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Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Induction (Atem) Empty Induction (Atem)

Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:00 pm
The last of the "treasure" found by the two ninja the princess had never expected to succeed was finally evaluated and stored away, the royal vaults becoming fuller than they had been in near a century leaving Princess Tehniyat Bukhari-Star with a satisfied smile curling on her glossed pink lips. Despite the fact that the news of newfound income had faded to the background with the news of the scandal her uncle had been associated with - apparently Good Uncle Mervyn had taken it into his hands to kill a couple of promising young girls as part of his religious obligations to the High Lady - the blonde princess didn't mind. She preferred her job as the treasurer of the royal account and she had always known it came with little glamour and a lot of seedy negotiations. She had always valued discretion as part of her arsenal and now, it seemed she had found someone else who had done the same.

Young Atem, or not so young, she hadn't paid attention to his age in particular, seemed to excel at discretion to the point of having impressed even her, which was the reason she had summoned him to the royal palaces today. Taking her customary seat in the library now that Lord Denkiteki finally had his own office to work out of, Tehniyat felt more at home then she had in a while. The books had always called to her, account books to be specific. Idly the princess reflected on how much she would miss this once the time for her journey to Bird Country finally came.

But until then, she would await the ninja who would be escorted by Shina into the library. Dressed in a light green gown with lace finishing, the princess portrayed no signs of suffering from the intense heat that showered the rest of the city today. The sun high in the sky with no clouds for shade. All windows of the library lay open today, tempting in a non existent breeze but Princess Tehniyat was as comfortable as she could be in her high backed chair, the impressive wooden desk in front of her acting as a barrier that separated her from the rest of the world.

Things were finally looking up.
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Sun Jun 26, 2016 1:57 am
Higher ranking, something that used to motivate Atem to the end of the day, it was something he thought about and dreamt about. Clawing his way to power seemed to be the only way he knew how to live, but that isn’t the only way. Well, this is what he was thinking at least, you see. In his mind he wasn’t having anything short of a revelation, he realized that all of his days were spent training and the days that weren’t were in a blur. Possibly black from the cover of his eyelids or from the veil of the night. Either way he couldn’t think of a day that he spent not training, as these thoughts ran through his mind like a pack of wolves hunting a herd of bison he would notice the chakra of someone that was 50 meters away. They would seem to be very powerful if chakra was all that mattered and they were closing in quite fast. From Atem’s surroundings which was a mountainous forest type terrain he could get no clear grasp on who or what was coming for him. Atem would stay calm as he cared not what was to happen at this moment, he had no reason to be attack or at least that is what he thought, so with his curious mind he awaited the person until they finally arrived.

It was a female shinobi, a kunoichi if you will, she had long black hair with blue eyes to contrast the void her hair brought in. To complement the blue eyes she had a blue flower placed upon the right side of her head which would look as though it were freshly plucked from her eye. The resemblance was uncanny when it came to the two objects that Atem had to focus on them in order to not fall into the optical illusion, finally focusing on the rest of her features he could see that she wasn’t one for strength as her muscle tone was fairly ordinary, but carried a hint of athleticism. She would speak, “You are wanted by Princess Tehniyat, I am to escort you to her quarters immediately so grab anything you need or leave it.” The female would say it a slightly monotonous voice that would make her sound as though she was being indoctrinated by some higher power.

Atem would look at her in the eyes before he spoke, “Right away. This must be something serious if I was to be called to her quarters, interesting.” Atem would say as he pondered on the thought, he was intrigued by the fact that he, a lowly ninja was called by the Princess, but he dismissed the thought and began to walk towards the shinobi. “Oh and before you begin to escort me, speak your name. You can call me Atem, Atem Chasseur.” He said in a slightly annoyed tone. His past train of thought was broken and it had just came to him that he forgot what he was thinking about which gave him his tone. “Shina.” She would say not disclosing her last name which annoyed Atem a bit more, he then calmed himself and they began to traverse through the terrain.

Making it into the village they would head directly to the Royal Palace which would be decked in guards of which all seemed powerful. Atem began to go a bit battle-crazed with all of these strong opponents around, but he couldn’t get the same sense from Shina. He wondered if she was hiding her power because how could someone so weak serve the princess. Another thought he dismissed as they walked to the room the Princess was in.

