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Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:10 pm
Ketsueki followed with no hesitation, taking the top of his class statement with mixed opinions. He didn't expect jutsu and techniques like this to be simple but difficult. He expected to be drained, maybe it was the conditioning of how to manipulate his chakra, but he didn't believe he truly earned all this. Maybe his teacher could show him something that made him feel the worth and weight of his actions. When asked he plainly stated. "It's not just one jutsu style or another, Tsubasa-Sensei. But I don't think I'm ready for what I'm dreaming of...Well, I do have an interest in the art of Genjutsu." He stated.

(WC: 796 + 110 = 906)
Rin Togakawa
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:25 am
Ren scratched the back of his head for a moment, thinking to himself... The boy clearly wasn't ready to be made a Genin, he certainly had the skill too be one, but his character wasn't hardened enough yet. "All right Ketsueki, I tell you what, I'll teach you some more advanced Genjutsu as long as you can pass a test of mine" Ren said as he led the boy in what, unbeknownst to him was the second stage of the Genin exam. The long hall had its wall's covered in scrolls explaining how to perform various medical Ninjutsu and there was a section of 30 wooden pedestals which would usually house wounded animals for the students to practice on. Leading the boy over to a table with a wounded cat on it Ren spoke up once again "All right now watch me carefully because I'm only going to show you this once" Ren said before performing the hand seals for basic medical ninjutsu and placing his hands on the cats wounded leg. After a short moment of healing Ren pulled his hands away to reveal that the cats leg had been healed. "Now I want you to try on the other leg." Ren said as he crossed his arms and watched what the boy did.
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:06 pm
Ketsueki nodded at the wager. "This, medical ninjutsu. It takes a lot of chakra control, doesn't it?" He said, setting Mitsukatta down to wander aimlessly, Ketsueki would have to remember to feed him soon. Mitsukatta wouldn't be going too far before he'd come back barking as if he were scared the two of them had left. Ketsueki remembered the signs before he raised his hands up, taking off his jacket and setting it aside, there were pouches all over his upper body, each one on a belt that went over his shirt. He began weaving sign, looking at the cat as it began flexing it's newly healed leg. He placed his hands over the injured one before slowly lowering them onto the cat's leg, he focused his chakra until he thought that he had taken about the same time as Tsubasa-sensei had. He looked down. The cat's limb hadn't completely healed, but the serious damage had been healed and it could use the limb once more. "Can you tell if I did it correctly?" He asked, unsure of how to evaluate, this wasn't something he was used to.

(WC: 189 + 906 = 1095)
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:03 pm
Ren watched the boy as he performed the technique, he certainly had a good eye Ren barely had to show him a technique once before he learnt it; Granted these were all very basic techniques but many of the other students would have taken the better part of a month to learn how to perform the technique that well. Placing a hand on Ketsueki's shoulder Ren gave the boy a light hearted smile before he spoke. "Thats incredibly good for your first time Ketsueki, Granted its not perfect but you did far better than I would have ever expected anyone at your level to do. We'll you've certainly proven that your worthy of being able to study well above your level." Ren said as he put his hands together and healed the remaining part of the cats wound. The small creature jumped down from the pedestal and landed on the ground, gingerly testing its healed paws before turning and giving the yipping puppy a hiss and darting out of the room.

"Now then how about I take you to the library and get you access to some advanced research materials; While where there I'll teach you a neat little Genjutsu trick that will come in handy Ren said with a cheery wink before striding out of the room, expecting Ketsueki to follow; assuming he did Ren would lead the two of the through the halls of the accademy and into a small dingy room, the current accademy library filled with scrolls on techniques and other uses for chakra. With a nod at the woman sitting in the corner Ren turned to the boy and, making sure to speak loud enough that the woman in the corner could hear, would gesture to the stacks of scrolls as he spoke. "This is all avalible to you Ketsueki, any time you wish to study feel free to take some scrolls to read from; just remember that they're not to leave this room" Ren said, this time slightly sterner. Once this little flourish of ceremony was done with Ren would walk the two of them over to a corner of the room where he would speak again, this time quieter so as to respect the silent environment of the library. "Now you said you were interested in Genjutsu, I'm by no means an expert but..." Ren said, pausing as he lifted up his hand to the boy "I do know a useful trick" He said as the surrounding around the boy morphed into a forrest and he found himself beginning to sink into a pool of quicksand..."

