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Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Tue May 09, 2017 3:22 pm
To Aryll’s surprise, the girl began to speak rhythmically, rhyming her words in a way that was eerily similar to what Xyxer had been doing the day that… She shuddered at the thought, trying not to show the discomfort the girl’s words caused her. Perhaps it was just a new fad among Kirigakure ninja, something the recluse Aryll likely wouldn’t have heard about. She smiled through her discomfort at these words, positive that the girl meant nothing by them.

When she commented on Aryll’s “500” pull ups, she grinned a little.
”Eh, it’s not so hard. Like I said, it’s all in your form.” She said sagely, practically forgetting the white lie she’d told. As Angel shook her hand, Aryll would grin and shake her head at the girl’s praise. She heard her grandpa’s sage voice in her head, quoting proverbs as he always did Flattery is fine so long as you don’t inhale he would always say. ”Oh, stop. Trust me, I’ve got way more time to do pull ups then most people. I always skip leg day.” She said, shrugging.

When she explained that she wanted to do some outdoor training, Aryll nodded in turn. ”The Grand Kirigakure library is useful, but I always prefer actual training.” She agreed, looking out from the pavilion. This morning, she’d been studying a few techniques, the first of which being the Temporary Paralysis Technique. Perhaps she could make use of Angel’s clone training and help her at the same time. She quickly pulled the book from her wheelchair’s pocket and flipped through the pages.

”Alright, I’ve got an idea. I have a ninjutsu technique I want to work on. I can help you learn to control your clones while I practice my technique on them. I can try my paralysis technique on them and maybe even destroy them. It’ll give you more practice reforming and controlling multiple clones at the same time. Sound good?” She offered
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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Tue May 09, 2017 3:50 pm
Angel would listen to the woman as she described what she wanted to do for training, “Alright, I’ve got an idea. I have a ninjutsu technique I want to work on. I can help you learn to control your clones while I practice my technique on them. I can try my paralysis technique on them and maybe even destroy them. It’ll give you more practice reforming and controlling multiple clones at the same time. Sound good?” Angel would nod, showing an understanding of what they were going too and say, “Yeah, that sounds fair to me. Let’s do this!”

With that, Angel would form the handsign of the clone, making her two pointer and middle slender pale fingers into the sign of a cross, and would suddenly clone herself into another solid form of her.
“Well, this isn’t as hard as you would belive it would be…” The girl would say and would start to back up to give her partner some time to go, “So, we will both rush you, and you need to stop us, ok?” Angel would ask before giving Aryll some time to comprehend the situation, and then starting to charge at her, lets say she backed up 20 meters, and Angel is going at a speed of 16.

WC: 223

Last edited by Angel Uchiha <3 on Fri May 12, 2017 5:33 pm; edited 3 times in total
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Tue May 09, 2017 4:07 pm
Aryll would nod as the girl agreed to her plan. The trouble was, she could only stop one of them at a time, so she would have to improvise. She’d read in the grand kirigakure academy about a technique that would allow her to sharpen her chakra threads, so perhaps she could employ that upon the clone while she subdued the real copy. Yes, that would work. She watched as Angel made the appropriate hand seals, bringing forth a copy of herself, and putting a distance of twenty meters between the two of them.

As Angel stated her plan, Aryll nodded vigorously, pushing her chair out into the open. She liked the challenge of this particular training method. As Angel created the clone, she commented on the ease of doing so. Aryll shrugged. She’d never attempted such a jutsu. In truth, she didn’t know all that many techniques, instead she typically put more focus into building her machines. Thus, training jutsu here was somewhat new for her.

As the two approached, Aryll’s eyes focused, her byakugan activating, as she studied them. When they reached about the 10 meter mark, Aryll would shoot her chakra threads out at the original Angel, which would move at a speed of 55 and connect to the original Angel. Should she be successful in doing so, she would yank the original Angel towards her quickly, causing her to land on her feet about 5 meters away, at which point, a quick tiger seal from Aryll would paralyze the original copy. Theoretically, that is. That done, Aryll would reach out and grab the clone with her threads once again, before tossing it aside with such force that it would likely dissipate.

If all this was successful, she’d look to her friend with glee at her mastering the technique on the first try. Unfortunately for her, the paralysis was not perfect, and while she would feel slowed by the technique, Angel would be able to move just fine. As such, with Aryll leaving her guard wide open, she likely wouldn’t be given the chance to grin at her friend.

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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Tue May 09, 2017 5:15 pm
As Angel would make the sign of the clone, a copy of her would appear to her side in a spoof of smoke, making it obvious which one was real and which one was the clone of the original.

As Angel charged at the girl, her eyes turned veiny and strange, this would make Angel slow down slightly (Lets say to a speed of 13). What was that? Angel didn’t know, it had to be some kind of dojutsu, or ocular technique. Usualy due to Bloodline, these were powerful jutsu that made one stronger than the average person. That being said, Angel didn’t know exactly what the jutsu was supposed to do. That being said, Angel was getting closer and closer….. 14 meters…. 13 meters …. 12 meters …. 11 meters.