Atem would take any seat that was open slouching down until he was comfortable, his body language saying he didn’t want to be there, but his eyes saying give me something to do.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:53 am
As Atem entered the library, taking the seat opposite the princess's desk, it was clear to see he had been raised as far away from court life as it was possible to be. Growing up, Tehniyat had always thought the Hoshigakure palaces were the biggest thing in the world. Now she knew better. Not just the palaces but even her country, the beautiful Haven lands, were nothing but a small spec in the grand scheme of things. the arrival of ninja from all over the world had made hers seem even smaller.

Shina, raised into palace etiquette by now, give a curtsy. "Will there be anything else, Your Grace?" the kunoichi asked, only for the blonde to wave a slight hand, indicating that Shina may leave. The female jounin did so wordlessly. Once she was sure Shina was gone - no one ever heard a shinobi leave, at best you had to assume and being a creature of mathematics, Tehniyat hated few things more than assumptions - she turned her attention to the ninja in front of her.

"I mus first begin by congratulating you I suppose," she spoke up, green eyes appraising the young man opposite her, taking in his posture and his carefree mannerism all of which suggested this was a bad idea. But his eyes, they spoke of needing a purpose, and that much Tehniyat could provide. "You and your partner discovered a significant addition to our vaults, and all without anyone knowing. Unmarked, nontaxable and shadow income is hard to get by but you two managed such a feat... So you have my gratitude." It had taken a lot for her to say the words, Princess Tehniyat was of the opinion that royalty owed no emotional costs to anyone, but a lot of things had changed in the past year, now they owed their security to Lord Denkiteki and Lady Akihana's ninja forces, of which Atem Chasseur was a part.

"Of course I need not tell you that despite the mission being concluded, it must still remain a secret. Should it be knows, we will lose all possible advantage we gained momentarily from its discovery."
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:36 pm
Upon the departure of Shina Atem would cut his eyes back to the Princess, he could not tell that the look he was giving her was that of a dog starved for more. He then heard her speak, he could not help but be pulled in by the elegant literacy of the Princess, this had to be a power within it’s own. It was as if she had the power to command people just by using her voice, he wondered if she was stripped from her title would she still be able to use this voice to  instruct people. He wouldn’t doubt it.

Looking into her jade eyes he could hear the sincerity she was trying to display, it seemed she wasn’t very good at giving people praise, especially ninja. “Well, once you gave us the map it was all common sense from there. I can’t say it was an easy task to do, but it was indeed bound to happen. My counterpart Lucien did well, but it seems that I am the only one here. Unless he shall be arriving soon enough?” Atem asked himself. “Nevermind, if it is business that you have with me then I won’t make it more difficult than it was.

Also, I appreciate the generous words, never in my life would I have thought of being praised by a Princess of the land. It is truly an honor, but what does this mean to me?” Atem would say. He then immediately started back up leaving no time to intervene, “Money is not what I want if we are about to discuss rewards, I would like something more important than that and that would be you having me as your personal guard. I have no immoral intentions with this request, but I surely want to advance in the Hoshigakure society. I figured this would be the best course of action.

Atem would choose every word carefully, he emphasized ‘that’ as he spoke, he used allusions to religion since he knew that is what Hoshigakure revolved around. He was far from being a naive man and used his words to his advantage in situations like this. It was no pressing matter though, after he spoke a bit he would continue to let her speak in which she would state something about the matter having to stay secret, “Oh, you have my word that this won’t leak out to the public. If it does I will kill myself in front of you on the spot.” Atem said with confidence pouring from his body.
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:48 pm
As the young ninja explained that their success at the mission she had set them was inevitable, Tehniyat wondered where all the confidence stemmed from. Confidence was a valuable virtue to possess but its value lay in how well it was balanced. It remained to be seen if Atem was confident to the extent of being foolish or simply believed in his own abilities. "No, your friend Lucien will not be joining us today," the blonde admitted, green eyes taking in the male curiously.

"I did not summon you here to offer you money, so that's all well and good," she cut him off, clearly the boy would require a lot of polishing should he be employed to be around court life. The first lessons of many would be to learn to speak less, and use more measured words. But he was young yet. "Money is something I have no wish to part with Call it cliche but the security in golds and bonds is what keeps our country going. Hoshi has had many problems over the last twenty years but do you know what has not been one of them? We are not indebted monetarily to any other nation. I managed to save enough to tide us over even through the rogue attacks these last ten years." It felt good to admit it, Tehniyat had never told anyone this before. There as never a need to until now.

