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Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:47 pm
Salzem listened silently to Yen's words, nodding his head only once when he challenged Salzem to a fight. Really and truly, he had never really fought the man full force before... mostly because Yen could put him in a mental headlock really easily. He knew from experience just how capable Yen was at locking down someone's mind. Salzem, however, had the opposite advantage. He was a master of strength and speed, smashing opponents with sheer strength of force instead of the subtly of chakra. Salzem's question wasn't whether or not he could beat the bug-man. When it came to Yen, it was always a coin toss. No, his question was what he meant for "the task ahead." The guy hardly ever spoke plainly, always weaving his meaning into so many words, it was hard to tell what was fact and what was filler. Was this about his duty of protecting the leaf again? Was this about some "ultimate plan" Yen had in mind? He couldn't say for sure... The guy had such a talent at hiding his intentions on his face.

"Fine." Salzem said, rising to his feet. "Full strength, right? Don't complain if you get hurt." With that warning, Salzem's body began to contort, growing and expanding until standing before Yen in Salzem's place, was a 9 foot tall muscular werewolf (speed 150). It wasn't over, however, as the lycan's fur color changed from white to black, a dark fog radiating from his body like blackness itself. (Speed: 215, Health, 110). He felt his humanity drain away into the unconcious until he could hardly remember what humanity even was.

One instant, the black wolf stood in front of Yensung, eyes glowing a red rivaled only by hellfire and the next, the wolf was behind, zipping around the bug-man before he could even notice he was gone. (speed 215) Salzem slammed his fist into the back of Yen's head, followed by a quick knee to the small of his back (speed 215, strength 75). If these blows connected, they would strike with enough raw force to send Yensung skidding into the dirt in front of him face down, most likely, about 40 feet away.

AP: 800 -30 -50

Total: 720

-30 Packleader form
-50 Shadookami
Alister Yama
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Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:55 am
Yen raised an eyebrow in shock and surprise at the sudden change in salzem. He morphed into the form of a wolf man and it was quiet a surprise.

Wow... he defintley made some changes.

Yen though as he was shocked by the change. Well also shocked as soon as he found himself flying backwards 45 feet and landing in the dirt face down. Obviously not hurt,  but that was to be determined as he did ask sal to go full force. 

However, yen wasn't going to object. In fact yen figured at that moment it was time to show why he wasnt a force to be reckonded with.

Well i guess i have to go full out then... tis wont be easy. But itll be interesting. Let it be known despite what form is taken i will not be surpassed that easily. The true challenve, and test to see how he will fare in the times to come. Start now!

Moving as if struggling to his feet yen and failing.  remained on the ground face down as he weaved several hand signs with his hands underneath his body. (Ox,ram,dragon)... the very unseen handsigns lead to a secret that very few would know and even fewer would understand.

Before the being known as salzem. yen  would sprout an roaring grey aura of powerful chakra  sorrounding yen. The chakra coursing through his body was the result of his yin/yang chakra being utilized. Now yen was ready and willing to test the one known as salzem.

The grey aura of chakra would simply reduce the damage from any, elemental jutsu, taijutsu, and weapinry tech that happen to pass through it by the power of the aura. This would also prevent physical contact with yen unless the person has a strength stat higher then the aura power.

The yin chakra surging through yen would intensify his chakra power imeansly.  As the aburame would also focus to increase his overall duribility by the same rate. (Body and soul: +40 to health, and chakra, final health and chakra stats: 140, aura power:100)  

His shoulder length hair revealed as his straw hat landed several feet away, and his single yellow eye surveying the man beast efore him yen nodded. Yen theorized If salzem was in such a state animal instincts must be in play as well as with this itll require him to grant salzem a greater sense of difficulty. Needless this was not going to be easy. Still yen needes to play on the strongest strengths of salzem and in fact easily use them against him.  But as yen knew he needed to play on salzem grant him the upperhand, and in the moment of defeat simply crush him. It was the same tactic he used many times against thoes who knew little of his abilities. Since the less work he needed to do. The less he needed to reveal.

