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Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Cleaning Mizukage monument Empty Cleaning Mizukage monument

Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:59 am
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Yuri looked at the assignment that she opted in for. She smiled as it meant another peaceful mission securing her progress of her plan. Taking on her usual gear and moving out, Yuri proceed to the store downstairs to have a quick bite since eating on the way is a future recipe of disaster for her stomach. Noting the fact she might be scheduled with some other ninja to complete the assignment, she had better not be late. There is still about an hour before beginning the assignment and the fact that she would not need to meet up with anyone ease her remaining time to prepare for the assignment. She is hoping that the heavens will hopefully help her to clean it from the sky to minimize the area required to cover on the monument. However, she reminded herself of the fact that it was smashed and hence the difficulty would be reduced by a few folds, no longer needing to keep her focus on chakra to clean off certain area. This means that she would only need worry about the weight of the debris. She proceeded to collect the tools required to clean the monument while it was at its prime anyways.

Holding a pail with a cloth within, Yuri proceeded to the monument area at her own pace with time still on her side. Thinking about the figured that used to represent the monument, she did not expect somebody to hate the identity of the monument to that extent. Added by the fact that it wasn't pursued, it would probably serve as a good indication of the changing of ways but maybe not as it can also mean a new fountain of blood flowing. Not of major concern to her, she discarded these thoughts and continue to her mission area.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Cleaning Mizukage monument Empty Re: Cleaning Mizukage monument

Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:13 am
Ren had left the house early that day, he'd picked up another mission to do and was in a hurry to get it over and done with, Cleaning up the remains of the Mizukage monument wasn't glamorous, but at least it was better than having to clean up the piles of sand that seemed to be back again every single day. Wandering through the streets Ren mused over what he should be practicing while he did this job, It wasn't like it was going to be a very strenuous job so Ren figured he may as well use the time more wisely. 'What to do, what to do" Ren thought to himself 'Well I guess were playing with stones, one could fall and crush me, although somehow I doubt that will happen. Guess I'll try my hand with the barrier seal' Ren thought to himself as he placed his hand on his arm; A warm glow of chakra began to flow into Ren before it burned a seal into his arm. Flexing his arm for a moment Ren continued down the path until he reached his destination...

A few minutes later Ren was standing in the ruined square, the crushed and shattered remains of the Mizukage monument lay throughout the square. 'Such power, to be able to break this statue with a single punch' Ren shuddered to himself 'The mizukage is terrifyingly strong, I guess I just have to be glad that he's far more inclined to my ideals than lord xyxer ever was.' Ren glanced at the sun, estimating the time 'I got here early I guess, well theres no harm in getting started I guess.' At that Ren began to walk over to one of the larger stones before placing his hand upon the moss covered object, feeling for weaknesses in the rock. Once Ren found one he steped back, taking a deep breath before clenching his fist and allowing for the full force of the gangeki arhiat fist to come crashing into the rock, breaking it down into a collection of more manageable chunks
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
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Ryo : 181400

Cleaning Mizukage monument Empty Re: Cleaning Mizukage monument

Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:16 am
It didn't take Yuri very long to arrive at that area since the walk to monument is a familiar path to her by now. As expected, instead of a pile of statue debris, it was spread all over the area giving clearer indications of dissatisfaction of his time leading the village. Yuri couldn't understand why is this so but she had not seen him much even back in tengakure. She proceeded to the piece nearest to her, the upper half of the statue's head and started cleaning. There was an obvious difference cleaning it at this stage, the cleaning job included cleaning the dust around that the debris could not hold on to when it was torn apart as a whole. Yuri gave it a thought that this would automatically include the entire area of ground as well, the tools brought clearly weren't enough. She wasn't alone in doing this but she wasn't sure if the those cleaning are aware as well. Wondering whether to go back and get a broom, the weather started raining giving her a push to complete the job without it. With that taken care of, cleaning the monument in its current state would be easier than it as a whole and it also means going back drenched.

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Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Cleaning Mizukage monument Empty Re: Cleaning Mizukage monument

Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:19 am
Ren finished breaking up the large chunk just as he saw a figure enter the square. 'Is that... Yuri? Again? I swear we end up working together on these shitty missions all too often... not that I mind much, she's far better company than working with freshbloods.' Ren stood up straight, cracking his back and wiping a drop of sweat off of his brow before jogging over to his friend "Hey Yuri! Funny seeing you here!" Ren called out, waving his hand in the air. Once he reached the girl he would slow down and run his hand through his hair, as he exchanged a greeting with the girl; once that was over and done with Ren would look out towards the square. "I've already cleared out most of the rubble from the lord mizukage's... ascension" Ren said pausing as he attempted to find an appropriate word. "how about you finish cleaning what remains of the body over there and I'll quickly clear out the last of this scrap" Ren would propose before rushing off to finish his self appointed job.

[Claiming Mission Rewards & 531 words towards]
[TWC: 531]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Cleaning Mizukage monument Empty Re: Cleaning Mizukage monument

Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:26 am

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