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Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:03 pm
Ayame spent hours at the training grounds attempting to learn some new Jutsu now that she had ranked up. She felt she was capable of more and discovered that she actually had somewhat of an aptitude for Ninjutsu. Feeling confident in her powers, she continued to train. She would then stop by the fountain at the training grounds.

She used her summoning Jutsu, expecting to summon Saito, but instead, a larger fish appeared.

"Hello there miss!" he would say, "How are you on this fine afternoon!?" the fish would say happily, looking much like a common koi from the pond. "My name is Izanagi!"

"Oh, um, I'm Ayame..." she would say hesitantly. "I was sort of expecting someone else," she said softly, but not rudely. "But you seem nice! Will you train with me?"

"Gladly, Miss!" he would say happily swimming about.

Ayame exhaled and continued, attempting to learn some water ninjutsu from her Jutsu encyclopedia.

WC: 157
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:05 pm
Ryou was on his way to the training field like he normally would on a beautiful day like that day. While on the way to the training fields, he was practicing the hand signs, Horse – Monkey - Bird. This was for the jutsu, Dust cloud. He did this all the way from his home to the training fields. Once at the field he tried to use Dust cloud. The jutsu failed by not getting enough dust particles blasted. Ryou was a bit disappointed but he knew that in time he would get it.

Ryou was about to use the Dust cloud again but then he saw his friend Ayame out of the corner of his eyes. He saw her preform a couple hand signs then putting her hands to the ground and BOOM there was a fish in front of her. Ryou recognized that jutsu as the summoning jutsu, no doubt about it. Ryou remembered his own summoning race that he almost died getting, the roadrunners. He only reason he hadn't done the summoning jutsu was because he didn't know it. 

Then Ryou smiled to himself. He used the body flicker at a speed of 75 to get behind Aya. Once there he grabbed her shoulder and yelled, "BOO!" He would to of hoped to scare her. Once she turned to face him in fear, annoyance or both, he would say, "Hey Ayame, What are you doing out here?"

238/3000 for Dust cloud
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:26 pm
Ayame could hear ryou approach.

"Whats up?" she would ask awaiting a response after his Boo.

After he would respond, she would counter with, "Did you watch the exams? I made chuunin!" she would state. "I'm really excited to learn some new techniques and stuff." she would also explain. "Would you like to spar me first? We haven't seen each other in a while, and I would like to see how much you've grown in the past few weeks!"

Provided the boy agreed, she would then walk away from the fountain, putting the fish training on hold and getting into a defensive stance and awaiting his first move.

WC: 111
TWC: 268
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:53 pm
Ryou shook his head as he didn't see Aya in the exam, which he wished he should have, but jumped hearing that her got chunin rank. "Thats awesome! Now all we need is for me to become chunin!" He loved the thought of being the same rank as most of his friends. Then Aya challenged him to a spar, Ryou smiled as that was also on his mind. As she backed but a few spaces, he did the same. He clapped his hands together and took a deep breath. Once he did that, his skin turned to a reddish color as his blood was changing from blue to red. He got into a fighting pose. "Ready?" He was hoping she was, as Ryou wanted to show her the new stuff he learned over the few week he had seen her. 

WC: 140
TWC: 378

378/3000 for dust cloud
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:29 pm
Ayame smirked at the boy's eagerness to get going. "I'm not holding back this time. Let's go!" she would say, starting off with a simple ninjutsu move. She would make the Tiger hand seal at a speed of 115 and cast the Temporary paralysis Jutsu on the young boy (Scaled power of 20). Should the Jutsu hit the boy would be trapped as if steel chains were holding him in place, due to them only being about 4 meters apart. Though this Jutsu usually only worked on weaker targets than the kunoichi would be working with from now on, it would still prove effective if the opponent didn't plan to train their strength.

If he would evade, Ayame would go into her next planned move. She would begin to run at him at a speed of 57 and make the hand signs of Tiger and Dog, preparing to land an upper cut on the boy at a speed of 115 and strength of 40. Whether she made her mark or not, she would follow through with a lightning charged kick that had a speed of 130 and power of 55, hoping to throw the boy off. This was a Jutsu she learned before the exams called Raiton: Jodan, but she couldn't remember if she had used it against Ryou before. Regardless, should it cause too much damage, Ayame was a medical ninja and could heal him up fast. Ayame remained vigilant in her attacks, watching Ryou carefully in case she would need to evade any attacks he would throw at her.