Actions: 1,314/1,354

-40 for body and soul

Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:03 am
Yen skidded across the earthy surface, creating a long, linear path in the direction he met with the dirt. In this form, all of Salzem's senses had grown to such an astronomical degree that he could see the insects flying, marching, or hopping away from their battle among the grass, so it was no surprise the wolf could see and hear Yensung trying to be sneaky with his handsigns. It wasn't as if Salzem was going to wait for him to get up either, as the instant, Yen began to rise, the black wolf shot forward from his position, closing the 45 feet between them at a phenominal rate, near instantly by yen's perception. (speed 215) Before the bug-person could complete his second sign, the black wolf took right arm and wrenched it behind his back (speed 215, strength 75). Then, using his other hand curled into cruel fangs, Salzem would proceed to slash the disabled arm over and over, 10 to 15 times in the span of a second or two, cutting through muscle and skin, but not piercing the bone as he had hoped. He slashed the shoulder, the inside of Yen's arm, the elbow, attempting to make it impossible for Yen to EVER use that arm again. Each gash was deep and rending, effectively skinning Yen like a hunter would an animal until there was nothing but bone. (speed 215, strength 75, sharpness 75). It was likely that once Salzem had cut him the first time, he would've been completely unable to even move that arm. In the next instant, grabbing Yen's left (speed 215) and repeating the process, rending his arm cruelly with his claws until it was impossible for him to make handsigns (Speed 215, strength 75, sharpness of claws, 75.)
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:29 pm
Yen felt his body being lifted as he was weaving handsigns and within the instant focused his chakra  throughout his body as the defensive action of healing. Not an instant too soon. The form of salzem was well into the buisness of slashing at the aburames arm as he gritted his teeth  in pain. His arms being almost instantly healed. Almost as sal in this form had still dashed to create and try to end his hand weaving career.  It Would've worked if he stayed in the offensive arts. But he was defensive.. (yin wound destruction: power 75) 

Firocity is almost wolf like. still logical. Not bad

Yen thought as it was still painful. But now was not the time to worry about scarring. He would be able to fix it later. to give sal a heavy taste of why it was unwise to even touch yen.

With the healing chakra coursing through his body several things would occur while sal was amid his slashing fury.  The first of his actions easily being that yen would 
Take advantage of sal and his ferocity by releasing one of his strongest genjutsu techniques. As sal would undoubtly notice there would be a quick pushing and pulling around yen, and thanks to the wolfs  eyes on the aburame arms or even beliving it was any part of yen. He would see a grey dome or a part of an grey dome simply pass through him.

What this meant? Nothing for now as he stood perfectly still and simply continued to assualt the aburame it was the first part of his mad world jutsu. 

So unless salzem decides to disengage this assualt  the reverals of his legs moving forwards and backwards, left being right, right being left,  or any of the diagnoals being used in some way. (Mad world:power:90)

The effects of his genjutsu however as doubtful yen was of salzem being able to note the diffrence now. As should he attempt to release the genjutsu. He would simply lose AP equalt to half of the power of the genjutsu used. Thanks to his nifty mingling in the art of genjutsu and applying one of the strongest effects of hus strongest genjutsu to all of his weaker techniques. 

But yen was doubtful of this as he noted the savage firocity of salzem. It proberly wouldnt dawn on him till the second, third, and fourth effect of mad world. This yen was certain [size=31]That it would be a frustration for the wolf,[/size][size=31] But not while yen was simply offering his body to be a slashing toy. Amid the healing and such. [/size]

No worries ill let him get ahead and slam him. Hes in this blind rage, lacking any knowledge of my strongest abilities, and not knowing that he is just going for the  most dangerous senario. Ah well. The healing will last for a few more minutes...

Yen was in terrible pain but he remained strong as the force of man vurses half man continued. It truely hurt to fight sal at this rate but yen had to endure to gain the upperhand.

Actions: 1,234/1,354

-40 yin healing wound destruction.

-80 from mad world

Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:31 pm
While Yensung attempted to heal the wounds Salzem made on his arms, the wolf continued his attack from a different direction, this time, going for the end blow. He slammed a rising knee into Yen's back as he healed his arms, curling his spine back so that he was now hanging horizontally half-over his knee like a fish on a butcher's chopping block (Speed 215, strength 75) The wolf's fur would then fade back from black to white again, sense washing over Salzem like cool water. He saw the vulnerable position Yen was now in and decided to take it, pushing Yen up with his knee as he brought a devastating elbow down on his stomach in an Intersection Method (strength 115, Speed 185). The moment his elbow collided with Yen's body, He felt Yen's chakra begin to tear at his mind. He felt it try to contort his perception of time and space, he saw the world slip away beneath his feet, but.... then it receded. Salzem's eyes began to glow a dark blue as he channeled his physical energies into his chakra network, reinforcing his mental defenses before the illusionist could properly break them.

