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Ru Jin Kiyade
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Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:40 am
The sand lifted into flurrys of cyclones off the endless sand terrain. Daniels eyes were set forward as he stood facing a clone he had created. The eerie breeze ending as Daniel spoke "Attack me with everything you got.. We need to get stronger and my father begun to teach me Taijutsu so we will use our memories and use them to learn Taijutsu better." The clone nodded as he slid into a fighting stance. Lighting began to streak in small bolts over his body the clones muscles tightened as his muscles tightened his body urpted into spikes. A blue hue shifting over his body the clone rushed at Daniel quickly. Daniels eyes shifted up to the clone as he saw him moving nearly how fast he could run in general. The clone was closing in quickly but as the clone approached Daniels had lifted to where his collar bones would be. His right foot stepping forward his hands withdrew a small blade from each collar bone. 

His hands went forward and quickly he begun to stab wildly. The clone stopping in his tracks easily maneuvered his body into blocking each stab in a dance type defence each spike being used to block against the bones made of bone. As he was in the midst of blocking the clones knee lifted at a high rate of speed Daniel turned pushing his body off to the side and as he did his hand flipped the blade in his palm and came down to stab into the spike. The clones leg went down to the ground and as it did Daniels hand adjusted and it went swinging for the clones face. The clone leaned back, as his did Daniels body kept moving and pivoted on his back right foot stepping down his hips twisted and his left leg extended out spinning with the motion of his punch his left foot slammed across the clones face sending him into the ground. The clone rebounding upwards his feet hit the ground and he was now boosting at Daniel at full speed. Daniels arms went into motion and the two blades came together forming a X as he did the spike from his clones palm slammed into the center of his X but he was sent sliding back across the ground to a stop. Raising back up at the clone he smirked.

 A blue hue lifted over Daniels body small streaks of lightning extending off his body. The two now evenly matched in speed the both of them stepped off there front foot lunging at each other one threw a strike the other would parry. The bones blanked against each other wildly as they moved quickly into strikes stepping back then going in again. Finally they came into a strike and Daniel was hold a spike from his clones knee with the both of his blades crossed over each other. The clones knee came down into slamming against the ground and his body lifted up his right leg swinging around at Daniels head, Daniels head went down as the clones leg went over his head as his foot touched the ground his weighted shifted and his left leg lifted for a suprisingly quick kick his foot extending out slammed into Daniels chest and sent him flying back. As he back his knees tucked up into his chest he began flipping wildly then his body stopped and from his hands the two bone blades he made went flying from his hands at a high rate of speed. The clone stepped forward his right shoulder tucking down and moving in front of him the bone blade hit a spike and shifted the directed of the blade to fly just past the clones face then his left shoulder went down and the bone katana flew over his shoulder both sticking into the ground behind his clone. Daniels feet hit the ground And his right hand dropped in front of him touching the ground. The clone lifted from one knee and stood facing Daniel. Daniels eyes looking at his clone he breathed in a deep breath the blue hue fading from his body the clones did as well. The bone spikes shifted into his body. "Well... This has been quite a match." The clone agreed silently. Daniel stood up erect as he held the blades in his palms looking at the clone. 

The clone burst off one foot then his other landing and he was moving incredibly fast ascross the sand at Daniel. Daniel stepped back, his arm lifted arching to the side in a defencive manner with the blade in hand. As the clone came rushing he lifted of one foot twisting his body into the air and spinning wildly. The spikes from his body moving quickly and the blue glow came back to being visable. Daniel slid his foot around and knelt down pushing up he burst into a jump just as the clone was coming down and flipped forward quickly then extended his arms and legs out stopping his flip and as he was rotating once more forward his right arm went down and as he reach a certain angle he threw the bone blade then his body finished the flip hitting the ground his left arm followed his shoulder as he turned and then the second bone blade was released flying at a high rate of speed. The clones hand hit the ground as Daniel jumped forward his body stopping and rotating him to his feet. As his legs crashed into the ground he looked up only to see the first one fly into a spike going right through it. Then the second came at him and his body lifted as he tilted his head to the side and the bone blade flew past his head into the sand behind him. The clone looked at Daniel as the bone Daniel had destroyed grew back slowly. Forming back into a spike. Daniel was already turned facing the clone at this point. They stood facing each other.  Daniel was sweating under the suns heat. His breathing was labored and he was actually kind of tired. So what the hell do you do fighting yourself? Especially trying to learn a jutsu he doesn't even know yet.

It Makes things a little spicy but yet the clone is still kind of being a little more bad ass then Daniel. Daniel quickly pushed forward and was running full Sprint by the time the clone had dodged the last bone blade. And Daniel came tearing ass at him. His hands back up to his collar bones he pulled two blades out but as he did bones erupted out of his body and the blue hue lifted over his body his speed increased intensely his feet pressing against the ground his hands went forward and quickly he was rapidly stabbing at the clone at an impressive speed. The clone moved in rapid succession trying to avoid being stabbed but after the barrage Daniel was already in motion twisting around his right elbow bone came around from a downwards angle the clone stepped back but as his arm went down his right hand blurred past it and then his knee lifted and the spike protruding from his knee went out and like that the combo followed quickly strike after strike at blinding speed and as he did he moved in such a manner that as one strike went another was behind it at such a blinding speed that the clone could only move out of the way bairly being hit. As he was hit Daniel was already in motion after his ass. But the clone was steadily on his way too. Daniel and the clone both went across the ground as a gust of wind lifted up sand that flew in between them thick and fast blinding the sight of Daniel and the clone to each other. The clone kept going forward but as he got closer to the wall of sand that nature made. A siloute came from above spinning rapidly pushing back the clone lifted into the air as Daniel hit the ground at a high rate of speed. The way he was spinning would grip through the sand and sending it hurling towards the sky. It was like an explosion had happened. Sand picking up over the clone a hand would come through the grains of sand in the air and slammed him down into the ground. As the clones body would reverberate off the sand Daniels foot would lifting kicking him just hard enough to lift his body in front of Daniel. The clone lifting turned his shoulder and his hand extended towards Daniels face. Over Daniels skin a shell of bone formed exactly where he would hit. Like a spike forming then melting into a solid plate blocking the stab from hitting him at his reaction times speed. Daniel stood in his position as the clones body lifted and still wasn't able to hurt Daniel. Looking with a rested expression Daniel lifted up once more the clones arm was gripped at his elbow. Daniels fingers gripped his arm pulling him forward holding him by his right arm he stepped back so the clone would be pull forward in front of Daniel but as he moved forward Daniels left hand was lifted at crossed over the top at a massive amount of speed. Tearing through the clones head his arm stretching through the smoke left by the clone. The sand calming around Daniel as he was done his felt a small tremor in the earth. The sand nearly done now Daniel looked over his shoulder and witnessed a large crowd of birds flying away a long long distance away. 

