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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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The Second Blood Games Empty The Second Blood Games

Mon May 23, 2016 9:33 pm
Haru sat down in the office, a huge crater from the explosion still fresh in the door, a few carpenters working the wall to fix it, one retrieving the door, which had been blown off its hinges. Piles of singed paper lay, neatly stacked, while a secretary copied and reworked the documents Haru had destroyed during his coronation as Mizukage. Before him was a paper that contained a notice he had just written up, to be sent to every Genin in Kirigakure:

Genin of Kirigakure, it is once again time to test yourselves and prove your worth as ninja. In one weeks time, The Blood Games will begin again, and those who step forward will be offered the chance to put their skills to the test and compete for the rank of Chunin. Genin must be signed up by the commencement of the games to compete.


(Genin wishing to sign up should do so in this topic.)
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

The Second Blood Games Empty Re: The Second Blood Games

Wed May 25, 2016 4:25 am
It was early in the morning when Ren received a knock at the door, most people would still be in bed at this hour; Ren... was yet to go to bed, having spent the whole night studying he groggily wandered over to the door of his tiny little one bedroom appartment before opening the door. Ren blinked, seeing no one there, confused he looked down, only to see a fine scroll with the seal of the Mizukage. Reading the letter only served to confuse the young ninja even more. So were finally having a Chunin exam, it's about time, but I thought Xyzer was the Mizukage. Well whatever's happened I guess I'll find out soon.

Heading out of the small building that was his home, Ren wandered down to the administration building ready to register. As he walked he mused to himself, I wonder how many of the new bloods are going to be game enough to compete in something called the blood games. Walking into the building Ren filled out the requisite forms and handed them into the desk.

[Ren Tsubasa registering for the Chunin exams]
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

The Second Blood Games Empty Re: The Second Blood Games

Wed May 25, 2016 5:54 pm
A piece of paper was dropped below her lodging's door when Yuri was gearing herself up for the day. She thought to herself after looking at the piece of paper thinking that this might be repeat her history of dissappearance again. Past events flashed in her mind, making her decision to join the exam waver. At the end, she assured herself no matter what, this time is different, regardless of the outcome.

She had decided to get herself into the event again, spending the day with the appropriate paperwork to get herself signed up though she couldn't help to think of the past.

[Registering for the chunnin exam]
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