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Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:57 am
it was early morning, and oro has yet to get any sleep, luckily for oro he didnt sleep often, but still he felt tired. he ended up walking to the library in his sleepy daze. and he sighed heavily as he pulled out his book. freshly smelling like ink. he was trying to add his notes to it but he ended up leaving it unfinished. he sighed and felt his other book, his fathers journal. he cursed under his breath and looked at it. pulling it out slowly and studied the front like he did a hundred times before. its only been a couple a days since he found this and he hated every moment of it. he felt the bags under his eyes wanting to be closed and his body wanting to go limp. he pushed the book away from him as he laid his head on the table and sighed. "god fucking damn it." he said as he rubbed his eyes. "why cant this hellish nightmare end." he groaned. "i should have never ran away, least then i wouldnt be having these constant issues, my luck is about as poor as a snowball in hell." he mumbled kinda loudly. "least im alone." he whispered to himself. and rubbed his face in his arms resting his eyes.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Ryo : 75700

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Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:33 pm
It was nearly the break of dawn, hues of orange and blue painted the sky, and a light breeze danced upon the air, twirling strands of the Hyuuga's snow white hair. Hikari and her companion, a black as darkness wolf named Kuro, made their way to the Konoha Library, intent of picking up and renewing some books to use for their training. At the moment, the Hyuuga had books on Taijutsu and Ninjutsu with her, however she was hoping to pick up a few books on Medical-Ninjutsu and Genjutsu as well (as they were the jutsu she was hoping to learn next). Her arsenal of jutsu at the moment had a mix of Tai, Nin, and Med, but it lacked many powerful jutsu. She knew barely any of her own clan's techniques, which was a sad thought to her as she felt like a disgrace to the Hyuuga name. 

As Hikari entered the library she greeted the front desk lady, who knew her by name due to her frequenting the library so much. After that she roamed the isles of books, reading the titles and trying to discern which ones would be most effective and useful for herself. While she passed through the towers of books, she over heard someone muttering quite loudly to themselves as she passed by a table. A young man, with medium length dark hair, had his head laid in his arms on the table. She was unsure of what to say at first, however she felt she recognized the man from somewhere, although she was drawing a blank as to where he could have been from. She was thinking maybe she had treated him at the hospital.

But...then it dawned on her. He was the guy from the cemetery, the one who had asked if they wanted him to use Genjutsu to make them forget the sad memories the tombstones had plagued them with. Hikari approached him, standing on the opposite side of the table from where he laid, Kuro standing beside her.

"Hello sir? Are you alright?" She spoke softly, a concerned look in her eyes. She left out the fact that she had heard him groaning about his problems, asking himself why he was trapped in a nightmare sent from hell and why he had decided to run away in the first place.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:05 pm
orokana looked up at the lady and looked at her. "im alive." he said before hitting his head on the desk. he sighed as he felt the book in his hand. he didnt know the woman nor did he care who she was. he wanted to be alone, or dead. oro looked up at her. her saw the look of concern in her eyes. he didnt know if it was because she was kind she had concern or because she felt pity for others. either or oro slowly sat up in his chair. "what day is it miss?" he asked rubbing his eyes. bags of lack of sleep showed under his eyes. his eyes looked dead and lifeless. "also why are you here miss." he asked another question thinking about how he needed to figure himself out. too many questions and not enough courage. end of the day he was weak and a coward, he used his enemies weakness and tried to win but he couldnt. he didnt have the will to win he thought and sighed to himself.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:14 pm
As the boy looked up at her, he said quite an obvious statement about being alive, before he hit his head against the table with a thump, causing her to flinch at the impact. Having experience as a nurse at the Konoha Hospital, and just having general knowledge of the body, she knew that if he kept hitting his head like that against things he could get seriously injured and could gain permanent damage as well. The boy looked up at her after a few moments, Hikari figured he was letting all that she said sink in. Then he sat up slowly, wiping his tired eyes. 

"Today is Friday." She responded gently, "And I am here to check out some books, specifically ones about Medical-Ninjutsu and Genjutsu." Hikari smiled softly at the boy, having noticed the emptiness within his eyes. She wondered what had happened to him, and what could have caused the dullness within his eyes. Everyone has a story, and some have a past they would rather forget then have to live with day in and day out. Pains, sorrows, losses, all these things can plague someone, haunt them for eternity.

She decided to inquire about the boy as well, although only a general question and nothing too deep or philosophical, "What are you doing here today, sir?"
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:55 am
"family matters sadly." he groaned, thinking he would never say that. "seeing what legacy is left for me and all that jazz." he noted her smile and sighed to himself. "medical ninja eh, how is that life going? theres plenty of guys that would love a woman to look after their sore bodies." he said standing up and yawning picking up his book slowly. he could tell by the look she gave him that shes interested in him. he figured it was because they never met before, or she knows him by someone telling her about him. either way he didnt care. "and its better for you to learn a gen from being in a gen, you can read about something but you wont know it as well if you never experienced it." he said watching her eyes. "maybe find yen, maybe jace, they are great at genjutsu." he said as he went to walk away. thinking he should probably find a quiet spot and read. or maybe sleep. he shrugged to himself.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
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Ryo : 75700

(p hikari) oros lucky place Empty Re: (p hikari) oros lucky place

Tue May 30, 2017 8:46 pm
The young Hyuuga was unsure how to respond to what the strange man had said, she knew not what it was like to have a legacy to follow. Sure, she was from the prestigious Hyuuga clan, but no legacy had ever made its way to her unsuspecting ears before- if she were to follow some Hyuuga legacy, no one had informed her of such a duty. 

But nonetheless, she tried her best to respond to his remark. "Whatever legacy is laid out upon you, I believe you can uphold it, if that is the path you wish to take. You could, as far as my understanding is, just dismiss this legacy and live your life the way you want to, disregarding what was left for you to follow." She hoped her words could, somehow, help him get out of the slump he had fallen in. 

Soon afterwards, he asked about her medical-nin life, and she was happy to divulge information about such a life, "I enjoy the work I do, helping people is something I'm passionate about." She chuckled as his following statement, having never heard it before when people discussed medical-nin. "Haha I guess that could be a thing, although it's definitely not a reason as to why I chose to become a medical ninja- I've actually never even thought of my job like that."

His next few statements regarding genjutsu peaked an interest in the kunoichi, for he spoke of shinobi she had never heard of before and she wanted to learn more about these genjutsu experts in the hopes of being taught by them. "I completely agree with you, it's the same way for anything that requires experience- whether it be fighting or medical training, reading about something versus being in a the situation where you have to put what you read to use is quite different. Thank you for your advice, maybe I'll be able to find them to experience genjutsu as their hands and learn from them." With that, the young shinobi walked away, his silhouette getting smaller until he vanished out of sight. Their meetings were always quite brief, and Hikari hoped that one day they would be able to get to know each other better than fleeting moments.

Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

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Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:18 pm
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