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The Two Tiaras (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:09 pm
The young princess once more sunk her head and averted her gaze to her lap. Her hand lost it's tight hold on Tehniyat's as so many thoughts ran through her head. Everything was so happy and relaxed prior to everything that has started to happen. This information was crucial, it meant that it would only be a matter of time before they would have to start putting up with violence thrown at them. Even before this news, the Senju girl had already been attacked.. now it was just a matter of whether or not she should tell her cousin this. She did not want the other princess to worry, but at the same time it would have been crucial to make it obvious to her that attacks have already begun.

Kanzaki grasped onto her own thigh, bunching up the silky cloth in mild frustration. "E-even Ninjutsu of that level couldn't save auntie Shiera?" Tears started to border her eyes. How could she ever dream of saving anyone if the revival technique of someone such as Akihana failed to work? She considered Akihana the master of Medicinal Arts as far as the little girl was concerned. What could delving into the arts of medicine do at this rate if someone of such high caliber could not do what Kanzaki expected medics could do?

The blonde Princess could not help but tense up in fear and disturbance at the mention of factions. It was logical in a way, but it only seemed so because she could not understand it. "People are picking sides but don't want to know how we feel?" The juvenile inquired, obviously having a really childish mindset about this sort of thing. All she knew was that people were fighting for her or Tehniyat, whether or not either of the cousins actually wanted that to happen.

This felt like a fine opportunity to tell the older Princess about what had happened to her awhile back. "I think one of your supporters has already attacked me.. in that case. I.. I went out to train one night and.... a-and..." Kanzaki trailed off, starting to hallucinate. She was reliving the most scary moment of her life once more Her body started to quiver as the feeling of death luring her in washed over her. She desperately reached for Tehniyat's hand in reality, though she was doing something else in the mental illusion, a scared look in her eyes.

The scared look on her face was locked onto Tehniyat, but instead of Tehniyat she saw that man who tried to kill her, hovering over her again. She was relapsing from when she was on the verge of dying. Except there was no adrenaline to save her this time. So she was left with all of the fear and the traumatic feeling  of being on the brink of death. Her quivering gaze stayed stunned and locked onto Tehniyat, shaking hand reaching for hers. While she was reaching for her older cousin's hand in reality she was reaching out to the blade, trying to stop it.

Gasps started to exit her mouth as she felt it impale her again, desperately trying to breath and clasp onto life. Tears started to slide down her cheeks again. Kanzaki tried to close her eyes, and she did outside of the illusion, but they were still open within it, watching as the blade came down. Then she suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs as she hallucinated her own death, her scream growing less and less dim within the illusion, soon being at full volume as it went away. "Aaaaah!" She broke from the sickening remerie, tears falling from her face rapidly.

The pain was gone from her body, causing her to jolt her eyes, her almost-closed gaze, blurred with tears. Hearing herself scream at full volume, she suddenly went silent voluntarily, then she shook her head, clenching her teeth and starting to shudder even more. Her first gasp for air since the illusion stopped plaguing her senses came out sharp and ragged as she started to sob with heartbreak, covering her face with her hands. Her body shook with every heavy cry that she let out. She did not even know why she was crying at this point, she just knew that she wanted it to end. She never wanted to relive that again.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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The Two Tiaras (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:34 pm
She had been wrong, Tehmiyat realized as the beginning of panic gripped her heart. Kanzaki was too young, she wasn't ready to hear the whole truth. Had the older princess had more experience with children, with compassion, with anything. The thought that her cousin had already been attacked once made her sick but now was not the time to fall ill herself. For the glossy look in her cousin's eye denoted far worse.

"Ser Atem, fetch the Maester, now!" she ordered, attempting to shake poor Kanzaki free of her own imagination. The young princess had stopped listening to her however, lost in her own world as violent shivers rocked her tiny body. The blank look in her ember eyes was what Tehniyat imagined death looked like, and in that instant she was glad she hand't seen the Queen die. As much as she despised relying on help, she wished Lady Akihana was here.

She was good with children, Tehniyat was not.

The Maester came in, his stooped frame and wiry beard a sign of relief to Tehniyat who was still holding on to her cousin as though her life depended on it. "She's unconscious, or some form of unconscious," the older princess tried, unsure what the term for the condition was. the Maester seemed to understand though, withdrawing a small vial of something white. As he approached the small princess though, Tehniyat snatched the vial from him.

"I will do that," she insisted, not letting the man touch her cousin. Uncapping the small container with trembling hands, she steadied her cousin as best as she could. The screaming had subsided but the glossy look in the young Star's eyes still remained. Somehow, Tehniyat held up the child, forcing the milk down the heiress's throat and once enough of it was ingested... Kanzaki's small frame slowly stopped shivring.

