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Atem <3
Atem <3
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Fri May 13, 2016 5:28 pm
The day had come too fast for the second Chuunin exam that he would take part of, hopefully his last, the days were completely opposite than what he had remembered from the last day. It was gloomy, cloudy and looked as though it would rain at any minute. Waking up at around 8 and leaving the house at 9 he walked to the arena that he had previously been too. Once there he seen it looked the same, it had an open top so it wouldn’t close to stop the rain from coming in but that would have been a magnificent job for today. As Atem walked into the building for registration he could see that the amount of people that had came to today’s event didn’t even come close to amounting to the people that came last time. It was obvious to say that it was the weather, no one’s natural bloodlust would compel them to come out in the rain just to see a bunch of kids fight for a title. The people that were there now were the ones who were waiting to support their child who could possibly advance to becoming that next rank known as chuunin. Thinking about this Atem was down, he wasn’t able to learn that jutsu in time so he wasn’t really confident in it as much, but he would try to perform it today nonetheless. Walking to the registration desk Atem would be in the mood of something similar of a snake that had been denied food. “Atem Chasseur.” Atem said in a manner at which showed he wasn’t being polite. “Here you are sir.” The woman would say. “Thank you.” Atem said snapping himself out of that mood just enough to utter the thank you. He seen no reason to be rude to those people as they had done nothing.

Just like last time he walked to the waiting room with his hands in his pocket looking as menacing as a shark who has just smelled blood. He opened the door to see the multiple chuunin there looking at him as though they could intimidate him. He was unphased, he took his seat calmly and stared at his hands. Chuunin began to leave one by one as they went to fight until finally Atem’s name was called in which he would get up and make his way for the exit
The same as last time the hallway would seem as though it was infinite, but he finally made his way to the exit and opening the door the sun beamed into his eyes. He was unprepared for this as it had just looked like it was going to rain a few minutes ago, but now the sun was peaking through the dark clouds as if telling him to pick his head up. He then observed the field that was the complete same as last time, 50 meter diameter, no roof just tiles on the ground and that’s it. “Welcome home.” Atem said to himself in a joking manner. Walking up 10 meters This means Atem was now in the middle of the arena, but not the center. He was closer to the edge of the wall then he was the center or somewhere in between.

Atem could then see the other two contestant come out of their respective doors looking ready to go. “Let’s give this another try shall we?” Atem said to himself.

[WC 576]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Fri May 13, 2016 6:23 pm
Lucien would have to do a second second... Chuunin battle examination. This in his mind was relatively total cancer. He had that the proctor of the previous battle wouldn't have been there as she was likely very important and during that fight, he was quickly dispatched putting a decent stain on his reputation for that person. To make up for it, Lucien decided this time around, he would turn the tables attempt to execute a mass extermination or something of the sort as his previous opponent did to him and his friend, Atem. Lucien was getting ready at his home jumping around and grabbing various things not knowing if he'd need them or not. Before leaving, he'd be looking into his mirror with his perfected focus activating for some odd reason. He wondered if he would want to pack some better armor than what he was wearing. Nah. He didn't know who'd he be fighting but he already had a few methods in mind written down from the night before. After reviewing them back and forth, it was no longer difficult to bring them into his mind at a moment's notice. 

Lucien would then walk to the arena that he was once at. Travelling across the village, he'd find kids playings, food stands and restaurants, many upon many other nin heading there; they all seemed to be Genin. Lucien seemed to be in quite the slump and didn't really feel like fighting. This weird will to win transformed into a dark disposition. Within the binds of his mind as he walked, Lucien would freestyle sliding from topic to topic with an aggressive like nature. 

That's when he'd run into a little kid who accidently threw his ball at him. The ball hit Lucien at a speed of fifteen, not really caring enough to catch it, Lucien just watched as it hit him. "Hey, could you get that mister?" The kid said. Lucien presumed this was because he was no much taller than him, in reality, he still wasn't a "mister." Without speaking, Lucien would move to get the ball that rolled short distance. It landed in a slightly muddy puddle. Grabbing the ball, Lucien would look at himself. Translating the image to reality so it matched his actual self, he had his Galaken on his left sheath and his ninjato on his right. His flak jacket was fully over his body. Perfect... Lucien would grab the ball with his right hand at the speed of forty and pass it back to the kid at ten minus two otherwise known at "ate". Lucien would then get going to the chunnin exams within a few short minutes he would arrive and state his name with a dark glare that somehow had some kindness behind it. Lucien got his ticket and waited until the moment he was called. Entering, he would have four kunais loaded into his left arm that were done in such a way that each could be thrown in one massive swing. His gray Galaken was alright in his right hand pointing up at forty-five degrees. Lucien would then observe his opponents, on standby, waiting until the match would be started. 

Upon entering, Lucien came with a little bluff. "My name's Lucien, I like ninjas, fighting, and having fun. Personally, I don't like dojutsu, but I don't mind using it if I have to." 

This was done for multiple purposes but primarily just to get his opponents something to arbitrarily think about. Now, standby til the fight begins.