"Hmm... What the fuck was that?" The birds lifting in the air and circling out of an area in all directions. Daniel watched intently as he was lost in wonder. "Damn it... I can't leave the village..." Daniel could feel something sinister is on the rise. Looking at his hands the bones sank deep into his body. Learning these jutsu have became his life. And he will not give up until he has learned them all and doing so he will become stronger then any of his previous relatives he will revive the clans ability and create a new generation of Kaguya ones that will be feared and respected. Daniel smirked under his mask reaching over to his collar bone fabricating a blade from the collar bone. Holding it into his hands dug deeper into the blade and particlized the blade and it soon morphed forming into a beautiful kunai. The hand purely white but even having a circle on the end. The blade forming was perfect, it was black and white into 4 pieces of the blade making it go white black white black. Gripping it he knew that this time he will etch his name into history. Daniel spun the kunai around placing it into his pouch. His eyes looked back over and the birds were gone. Daniel looked over to the village. The large walls that block the valley that holds the sunagakure. "Hmmm that seems a little close..." Stepping to the side he made his way towards the village. Walking he knew that this technique is just one of many to come. 
Moving foreward Daniels feet kicked through the sand. His eyes gazing towards the ground his heart lifting as he looked towards he was soon going to fix the world of its evil. As he was going towards the village he saw the old man that assisted him in training from before. The hazy mirage lifting in front of Daniels body his body seperated in the illusions of the mirage. The man appeared in front of him. Dropping from where they were he fell from the waterfall of the desert oasis. Hitting the water his body tensed up from the lightning chakra in his body sinking the water beneath the island in the center was above Daniel as he sank into the darkness of the water. Soon the darkness around him turned into a swiftness of lights arraying around him rapidly. "Since before time, the universe has been formed from gases, great explosions, raw untold energy. But as things settled as time elapsed those elements calmed and new elements formed. You have just started to understand your potential as a Shinobi and so much more can be learned. 

Lightning the basis of reaction that combines into the form of raw energy... Electricity. You have just begun your road to understanding lightning but now you will be tasked with another element. Water. The substance of life. Water is the building block of our life and without it. The earth would not be what it is. It is time you learn to utilize water for yourself and harness its power you may come to find it's power with lightning." Daniel was suddenly sucked down into a spiral of water that spun him around rapidly. Spinning he went down and then light came up around him as a being with the head that looked like a droplet of water with pitch black eyes and his arms and legs were a blue you would find in the ocean on The shores of the Bahamas. Tranquil water drops stayed motionless in mid air slowly lifting and falling around Daniel and the being. Sinking into the ground then falling again from above and drops lifted from the ground into the air but all of them moved slower then a snail. "Water can create, and destroy. Sometimes quickly and sometimes over thousands of years. But no matter what it is it touches it becomes one with it. Daniel... You will learn it's raw potential it's pure prowess." The ground Daniel stood on gave out under his feet and turned into rapids that swept his under. The sky changing from a dark tavern type cave into a moutian setting and Daniel was in the base of a gorge flying down a mountain. " Its raw power moves trillions of tons of water everyday and in some cases per second. Becoming so violent that not even the great human the top of the world's food chain can survive. It molds and destroys rock, makes its way through mountains it is the raw essence of life." Daniel going down the river fell from the side of a massive waterfall at the end of a river. 

Falling and falling the droplets of water fell from above him. Looking down he slammed through the top of a black cloud with lightning streaking through the clouds lightning it up he fell through the cloud into a savage ocean. The droplets of the waterfall creating the rain from the cloud. A 40 foot wave lifting Daniel at its peak. " With the help of our moon and the earth water can create bodies of water that can disimate Villages." The wave crashing Daniel was thrown onto a beach tearing him through the surrounding Forrest. Rushing for air he came up to gripping hard ice. And suddenly the water froze around his feet up to the fingers gripping the ice. "Water can freeze you... Keeping you preserved for thousands of years. Feel it's power Daniel." Daniel Clenched in pains as he leg go falling down into the original setting where the being stood. "That was just an elementary grade of what water can do. I chose you Daniel as did Raiton my most despised enemy of all. But together we can unite into a powerfull combination. By learning today how water will be infused into your body you will now become unbelievably strong. Consult me while learning Jutsu in the following years." Suddenly Daniel was looking at the hole with the falling waterfall under the sand. 

The old man looking down staring at him. " So you met Suiton huh?" Impressive young man. Your going to learn Suit on Jutsu now huh? Good luck Suiton can be... Heh relentless" Daniel layed his head back on the sand then looked up again. Suddenly his foot was gripped and he slid into the water and went down into a pit of black water. He looked up and the light faded away again and and he looked down he couldn't believe his eyes the being stood on a flat surface that looked just like the bottom of th ocean and as Daniel hit the floor sand kicked up into the air. Resting in the water it was like the ocean drained out and flooded off around Daniel and the being and the the sun hit the ground and the sunagakures desert was seen the being stood and looked down at Daniel. "You will fight me and you will test your will to become stronger with water of if you are not ready yet so stand kaguya you will 've tested as a mortal." Daniel stood to his feet and the water surrounding them rushed up into the air circling the being. Then a spiraling vortex of water lifted shooting at Daniel at a high amount. Of speed. Daniel pushing into the sand quickly went to the right and as he was running the vortex shot out three more streams from the side of it. Daniels body erupting into spike and then a stream of water hit him his body folding into a ball and as it hit it lifted off the ground skipping him across the sand Daniel unfolding his body stopped himself from skipping and rushed at the being. but the being came out of the water next to his and punched him then droppd the water again. Coming up behind him striking again Daniel standing was in the midst of battle then a  strike swept him into the water on the sand the  Water began spiraling a tornadoeformed and was lifting up the water spat him into air and water quickly came up behind him The form of a hand and gripped Daniel expanding into a ball of water the size of a village. Daniel floating in the center the sphere remained still. "Daniel you are ready I can see it in your heart. But I must say that using you lightning jutsu wouldn't help you today.. Do you feel the water accepting you? Binding with you?" The water began to flow into his pours and Daniel became pulled out his arms and legs extened out to his sides. "Feel it Daniel Feel the suit on enter your body!" Daniel struggled then the water ruptured and he fell to the sand falling through the hole onto the island again. Daniel played against the sand looking up again. "Did you see that?" He asked. The old man answering " You moaning and groaning on my Island. I saw that. Are you okay?" Daniel just looked at him. Then the man bursted into water and formed into the being. Out of reaction his hand lifted up together and made the hand signs for hidden mist jutsu. 

The air thicken as moisture was pulled from the air and the underground oasis formed a thick mist. Laughter could be heard and the being spoke " I can feel you, your heart beat pulsating in the mist." Daniel stepped back feeling him as well. Then he became apart of everything the whole mist. Daniel felt him everywhere and in that second the mist froze and the mist became ice. A solid dome of ice wit the being in front of Daniel. An air pocket formed in front of Daniel and around him The being in front of him Daniel just looked up at him shocked by what was happening. This man litterally could use water at Will and use water like he was apart of it. Daniel just looked at him in amazment and then the being spoke to him again " You are just a small atom to the universe life is so much more then your daily life you live. it is ever expanding and unknown a wave with no direction just growing along the way learning and making mistakes. Harmony isn't found in just nothing it is from pushing limits pushing through the box of humanity seeing the ever gracious energy of mother earth and feeling her presence with you at all times. Stuck is what you are, stuck believing in limits, believing that their is no beyond no greater future. Break that cylcle become the future and the past. Become everything and nothing at once. You are a cup. Full over flowing with the polluted water formed by your civilization. Once you empty that cup you will see the light of wisdom and see what your cup needs to be full of knowledge and power. Grow, expand, and become ..  Stronger." The ground shaking water filled up the small pocket in the ice and filled it to the brim. Daniel stood nervously as he held his breath. The being rushed through the water and spike shot from Daniels body going through the water they became attacched with lightning. The being forming over it came at him uneffected . Daniel knelt down and then quickly shot up hitting the dealing and in his hand was a explosive tag pressing it onto the surface of the ice . The explosion sent him flying back and the being hit him grabbing his face shot him through the hole in the ceiling like a blow hole on a whale sending him in the air. 

