just gave the man a smile. “No thank you, I’m okay. Besides…” A light bulb flashed above his head. And by that, I mean Damon sent out an electrical pulse to make the light above his head explode. “WHAT IN THE WORLD?” came the cry of the shopkeeper but Damon was still in thought. He ran his hand through his hair and shrugged off all of the loose pieces of glass as he fished out his shinobi headband. He usually wore this on his right bicep, but it would just be plain tacky with a suit on. Instead, he decided to tuck the fabric through the belt loops on his pants, and tie it behind him. Now he had a makeshift belt that also showed the City Blessed by the Stars that he was indeed a ninja. A proud one at that. “I think I’ve got it covered.” The engraved star made a nice center on what would have been the belt buckle. Damon then paid the confused shopkeeper the correct amount of ryo, although he could have sworn that it should not have been that much. Almost as if the crotchety geezer had jacked the price up once Damon whipped out his shinobi headband. Oh well, he was not going to let that faze him. And today’s mission was a step in the right direction towards fixing it.

On the way to the hotel, the Uchiha decided it best that he at least do some training, even if it is absentmindedly so. Withdrawing a kunai from his storage displacement jutsu, the now suited boy traversed through the village holding the shaft of the weapon. He looked at it, not quite paying attention to where he was going. He had already mentally mapped out his route upon seeing the mission details, and wanted to do something in the meantime that was not THAT flashy. So he settled on a rather basic skill: chakra infusion, the jutsu that allows one to focus their chakra through objects and weapons and also opens the door to all jutsu that require chakra to be infused into objects to use, including elemental chakra. Today was just going to be the basic chakra infusion, as the blueish purplish chakra of the boy would surge through his own chakra network and towards the blade itself. However, it seemed to come to a halt in his right forearm, at about the level of his fingertips. The difficulty in this technique seemed to stem from expelling your chakra out from your body in a very physical manner. Your chakra needed to coat the tool or weapon, making it very different from chakra sensory. Let it flow, don’t force it. As he relaxed more and allowed his chakra to flow to the end of his hand instead of being the direct cause, he felt himself relax and have his chakra leave his body, instead finding solace in the sleekness of his kunai. He looked at the sharp, black blade and thought about what it truly was. A weapon. This was not all just for fun and games. He could potentially kill someone with this very kunai one day. The throwable weapon began to glow with a blue aura which bordered on silver, like that of the moon itself, instead of the mundane and common blue chakra.

Damon arrived at the hotel were Sword Nato and Dee Maro were staying. In separate rooms of course. According to tradition, the bride should not see the groom before the wedding and all that. Upon arriving within the lobby, he walked up to the receptionist. “Hi, how are you doing,” the genin started, “I’m looking for the room which belongs to Maro, as well as, (shark) Nato. I’m here to pick them up, on shinobi business.” Her face lit up in realization, “Oh, you must be the ninja that that short, scrawny boy mentioned. I have something for you.” She turned around for just a moment as she fetched the map that Akemi had left behind. “Here it is!” She said as she returned with a paper in hand. Taking it as she offered it, Damon unraveled it, to see that it was a map with his path already set out. “Well, that’s convenient. Thank you,” he said turning to her and bowing respectively. She then told him the room numbers as he thanked her once more and headed down the hall ways. The two were separated by a few rooms in between them to keep them apart before the wedding. Come on, it’s worth the wait.