(I don’t know for sure if the threads are visable or not without chakra vision, but for this case, lets say they aren’t, because It doesn’t really matter anyway, in your next post if you can let me know for sure, that would be awesome.)

Suddenly when The Uchiha made it to about 10 meters away from the hyuga girl, The blonde poet would be hit by the threads going at 55 meters, and be yanked over to in front of the girl, landing on her face in the mud. A split second later, the clone would be grabbed as well and thrown to the side….. lets say into a tree… and dispersed (Usualy, one would have to hit a clone with enough force to kill the original, but seeing how this clone wasn’t perfect yet, the clone would disperse with less force than what would usualy be needed.)

As she did, this, Angel tried to push off the ground and get onto her feet, covered in mud, when suddenly, she felt her limps go numb, her movement paralyzed, as she fell back down, flat on her face, being dunked into the mud a second time.

Angel grew up as a carpenter girl, and an artist, as such she knew of hardships, but this…. This was so humiliation, so disheartening, so…. Embarrassing. She had never in her life been so utterly defeated before. Although she was faced down in the mud, so Aryll couldn’t see her, tears would start to fall down her face. She was fine with the fact that she wasn’t the best shinobi ever…. but at the same time… to be completely humiliated by…. A cripple? It was completely and utterly unbarring….

Another thought corssed the Uchiha’s mind, what…. If she was so easily able to be defeated by some one without that had come at her with a killing intent? Angel wouldn’t have a way to be able to defend herself against them, exspily as she was right now….

Angel would continue to struggle against her invisiable blonds, she wasn’t able to move a finger…. It was a good thing Burr was laying face down, that way, her new friend couldn’t see that she had reduced her to tears.

Word count: 504
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Tue May 09, 2017 6:34 pm
The poof of smoke had indeed made it obvious which clone was real and which was a mere shadow clone. Aryll’s byakugan was surprisingly useless in discerning the real angel, but her common sense told her that the one that had just appeared in a poof of smoke was the fake. If she’d made a mistake, and the poofy one was the real deal… Well… She’d cross that bridge when she got to it, the point was that she didn’t want to hurt her new friend. Unfortunately, that would not be the case, because…

Well, that’s not really the right way to explain. Aryll’s mind got ahead of her when she told these stories, despite not being the narrator of this particular story. To be honest, she hadn’t paid much attention to her friend’s condition during the fight, and while she took care not to hurt her, it seemed she didn’t know her own strength. The girl was yanked into the mud, and Aryll, oblivious to this, merely dispatched the clone and and then paralyzed her opponent, as per the directions Angel had given her. Still, as the girl fell face first into the mud once again, Aryll felt a little bad. She hadn’t considered their surroundings when she did that.

”S… Sorry.” She muttered, holding a hand out to help her friend rise to her feet. She couldn’t tell that the girl was crying, but the way that she laid there in the mud, Aryll knew she’d done something wrong. A sense of childlike dread washed over her, and for some reason, she felt herself fearing that Angel would go tell her parents what she’d done. It was foolish, of course, because her parents were dead, but the feeling was still strong.

”Are you okay, Angel?” She asked worriedly. ”I didn’t hit you too hard, did I? I didn't mean to kick your ass, I just thought you would be coming at me with more, you know?”

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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Tue May 09, 2017 7:48 pm
“ Are you okay, Angel? I didn’t hit you too hard, did I?” Angel, would try to look up at Aryll, but the praylsis was still working at this point and her strength was not high enough to break out of the jutsu. Which was probably for the better, since Angel didn’t want to really show her face, but at the same time would of liked to get her face out of the mud. But what Aryll said was very helpful perhaps she was actualy really good and was at a much higher level than Angel and most genin was…. And that Angle didn’t really need to worry too much about this girl being so much stronger than her, even if she was crippld……

That was…. Atleast… until she said her next line. “I didn't mean to kick your ass, I just thought you would be coming at me with more, you know?”

Angel the paralysis lifted on the Uchiha girl, but she didn’t want to have any part of it…. She just sort of wanted to lay on the ground and mope like a little girl, she wasn’t ready for this… she just wanted to go back and live her comfortable life as an artist…..
After about a minute (Presuming that Aryll didn’t do anything more to beat Angel while she was down,) Angel would try to stand back up,

“Yeah…” Angel would say, “I…. I’m fine… sorry… I guess I am not that strong….” Her voice would crack ever so slightly, which might be a cue, but it would be hard to tell if she had tears coming down her face due to all the rain that was going on and the mud that was all over Angel’s face.

Word count; 299
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Tue May 09, 2017 8:48 pm
She didn’t mean to hurt the other girl’s feelings, of course, but Aryll had a certain way about her that meant her own cockiness wasn’t impeded by the situation her friend was in. She didn’t know she’d hurt the other girl’s feelings, and so she continued despite the obvious pain her friend was in. Oblivious, Aryll would continue to speak, trying to help her friend up.

She would help clear the mud from her friend’s face, unaware of her emotional state, not even noticing the tears due to the mud and rain.
”I’m sorry, I guess I don’t know my own strength” She said, sighing. ”I guess we’re just not in the same league. I should have been more careful.” She giggled, her words not meant at all with hostility. It was an innocent sort of arrogance, the kind the Hyuuga all seemed to boast.