Daniel was spinning rapidly and the being manifested in front of him. As the being manifested he struck Daniel to the ground and quickly wasn't even the word for how fast Daniel hit the ground. Daniel was pulled by the done of ice. Hitting the ground the manifestation of water rises I 've again and be a me a being. Walking over to Daniel he placed his hand hydrating him and healing his wounds. "Does make you feel better?." With his hands behind his back he walked forward and the ground shooking blowing out beneath Daniel and the horizon began to move quickly then spiral into the sight of true beauty. The pillars of God. They tower in a state of gas and Daniel was beneath them. Higher then one could ever imagine. Like it touched each part of out universe. A microscopic atom floating beneath it. " This time as you train Daniel you are going to progress further then you could ever imagine. You will be pushed beyond your wildest dreams and never will you turn back. I am your will we are your power. " bolts of lightning came up and appeared to wrap around something's head. Then is spiraled down into nothing. The sound of sparking lightning echoed. Then another and quickly hundreds almost a thousand bolts appeared and slammed down creating the siloute of a large being a stripe op-ed as black could be seen where eyes would be. " Daniel. This is only just the first step to your true self. But once you find it you will be marked into history as one of the most powerfull beings in history. You have already shown so much potential without the use of extensive jutsu. But no more will you suffer from being restricted. You will be able to progress this session beyond you wildest dreams and become the shinobi the Sunagakure needs. But we must teach you the ways to get their and when you get to the point where you can go further we will go. Daniel your investment for greatness will make you unforgettable. Don't ever give up and we together Suiton and I we will get you there." Daniel looked at them bother in amazment remarking on their raw power that they produce as raw natural energy. The silence that fills the air around him was indescribable. Looking at them they manifested behind him. Suddenly and the universe scaled out in front of Daniels eyes like reaching the deepest point of meditation he was in awe. His eyes looking off into the distance. They spoke again 

"You humans are still stuck believing exsistance is solely found from what you can hear, see, touch, taste and smell. Open beyond that Daniel and you will find harmony in your soul. Detach from selfishness and open to selflessness feel how others feel, the pain the truth behind their sadness, open yourself to all and feel the universe around you. This is opening yourself to the 8th chakra point opening yourself beyond the body. Now. Come back." It was like the universe broke off into square pieces and refrabricated into the Sunagakures desert with the same square pieces that tore from the depths of space. Stand with the two in front of him Raiton was releasing bolts of high amounts of electricity over the sand crystalizing it into glass. He didn't hurt Raiton because in conjubtion inside Daniels body they feed off his chakra to be able to work together. Both stepping forward announced to Daniel. "It is time Daniel time to bind us together to your chakra and manifest your next level of power. Like growing from a infant to a boy." 

Daniel saw them rush forward sliding back he went into his fighting stance. Reaching behind him gripping the air above his spine and handle of bone formed inside of Daniels hand then a hole opened in his skin and more bone formed out of his body connecting to the handle. Daniels arm came over the top of his body and out his spinal cord was formed into a whip like weapon microscopic bone particles around the spinal cord called Osteiods, Osteoblast and Osteoclast began to manifest bone from the air and attack to the bone. The cartilage expanded and loosened and the weapon extended two feet. The veribreas formed spikes of the points on the sides and the outer half of the bone. These points grew three seperate spikes that were six inches in length and deadly sharp. The end at the tip of the weapon formed into what looked like the tip of a sword. Six inches across and eight inches in length. Lightning bolts formed over his body and a blue hue lifted. "Where do you think you get that power boy!" Daniel lunging forward stepped on the ground and moved quickly at the two of them his arms behind him and his body hunched over bones slid out of his body forming spikes in conjunction with the whip he created he was tearing through the sand at the beings. Reaching full speed a ring of wind turned white over and to the sides of his body then ripping into the sand and sending it spiraling the closer he came to full speed, almost reaching a massive 5 meter long ring of sand formed around the white cloud of wind. Then he burst through the ring and the ground shook like an explosion happening he whizzed forward in a blur. The two being moving at nearly half his speed they were still in position of mid flight his body stopping in such a sudden manner it looked like he teleported in front of the two. His arm to his side the whip came tearing through the sand so fast it went through the lightning being and Daniel spun swinging it through other water being so fast it happened in seconds and Daniel was on the move full speed. His hand going foreward bone under his hand formed from atom sized bone being produced by Osteiods. The osteoblast formed the bone and then the osteoclasts made it look like a wild fire spreading into a katana sized blade in seconds but it looked like it took ages. His mind clear and him feeling so deeply connected to the world he was even stronger then before. The blade manifested stabbing through Raiton. Streaks of lightning lifted through the air. "You think you are faster then me?" In a blink of an eye the being was behind Daniel and then rapidly was around him striking him in a manner of milliseconds all over his body and the last sent him bursting into the air. Daniel had one eyes shut and he went up.

 Black clouds came spiraling as suiting manifested moisture into the air and the mass friction from ration made the clouds produce a huge columinus cloud. Daniel flying into the center the suiton being was performing hand signs at blinding speeds Daniel couldn't even see what he did and the water droplets the were going to fall from below onto ground and instead lifted into the center of the cloud and formed a massive sphere around Daniel and ration. Extending for over a hundred meters and towering above and below hundreds of meters the sphere formed. Lightning crashed into its side and like a teslaball with an orb around it, it spread over the surface of the water and all the way around it below the clouds lit up could see the outline of the sphere but no rain falling onto the ground. Daniel in the water floated. Looking at the two of them the lightning being becoming increasingly powerfull and the water being as well. Streaching his hand forward rations fingers turned to bolts that extended out across the sphere hitting Daniel and connecting through the sphere to the cloud and a massive stream of veins made of lightning streamed over the ground in the sky. Daniels lightning armor enhanced and it flew a massive blue color and lightning around him. Binding the lightning to himself and the water he soared through the water. But the lightning being formed into hundreds of bolts of lightning that scattered all around the sphere then conjoined in front of Daniel in a blink of an eye Daniel pushed forward and slammed through the lightning being then his arm extended out to hit nothing suiton was gone then. It began. The strikes of the water and the tide formed from suiton Daniel was sucked into a vortex and inside of the spiralling fist hitting Daniel was lightning and they were faster then the human eye could perceive. Daniel was beaten his hand holding onto his whip for dear life and a final strike sent his tearing through the water towards the ground then another and another and the final one the lightning being was more infused with the water then before and the strike connected to the cloud above and when Daniel shot out of the sphere and bolt of lightning was connected to his body. In the distance you would see a bolt of lightning hit the ground and a massive stream of water hitting the ground and when bouncing off the ground lifted and bonded together forming a sphere the one from the sky. Daniel floated in the center nearly unconscious the water sphere popped and he fell hitting the ground. The water hitting around him collided and lifted into a massive wave going straight into the air it streached across the skies and as it did millions of ice needles fell from the sky as the water solidified. Daniel looked up the black wrapping around his body could be seen under the skin tight vented black cloth on his body. His arms blocking the top of his head the needle stuck into the black armor that looked like a black wrapping you would put onto your arms before fighting but its all over his body under the armor on top of this one and under the Black cloth. Only his eyes and above are exposed. The needles hitting and his arms bracing the impact. He smirked. Shaking his arm off the needles hit the ground and Daniel walked forward. The being stood. Daniel approaching them both was in mid movement and knew that this wasn't going to be easy. The rain fading sun light came down and the two looked unfazed. Daniel realized then that this wasn't some kind of joke these were the manifestation of the raiton and suiton elements and they were there to teach Daniel. But Daniels performance was so calculated and precise and still their raw power over whelmed Daniel. Standing in puddles of water the electrical being placed his hand onto the ground and lifted his other towards the skies the remaining black clouds were there and only a beam of sunlight hit Daniel. The water being was performing hand signs and quickly a bolt of lightning came down and struck through the lightning being and it spread the bolt through its body into the water he stood in and the being performing hand signs the being fell into the water and then where he stood shurikens made of water lifted but they flew as small bolts of lightning covered them as they soared through the air and came flying at Daniel but as the lightning hit the being he was performing handsigns stepping into the rain he body flickered and blended into the rain when he appeared out of the way. Moving so fast his after image would swirl into nothing as the shurikens hit it. The rain hiding him the water being lifted in front of him quickly. Daniel looking shocked stepped back as the being formed into its normal appearance. "Daniel-son you are learning quite impressively.. " Daniels hands collides creating a single hand sign slammed both hands into the ground and out of the slam a wave of lightning went forward while it was building up Daniel hand preformed hand signs before so as the wave went forward he spueled out a mixture of water mixed with lightning.