But how was he supposed to keep track of both of them at the same time? Especially since the groom was never supposed to see the bride before the wedding. If only he could be in two places at once… Oh wait. He can. “Shadow clone jutsu!” Damon said to no one in particular. Maybe he was just announcing his presence to the hallway or it was just a subconscious thing. Probably not the best idea for battle thought, because then you would just be letting your opponent know what technique you were using. Another Damon poofed up next to him in a cloud of smoke. Hikari had taught him this jutsu what felt like forever ago. “Okay, obviously you know the plan.” Clone Damon nodded his head. Sadly, there was no clever name like Clonemori to bestow upon this doppelganger. Original Damon would then go to the bride’s room. Not that there was a skill difference in the Damons, but he just wanted to be sure that he himself was with the civilian in this situation. The clone would proceed with his part of the plan as the Uchiha himself would knock on the door three times before waiting with his hands gripping each other in front of him. A faint “Who is it?” came from behind the door. “Your escort for the evening. My name’s Damon and I’m here to help you get to the church.” She opened the door hesitantly. “My name’s Dee. Dee Maro.” Damon bowed. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Maro. Or should I say Mrs. Nato?” he said with a grin. She giggled nervously as she responded, “Not just yet. That part comes later. One moment please.” She then closed the door as Damon waited outside. He managed to see the clone and the man who must have been Sword Nato, already in a tuxedo, leaving the hotel room. The two Damons gave each other thumbs ups as the clone continued with the plan. There would be no carriages or anything fancy, as to not draw attention to themselves. The door then opened once more, conveniently as the groom was already gone. “Shall we?” Damons said. He noticed that Dee was not in her wedding dress just yet, instead she held it. “What am I supposed to do with this?” Damon then took it from her, “Allow me.” He then signed the handseals for storage displacement and tucked it away safely in a pocket dimension. “Tada. I’ll give it to you back at the church.” The two would then take off into the village, on a rather uneventful journey. In fact, there seemed to be no problems at all getting there, which the shinobi found weird. Just in case, he channeled chakra down his right forearm, coating a sheathed kunai in his own silvery chakra. But alas, no threat came. Once they arrived at the church, Damon escorted the bride to her room safely, giving her back her dress from the storage dimension. Seems like hiding the dress gave them the element of stealth. She smiled at him, “Thank you.” “My pleasure,” came his automatic reply. Almost like he had work in six hours or something. He would catch just a glance of Sword Nato, in a tux that had several cut marks across the sleeves and even one across his chest. No blood, however, which just showed how well he must have fought against an ambush. The shadow clone Damon then dispersed upon mission completion, giving Damon its memories. The two had encountered a group of people opposed to the wedding, who had come at them kunais slashing. They fought them off and had returned safely.

Adjusting his tie, Damon would stand respectfully in the back of the main room. His part may have been over, but he at least wanted to see the fruits of his labor: the marriage between a shinobi and a civilian in the City Blessed by the Stars of all places. Although, this was not technically his part, he would be here for Yurei, who was supposed to be taking over the fourth part. He was actually looking for his friend when he was caught off guard by the sound of a throat clearing. Turning his head, he was met by Sword Nato, in a new tux. Glancing past his shoulder, it seemed that the best man had opted to trade tuxedos so that the groom would look his best for the arrangement. “That was some fighting you did back there,” he said with a smile on his face. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to thank you…” Before he could finish, Damon cut him off, “No thanks is necessary, sir, I’m just doing my job and-” Now it was Sword’s turn to cut him off. “I’d like you to be my last groomsman. You’d be standing at the end of the line, of course. But it’s still-” Wow if only these two would let each other finish their own- “I’d be honored to, sir. Thank you!” Damon then accompanied Sword to the front of the reception as he was told what he had to do. He would even get to accompany a bridesmaid. Suck it, Yurei. I mean, good luck.


WC: 2208

Claiming: Mission Rewards upon Yurei completing, Chakra Infusion (2000/2000), 5 stats
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Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Sun Jun 11, 2017 4:21 pm
Yurei Uchiha found himself stirring out of a light slumber under a cherry blossom tree. The air was filled with the pink and red hues of falling blossoms, as well as the rays of warm sunlight penetrating the tree’s thick flowers. The rays of yellow light turned red as they cut through the shade looming below the tree where Yurei sat. He had his behind resting on its twisting trunk and a book in his lap. The pale Uchiha boy looked up at the sky, noting the position of the sun. It was still early, and the wedding wasn’t said to commence for another two hours. A wedding between civilian and shinobi. Amazing. This progress between two peoples warmed Yurei’s heart greater than any ray of sunshine. It was his purpose in life to see a peace between those who could harness their chakra and those who could not, and this wedding represented the power that love and hope held over fear and hatred.

For Yurei’s entire life, he had been told that shinobi were not to be trusted – that they were too dangerous, too.. perhaps the word his father had used was prideful. He couldn’t remember. Perhaps that was the case. Perhaps arrogance had festered within those who could use their chakra. It wouldn’t be surprising. Those who are stronger naturally wish to boast about it, and a haughty nature wasn’t lacking in the shinobi he had seen and met. But Yurei knew now what his father couldn’t understand – that shinobi harbored a great pain and weight on their shoulders that could not be lifted. Yurei felt it sometimes, as if the world were collapsing on top of him. The very stress made him claustrophobic, unable to breath and bearing a sensation of his chest collapsing in on itself. So many shinobi made sacrifices for the betterment of the world, and to solely focus on the wrong-doings of shinobi was, simply put, willful ignorance.

Yurei detested that mentality. It painted shinobi as hateful and narcissistic on a canvas of fear and prejudice. There was no way around it. Yurei knew this, even if he had only really met two shinobi, because he knew something more than two shinobi. He knew people, and ninja were no different. Everyone has flaws, Yurei could see that now, and it did take a toll on his conviction for peace between civilians and shinobi, but ultimately it was wind against a boulder. Yurei’s hope was unwavering, and, despite the evils of people, he believed they could come together, and this wedding was evidence of that.

