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Transformation Empty Transformation

Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:14 am
               Jade looked through the window, it's another bright and sunny in day in kiri. He had being up all night trying to learn the transformation jutsu. He took his bath and had breakfast, he went back to his room trying to catch some sleep, but couldn't , he look at his diary (Okay, what is it I gotta learn today) he said as he scan through his diary, (There, found it , The Transformation Jutsu, I really should have learnt this earlier, I get to learn things late) he said to himself as he stood, got his ninja bag and left the house without informing his parent where he was heading to, Jade arrived at his usual arsena, a place about 120 meters wide or maybe , he always made use of it because of it quietness , it wasn't as noisy like other arenas. He got there, sat down and crossed his legs, he remembered his friend Azure had learn this jutsu, and he probably was the only one in the academy who hadn't. He tried remembering the hand seals, he recalled it( Okay, So what should I transform to now) he thought to himself then he remembered he saw a dog on his way, (Let look dog like, shall we?) he thought as he performed the hand seals Ram > boa > Tiger (Transformation Jutsu). A puff of smoke covered him, when it cleared, Jade had a dog like black body but his arms and head remained human. He brought out the mirror he had put in his ninja bag (Shit!!!,no one must see in this form) he was half human and half dog, he probably lost concentration or applied too little chakra, he turned around to see if there was anyone who had being watching, but was glad there was none. He quickly cancel the jutsu , (Shit, I have gotta focus, focus!!!!). He should have learnt this piece of shit this whole time but he was procrastinating it and even now he felt like procrastinating it till another day because he was getting bored, but the Transformation jutsu is one of the ticket pass to become a genin and apart from that the jutsu is useful for disguise, infiltrating and many othOkay (Okay, let do this) he said asbJade performed the hand seals again, (Transformation Jutsu) he yelled as a puff of smoke appeared and cleared, thus tune he had the whole body of a dog but His head remained human, he look at the mirror on the ground, (Oh not again) he quickly cancelled the jutsu as he a girl passing by the arena (Boy, that was a close one), He was getting bored of trying out the same Jutsu over and over.
                Jade focus on his internal energy ( Time to learn this piece of shit!!!) he yelled and performed the hand signs, a puff of smoke appear and cleared, he had took in the real appearance of a dog, he looked at his mirror ( Yeah, perfect) he said as he cancelled the jutsu and thought of what next to transform into, he thought of transforming into His dad, he finally decided to. He performed the hand seals and yelled ( Transformation Jutsu) a puff of smoke appeared and cleared, he was the exact copy of his dad, he looked at his mirror, he saw how perfect it was and let out a smile ( Have done it again , another Jutsu in my arsenal, ... but still have to get stronger, this are merely basic jutsu , I need to learn more powerful jutsu ) he thought himself, he packed his things together and left the arena , heading back home to get some rest.

WC: 608

Last edited by Jadeares on Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Transformation Empty Re: Transformation

Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:11 pm
Claiming Transformation Jutsu and 3 Stats points
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Transformation Empty Re: Transformation

Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:37 pm

Please reformat your text appropriately. <3
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Transformation Empty Re: Transformation

Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:04 pm
Edited. Sorry about the errors, got a system crash
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Transformation Empty Re: Transformation

Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:06 pm

No problem, approved <3
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