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Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private]

Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:40 pm
Ren sat there at the table focusing his mind on his work, the first step to learning a seal was memorising it's structure. For some seals this was a simple process, for this seal it was a far more difficult concept, 'Lets see' Ren thought to himself as he picked up a brush and began tracing the shape of the seal, first its circular shape, then working inwards he would form the structure of the seal. 'Huh, is that it... well I guess I'll try it then' Ren said to himself smirking a little at how easy it had been. 'Well then I guess I'll just flow some chakra into it and...' As Ren poured his chakra into the sheet of parchment there was a flash of light and an minor explosion before Ren found that he had been blown across the room and his table had been destroyed. "Damnit, Okay I'm done for the day. Yuri Lets have that drink now okay!"
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
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Ryo : 181400

Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private]

Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:42 pm
Oblivious that Ren got through across the room, Yuri was stuck wondering whose memories those as well as how the seal on her wrist came about. Small patches of ink caught onto her legs and she decided it ignore it as well since no harm was done to her. It was her first time planting a seal and seals were usually done on paper like how Ren did a moment ago, not like how it was done on her body. She wondered if this is a side effect of a shadow clone's failure but shadow clone is a ninjutsu. Thinking harder, she thought about the sequence of action just a while ago when she wanted to make another clone. It was then she realized that it was the one-handed seal that actually marked the start of another technique. Looking carefully at the seal, she could see the the center of the seal having a marking that looks like the handseal of the clone. Giving a thought about its intended use, Yuri could only remember very hazy images on how her life was before trained as a ninja. That's not she wanted to know, she decided to rethink how did those memories came to her a moment ago. This was when she figured the purpose of the seal; It was to help her fight with greater efficiency. She could tell intuitively that the seal is ready at her disposal anytime.

Upon knowing that Ren can move around and suggesting to drink, Yuri looked at him. You just made a mess, are you sure you can pull it off successfully?.

TWC right as of this post: 3649
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Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private]

Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:23 am
"Glancing up at Yuri from his place sitting on the floor Ren Smiled at the girl. "Ahh fine, I guess I need to clean this mess up don't I" Ren said as he got up and started dusting himself off still grinning; Ren strode across to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of sake that he had bought earlier and tossed it over to the girl once she was looking "But your not getting out of this forever Yuri, you owe me a celebratory drink too you know." assuming Yuri left the house after this Ren would begin the long job of cleaning.

[TWC: 3731]
[Claiming 1971 words towards Chakra Storage seal (Completed)]
[Claiming 1760 WC towards Fuinjutsu Barrier seal]
[Claiming 18 stats]
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private]

Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:02 am
Yuri had decided to clear out to let Ren clean the room instead of helping him in case she come into contact with something Ren does not want anybody to know of its existence. As she moves cautiously towards the door avoiding the hazards caused by the mess. Ren is apparently wants to drink badly, this marks for another opportunity to practices in her eyes. She stopped on her way.

So next time, beat me to it. She opened the door with the intention to utilize the seal with the thinking that Ren might come at her from what she just said. Fortunately, Ren did not go out of his way to get her for it. As she left Ren's apartment, she understood the fact that she had not found anything to compliment the technique yet. This means she that she needs to know more of herself, something that always eluded her thoughts when trying to progress.

TWC: 3806
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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private] - Page 4 Empty Re: Yurin trouble [NK][Yuri][Private]

Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:36 am

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