"ENOUGH!" Salzem roared, the noise giving him the focus to shatter the illusion Yen attempted to cast. (Balance of Mind and Body Chakra Resistance Now 100 given that intersection Method boosts to 100, surpassing Mad World's 90). Rage built inside the wolf and, with a vengeful growl, he backhanded the illusionist, slamming him into the ground at Salzem's feet (Strength 75, speed 145). With Yen on the ground again, Salzem would proceed to through a flurry of punches that soon ignited with blue flames as he tossed them at Yen's head (Speed 195, Strength 125). The ground would explode as each fist barely missed his intended targets, barely grazing Yen's flesh. Once the assault was over, Salzem would retract his form, shrinking back down to his human shape, gasping for air and holding his aching arms.

"It... its... over..." Salzem wheezed, flinching as his body screamed at him. "Yen.... You okay....?"

AP: 545
Pack leader form upkeep: x2 = 40
Shadookami: 50
Intersection method: 35
Morning Peacock: 40
Balance of Mind and Body: 10
Alister Yama
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Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:35 pm
Yen coughed up blood as his spine snapped. He couldnt  move. Barely as his arms and body kept up the healing and despite his defenses he couldnt move.   As his now body simply couldnt move. His mind numb as he went through the truama  his head overall seered and brusised as his good eye lost sight due to the damage over his eye.

Not this one too! 

Yen thought as his eyesight dimmed. His arms a mess yet healed to an extent to allow him to move them despite the agonizing pain. A hoarse weezing for his breathing as he finally eased a final gasp.

3 minutes passed as till his next breath. His body registering as his insects even stopped reproducing to the rate to spare yen his precious energy he needed to stay alive. 

He couldnt speak as his vision returned. The cool air felt like   flames as yen despite weakness and grogginess of the darkness trying to grab him eagerly attempt to pull him into the void known as death. Yet yen didnt see the point to surender. Not that easily that is. 

Yen was gone for but a few minutes till shakily his hands rose. As he replayed a few precious handsigns (ox, and a tiger handsign) as he lacked this to save his original eye but now he had it to save himself.

His hands surged with chakra as vivid as the blue sky as they surged over his chest and stomach, not moving an inch till the painful ordeal of his internals being fixed and his body with the help of its duribility slowly returned to movement.

  Minutes turned to further longer minutes as yen focused on each part of his midsection with grand professionalism then his face and eye while restoring it to its original point. The pain he got used to it after awhile as he finally moved his upper body his body screaming in pain as he moved. Focusing his arms to his spine which he in case checked and fixed with care and concern. 

That took evem longer as he hardly loojed fatigued from the work of healing. His body working in order yen finally focused on his  throat last as the final product. Repairing the voice box and easing his breathing as he returned to a painful  reassurance. After running his hands over his body after a final check. [size=31]His silky voice would be gone for awhile. But he spoke in a almost silent whisper steadily getting stronger as he spoke.  [/size]

"Im fine. Just sore and tiny bit fatigued. But im fine. Nothing that a night of rest canmot fix. But fix that temper of yours. No one is able to handle that degree of punishment unless they are near as durible as me" 

His voice returning as a creaking as he finally stood up his legs shaky   yet he stood up after a moment. And spoke.

"Time for round two and dont even consider backing down. Rather return to wife and kids intact, not in peices. You can fight phenomally in that wolf form. But that only makes you a liability with your allies. As well as an death wish for us all. You cannot flee from duty. Like me i had to learn  measures and means to weaken my techniques and even... it doesnt matter. Control is the next point. If you ever want to get redemption. I would rather know its safer for our future without you ripping holes in them if they were to do the same as you did and leave. Rather avoid killing the genin and students. A leader shows control not just pure power."

Yen felt pain all over but none the less returned to his position. He wasnt going to stop till he dropped down till his body couldnt function. 

"Begin sal"

Yen took a breath as he had no reason to give up. Not in his book. His fate was beyond the grasp of a mortal  trying to tear him in two. Alas it was his own undoing but not stubborness that drove him to stand once more.



-50 for mystical healing palm

Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:53 am
"Yen...?" Salzem asked when the Illusionist didn't move. For a long minute, the sanguine-eyed ninja waited for some kind of response, some kind f indication he was alive, but there was none, not even the rise and fall of his chest. Immediately, and without thinking, Salzem was at Yen's side actually horrified as to how much damage he had done to his friend. Blood was seeping out of his open mouth and his back was twisted at a disturbing angle, not to mention the compressed stomach. It looked as though Yen had been squeezed out and discarded like a bottle of toothpaste. Salzem attempted to weave a few signs, but his arms wouldn't have any of it. They roared at their owner, slapping him with a massive wave of pain and exhaustion. The shock of his own condition made the ninja recoil, causing him to fall backwards on his back as well, chest rising and falling rapidly as his lungs desperately clawed for air.