 Slamming into the ground and mixing with the wave of electricity as he spueled the wave up the beings body, the wave hitting as well the being froze up. Then the veins of lightning lifted up forming into a tree and the being stepped from its base. Looking at Daniel he stopped. "You cannot defeat me.. heh" suddenly he was in the midst of a god like attack. The water in front of his forming spikes from the water surface along with an impressive flow of strikes. Like a river her struck at Daniel. Daniel stepping back was in the midst of blocking his attacks when the tree of lightning came swirling together and formed into the lightning being already walking. As one strike hit Daniel swirled into a puddle of water forming a good distance away. One eye shut he was tired and could keep this up no matter how strong he was. Daniel stood his ground and didn't let up. But even then the two were a force to never be crossed. At a Genin level he was going to have to do something or else he was going to die. But honestly who would of guess that he would learn so much like he had but he'll there's no time to stop he was just weak from the use of all this chakra. Suddenly the ground gave way underneath him as he fell he was pushed out above the earth with the two beings lifted around he was looking down amazed at what he was seeing he never thought in a thousands years he would see earth from space. The being behind him talking " Daniel we are inside your mind, everything we are doing will be implanted into your memories and you can use the same jutsu we do. But nevertheless you have proven worthy of out training. You have been progressing but Daniel what have you learned.? Is it sinking in to learn what it is that makes someone powerfully? It isn't being able to destroy a planet it is being able to know how to open past out current conscious and be one with everything. You are far learning that stage of life but I Wil guarantee that one day you become stronger then you can imagine but you will be wise and know how to use your powers to forge a new generation. "

6,020 Words towards:

30 Stat Points put towards Strength making it 65. And giving me a total of 280 Stat Points.

Learning Water Element (4,000/4,000)

Lightning Release: Jibashi (2,000/2,000)


In my last training I did 22 thousand something words I didn't know I could claim jutsu along with stats at the time and I was hoping that I could use the remaining 17k words for some of my jutsu.

If so I would apply it as so

-1,000 for Body Flicker 

-3,000 for Dance of the Celmatis: Vine

-4,000 for Dance of the Seedling fern 

-3,000 for Crow Clone

Last edited by Daniel Kiyade <3 on Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:54 am; edited 1 time in total
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:27 pm
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:01 am
So I've discussed this with Aki and were willing to allow you to claim body flicker, Dance of the Celmatis, Dance of the Seedling fern, and crow clone from your previous word count, since you were unaware that you could claim from both. Additionally please note that learning a second element at genin is 2x the normal WC cost, so it will be 4K for you, not 2K. Make the edits and bump and I'll give it another look
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:55 am
Edited I just got rid of Dance of The Camelia and put the 2,000 words towards learning Water Element
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:18 am
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Ryo : 500

Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:32 pm
It was time for Daniel to push himself to the next level. He was beginning to understand his potential. To an extent he never thought was possible. Daniel was once again with the old man in the oasis under the ground. "My boy you have become strong... For  a Genin to reach this point is amazing. Now it is time to push yourself even further. There is one remaining side to you and before you can even think about going foreward you need to train." Daniel nodded his head. Stepping across the top of the deep hole filled with water he stepped into the island and there he sat down. Closing his eyes he soon dug deep into his conscious and there he began to fall from a black spiraling vortex. 

Landing onto the ground he looked up. Standing was a silver haired shinobi standing at 6'5 Wearing a white cloak the cloak was up to the man's chin splitting between his crotch and the two ends seperating nearly touched the ground. On his shoulders were a half a sphere that was solid black with three holes that went with his shoulders. On his body was a black wrapping that covered his entire body except from just below the ear abd over the brim of the nose showing his eyes and eye brows and forehead. His eyes illuminated white where the pupil is with silver around as the the brim and a hint of blue between them. His silver hair hung down from his head between two horns on a solid silver plateform and between the horns was a Sunagakure symbol the plate was on black cloth that wrapped around his head but was hidden under his hair. On top of the black wrapping was an elastic cloth that went over it was thick but elastic and hugged tightly against his body it was ventalated so air could pass through. On his back was a 6 foot long katana attached by metal cufflers on his hips that was attached to a belt around his waist. It held the katana firmly in place just behind his left hip and on his right hip was the hilt for another katana but this one was 5 feet in length all together. On his forearms were gauntlets that were 6 inches thick that stretched past his elbows and the hand pics was like a spec ops glove that was perfect for holding weapons and creating a solid fist. 

On his thys were a fluffed out black pants that tucked into shin armor that reached down to his feet, but cutting off at the ankle the hard metal turns to a cloth that is attacked to tactical style black wooden samurai sandals. The man standing across a gap On a square roof building in the sand. The valley walls surrounding them was illuminated with moon light from above. Daniel stood on another building staring at the man. Daniels hair arches to the left as it looks like it is spiked softly, laying at a medium length over his silver metal head band that wraps around his head and an arch over the center of his head, his eyes are a piercing blue mixed with grey. On his face is a vented black cloth that reaches up to cover his nose and below. The cloth is skin tight so it reveals his facial features. His neck is also covered with this vented cloth and stretches over the mass of his entire body, and on his feet sandal pads are sowed into the soles on the cloth to make a different style of sandal seen. On his chest is a square style piece of armor that are connect to straps that hold a similar piece on his back, On his right shoulder is a square style armor shoulder pad, with a piece that comes off held tightly against his shoulder muscle. On his forearms is a light, black metal gauntlet that matches the style of his other armor pieces and on the top of his hand is a square metal piece and underneath are thick black gloves. 