Ren placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, using a burst of chakra to wake the boy up from his trance. "Its surprisingly simple once you get the hand of it" Ren said with a smile before explaining to the boy how he had to shape his chakra before projecting it all around him. The hardest part of Genjutsu after all was figuring out how to get a trigger to stick in a person's mind.
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:04 pm
Ketsueki called the pup, passing his teacher at first to go get him "Mitsukatta! Get back here." The pup eventually stopped, realizing that he was too far away from the two and came yipping back, Ketsueki scooped him up and then ran to his teacher's side "Sorry, I had to stop hi-..." He lifted the dog's tail. "Him. From chasing the cat down the hall." He got to the library and reveled for a few seconds, realizing how much untapped potential would be here, tomes about the past, about the seven swordsmen of the mist, about the tailed beasts, about strategy, everything his little but wildly skilled heart could hope to know. And when he was given free reign of this place, so long as he kept the tomes in their place, he was elated, although you couldn't really tell. Once he felt his surroundings change and the floor beneath him turned to quicksand he struggled, breathing heavily, beginning to be sucked in, he thrashed and kicked. "No, not now, not like this! All this knowledge!" He looked down at Mitsukatta and threw him out away from the quicksand. "Save yourself! Grab a forbidden jutsu that brings me back or something!" He was brought back just as the light had faded from view giving a dying. "Oh." Once the teacher had explained he looked up "Could I use a sound or a smell? Genjutsu is all about getting someone to react to something you do and then digging into their brain while their distracted, right?" He made everything that would be in an intro class seem like common knowledge. It might have been from his upbringing, There were several jutsu he could not empathize with, like seals, puppetry and several taijutsu. Though they were the first covered.

(WC: 297 + 1095 = 1392)
Rin Togakawa
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:17 am
Ren nodded his head when the boy apologised for having to get the puppy before he caught up with Ren "Thats good Ketsueki, better you watch out for him than he gets lost" he said before continuing on his way.

Ren was once again pleasantly surprised at the boy's ability to quickly comprehend techniques "for this technique no, the trigger has to be your hand, but depending on the techniques you use you certainly could make a trigger from any number of the other senses. Sight, sound, touch, even taste can be used to create Genjutsu triggers as long as you can figure out a way to get the target to experience the trigger." Ren said with a gentle nod before taking a seat and pulling out a book of his own, he still had a few minutes and figuring if the boy had any more questions it wouldn't hurt hanging around.
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:13 am
Ketsueki looked around for a bit, looking through the tomes of the library and finding his teacher once more. "Can chakra be manipulated to simulate Smell? Or would I have to do that by using something like a stink bomb? Also, How do I become one of the swordsmen of the mist?" He spoke as if the entirety of the Swordsmen way was to be an honorific. Maybe giving insight as to why he looked up to them and wanted to be one. During the classes to this point, he had been constantly hearing about their devastating power. Making them out to be boogeymen to the other nations.

(WC: 108 + 1392 = 1500)
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:45 pm
Ren looked up, closing his book and shifting in his chair so that he was facing the boy as he spoke. "We'll thats a few questions all at once there Ketsueki, Lets see what to start with..." Ren said pausing as he tried to think up where to best respond to the boy... "Well I suppose we were on the topic of Genjustu so perhaps it would be best to start with that. When it comes to using Genjutsu that function off of smell it is a bit of a complicated manner, some Genjutsu are capable of creating their trigger at the same time as they are cast, others require you to carry something that produces the sent with you. I'm no specialist but I would theorise with particular levels of skill you could even create a Genjutsu within a Genjutsu, one where the scent of a smell within a visual Genjutsu pulls someone even deeper into a second level of the Genjutsu; of course thats just a theory more than anything, and to my knowledge no one in kirigkure no sato has the skill to perform something like that." Ren said with a bit of a sigh at that last point, indeed even finding someone to teach genjutsu at the accademy was proving to be troublesome

"As for the seven swordsmen of the mist, that is a title that hasn't really been used in its entirety for many years, the current mizukage claims that title for himself, but outside of that the other six positions are as of now unfilled. If you wish to aquire the title I suggest you learn the way of the sword and prove yourself to him" Ren said with nod out the window towards where the Kage's building lay
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:41 am
Ketsueki nodded, taking in the fact that the idea of a Genjutsu teacher was a bit of a pipe dream for now, he shook his head before he looked back at his teacher, still answering his question about the Seven ninja swordsmen. "Well. If our lord is to be how I am decided." He stepped forward, raising his hand out of his jacket and pointing his open palm toward the Mizukage's building. "Then I shall show him my power as a swordsman and claim that title of Myth." He looked to Ren, feeling the nostalgia of his childhood that showed the Seven ninja swordsmen as being Gods among men, although, it was only stated as a way of getting the children to aspire to be greater, ferocious ninja. Despite the fact only one existed thus far. One thing came to mind. Despite his claims Ketsueki had no idea who would teach him swordsmanship.

(WC: 153 + 1500 =1653)
Sukoshi Yaban
Sukoshi Yaban
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The boy with an Empire on his mind - Page 2 Empty Re: The boy with an Empire on his mind

Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:15 am
(Claiming +4 to Chakra, +2 to Stamina +2 to Speed Mitsukatta the puppy, Transformation technique, Clone technique and Basic healing jutsu.)

Last edited by Ketsueki on Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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