Or perhaps this was simply a young shinobi’s naïveté, a young boy who understood so little about the real world and the sorrow it could bestow. Perhaps he underestimated the hatred one could hold in their soul and heart. This wedding was progress, but those who stood against it were a grim reminder of Hoshigakure Society. This odd duality added so much conflict for nothing, all generated from fear and hate.

Yurei took a deep breath and closed his book, placing it in the light patch of the faded green grass he sat upon. With all of his hope, sometimes it was difficult to look at his situation and maintain it, no matter how strong his conviction was. His mission meant change, but it also possessed intolerance. Marriage would not be enough to disperse the hatred. No, in some ways it would only fuel it, serving as both an example for love and for one of betrayal, and not just on the civilian side. Yurei hadn’t met any, but he would be foolish to assume no shinobi out there hated the idea of this wedding. It was the reversed role, perhaps someone he knew held these convictions – this mutual hatred for civilians as they hated ninja.

The pale Uchiha boy rose his index finger to his lip and slowed his breathing. Such thoughts couldn’t be allowed to dissuade him. No, he had to prove his father wrong, and, more importantly, he had to bring the village together. The albino looked at his hands, clenched them, feeling the blood surge through his fingertips, and then released them. His hands had the potential to shape the village in a way words could not. Genjutsu. Love was the only way to stop this pain, and love, mutual understanding, could be achieved through illusions.

When Yurei first met Damon Uchiha, he had no idea what his thoughts on civilians were, or if he had any plans to stop the hatred that plagued the village, but he did know to befriend him and to train with him. Damon Uchiha was strength in conviction, if not with a bit of quirk mixed in – his fixation with fire noticeably. What Yurei did not know, however, was the pain that Damon possessed. He still did not know what it was exactly, but his genjutsu broke Damon to a degree he did not know of. A mere display of fire surrounding him had caused the Uchiha to collapse and then leave after dissipating the illusion. That was the evidence Yurei needed to prove genjutsu’s potential to sway others and to bend them to a benevolent, yet iron clad will that promoted peace. Something so small profoundly affected Damon, but the price was perhaps too great, or greater than Yurei had wanted or even intended. It was pure accident, but through this accident, the pale Uchiha’s discovery had been made, and now Yurei possessed an even greater understanding of genjutsu, both in amount and effects.

The Uchiha boy rose, stretching and yawning. It was a long walk to the cathedral were the wedding was to be taking place, and he didn’t want to be pressed for time given how grim the situation could potentially become. Yurei grabbed his book and tucked it into the weaving branches of the cherry blossoms. He took a final deep breath, smelling the succulent aroma of the nectar within the flowers. They reminded him of love, that remarkable emotion that was so potent in the air today.

The small genin strolled down the sidewalk with his new destination. The assignment was simple enough. All he had to do was oversee the wedding and see to that there were no.. complications. This of course meant that people were angry about the wedding, and the threat of danger was ever present. What wasn’t these days, though? Merely walking outside with a headband was begging for violence, but today Yurei wore it proudly. He was done hiding from the world, done with his transformation disguise. That was no way to bring about understanding. It was cowering, and his new interest was supported by how powerful he was becoming. Yurei walked on, his bamboo sandals clicking against the concrete beneath them. The heat of the sun ripped the air above the hot sidewalk, almost making it too hazy to focus. The benefit of being an albino, however, was that he rarely was hot, even under Hoshigakure’s sun. His white hair and skin naturally repelled the heat and light of the sun, but he was still accustomed to burnings.

Finally, the cathedral came into view. It was massive – beautiful. Yurei had never seen anything like it. The boy was not accustomed to priests of any sort or their beliefs. Oddly enough, his parents were never compelled to participate with typical civilian life, despite trying not to stand out. Perhaps that was for the best, however, based on what Yurei had heard about what they preached. Still, it was odd that this wedding was happening at a place most civilians gathered to despise shinobi, again, rumors.

Yurei came to the center door of the church, finding it loosely open. The doors towered over him, both engraved with a beautiful pattern that spoke of dedication and precision. Upon opening the doors, Yurei found few people inside, but they were all working for the wedding. It was evident that it was to be small, but that was to be expected. So few people actually supported this occasion.

For the next hour and a half, Yurei surveyed the premises, locking most doors and checking windows, not that villagers would have the capabilities to reach them. The church was sealed, for the most part, and all Yurei had to worry about was the main door. The pale boy scaled the walls of the cathedral, finally reaching a platform raised high about the rows of seats, but with everyone and the doors in clear view. The scrawny genin closed his eyes softly, and then opened them with force, revealing his white, glowing Sharingan. He watched the people enter like a hawk, utterly silent and focused.