On his left shoulder are three spikes the follow the form of his shoulder and a metal circular armor piece they are rising from. Over the top of the spikes half a cloak is on them, the spikes ripped through them, the cloak sleeve opens widely cover Daniels left arm. Around his waist is a thick cloth matching the white cloak on his shoulder, but lays wrapped around his waist making a cloak hang from below his waist. Infront of his groin are the plates held by white hemp string and there are the same on both of his hips. On his thys are a puffy black cloth tucked into shin gauntlets that are tightly snug around his calf's, with a square armor plate connected that rest on his feet. Their are sheaths for 4 katanas found on his back and his left hip. Daniel stands at 6 feet 3 inches tall but his sandals make him 6'5. The wind blew over the roof tops Daniel suddenly bursted foreward but stopped as the man's eyes lit up Daniel felt a black substance made of bone wrap around his body from under his cloth and armor. The wrapping pressing down onto his body turned to a armor looking like a wrapping to wrap before a fight it was all over his body except from the brim of his nose and up. Daniel looked at his hands them up. Lightning swirled around his body as a blue hue lifted over the surface of his skin. A bone handle lifting from the top of his spine he gripped it ripping out his spine forming it into a spike ridden whip. He then placed it where his tail bone is. The bone enveloped into his body turning to a tail. But then his body tightened a bit and the wrapping produced chakra into his body. Daniel formed a hand sign stepping up onto the top of a ledge looking at the man from across the way but he was already doing the same thing and the tail he placed slammed through the side of the building. He looked at Daniel but suddenly Daniel formed next to him. The after image dissapearing from sight. 

He stood on the ledge next to the man, his tail lifting up sliding through slamming into the man's tail. The strength and force from the two caused a sphere of pressure around them that blew a half a crater into the building they stood on. Daniel quickly pushed off the building going over the gap his hands slammed together forming hand signs but the other man was already in the air at Daniel his fist coming down striking Daniel his hands went into a barrage of strikes that sent Daniel crashing through the building he stood on the man coming down taking a step off each falling rock right behind Daniel. Then he pushed off one and around him a ring of pressure formed looking like a cloud he took one more step off a falling rock and like an explosion going off he broke the sound barrior. Daniel was pushing off one rock to the next landing onto the ground he picked up to nearly full speed before turning pushing hard off him foot the same thing happened. One explosion then a second he broke the sound barrior and then met somewhere in the middle of the falling building. Ones fist met the other and a ring of pressure formed the third explosion that sent both then flying back from each other. The building completely leveled to the ground the man went into the air and Daniel struck the ground. The man formed his body straight and stopped his propulsion. Then in a rapid series of hand signs he formed so many so fast Daniel was picking himself up out of he demolished ground and then a massive 10 meters in diameter and 20 meters long vortex of spiraling water spueled from the man's mouth. Daniel smirked then preformed several hand signs lifting him arm several massive bolts of lightning flew from his palm as he held his hand out hitting the water it spread through the water so fast the 6 bolts originally sent spun around the water slamming into the man. 

His body illuminated in lightning the water came falling at Daniel but then from a massive puddle of water the man formed and across Daniels face his fist struck him through the rubble chakra forming into the man's feet the water crashed into the ground and spread out in all angles forming a massive wave on top of the wave was the man riding the wave he was performing hand signs. And three kunai lifted around him as he held a handseal. Daniel skipped through the demolished building then quickly pushed himself into the air and saw the massive wave. Daniel preformed a series of hand signs and from his mouth was a yellowish orange liquid that flushed into a giant beast. The beast lifted up 20 meters and his left hand swiped across the air hitting the wave. The man was running up the beasts arm and preformed hand signs. Holding his hand to the air he placed his other hand onto the beasts arm the beasts mouth opened and a massive amount of spiraling water formed preparing to blast the man bust suddenly a massive bolt of lightning struck from the sky and slammed down into the beasts body. The beasts body tensed up and blew apart into electrified water. Clouds began to form over all of the village and rain fell from the sky down into the both of them Daniel stood drenched in rain the wave of water flowing at him the man dropped into the water that was rushing and dissapeared from sight. Daniel pushed up into the air and landed on the rushing water rain falling from above he stepped back and the man lifted from the water in a rapid barrage of strikes on top of the water. His legs kicking widly he turned and his tail spun around Daniel ducked below it and went up into a barrage of strikes back. 

But the two were so evenly matched that litterally every move was being blocked or dodged and when they make contact the build of pressure made small burst of air that stopped the rain falling around them. As the water rushed through the village the man and Daniel were in the heat of combat. Taijutsu skills were put On display as they attacked each other. Daniel stepped back flipping then hit the water rushing forward and his fist came together into the man's gut and a rapid flurry of punches pelted the man in his stomach lifting him into the air Daniel then pushed off the water spinning and his tail was as well then suddenly the tail stretched foreward and slammed into the man the bone stopping against his armor the strike was still enough to send him flying deep enough through the water to hit the ground. the water rushing in it pushed him to the surface of he water where Daniels tail reached down extending ten feet it wrapped around his leg lifting him ibfront of Daniel and Daniel release a barrage of knees elbows and pucnhea into the mains body and he was hit nearly fifteen times before danil rotated his tail over his head throwing the man skiping him across the water that is now slowing down The man skipped across then dug his hand through the water to a stop. His hand flew together and Daniel knew what they were so he did the same almost at the same speed. Suddenly two sets of Forrests of bones formed that flew up 5 meters higher then the buildings and nearly 60 meters of the village was destroyed with bone spikes that extended up from the ground from both of them. Daniel came up from the top of one spike throwing out one kunai prwforming handsigns behind them. The sizzling sound of an explosive tag was heard and the kunai expanded into a 1,000 kunais with explosive tags on the end. Covering the man's entire Forrest the blast from that many explosions made a mushroom cloud of destroyed buildings. The concussion blew out surrounding buildings Windows. Daniel fell back down through the top of a spike morphing into it. As the smoke went into the air it would reveal that none of the spikes were damaged. 

Daniel formed out to one side. Standing he looked at the man. The man smirking the lightning bolts surrounding his body formed into a pitch black color and the static sound became thick and solid sounding. The man smiled at Daniel performing hand signs then held his hand out and the black lightning formed into the shape of a panther. But made of complete black lightning. The tightening morphed from individual bolts of Lightning when it finished it bolted at Daniel faster then he would of imagined from a jutsu the panther came tearing through the village almost blending in with darkness Daniel stepped foreward and twisted his tail came down blocking a swipe from the panther and Daniel stepped back moving out of the way of each strike that came from the panther. Looking past the panther he stepped foreward holding a single hand sign and then appeared next to the man his body already in a running stance when he appeared the panther struck through the copy and then the man was hit with Daniels tail the top slammed into his sternum and sent him flying forward skipping off the ground. Turning Daniel pushed into the ground and off to the right forming into the spikes. The panther went tearing into the spikes but couldn't find Daniel. Daniel came running out of the end of the spikes and the man was just behind him from skipping across the ground Daniel pushed into the ground and his right foot went out slamming into the man sending him through the building and spun his body turning to see the panther crashing into him and dragging him through the ground into a spike. It's paw cuffing over Daniels body it held him against the spike but his tail lifted and swiped through the arm dropping down Daniel he then lunged forward through the panther into the air. On the out side of Daniel in reality his body lit up blue, and a white glow grew over his body. His head illuminated the water began to wave into ripples away from Daniel as he sat on the island. Bolts of lightning stretching out around him. He sat quietly as inside of himself he was battling something he has never seen before. 

