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Flashback to learn Last Resort Empty Flashback to learn Last Resort

Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:00 pm
Akemi was currently laying down on his bed, staring at his ceiling. The young Hiyu was trying to get to sleep, keyword: Trying. He didn't know for how long he had been laying down, but it felt like hours. He was very tired, why couldn't he fall asleep? He had spent the whole day training and learning techniques and he felt exhausted and fatigued, every muscle in his body felt spent, his chakra reserves were dwindling on the verge of being empty, maybe if he emptied them some more he would fall asleep? It was probably dangerous, in fact, it was definitely dangerous. He had heard many horror stories about ninja running out of chakra and dying in a huge amount of pain and exhaustion. Actually, it was a bad idea, much safer to let mother nature decide when Akemi should fall into the blissful, uneventful void that was known as sleep.

Eventually, Akemi fell into the deepest sleep he had ever had.

Akemi's dream:

Akemi awoke, drenched in sweat with his eyes blazing a bright red. He sat upright, breathing hard. It had been a while since he had had that nightmare, but he had never had a nightmare that vivid before. He had never seen the weird technique his younger self had used to stay alive. What was it? It was a memory that Akemi had spent his whole life trying to suppress and forget, he guessed it kind of made sense that he had forgotten about what kept him alive. He had spent his whole life believing that he had survived with a lot more vicious injuries. But according to his recent nightmare it was due to some technique.

He swung out of bed and walked out of his bedroom, not even bothering to turn on the light. He lifted his hand to wipe the sweat of his forehead and that's when he noticed something. There seemed to be a red glow emitting from his eyes. What was that? He couldn't recall any jutsu that he knew did that. Was it something to do with the technique in his dream? It seemed like to much of a coincidence for it not to be related somehow. But how? Were these eyes related to the 'Grey Skin' technique. So many questions, questions creating questions, he was stuck in a loop without any knowledge on how to get out of it.

He walked into his bathroom and looked into the mirror, shocked to see two bright red eyes staring back at him. They flickered like fire, dimming and lighting up again at random intervals. Was it the advanced transformation technique? He held his hands up into the Ram Seal seal and attempted to transform his eyes to their default colour. Nothing happened. Though, he could see a small change in shade in his eyes, nothing happened. Okay, so that ruled out the possibility of it being a transformation, whatever it was, it wasn't a transformation.

That's when he noticed the fluttery feeling in his chest, fear. He had been too curious over these new-found eyes to notice how scared he felt. Were these eyes a product of the fear? Breathing deeply he started to suppress his fear, something he had been doing for year. Due to his occasional panic attacks. The fear in his chest died down, and he actually saw the bright fire in his eyes dim in accordance to his fear levels. Eventually, after a few more minutes of careful breathing, his fear had completely disappeared, and with it, the fiery eyes. He also noticed that now he felt a lot more weaker. He was just as strong as he usually was, but it seemed the fire somehow boosted his strength.

That's when he remembered something. He could not remember where he had learnt it but he had learnt it nonetheless. He couldn't remember it completely but it went something along the lines of: Your cells are always fighting to survive, they are what gives you adrenaline to hone your senses and such. That, mixed with his Hiyu genes were probably what caused his new ability. His cells had desperately fought for a way to survive and they had gifted it to him. Now, he probably wouldn't be able to control it, it would probably only activate when he was afraid or something.

He firmly grasped the sink and looked at his eyes, they were nigh-impossible to see due to the fact that he hadn't turned on the lights yet. But if he could activate the ability, then he would be able to see them. While looking in the mirror he thought about the people who had attacked him, the hopelessness, his inability to run quick enough to evade them. A panicky feeling enveloped his entire being. His heart rate and breathing quickened, sweat formed on his brow.

That's when his eyes started to glow blue, reminding him of wind. He felt lighter and quicker.

He settled down his fear and breathed. It seemed he had learnt a new technique, even if it was extremely hard to use.

(Word Count: 2045
Claims: Akemi's Last Resort, wont claim stats for this, due to most of it being a dream)
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Flashback to learn Last Resort Empty Re: Flashback to learn Last Resort

Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:49 pm
Have fun looking like a jugo with dat grey skin

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