[588 WC]
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Sun May 15, 2016 10:32 pm
Up before the sun, tea on market street and meditation; it was another day in the life of Lucian Nazar. Well, it would have been if not for a pesky 'mission'. This particular 'mission' had been earmarked for being vital to one's promotion to chuunin in the village of Hoshigakure, so it carried some weight. That being said, the Nazar boy did not much desire rank nor did he court power; there is much more to life than either of these, after all. However, he quickly found out that if he did not participate in this 'mission' that two other genin would be prevented from possible advancement to chuunin. Of course, the devout Nazar could not allow his personal selfishness to stand in the way of other's lives. Who was he to deny two individuals of something they might have dreamed of since a young age, the rank of chuunin?

Thus, after watching the daily sprawl of the Hoshigakure market for a good while, Lucian found himself entering what could only be described as a colosseum.  As he walked into the reception area of the arena he could not help but notice that this colosseum varied quite a bit from those of Funkagakure. Where were the dead bodies? The screams? Or even the ubiquitous pools of blood and god only knew what? In fact, Hoshigakure's colosseum seemed tame in comparison. That being said it was still a place of combat for sport, which was something the Nazar did not much care for on principal.

Perhaps this won't be all that bad...

Filling out the necessary paperwork and exchanging pleasantries with the familiar mission clerk who been brought in to process all the registrations, Lucian felt a bit out of place. Sure, his saffron robes caked in dust looked a bit out of place and his bald head was about par for the course among Hoshigakure worshipers. However, it was the hulking behemoth that stood to the boy's right that made him stand out. Wrought from steel and as shiny as a saber, Delito, Lucian's first and only puppet, dwarfed the small crowd milling about in the lobby and drew the gaze of more than a few on lookers. Finishing the required registrations papers Lucian proceeded through to the would be battlefield.

As chance would have it the Nazar did not have to wait a single moment. Instead he proceeded to center stage, the main arena. Each step Lucian took towards the field of battle was long and controlled. Coming to the end of a seemingly interminable hallway he took his first step onto the the tiled combat zone. Walking to a point fiver meters from his respective entrance the boy found himself roughly 35 meters across from another competitor who, unbeknownst to him, went by the name of Atem.

The slight break in the weather sent a glint from both Lucian's bald head and the body of Delito who stood to his creator's left connected to the Nazar by blue threads of chakra stemming from Lucian's left hand. In Lucian's right hand he lightly gripped a gift, the Nazar Shakujo, with its butt resting firmly on the ground. He needed nothing else save for the leather sandals on his feet. Yes, Lucian was ready for battle, reluctant though he may be.

"I wish the two of you the best of luck," Lucian said earnestly in a voice loud enough for all to hear. The boy then gave each competitor a shallow bow; one could not forget their manners!

Here we go, I guess.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Sun May 15, 2016 11:52 pm
Another day, another combat mission in Hoshigakure arena where young genin would compete to move on to their next mission. These missions had been set up neigh a year ago and this was the second this particular princess had seen carried out. These kids must be made of sterner stuff than the rest.

Shina, the village jounin stood inconspiciously beside the minor princess, guarding her as much as judging the kids about to begin. To pass this stage the candidates would need to show both ninja skills as well as Hoshi values. Shina was here for the first, a member of the royal family for the second.

The gong sounded when all three individuals had taken their place, calling them forth to the arena. Markers were set 35 meters apart for each genin to assume position on with the full circumference of the ring being 150 meters.

"Ready," a clear voice boomed to thousands of cheers. "And may the odds be ever on your favour. Begin!"
Atem <3
Atem <3
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Tue May 17, 2016 9:27 pm
Knowing Lucien was one of the candidates he gave him a quick glance to see that he had nothing different from what he previously had in the last battle. As for this new contestant, he seemed to be rather strange. Atem had never met a monk before and knew not of what principles they were founded upon, but when he seen that the shinobi was bald and wearing a pure white tunic that looks as though it has never been touched or even seen by the likes of dirt. Poking out of the white tunic was a maroon shirt which was a peculiar color to Atem as it wasn’t one that was prevalent around the village. “Simple guy, but maybe his fighting style is something to be weary of.” Atem said as he continued to look at the man with the eyes of someone who was determined to pass the test this time around. The shinobi seemed to stay calm in all situations which was perfect in battle, this fight could prove more worrisome to Atem then he had originally planned. He also knew that Lucien had to have some tricks up his sleeve that he hasn’t seen before as he had not seen him in a while now.

With all of these things considered his thought was interrupted by the speaking of the bald-headed shinobi, “I wish the two of you the best of luck,” He says in a polite and earnest manner. “To you as well.” Atem said back in the same voice feeling as though he had mocked the man accidentally. As the same voice who had uttered “Ready” last time began to speak the same words, Atem would think of his plan of action. This time he would be reserved and wait to see what happens between the two fighters. “Passive.” Atem said to himself feeling as though saying the fighting style would ingrain it in his mind.