But then he started thinking. Marriage was the unison between people, but that union breaks, usually through divorce, or perhaps death. Yurei was helping love to unite two people with this mission, but he had also severed love with his father’s death.

“No, I can’t think of that right now,” Yurei said, his eyes almost shaking. Now was not the time for remorse. It was time for focus and discipline, and achieving his goals. Before long, what Yurei recognized as the groom and priest entered, along with Damon, who held a lengthy conversation with the groom that ended in what Yurei read as thanks on both parties. Damon was surprisingly well dressed, in a suit and everything. The pale genin scowled, looking at his kimono. “Damon,” he said angrily. It didn’t really matter, however. Yurei had no intentions of making himself known to everyone else. Instead, he hid, crouched and observing his prey alone. Perhaps that was for the best. After his father’s recent passing, Yurei had no desire to converse with anyone. He wanted to be, needed to be alone.

Soon, the wedding commenced, and the bride entered the cathedral bearing a bouquet of bountiful cherry blossoms and a long, flowing, white kimono. Fitting. So Yurei wasn’t underdressed then. Magnificent music filled the air as the cherry blossoms over the genin’s head once had, both equally soothing. The bride walked down the aisle, joining her groom, who was dressed in black in white.

Then something caught Yurei’s gleaming eyes. A shadow just outside of the main doors. The pale ninja leapt above everyone, running around the complex and peering outside the window just above the main entrance. A small crowd was marching this way. Yurei grit his teeth in anger and slipped out, landing in front of the main doors.

The crowd stopped, all glaring at the small shinobi. A man dressed in a red suit lead the charge, bearing a white and red hannya mask. Yurei could feel their seething hatred. It was potent in the air, as much as the love he felt.

“Let us pass or be killed, child,” the man said, glaring, his beady eyes burning behind the demon mask. “This wedding must be stopped.”

“No. Turn back now. This is your only warning.”

“So be it, the man said. Two men from the crowd tossed Molotov cocktails at the church. Yurei watched with his sharingan, withdrawing two kunai from his pouch and throwing them to intercept, splattering alcohol and fire onto the concrete.

Yurei scowled at the crowd and raised his hand, pointing at the man in the hannya mask and unleashing his chakra. It surged at the crowd as the stared, caught in his genjutsu. “You are trapped within the Ephemeral technique,” Yurei said coldly. “Only a shinobi can break out of it. This wedding shall continue, but before it ends you will understand what it means to be in hated.”

Yurei bent the genjutsu to his will, dressing the crowd in shinobi attire. They bore headbands and kunai, but were helpless to move. Everyone’s wife, child, husband, their entire families appeared before them, pleading for their help as villagers pelted them. It was the reversing of the tides. Each member of the crowd begged for the illusion to stop as their families died before them due to their own violence and hate.

But this left Yurei unsatisfied. How could he show them love when he understood so little of it. Instead, he made them share his pain. It worked, to a degree, but at the same time it only increased the suffering of the village.

Yurei released them from the genjutsu when the church bells rang, signifying the end of the wedding. Most were left unconscious or had fled, but Yurei didn’t care. Not right now. It was not the solution he had wanted, but it worked, if only temporarily. He was no master, and it did require a better understanding of love, but the wedding had been completed and that was all that mattered.

The shinobi didn’t enter the cathedral again. He was tired, didn’t feel like talking, and he needed time alone before his father’s funeral commenced that night. He helped unite two people in love, but his actions also caused the division of love. No matter how many times he apologized to his mother, Yurei would never feel satisfied. Before he left he turned back to the church and sighed. “Good luck.”
WC: 2193

Requesting: Mission Rewards, 5 Stats

Last edited by Yurei <3 on Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:35 pm; edited 3 times in total
Hikari Namikaze
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Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Sun Jun 11, 2017 4:24 pm
(Thanks so much for posting Yurei, I will get this mission up for approval, however, just heads up, you can claim 5 Stat points, not Ap. (Which for you is better)
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Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:05 pm
Hikari Namikaze <3 wrote:(Thanks so much for posting Yurei, I will get this mission up for approval, however, just heads up, you can claim 5 Stat points, not Ap. (Which for you is better)

I meant to put stats, not AP, lol. I corrected it. Thanks.
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:07 pm
@Yurei can you change the color of the text? It is very bright. Lol
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision Empty Re: Wedding bells Ringing! An A rank mision

Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:09 pm
Approved at everyone else. 2000/4000 is .5. Can't claim half a stat. Kidding.
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