"Y-Yen...?" Salzem groaned, sitting himself up. This time, he got a response. With a raspy, broken voice, Yensung concluded that he would be alright. He got to his feet, but Salzem remained seated, looking up as his friend as he chastised him for his wild, chaotic fighting style. The lack of control made it extremely difficult to make each blow less than deadly, as evidenced by Yen's current condition. When the lycanthrope didn't get up, Yen demanded he stood up and fight, telling him that he shouldn't dare back down. Salzem wordlessly shook his head and remained seated on the damaged earth below. He refused to take this fight any further. Not because Salzem had one or because he didn't think Yen capable of defending himself anymore. He shook his head again as Yen commanded Salzem to continue the fight.

"No. I refuse." He said, looking up at Yen blankly. "This fight is over. I won't risk hurting you like that anymore." He wondered if Yen would actually take pot-shots at him while he sat her in this broken earth, desiring some kind of stubborn revenge for the situation he was put it, the desperate, shattered, helpless situation. It wasn't like Salzem would stop him anyway. His arms wouldn't allow him to weave a single sign.
Alister Yama
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Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:56 am
Yen chuckled as he cracked his neck. Despite the pain, and his body healed to a degree of functionality. Yen still stood there his eye now with a certain spark behind it. Battle and the rush of adreilalin coursing throuch his veins as he rushed chakra through himself weaving several handsigns and speaking. As he simply ignored the pain. (Ox,ram,dragon)

"This isnt the training fields sal. We are chuninn of the land of fire. Conclusion of our work isnt done till our reserves are empty... stand. To defend here you must go through your own pain and even defeat. Even if death stared you in the eyes  you must stare back. A konoha ninja awnsers nor stands back to no mortal. Mortals awnser back to us and bow to the sun of our country. Are you telling me after all of that you cannot stand. This is for the future if you cant stand and fight now then what will you do? Kasai.... i did everything in my power to stop him without harm. Yet no one listened... if you were there he wouldve survived. This is why you must stand sal. You were not there when we needed you. So you must stand and endure this. You keep running away. Keep fleeing. Keep trying to keep yourself back. Dont you know and see it. You are dangerous, but so is everyone else. With me being the least dangerous. Why are you running from the fact despite clan, what you gained, lost,  and ultimately found. It means nothing if you do not stand up. I am standing and you are on the ground. Get to your feet and stand.... besides i have hardly used even a portion of my strength and see you have incredible power. Thats why i am standing still. I care and want you to grow. I dont want you to belive it is right or allow another to leave the village in that matter again. That is why i will not give up till you  know your absolute limits. That is why i shall keep pressing you till your reserves are down so low you never knew there was such a limit. I will press you to the end of your limits. We will be here all week if we must. Your muscles may scream and beg, but your will must kindle and stand firm. So i beg you to keep fighting as i am now sal. To keep going at 120% and dont give up and walk off. Because if you cant do that here, how can i who would place my life before you and my village, save you despite my slow speed, my weakness and my unwilling to just roll oer and die. And you awnser back to save me, i would turn nations over and out to save everyone here, pay any price, die ten times over for every life in the village to save them. And even walk through the gates of oblivion to save even thoes who betrayed the village. Because im a ninja of konoha... im an aburame, i see no clan nor  person higher then the other. I just see  lives i will protect and teach and change till my dying breath. Even if i dont breath i will keep striving fighting death itself to protect everyone. This is what you must stand up to. Injuries heal, but you who left must stand up now. Despite the pain you will strike till your knuckles bleed. Till your arms feel like lead. Because you are going to strike your way to your will of fire. I will forge it anew. Even if it takes my own life to forge it. Im doubtful though. Still beating me to a pulp is worth more then its bargain. My children and wife would do the same. Thoes i teach should know by now especially. Your arms may hurt. I may have healed myself from certain defeat and im hurting too. But i follow what i teach. And i disire above all else to make sure you stand by me. May it be an army or a single induvidual. So fight on salzem.  You cannot just end it at that. Would any of your freinds and thoes you lost told you to sit down and call it quits? The will of fire doesnt do that. So.."

The grey aura sorrounded yen as he stood before salzem as he stared at him his firey passion roaring through him twice as powerful as the already surging aura of powerful chakra sorrounding him. (Body and soul: chakra: +40, health:+40)

Yen spoke  as his voice was still hoarse but strong

"Heal your pains sal and stand its round two. You hit like a thousand logs. Its only right i give you my full power in return. You are not weak. And if i can stand from all of that you should be able to stand and fight still. Ill heal your wounds afterwards."