"Take her to my rooms," the blonde ordered, her personal guard moving forwards to carry the small princess in his arms. "She will not be left alone from now on. She will share my living quarters for the foreseeable future. inform her handmaidens to transport whatever she needs to my chambers later."

Teniyat would follow Atem from the room as he carried Kanzaki to the treasurer's personal chambers, laying her down on the bed. He would then leave to carry out the remainder of his instructions.

Tehniyat in turn would sit by the sleeping princess, one hand instinctively reached out to grasp the young girl's hand so even in her sleep, Kanzaki would know she wasn't alone.
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The Two Tiaras (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Fri Jul 15, 2016 5:38 pm
The young princess was completely out of it at this point. Her senses began to dull as she heard Tehniyat say something about a maester. She couldn't feel the shaking that was being done. The little girl own imagination had plague'd her to no end, sending her in a state that was practically between conscious and unconscious. Her hollow gaze was wide as it looked upon the older princess whom was getting help for her. Kanzaki still heard her own sobs, telling her that her crying in front of Tehniyat was another work of her imagination and that at this point, judging by the numb feeling in her body, she was either dead or she was dreaming.

Her crying became dull, and in the reverie when she looked down she did not see herself draped in tears, she saw herself draped in blood, with the floor a reflection of her frame. But it wasn't her, it was far from her. It was a woman of taller stature with natural beauty and a mystifying, crimson gaze. She gasped in horror upon seeing the reflection of the glass floor, seeing her mother with a hollow gaze and an agape mouth, engulfed in her own blood as it dripped from her in a massive puddle that clogged the part of the mirror directly beneath her rather than in front of her.

The glass suddenly shattered, all of the fragments shooting up and slashing away at her mother's form, bloodying it even further. She found herself descending toward the ground, her arm slowly raising within the dream as she tried to grab at the hand, trying to scream but finding that no matter how much she strained her voice box she couldn't hear her shrill shouts. At this point she had completely went unconscious in reality, and was now stuck in her own imagination. She saw that her arm and her hand were constantly alternating between her own and her mother's, and between the ceiling of a funeral home and a congested casket (for her mother's case), or a dark forest with a man hovering over her (for her own case).

She felt like her entire body was being ripped to shreds by the mental assault on her body, her own mind putting way too much stress the Senju. She felt her consciousness while already unconscious and in a dream dimming. The numb feeling grew greater, blocking out the feeling that she had in her. 'S-someone... save me..' She stated, suddenly feeling as though she was sinking into a lake. The lake was golden---but as she felt her conscious dimming it was as though it was getting grayer. Was she seeing her own chakra begin to die as she did? Her mind was so cruel to her.

Just then her vision was blotched out by white---the presumed effect of her having milk forced down her throat in reality. Her vicious convulsions in reality came to an end and so did her mind-ruining hallucinations. Everything around her was white. She felt like she was laying on a bed of flowers, her mind finally at peace somehow. She lifted her arm, and sure enough it was her own for once. Through the white background surrounding her two hands descent. Kanzaki heard one voice reminescent of her mother's, then one reminiscent of her aunt's, both of which said 'I love you' in a hushed tone.

The hands vanished, and suddenly she could feel her conscious begin to come back to her. She could feel Tehniyat's hand holding onto hers, and it felt like she was laying in a bed. The girl kept her eyes closed, breathing softly. Judging by how nothing has changed and she's yet to hallucinate, she wasn't dead or unconscious still. Every inch of the young princess' body was exhausted, so she went with her better judgement and fell back asleep. For the first time in awhile she would probably get a healthy amount of rest that wouldn't be plagued with horrific nightmares, all thanks to Tehniyat holding her hand as she started to sleep again.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Two Tiaras (P/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:20 am
Princess Tehniyat Bukhari-Star stayed with her cousin for a long time, time that could perhaps have been better spent but how, she was at a loss to explain. The quiet murmur in the background of servants setting up more furniture, bringing in Kanzaki's immediate finery and necessities, moving in all her possessions into the now joined living quarters was barely noticeable as she sat guard upon her cousin who now lay in restful sleep.

Too many members of Haven's royal family had passed in the last year, Tehnyat would not let the pattern continue. From today onwards, Kanzaki would be accompanied by guards wherever she went and spend her days and nights with Tehniyat. All that mattered now was keeping the young princess safe.

To his credit, Ser Atem stood his vigil outside their doors just as silently as she sat her's by Princess Kanzai's bed.

(Exit Tehniyat)
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