WC: 258
TWC: 526
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:18 pm
Ryou was first surprised that he couldn't move. He saw the new chunin charge at him. Aya's uppercut didn't hurt Ryou that much,  which surprised him at first. The real pain came from her kick lighting kick which launched him back a bit. He noted her speed so he slowed his own time with a simple hand sign. With everything slower, Ryou preformed the hand sign for the body flicker with a speed of 90. Ryou appears behind Aya with a speed of 185. Then from behind her, his palm erects a bone. Ryou launches an attack at the edge of her right arm skin with a speed of 110, just so she would just get a injured

If successful (which it probably won't), he would jump back at get ready for her next attack. 

If she catches the bone for out of his wrist, then he would grow a bone out of his knee and try to get the edge of her back with a speed of 110. 

If her just moves out of the way, from where ever she is at, he would get balanced once again and try to get her with another attack from his bone coming out of his palm, lunging at her.  

TWC: 586

586/3000 for Dust Cloud
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:43 pm
Ayame noticed the boy had flown backward from her move. She would then make the ram hand sign and body flicker behind the boy at a speed of 215, faster than what he could make the hand sign to do his body flicker. Immediately, she would attempt to hit him square in the back immediately, using her Body Pathway Derangement Jutsu (hitting him at a speed of 115) to attempt to disable him from their spar. She told him she wasn't going easy, so she wasn't, however, she would restrain herself so that she wouldn't kill him.

Ayame would then proceed to run backward a little to give him room in case he planned another attack.

WC: 117
TWC: 643
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:00 pm
Ryou saw Ayame use the body flicker, so he would start to turn around. All he could feel next was she palm hitting his left side. Ryou noted that her hit wasn't painful so nothing really happened pain wise. When he tried to swing his right arm at her, his left leg moved, making him topple over. This all seemed familiar, then he remembered her and his first encounter. "Oh...I remember this." His face and voice looked and sounded annoyed. "Well...this will last awhile...I guess you win." Ryou laughs, then adds, "You really deserve that chunin rank." Ryou smiles at her. He didn't even bother trying to move knowing that it was all going to end up bad.

TWC: 704

704/3000 for Dust cloud
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:58 pm
Ayame noticed that she hit the mark. As the boy toppled over, she would start her medical ninjutsu. She didn't expect to win that easily. Ayame would work on his spine hoping to get him up and moving again. "That wasn't very fun, was it?" she said feeling a little guilty for ending things so quickly.

"Would you like to go again?" she would ask. "We can make things a bit more interesting if you wish" she would state. "Nobody can use A-rank or above Jutsu this time," she said smiling. "If you want to try like that. If not, I can show you some other jutsuI know... and maybe you can teach me my third element. I noticed that you like to use wind Jutsu, and I would really like to know some."

Aya would slowly walk back over to the fish, Izanagi, who was happily waiting for the girl to finish. She would reach her hand in the water and stroke the little guy. "Sorry for making you wait, Izanagi" she would say.

"No problem miss" the fish would respond back smiling widely.

WC: 186
TWC: 829
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Think Fast! [Ryou][Private, No Kill]

Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:39 pm
Ryou still didn't try to move until he knew for sure his body parts would cooperate. Ayame says that they could use just jutsu that were less then A rank or teach each other some jutsu. Ryou didn't like sparring with out his new jutsu, he was super weak against anyone with out it, and body flicker was still a D ranked jutsu, "Maybe we'll do that after we teach other a new element." He thinks out loud. "You want to learn wind, I want to learn water." He smiles at her, still laying there. Ryou remembered Ayame using a water style on him before, he had looked at water style justu in his jutsu book after their encounter and he had been hooked. He loved the fact that it wasn't that different from wind with them both having to use flowing motions in lots of their jutsu.  

TWC: 852

852/3000 for Dust cloud
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