"You claim to want a spot on my royal guard, yet what do you know of Haven's royalty? Let's test your knowledge. What makes a Queen, Ser Chasseur?"
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Tue Jun 28, 2016 2:50 pm
Hearing the princess speak about how money kept the kingdom together made Atem fairly bored, but he knew it was needed for the economy of Hoshi. Despite his nonchalant manner he actually cared for the place and didn’t want other nations to impede on the success of Hoshigakure. “That is quite the feat, despite having no combat sense whatsoever you seem to be very financially minded which in your place of work is all you need. Along with that hypnotizing voice of yours.” Atem would say as he sat up right. The princess would continue speaking about how Atem wanted a spot in the Royal Guards which was then followed with a question.

Atem wasted no time with trying to think of a good answer, he would tell her exactly what he thought a good queen was supposed to have from the very depths of his subconscious. “Well, I would say a Queen is made by her elegance, something of a role model if you will. I say this because a Queen is looked up to by many and appearance is something that matters to the Royal Family. Not only does her appearance matter, but how she conducts herself mentally, she knows when and how to speak, what to say at the perfect time and how to defuse a situation with her words. What I am saying is she has to be a political mastermind, you know, in Chess the Queen is the strongest piece on the board. If that is loss it is very hard to overcome that deficit.” Atem said speaking in a somber tone.

Atem would then wait for a reply from the princess.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:15 pm
"A charming answer," Tehniyat admitted, the ghost of a smile touching her face. Charm could get a person into most places. Lady Akihana had it in spades and was completely unaware of it, Lord Denkiteki possessed some but was rather ill placed in using it, and this boy... Tehniyat couldn't make up her mind about an unpolished investment. He could certainly be both useful and dangerous, but only when properly trained and educated.

And that was apparently her job now.

"But an incorrect one, at least as far as Hoshi is concerned." the blonde princess corrected gently, vibrant green gaze glittering with the challenge at hand. "Birth makes a Queen. You can educate with and bestow upon any woman words, elegance, charisma, silver speech and adorn her with fine gowns and jewels, but she would still be a well dressed, well spoken commoner, not a Queen." The princess paused for a moment to let it sink in.

"I was born in Forest Country, a daughter to the Queen's male cousin. I grew up with no notions of being Queen someday for my claim to the throne of Haven is perhaps stronger than only Princess Kanzaki's. But she was born right here in this palace, so some might feel that despite her mixed blood, she has a better claim to the throne." Despite rarely leaving her books, Tehniyat was well aware of court gossip, having made just enough friends to know which way the court and public consensus swung. The art had gotten her out of tough situations more than once.

"As you must have heard, our Queen, my Aunt Shiera, is counting her last breath. After she departs this world to join the stars that look down us at night, there will be chaos. Her daughter, the rightful heir to her throne has long been dead, Prince Arthur's fiance too has left us, bringing us the conflict we now face at bird country which will only be resolved with my marriage to their prince. At best we will have a divided people with some supporting Princess Kanzaki's claims and some mine. Do you understand what any of this might mean for you? Will you be willing to guard a doomed princess?"

Tehniyat fell silent, letting the question ring through the library as Atem contemplated his response.
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:55 pm
As the princess would state his answer was ‘charming’ he would begin to smile, but it was couldn’t have been more wrong. The actual answer to this question, no, riddle, was birth otherwise known as blood. You must be the descendant of royalty itself, but that would also lead Atem into his next statement, “Who has the power to bestow royalty upon someone, what made the first royal different from everybody else?” Atem would ask perking up an eyebrow intrigued by what answer would follow. He would then readvert his attention to the backstory telling of the princess, “My apologies, I did not mean to interrupt, I often get aroused by these sort of talks.” He would say expecting the princess’s mind to not fall within the clutches of the flesh.

Ah, so she wasn’t born here, but somewhere in the forest country. I don’t know too much about the country, which is humiliating due to me wanting to dabble in political affairs, but I digress.” Atem would say in his mind keeping his void-filled black eyes on the lady in front of him showing her that he was paying careful attention to her history. “So, due to her being born within the vicinity of this palace she is purer than you? Don’t make me laugh! Only those who are ignorant to royalty as I was could think such a thing. Now that I think about it, the residents of Hoshi are quite ignorant and set in their ways. Your life must be in danger as we speak.” Atem said deducing her situation before she could get to it.