The man stood where Daniel was going to land and caught him throwing him into the ground right next to him. Reach down he lifted Daniel and his tail wrapped around his neck holding Daniel in the air. " You ask who I am. I am The White Fox, and I am Daniel Kiyade.  You are just the mere beggining of the power inside you. But I, I am your true self the being in which ties you to our ancestors. Feel what true power is. And release yourself from the ties manifested into reality. " Daniel looked down one eye shut struggling to stay awake. The man then dropped him and he stepped forward to where Daniel would be beside him and his right hand dug into Daniels stomach and he extended his arm outwards thus releasing Daniel forward from his fist and away he went flying skipping into the ground forming a crater under him as he hit the ground he bounced four times before skidding to a stop leaving a trail dug into the ground. The panther walking next to the man as he approached Daniel. Daniel lookinng at the ground attempting to catch his breath he lifted to his feet and turned forming hand signs as they walked through a puddle soaked on top of the ground slamming his hand down into the ground lightning spread over the water at the man the panther absorbed the lightning and the man pushed off into the air and flipping in a slow motion front flip his heel coming down it slammed into the back of Daniela head and at full force it smashed his face into the ground the ground pushing into pieces under his face he lied bairly conscious. The man holding his foot on his face he was sudden grabbed by his leg Daniels tail throwing him back he pushed with his arms of the ground and as he went up he preformed several hand signs and two clones appeared all around the man. Daniel coming up from under him. The clones both grabbed him and threw him down with tremondous speed. The man went past Daniel but before the man could get past too far his tail extended down wrapping around his leg halting his moving body so abruptly it actually pulled Daniel down and his leg extended the force of his falling body added to gravity and Daniels strength pulling him closer to the man equaled a but load of force slamming into the man's body sending him plummeting into the top of a building and he went crashing down each level until the ground met his body causing the building to fall down into its self the two clones coming down burst into a flock of crows each curving there winds they came spiraling down then circling above they reanimated themself by each crow flying together and creating the form of a human body and then the details of 

Daniel appeared on the black feathers Daniel came crashing down into the rubble dust lifting into the air he stood up erect. The glove of the man sticking up out of the rubble. On the outside of his conscious his body was completely cloaked in a white chakra then detail began to show and his hair had turned silver, his armor faded away and now a white cloak was on his body, two horn tips had appeared. Daniel had become the man in his conscious then inside of Daniels mind he was atop of a giant lizard creature with massive spike like formations on his back. The monster was enourmous to the hidden most village. Stop was a man that looked like the one he had faught. His body being ripped in half he fell aside the huge beast. Then moments he transferred to standing with the man he had just beat. "You are the incarnate of Daniel Kiyade the Sannin of the Sunagakure. In actuality you are the Sannin of the Sunagakure. You are much different then who I was... Much like the innocence next to the demon that caused so Much pain. Daniel you have become the old incarnate of yourself. One of the most powerful Shinobi of all time, one whom strikes fear into the hearts of many. But be warned that this new version of you is hated by the Mizukage and he will likely kill you." The man suddenly changed and became what Daniel had looked like. Looking at his hands he was in awe wondering what the fuck just happened. Looking up to the man who was Daniel himself. His silver hair gliding in the wind his eyes suddenly opened and he was under the hole that formed the top of the oasis. The old man looking at Daniel in awe as his chakra had massively increased. 

He had become a new man the Sannin of the Sunagakure. But his progress will only go so far and he will need to speak with his kazekage to possibly attain a mission. Standing he turned himself towards the man then a voice spoke in his head "heh.... He is weak . .. kill him Daniel no one would know " Daniel holding his face when the voice spoke it gave him a massive pain in the center point of his brain. The man looking worried Daniel looked up "Its nothing... Just... Not use to this body I guess." The man spoke "You completly changed Daniel into another Shinobi .. The White Fox you are the Sannin of the Sunagakure?!" The man shreaked in excitement. Daniel looked with his eyes relaxed the silver was now a band on the outer rim of his eyes that goes from dark grey to light grey then white mixed with grey towards the pupil. But they were cold as he looked down at the old man.  "This power is untapped as of right now, the white Fox?? Hmm... I like it. " Daniel suddenly turned his head as he saw the old version of him walking up and falling back into the water. "Seems you have unfinished business... For something to manifest into the real world means that it is strong." Daniel turned stepping onto the water and made his way to the island on in the center. Closing his eyes he was suddenly standing in the top of a cylinder type rock with the old one on a rock across from him. "I guess that the old you just couldn't get rid of me hehehehe.... C'mon white Fox.. "  let's see what you got..." The wind blowing across the two of there bodies Daniel stood silently his silver hair moving with the wind his cloak moving as well the two Sat for a second before the both of their bodies produced a blue glow over themselfs lightning streaking across their body their chakra levels rising the surface of the rock under them cracked. The lightning around their bodies became more frequent. Breaking the silence Daniels hands came together quickly hitting their mark creating hand signs then his left hand stuck forward and out from his hand were massive bolts of lightning that came flying out from his hand that streaked across the gap between them some lightning hitting the rock tower he stood of creating a massive explosive sound from force. The old him pushed up into the air and two clones formed around him he gripped one falling down towards the ground spinning throwing the clone with massive speed at Daniel. 

The rock he stood on crumbled to the ground the other clone and The old version of him looked like they were floating how they would press on one rock then another and scaled down the falling remains to the ground and as they both landed large boulders hit the ground behind them sending sand like a rushing tidal wave behind them. But they stayed in front of it running at Daniel from the ground. Daniels eyes were fixated on the falling clone. His left hand reaching up behind his neck a handle formed into his palm and connected to his spine. Ripping his spinal cord from his body it created a whip. A new spine already formed and holding his body together. The Verta Brea formed spikes out of the protutions on the bone. And as quickly as his hand went up the whip came out extremely fast and extended out wrapping around the clones neck, turning his body his whipped the clone from its course and to the side the old version was running at Daniel. As they were scaling down the rocks Daniel timed where he would land and released the clone after almost two spins of gaining momentum the clone being released went tearing through the gap and when his other clone landed he was blindsided by the other clone. The speed the hit the other clone a violent explosion of sand would form next to the old version of Daniel. The old version moving through the sand that was once his clone. Pushing through the sand he went flying at Daniel but Daniel was now touching down onto the ground and his hand made a sign behind his leg and before the old version could register what happened he was in full Sprint and Daniel formed in front of him his left hand already in motion the whip tore through the sand and arched up with raw strength the old version smacked the whip away from him moving around it he came up on Daniel quick. His hands streaming together he turned his run into a flurry of punches that lifted Daniel into the air after the fourth hit his body twisted and his foot extended into Daniels chest sending him through the air into the rock tower he stood on. 

