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Momochi Yamanaka
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Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino) Empty Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino)

Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:10 pm
Assisting the Elderly
Mission Name: Assisting The Elderly
Rank: E - Rank
Type: Assist
Character Requirements: None
Mission Location: Kirigakure
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 Ryo

Elderly have been flocking in with needs for help from the shinobi, as the Chuunin and up are busy the task is left to the Genin paving the way to a less grumpy future.DO NOT HURT THE ELDERLY this goes without question.The Elderly need help with their house chores and walking across the street.


Momochi's mission today was an odd one- as an interrogation specialist, she wasn't exactly known for her refined touch. And yet. Her fingers clenched tighter subconsciously around the mission pamphlet, an E rank mission that provided the bare minimum of information. She was to assist an old woman in the hospital, but... She scratched her head. It didn't describe who it was at all. That implied that she'd know who it was, but did she really know anyone that old in the hospital? The Yamanaka imagined not, but a paycheck was a paycheck after all. A subtle sigh left her nostrils. She slung a small bag over her shoulders- mostly filled with dandelions and other flowers. Perhaps the hospital would appreciate the extras she'd harvested from the gardens. None were poisonous, of course. These were just hardy ones that had made the unfortunate choice of growing outside of their given plots (and in some cases, the cracks in the stone walkways).

Her turtleneck today was bare sleeved, leaving her viciously scarred arms open for the world to see. Coiled muscles tensed as a chilly wind blew by. She figured there'd be some hospital scrubs she could borrow or something at the actual place- Mino kept the place pretty well organized. Momochi hummed to herself as she entered the designated room. After a moment, she found herself physically restraining herself from bashing her head into (and possibly through) the wall.

This was a lounge, she recognized that much. It wasn't a hospital room at all. And the only 'elderly' person on the staff roll was...

She let loose a heavy sigh. It was Mino Kurokabi. Dammit.

[WC: 275]
[Total WC: 275]
[Total Mission WC: 250]
[Total Extra WC: 25]
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino) Empty Re: Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino)

Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:42 pm
"Yamanaka," Mino drawls upon her entry into the lounge, "You're going to glare a hole through that wall. Please keep in mind that we do not have the budget for unnecessary damages."

Of course, she is wise to the mission desk's cute little prank. An E-rank mission that she did not request? Well, there are only so many on file that would fit the bill... of course, that and their chortling suggestions that she may be getting too old for this the last time she had dropped by to file her reports. They think they're quite clever. They will need to try harder if they want to saddle her with genin, though. Mino has a number of geriatric patients to take the bullet for her.

Mino has some fondness for Yamanaka, however, so she will hand her off to somebody pleasant. Next to Mino is an older man with a striking resemblance to her. His skin is a touch darker than Mino's, tanned, and wrinkled from many years working outdoors. He looks a little bit shaky, putting a fair amount of weight on his cane, but the calluses of a shinobi are visible on his hands if Momochi cares to look. He peers at the girl through small, round glasses.

"Good afternoon," he says pleasantly. He has the air of somebody who would make entertaining academic presentations on the world's most boring topics.

"Your mission today specifies that you are to assist Kurokabi," Mino says. Momochi's copy of the mission slip might be vaguer, but Mino's notification was sure to let her know that the joke was at her expense. "Not which Kurokabi. My father has a small number of appointments to get to, today - please keep him company and find me in a few hours. I'll likely be in the morgue."

"Don't go dropping dead of stress on me already...."

"Ha ha."

OOC wrote:
WC: 313
Momochi Yamanaka
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Ryo : 0

Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino) Empty Re: Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino)

Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:00 pm
Momochi turns away from the wall, facing Mino with a sideways tilt of her head. She nods after a moment, shoulders relaxing minutely. "Tell that to some of my coworkers," the woman noted, "every other week some baby interrogator gets hazed a bit too hard and sets the third floor on fire, or someone sneaks in mainland vodka. It's a wonder the building's still standing." she was, of course, referring to the Interrogation department, where she worked roughly four days a week, the other two being interspersed with missions. Her only free day was spent primarily socializing or otherwise training the mind- she was one of the 'better off' members of Interrogation (which wasn't saying much) and she'd like to keep it that way.

After following the older woman for a few moments, her head tilted minutely in the direction of the stranger. He must've been a relative of some sort of her temporary superior officer- a similar bone shape, perhaps, or an air of wizened... Something. Maybe it was the mushrooms. "Who's this?" she asked, tilting her head in a catlike manner. As Mino responded, she found herself nodding along, cackling inwardly at Mino's blatant subversion of the mission desk's intentions. She watched the two exchange banter for a moment before she was left alone with the man. "My name's Yamanaka Momochi," she introduced politely. Her smile might've been slightly too wide, but it was the thought that counted, right? Right. "I heard something about an appointment. Mind telling me your schedule?"

It wasn't possible to completely drop the aura of ruthlessness from her person altogether, but she liked to think that she made a valiant attempt. The man before her either appreciated her efforts or didn't notice, but judging by his callouses and numerous scars she assumed it was the former. A pause as she hummed to herself. "So, your clan utilizes spore release? Are there any particular species you find interesting?" the woman was not so subtly digging for information on any fungi she could potentially cultivate to assist in creating poisons, and she didn't doubt for a moment that Kurokabi senior knew that. The seemingly innocent smile he gave in turn would've sent visible shivers down her spine if she didn't routinely get worse from the big boss at interrogation.


A few hours of simultaneously the most interesting and most sleep inducing conversations she's ever had had Momochi realize that she didn't actually learn anything that could be considered 'secret'- damn. What she did have, however, was a disturbingly in depth account of the native fungi which thrived in Bird Country and a particular recipe for mushroom soup that the man seemed partial to. She found herself smiling subtly. The elder Kurokabi was very likable- she didn't get played like that too often. A few minutes had her standing in front of the morgue, knocking politely thrice. She didn't dare enter without being waved in- Mino was in her domain. Though she doubted the older woman would do anything serious, the thoughts of petty revenge were very prominently featured in her thoughts.

[WC: 590]
[Total WC: 784]
[Total Mission WC: 250]
[Total Extra WC: 534]
Momochi Yamanaka
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Ryo : 0

Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino) Empty Re: Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino)

Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:32 pm
(Exit due to mino npcing, F to pay respeck)

Claiming 250 mission WC into 1 stat, and 534 regular WC into 5 stats for a total of 6.
Strength: 38 > 40
Vigor: 15 > 19

Claiming 600 ryo due to genin rank and 1 AP.

All 784 words going into .

Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
Stat Page : Click Here
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Clan Focus : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino) Empty Re: Mind the Gap (PNK, Mino)

Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:40 pm
Approved of Momochi's claims
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