Body and soul: -40

Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:51 pm
"Will of fire..." Salzem snorted before struggling to his feet. It was what Yen wanted... for this fight to go on. "Its all easy for you to say... You didn't nearly kill your friend just a few minutes ago..." The lycan grunted, clenching his teeth as he brought up his arms and curled his fingers into fists. Yen now glowed with a grey aura, powerful and clearly demanding the utmost respect. "FINE." He growled, bringing his arms back by his sides. "I'll give you my last best move and if this doesn't level you, I don't know what will." Even though his body yelled at him, telling him to forfeit now while he could still function, but that now, it didn't matter what his body wanted. It was what he owed to Yen now. After all that crap he had put him through in those years so long ago, the very least he could do was give him the satisfaction of a good fight.

With a roar, Salzem bursted forward, throwing a punch so powerful, it created a shockwave that blasted Yen fully in the chest along with Salzem's punch. (Strength 135, Speed 185 Power of vacuum: 117). Of course, the blows were so powerful, Yen's inferior strength would leave him little to no time to recover from those attacks, making him completely helpless to the assault. That blast alone would make the ground underneath Yen's feet burst, sending the Aburame sailing back 30 feet, but Salzem wasn't done yet. That was 1 of 5 punches. Following that one, Salzem moved like a flash, appearing behind Yen as he continued to sail backwards. Again, Salzem threw a punch, this time to Yen's cheek, (Strength 135, Speed 185 Power of vacuum: 117) and, with the momentum in the other direction, this blow was likely to be more damaging. Yen would be sent flailing backwards,  in the direction from whence he came 30 feet, but Salzem was faster and threw a devastating uppercut to Yen's stomach, flailing into the sky 30 feet (Strength 135, Speed 185 Power of vacuum: 117). Before Yen could even rise to the maximum height, only about 18 feet, Salzem was there once again. It must've seemed like he was everywhere at once, not giving Yen any time to recover. As Yen continued to rise, Salzem cocked his fist back and threw a powerful straight punch at Yen's other cheek, (Strength 135, Speed 185 Power of vacuum: 117) sending him crashing to the ground and trapping him in a hole the shape of his form. This was the end. Using his momentum, the lycan fell at the aburame, closing the distance instantly. Salzem roared with anger, energy, pain and whatever else gave him strength as he delivered this finishing blow, Straight punch to Yen's exposed belly, smashing him and the ground surrounding him (30 feet wide) far deep into the earth at least 40-50 meters down. (Strength 135, Speed 185 Power of vacuum: 117).

Salzem's momentum ended there, his arms feeling like they were broken and on fire, ready to fall off once again. His heavy breathing became wheezes as he fell to one knee at the edge of the hole, sweat pouring down his face, one contorted with pain. Through squinted eyes, he couldn't see Yen in the dark. However, if it was any solice to him at all, If yen could survive his lycan form, he would surely survive this. Of course, at this point, thoughts like this weren't any real help at all. He was in too much pain to feel grateful.

AP: 490

-55 Evening Elephant
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen) - Page 2 Empty Re: Reuniting with an Old........ Something (Yen)

Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:22 pm
To any ordinary shinobi the punches wouldve been devistating. But as sal had disired his strikes would sing true, this was the truth as even with the aura of chakra sorrounding yen sals strength passed through the nice defensive technique. Yet like many things the strikes were treated like a typical strike being reduced in power to the aburame. Each strike being as if they were a strength reduced by 100 less power. Minimizing the damage recived. ..roughly while passing through the aura sorrounding yen. That didnt stop the fact yen couldnt move. It just meant that he took no damage. Before he knew it he was slammed back into the ground. 

Yet his aura still around him yen spoke up as he grasped the reality that sal was moving at a speed much greater then he could comprehend. This was very much acceptible and yen simply climbed out of the hole.

As he emerged from the hole grey aura sorrounding him yen nodded and spoke noting the pain on salzems face as sweat was falling like a river from the half wolf man.

"You are fast and powerful. That was pretty cool. You most defintley grew in our time away. The time surely showed improvements  and well you are everything im not. I just hope you teach them from your actions as an example. But i want you to take my steed while im on buisness away from the village. You have the strength. But i wonder if you have the gall and will to stand strong and keep the peace. The idea that this can be done excites me sal. Sooo... i hope you can get it done soon enough my freind. After all your home right? So  dont fail. Move forward, keep pressing our future generations forward, keep the will of fire standing. After all if i can get up after all of this. What stops you from not being able to do as i can?"

 Yen stated with a smile as he grabbed his straw hatand brushed it off the grey aura still ever strong around yen as he placed a hand on sal.
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