Daniels face never changed emotion as his armor absorbed most of the impact he tore through the rock and by curling into a ball he went through it out to the other side his whip snapping forward hitting into the top of the hold he made he forced himself up into the air the clouds dropping rain to the ground it got heavier as he scaled into the air. Lightning striking behind him he placed his whips handle where his tail bone would be and it sank in attaching to the bone turning the whip to a tail. His hand pressing together with massive speed he drew moisture from the storm being so close his hand signs finally stopped and soon enough he sank into the cloud and from the cloud a massive vortex came flying down at the old version the old version looking up in awe. And in the center past Daniel came a bolt of lighting from the open center of the vortex. Hitting the ground the vortex soon followed behind it. Daniels feet sticking to the water he ran down the surface at a high amount of speed the vortex looking like a F-4 tornado made of water from the sky. And when it connected to the ground it spread out in all directions around the old versions body being in the eye of the vortex the water rushed in all around him and the water violently slammed into his body and continued until the tail of the vortex hit the ground. Daniel just ahead of the tail as he was running on the water the tail quickly came up behind him pushing off he formed more hand signs and out came a stream of water mixed with lightning and it morphed into the tail end of the vortex and traveled down to the water on the ground as well. So as he was behind violently hit by water the water sudden hit his body with a current of electricity equal to Daniels chakra and it would electricute him until the tail of the water hit the ground and the water spread out around him. Daniel hitting the ground as the tail was done spreading out. All the moisture being pulled from the clouds it became a static storm. 

Lightning began flashing striking all around them nearly every half a minute. The old version laying in the water remains the sand absorbed most of the water except what sand formed to glass because of the electricity. The old version pushing himself up from the ground the glass cracking under the weight of his hands. Daniel stood behind him as he struggled to his feet. "You think I'm out that easy huh? " suddenly a massive cloud of black needles came flying at Daniel the old versions hair making them Daniel could now feel the ground shaking rapidly. Looking down then up the old version was above him and down came one thousand kunais with explosive tags. Daniel looking all around the ground shot up with massive spikes made of bone quickly. Daniel smirked. "Heh... Not bad..." Daniel was at a loss but knew it wasn't over forming a hand sign he pushed of to the left just before a spike came up. His body disappearing leaving a after image. The needles went through the after image and then was lost from sight as the bone spikes went up then a series of massive explosions happened leaving a huge black cloud into the air. Daniel stood just a little away from the spikes. The heat from the exploaions creeped across his body then out of no where the old version came down nearly landing a heel kick against Daniels head Daniels head leaning back the man's foot nearly missed him but as quickly as his kick came his right hand was around his ankle. Pull back turning his should with him his right foot stepped back and his left forward and Daniel dropped a massive left into the man's face releasing his foot as he hit him the man flattened out onto the ground. 

"Your not aware of how strong I was before we changed. You will never match my ability because I am not sadistic in my brain." The old version grinned with sinister desire in his intent. The two would now be at a stand still in power before a powerful knee thrusted Daniel backwards his body sliding through the sand he knew his training would amount to something but only in due time would he become the shinobi he has always dreampt. Sliding still his hands flowed together creating hand signs and he put his hand into the ground soon a thick mist formed around the two of them but Daniel was already on the move the tail from behind him drug through the sand trenching it while he ran. The other version formed hand signs and out both hands down onto the ground and lightning came flushing through the most connecting to the water particles inside of it. Daniel sensed the jutsu starting and releasing he ducked through running into the lightning his feet side stepping bolts and quickly passed by the old version and as he did his tail slammed into his chest sending him rocketing out of the mist. Suddenly he was back outside of his mind. "There is a great disturbance Daniel. You must go"

Word Count: 5,032 

Claiming 25 Stat points

3,500 words towards Shikosumyaku Surigetsu 

1,000 words towards Hidden Mist Technique

500/1000 for mastery of body flicker
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:20 pm
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:32 pm

In the future please link the jutsu you are training. It makes it easier for us to check, thanks.
Ru Jin Kiyade
Ru Jin Kiyade
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Ryo : 500

Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Daniel Kiyade's Training (Closed)

Wed May 27, 2020 5:11 am
The desert teemed with life, unseen in plain view it buzzed beneath the sand. Ru Jin stood in the midst of the gale wind that gusted over the landscape, the valley in the dunes in which he stood protected him from the wind. His eyes closed he could feel the chakra inside his body mixed with a second set of Chakra and the presence of a second being inside him. The three tamoe tattoo hidden under his cloak, the culprit of the secondary beings source of life that feeds from Ru Jin Kiyades body. Inside of Ru Jins mind, the setting was exactly the same, but the sand dunes were black, the sky in negative of its blue color, it was Ru Jin and the darker entity inside of him.

“You and I…. we are one Ru Jin Kiyade. We are the epitome of power, we are the Kaguya that the world has never seen. Let me run things for a while, I mean…. Heh… it isn’t like we wouldn’t have a good time.”
The sinister grin that slid up his face would send shivers down one's spine, his image just like Ru Jins, but his hair was instead a long black with strips of silver bands that blend to the black hair and in fluctuation of light it looks as if the silvers ascends and descends through the black, his skin a grey color and the sockets of his eyes solid black, through the tips of his gloves the long claws could be seen, his back holding two incredibly sized wings that looked as if they were hands with claws out of the finger tips and a webbing between the fingers that allowed for him to fly, on his forearm through the cloth were three curved bone spikes with a black tip that went down into the white of the bone, the curvature of the bones on both his forearms made the bend back flush with his arm. Out from his shins were three spikes similar to his forearms but the bend flush with his shin in an upwards fashion towards the sky, from his tail bone was a tail, the tail was made of nothing but bone and tip of the tail was a long, sharp blade, the tips of each vertebrates were elongated and like three separate blades off each one, his body was cloaked in a unique black chakra produced from the seal and mixing with Ru Jins. The amount of chakra flooding through his body created static due to his Raiton based chakra, and the lightning swirled over his body and was black due to the seals chakra, the whites of his eyes were black but the pupils were an insane white that has black streaks of almost lightning that moved because of the rushing chakra, To say the least this form of Ru Jin was an intense version, a version meant to kill. 

“Look…. I am training a style of fighting my father used. I am going to preform the training session against you inside my mind, and my body is going to function outside as if it were fighting you. I imagine the result will be the same as if i actually battled, and hopefully it will leave me less injured. So… prepare yourself, we are sparing.” 

Ru Jins foot slid backwards in his mind, and in real life his foot slid back. In a state of deep meditation his mind is now in another place and his body is moving as if it were there in the other reality. Two clones sat behind watching him, ensuring if an invader arrived he would be able to notice it immediately. Ru jins hand went to his side and from a pouch he gripped a container made of bone with a cork in the top, the alcohol inside was from rice patties collected and the creation of a long traditionally made Sake rested. Ru jins head tilted back and he chugged the sake. In real life he did the same, quickly drinking enough to ensure a drunk from it. As his head rested his hand went to the side of his body. The burning in his chest raged as he felt the alcohol rest in his stomach, the bone flask connected to his hip bone, the connection turning to an irrigation system to his other bones and the alcohol was taken inside. The inside of all of his bones hollowed out creating a cartridge inside each one that held the Alcohol inside and didn't affect the density of his bones nor did it affect his body because the cartridge inside each bone separated the liquid. However he can have the alcohol inside seep into the blood created by his blood and he would be intoxicated almost immediately at his control. Quickly his brain portrayed an odd euphoria, he felt.. A little bit happier, his muscles were more loose, he kind of swayed and occasionally hiccuped. With the release of a belch he spoke, 

“Sooo wha- wh-at cha tryin to do, huh wis-wise a-ass?

