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Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Snake World Escapades  Empty Snake World Escapades

Thu Dec 22, 2016 7:33 pm
Raizuko only scratched the top of his head as he looked around the hidden world. Truth be told, he was still getting use to the fact that there were separate worlds out there for unique sets of animals. Well not really separate worlds. Just places that were hidden from the view of humans. A low "tsk" would come out of his mouth as he thought about the dream he had only a few nights ago. About how he had the ability to create a whole dimension and control it with his on will. It was only a fantasy that some wish were actually true. 

Shaking his head, he would continue to follow behind the snake that was telling him about the place and the abilities of the snake. He had gotten the snake's name, but had forgotten what it actually was. Something like Ganmaru or something. "So, us snakes have have the power of medical ninjutsu, basic ninjutsu, fusion with our summoner, and many other things." Raizuko had begun to zone out on the examples due to him already being a master in medical ninjutsu. However, when the snake said "fusion with our summoner" something had awoken his mind back to the world. How had the snakes come to obtain an ability as such as that. And how powerful was it when they fused with the summoner. 

Being the curious cat he was. Raizuko in his almost silent, deep voice would say "So, how exactly does a fusion with the summoner work." 

There would seem to be a long pause as the snake would begin to speak. "Pfft, you probably will not survive our training long enough to even hope to fuse with one of us." This would cause a vein to form on the forehead of the Akari. He was tempted to step on the back of the snake's tail in a mean to annoy him, but he rather not get kicked out of a place he was just welcomed into. Due to that he would only nod and continue to follow behind the snake.

WC: 346
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Snake World Escapades  Empty Re: Snake World Escapades

Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:47 pm
It seemed Tomoya was not the only visitor of this place, some other snakes not affiliated with Shou or his children were entertaining a guest as well.

3 young snakes would slither behind Tomoya as he walked through the caves in direction that the other visitor supposedly was, a torch in his hand to light the dark caves as they traveled. Hiroko, Ichimura, and Natsumi were interested in this other visitor as well.

Tomoya detected the man with his chakra senses first, it seemed he was with another snake. Shortly after detecting the man Tomoya turned a corner and found himself staring down a long corridor. The visitor and the other snake would be clearly visible walking down it and towards Tomoya and the 3 young snakes.

Tomoya really hated introductions. well not really they just made him feel very anxious.

"Hey there, I heard I wasn't the only human in these caves and was curious. What brings you here?" As nervous chuckle accompanied the words.
Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Snake World Escapades  Empty Re: Snake World Escapades

Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:36 am
Walking, Raizuko would hear the greeting of the new person. He hadn't expected to see humans around these parts as Summon Lands were suppose to really sacred. And only a chosen few were actually allowed there to train with the snakes, but if Raizuko isn't the only lucky one.....He supposed their could be more humans walking around the caves. Turning around and looking at the man he would see that he was quite Danny in appearance. It seemed as if this separate world was for him. Raizuko staring at the man saw a snake in the flesh, although not literally. Having been staring for thirty seconds he would decide to talk. Seeing as just staring at a person and not replying was very quite rude. "Hello there and I assumed I was the only human here as well." Laughed the Akari as he walked forward towards the man. Only leaving a distance of 2 meters in between them.

"So, are you a new trainee like me or have you been here for a whole"? Asked Raizuko. He was wanting to create small talk and he couldn't do that just by staring at the man.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Snake World Escapades  Empty Re: Snake World Escapades

Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:29 pm
"I've been here a few weeks, one of the exits to the caves leads to an island and I've been staying there for the most part. None of the older snakes there really talk to me that much, mainly just these thr-"

As Tomoya pointed towards the 3 young snakes behind him Natsumi disappeared in a puff of smoke, apprently having been summoned by someone. Presumably Den, or maybe his father?

"..Well 2 now. They're really young snakes, Hiroko and Ichimura."

The two snakes would look at Raizuko and the snake with him, however only Hiroko would speak. "Hey there! What's your friends name?"

Hiroko would then just look at the snake with Raizuko and await an answer.
Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Snake World Escapades  Empty Re: Snake World Escapades

Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:40 am
Hrm so you can stay on this island? Raizuko would only stare at the male as he asked questions. Looking at him and then to the snake, he would say "I really don't know who this fellow is.... Was hoping he would tell me his name." Raizuko would frown. These snakes were petty rude weren't day. Maneuvering his hands, he would come to cross them behind his back. "Well anyway, my name is Raizuko. What is yours?" Seeing as he was going to be stuck here for a couple of weeks. It would be good to get to know the people around this parts.

(Shirt post)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Snake World Escapades  Empty Re: Snake World Escapades

Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:36 pm
[Exiting because Rai's dead]
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Snake World Escapades  Empty Re: Snake World Escapades

Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:06 pm
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