It was typical, and Aryll of course didn’t know any better. It was how she was raised, and while she didn’t mean to mentally beat upon her friend, it would likely be interpreted that way.
”Are you alright?” She’d ask, unaware of the damage she was causing.
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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Tue May 09, 2017 10:05 pm
A she finaly got up, and tried to get the mud off of herself, Angel would look over at the hyuga and see that she was also helping get the mud off herself as well.
“”I’m sorry, I guess I don’t know my own strength I guess we’re just not in the same league. I should have been more careful.”

While Angel didn’t show it, this broke her heart in half, We are not in the same league

Angel was supposed to be a Kunochi…. If she wasn’t in the same league as someone… let alone A fellow genin…. It questioned whether or not she was going to be able to survive the up and coming days in her life as a kunochi…… If she didn’t… what would happen to her? She would probably be killed fairly soon, even sooner if someone got word of her heritage. She did not want to let anyone know about that… or she would most likely be targeted by others. This would make her shiver….

“Are you alright?” The hyuga would ask. Angel tried to keep a straight face as she continued to talk,
“Y…yeah..” She would say to the cripple “I don’t know what I was expecting…. After all, I am still so green…. But still…. It is kind of strange, you know? Just… Being so much weaker against someone who I am supposed to be on the same level as… it is kind of disheartening… you know?

Angel would look down, not making eye contact with The hyuga girl… not able to really look her in the eye as she said that.

WC: 280
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Gonna Fly Now (P, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Gonna Fly Now (P, NK)

Thu May 11, 2017 1:44 am
Aryll continued to speak, hopelessly unaware of the damage she was causing. She was quite naive, in that way. She’d never really had the need to watch her tongue. Grandpa Haru had always been so brutally honest that she’d grown remarkably thick skin, and had a hard time remembering that others weren’t always so tough. As the other girl spoke, Aryll did catch the stutter, but figured it was just the mud in her face, the gross feeling from being plowed through the dirt and water like that. She could understand that.

When she explained that the gap in power between them was disenheartening, Aryll’s face would change to a bashful grin. She recalled why her father had to repeat that line about flattery to her so often, for Aryll was very easily flattered. In this case, the power gap between them exemplified Aryll’s superior skill, and when combined with her Hyuuga heritage, an unrivaled edge against any common Shinobi.

”Aww, you’re too kind.” She would say, her face actually reddening a bit. She was a showman, if nothing else, and she’d learned to perfect this little swooning routine over the years and many many praises she’d received. ”I mean, I can’t even walk and I’m this strong. Imagine how much better I’d be if I could!” She said dreamily, forgetting that it had only been a few weeks that she’d been rendered immobile. Aryll had adapted quite well to her disability, that much was clear.

”I mean, I am a highborn Hyuuga, so it is only natural. I am sure you’ll grow powerful too, in time.” She said sagely, as if she were reading the question at the Miss Kirigakure pageant (Sponsored by the Tadashi collection, featuring many different varieties of white hair dye).
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Thu May 11, 2017 2:33 am
“Aww, you’re too kind.” the girl would continue, try to show some sympathy to the Uchiha… or perhaps to lighten the mood. Angel didn’t know…. And while it wasn’t really working, The blonde teen did appreciate the effort behind this showing. “I mean, I can’t even walk and I’m this strong. Imagine how much better I’d be if I could!”

Angel would sniff a little bit trying to make sure that no snot ran out of her nose as Aryll would continue. “I mean, I am a highborn Hyuuga, so it is only natural. I am sure you’ll grow powerful too, in time.”

Well, at least that was a little bit better. She was born of a higher clan… she was born a killer, she was born stronger than everyone else…. Its not like they were born the same way. There was no way Angel could be considered on the same level as her. After all, there was no way that… an Uchiha…. Could be that great…..

“Yeah…” Angel mopped slightly, still trying to act calm, “It is just…. Kind of scary… thinking that I will have to go up against people on your level during the blood games….”
At first, the thought that she was at a higher level than everyone else made the girl with piercing blue eyes feel a lot better, after all, if it was just one girl this strong, then perhaps it wouldn’t be that hard to deal with. But the thought that she was supposed to be that strong, being from a higher Shinobi clan as well, she should have been really powerful, far stronger than the average shinobi, even if she started her career as one later, her natural ability should of shown through at this point. If she was this far behind another genin so close to the Blood games…. What chance did she have for survial?
The girl would shiver, thinking how horrible the thought was, the blood games….. A fight to the death to rank up? She didn’t even want to rank up… so why was she being forced into this battle?

Angel would remove a little bit of the mud from her face, and continue. “Yeah… sorry, I know I am being a cry baby… I need to try to handle myself better in the future soon. Just… I need to train up for those blood games…. I just… you know… really don’t want to die in them.”

The Uchiha would say this as softly and as calmly as she could… but at the same time, her voice was starting to crack more and more. Making this a painful conversation.

Word count: 457
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