His eye kind of closing and his foot stumbling over another then catching himself, as he placed his hand into the sand to catch himself his hand formed the hand-sign necessary for him to body flicker, at an insane amount of speed, and almost entirely unexpectedly due to it looking like he was just catching himself he flickered in-front of this alter ego.  As his foot planted he slightly went onto his toes on one foot as if he was stopping himself from falling forward, but as his foot went up his left hand flew forward, punching directly at him. His right foot lightly pressing down his left hand came around punching, as his left hand would go forward it would arc to the right across his body, and then swing back upwards unexpectedly sending an uppercut with his elbow, and his elbow would rotate around to the left, then his right leg came up kicking upwards at his head and then returning back down to the ground. 

The sealed version of himself nearly started to laugh as he fell over his own feet, but then immediately he was in front of him. “There’s no way he can move that fast without the seal.” Ru Jin's left hand came directly at his face, he could hardly react for some reason, literally from how awkward Ru Jin is moving. The sealed versions right hand barely meeting Ru Jins forearm pushing inwards directing his punch away from him, but then a right came as Ru Jin lightly pressed his right foot forward, the sealed versions head went backwards avoiding the punch, then his elbow came up as his head went back, the elbow connecting under his chin lifting him from his feet, then a kick slammed into the side of his body due to him being lifted up and the kick had enough force to send the Sealed version skipping across the sand to Ru Jins left. In reality the two clones saw a spike of Sand lift into the air as Ru Jin shadow boxed the air. Looking at each other confused on what the fuck that was. 

Ru Jins foot came back down as the Sealed versions body was down on one knee with his left hand deep in the sand and his wings extended outwards behind his body. Ru Jins body swayed left and right while a blue hue illuminated itself around his body and lightning streaked through the blue hue. His speed so close to what it would be in the second stage of his cursed mark. “What the fuck was tha-” Ru Jin was quickly back infront of him both his hands in the dirt his foot lifted up and went straight into the sealed versions chest hitting him up into the air. The sealed version's body stopped itself from going any higher then lifted up and down keeping him floating into the air further. 

“So you have managed to make yourself faster.. I guess it's time that I step it up a bit myself then,”

The sealed version came down in a violent manner, his body streaming down straight into Ru Jins body, Ru Jin attempted to move, but he couldn’t really see which one to avoid being struck by. His body lifted and instead of tensing for impact, he went limp, as his back hit the ground his body rolled, then putting pressure to his right arm, his left hand wend flat pushing up against the chest of the Sealed version, and rotating with the hit his hand launched the sealed version into the side of a dune with such force the sealed version burst through the other side. In reality the clones saw the sand moving and the dune exploding from an impact, but no one was there.. Ru Jin remained in a drunken meditation drivin state of mind. 

The sealed version rolled and slammed to a stop, his head lifting he smirked. Ru Jin was now pushing potentials he didn’t know were possible. “You see… you forget..”
His hand creating a seal, he appeared next to Ru within the blink of an eye. “My Chakra allows me to do more than you.” The foolish seal version of himself forgot a few things, and Ru Jin tracked him all the way until he was next to Ru, as the Sealed version ended his sentence, Ru was looking at him. His left hand flicking forward as a barrage of immensely fast light hits riddled the sealed version with multiple hits. The last sending him back 10 feet.  The sealed versions foot sinking into the sand his wings spread open and in a rush he flew off his foot that countered the impact to the ground making the ground explode under his foot, his body slamming into Ru jins, Ru jin slid back quickly realizing that the sealed version wasn’t playing around anymore. The sealed version lifted off his foot once again as the impact his Ru jin, this time the sealed version's body spun and on the outside of his wings bones erupted out of them and the wing spun around to hit Ru jin. Ru jin closed his eyes then stepped forward, his eyes opening, as he went forward pushing up he lifted into the air, his foot extending forward his body extending out stretching his body out, as he did his body went between a set of spikes and his foot hit the flesh of the wing. Going with the motion of the wing, he went of slightly to the  of where he made contact, his body coming off the wing, his hands were pressed together in the shadow clone handsign, and in a cloud of smoke a copy of Ru Jin appeared the clone take the impact of Ru Jin, and taking a step forward spinning slightly around he released Ru Jin and his body pierced the air like a bullet. His hands still in formation, he soared at the Sealed version. His head tucking down his body rolled and his feet slammed into the sand and a thick wave of sand flew into the air, and through the wave two clones pierced both holding small bone kunai in their palms. The two began to drop as they were high in the air, Ru jin did not stop when he hit the sand, instead using that moment for the opportunity to release the clones then back into a flip and he right as the clones appeared came through the bottom of the wave of sand and into a sprint. His body rushed up to the sealed version, head tucked low to the ground, arms behind him, the wave came to the ground as he ran at the clone. The two clones coming down, the first twisted into an axe kick down at the top of the sealed versions head, the second slamming into the ground and immediately came forward throwing two wild punches back to back. Ru jin watched the clones as they dropped he rushed in at full speed, if the clones hit were to land he would come up at full speed lifting into the air and his right leg extended for a full out drop kick. The sealed version watched them all come through the sand, smirking he lowered his head then as the first clone went to drop the axe kick, the wing came around like a shield blocking the kick, then the second clone came up from hitting the ground, the sealed versions elbow came up hitting one strike then countered the second and glanced over to Ru jin approaching, his left hand lifting pushing the side of Ru jins extended knee, then his right hand reaching over and the palm of his hand gripped Ru Jins cloak and then violently gripped it and swung down slamming Ru Jin deep into the ground. Like an explosion from the impact Ru jin would lie on his back. Ru Jin’s body lifted back and he quickly thought “Oh shi-” His body hit the ground with great impact. His mind quickly came too as the clones in reality were lifting him up.  “Sir im not really sure what the fuck just happened.” “Yeah! You were like in a real fight or something i dont know how to explain that!” The clones blurted into Ru Jin's face as they lifted him up, Ru jin dismissed them and took in the sight that they saw watching Ru Jin. “The sealed version is still my strongest form as of now…. But the drunken style fighting was.. More than effective.. Hmm..” Ru Jin stood rolling his shoulders like it would somehow stop the pain that he was feeling. Ru jins body stood as he examined the surrounding environment and took a deep breath in. His return to the Ninja world was going to be difficult.. The alcohol does help however he said to himself as he lifted the bottle of sake on his hip to his mouth and had his mask pulled down so that he could have a massive drink. Slightly stumbling he walked forward into the dunes of the Sunagakure. The return of the White Fox was true, however he would need to train more to become fully ready to proceed in battle with another shinobi. As of now he was at a chunin level, maybe a lower level Jounin. This didn’t bother him. As his care for status has diminished and the urge for bloodshed rose. Ru Jin will still become the shinobi that will leave his mark on the world of the shinobi now, one that will strike the message that the old shinobi are still memorable beyond their beliefs. As he stumbled through the sands his chakra now fully in sync with the cursed mark in his neck, his body was as of now surrounded by dark nearly black bolts of random lightning. 

((2,504 words out of 2,500 for Drunken Fist) claiming Drunken Fist fighting style
Ru Jin Kiyade
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