Ah, seems I have spoken out of place once again.” Atem would say closing his lips. The princess would then continue to speak about what he had already figured out and how she was ‘doomed’. Atem would sit there and laugh, “I’d be a foolish man to not protect something as important as you. Not only will I gain recognition in the village, but I will also be hated by the secret factions that lie within Hoshi if any at all.” Atem said covering up the fact that he had slightly fallen for the princess. His eyes would then fall back on hers as he had gotten a bit too passionate about his ‘speech’
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:18 pm
Her royal highness found herself giving pause at his question of where royalty originated from. She hadn't expected the question from someone like him but it seemed he truly wanted to know the history of the country, not just the parts that would be relevant to him today. "Well," she began, lacing her fingers above the desk and as she relayed the history as best as she could. "Anyone in Hoshi would tell you it was the Gods who picked the first Queen, mayshe shine on forevermore. Before the days of organised monarchy, a group of priests decided declared unto a woman with hair of gold the title of Queen. They said her yellow her among their own blacks and browns and reds stood out as clear sign from the Gods. But if you would indulge me an opinion, Ser."

Looking at him to see if he understood, she continued. "We often credit the Gods with ideas we come up with on our own. Should the Gods will me to pick up a pen and write a letter, I would do so. But was the action done because I wanted it or because the Gods did? Or did They want me to want to do it? The paradox is as fascinating as it is confusing so I would tentatively answer your question with... Gods may make the Queen, but it is the people who truly make her. Which is why the coming contest for the throne is so important. Because it will be up to the people to decide whether dear cousin Kanzaki is worthy of being their new Queen or I am."

A steely green gaze collided with the boy's own as he called the people of the city ignorant. Princess Tehniyat allowed him to finish his sentence but it was clear from her slightly hardened features that she did not appreciate her people being looked down upon. "I did not tell you all this so you may rain judgement down upon the good citizens of Hoshigakure. They have very strong beliefs and those beliefs were the only thing that held them firm through the last decade when our city was pillaged by rogues and entire country taken over by missing ninja. Do these beliefs align with yours? Perhaps not but that is no reason to refer to them as ignorant."

If he would respond, she would listen before she continued.

"At any rate, it doesn't matter if their beliefs are valid, they just are, and they will play a key role in deciding who the next Queen will be. We cannot change their mind, nor can be change the past. When all is said and done, I am still the outsider from Forest Country while Princess Kanzaki is the trueborn princess of Hoshigakure. She is however, only a child. She has much to learn before she can rule our Queendom effectively whereas I have had some experience in court, and I already manage the royal treasury as you well know." Truth be told, Tehniyat was rather fond of her young cousin despite her halfblood status. She had been a child herself when Kanzaki was born and she had been fascinated with babies. As Kanzaki grew, she continued to fascinate Tehniyat with her use of chakra and her wish to fulfill her father's dreams of uniting shinobi and civilians alike.
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Induction (Atem) Empty Re: Induction (Atem)

Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:16 pm
Atem would notice the eyes of the woman piercing him like cold daggers in the winter snow, his animal-like instincts were shook for a moment causing him to widen his eyes. For a moment he felt a dominant pressure come from her that he didn’t even think she was aware of. He quickly dismissed what had happened and continued with the conversation, “You are right, Hoshi has people with strong beliefs otherwise known as radicals. I am not against the cause itself, but when people show hubris in a religion or whatever the case may be it tends to harm others. This is something humans can never learn from, do you know why we are so keen on history?” Atem would ask the Princess. “It is because if we don’t learn from it we will eventually succumb to it. Time and time again someone rises and falls going down the radical path of arrogance or hauter. I mean no disrespect to the people of Hoshi because them having that much pride in something is truly astonishing, but it should not affect people who don’t feel the same way. In a negative way, that is.” Atem would catch himself.

Tackling the other dialogue the Princess spouted Atem would begin to speak, “I will happily abide by their ideals, although, I will not believe in them myself. I hope this doesn’t cause discord between the two of us for some odd reason. It would be nothing, but an example of what I already spoke of earlier. I will do all in my power to appease you in your succession of the Queen, if there is anything that needs to be done I want to be amongst the few to know, a first responder if you will.” Atem said rubbing his hairless chin and hunching his back over the desk engaging himself fully in the conversation.
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