[WC 898]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Sat May 21, 2016 12:45 am
Lucien was finally ready to enter and test himself once more. He wasn't going to get his ass handed to him directly like last time. Nor would he underestimate his opponent at all. Lucien walked into the arena while observing his surroundings. In his mind, he thought. "Seems Lucien's here, and some monk looking guy along with his puppet. Eh... Puppetry again, I've had a good enough share of that for a couple of days." Lucien thought to himself as he took his position calmly without caring much of what would occur in his battle. He had a new strategy after all. The Monk looking guy would then give Lucien and Atem the best of luck. "To you too, my fellow ninja." Lucien would say, drawing his sword at fifty speed using his right hand digging towards the hilt that was on his left. He granted he could do this because the ninja already had both of his arms at the ready, his staff and puppet. 

"Ready!... Begin!!" Lucien heard as he sprang into action near automatically. Lucien would have the Monk in front of him by thirty five meters, and Atem to his right forward diagonal by thirty five meters. With his sword already held in front of him in such a way that the reflection would allow him perfect vision of Atem while staring mainly at the Monk, Lucien would use his left hand to grab three kunai in one hand held between the fingers and throw all three in one arm revolutionary swoop. The grabbing was done at sixty speed and all kunais would be throw at ninety five speed. one kunai would land behind Lucien into the wall fifteen meters off the ground, another one would hit the center of the wall between the monk and himself at fifteen meters high as well, while the third would hit in between Atem and Lucien into the wall at fifteen and a half meters high. 

After this, Lucien would begin rushing forward towards the Monk and his puppet with at a speed thirty where he would be at twenty five meters away from the Monk then slice his sword from right to left causing a horizontal chakra slash to extend from it, rupture. This slice traveled at fifty five speed and had fifty power. It was also five meters wide and surely a half of a meter thick. The intended target would be the Monk and his puppet which both stood one meter apart. 

272 AP - 35 AP = 237 AP
WC: 400
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Sun May 22, 2016 12:31 am
"I surrender ," Lucian chirped just loud enough to be heard by those present.

These words would echo slightly around the arena only to be silenced by Lucien completing the draw of his blade. Hopefully no one was foolish to attack someone who had already given up. Bowing once to the other two competitors Lucian exited the way he had entered, through a long tunnel with puppet in tow. The other two could have their fight.

The young man never had any intention of fighting. For the competition to take place it had required three participants and Lucian had done his part, he had participated. Sure, it was only for a few seconds, but he was there and his presence had allowed the other two a chance to follow their ambitions. The puppet and staff were just for show; Lucian was not one to fight for something as petty as rank. There were more important things to fight for in the world.

On the bright side, the registration had not taken nearly as much time as expected, so he found himself able to visit a particularly interesting place of worship after stowing his weapons, the House of Light. Unlike the sect of the Sun, the House of Light held all light as sacred. There were not many members of this group and those involved were more than a bit eccentric, but that did not matter to Lucian in the slightest, even the smallest groups deserved understanding.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Sun May 22, 2016 12:43 am
As the local boy with the giant puppet simply surrendered, the princess looked on in shock, Shina beside her gripping the hilt of a kunai reflexively in case of trouble. Had the young monk feared the foreign ninja? Did he wish to test his mettle against true Hoshi citizens like himself? The princess couldn't pinpoint which exact sect Lucian's dressing belonged to but there was no shortage of faiths in Haven.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"The other two win by default, Your Grace."

"Very well, make the announcements. But do track that boy down and summon him to the palace. He... intrigues us."

The annoucement rumbled through the arena once more, annoucing both Atem and Lucien as winners of the battle.

(Please finish up your word count and claims and you guys can exit)
Atem <3
Atem <3
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Sun May 22, 2016 1:21 am
As the man Lucian surrendered Atem became very displeased, before the monk could walk away with his puppet he would run after the man in a non-hostile way. After getting to the entrance of the tunnel at which the monk had began to exit from. "I do not understand why you surrender, I know you aren't scared so I will not pull that elementary insult. This is no show of cowardice either as redundant as that sounds, what is it? What are your true ambitions?" Atem would ask in a completely confused manner. At that point the stadium would ring out of sound of words that stated that the two of them, Lucien and Atem, had won by default. "What?" Atem said to himself. Atem took a couple of steps back from the exit and jumped on the wall of the arena into the crowd and made his way to the Royal Highness. Before he could even get within 10 meters of the woman he would be stopped and his vision of her would be obscured.

Knowing that she could hear him from this distance Atem would ask, "What is this? What pride can I have in this victory if you could even call it that. At the very least can me and Lucien fight to show our ninja prowess or maybe go on a mission? I will be fine with either, as long  it doesn't end like this." Atem says with his face in a pouting manner. Atem then sighed. "I beg of you, your royal highness please give me and Lucien a mission where we can show you that we are capable of becoming chuunin. Whatever it is we will not complain nor grunt about your choosing." Atem said ironically compared to the statement he had said earlier. Trying to stare beyond the queensman Atem would stand waiting for an answer.
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK] Empty Re: One More Step! Chuunin In Sight? [NK]

Sun May 22, 2016 1:39 am
Lucien stood in awe as one of his opponents had surrendered and consequently, the match as a whole would be ended. Lucien stood there simply on-looking as Atem would follow the monk after he began motioning his leave. 

"The hell? He shouldn't be afraid of us... it doesn't seem like any sort of bluff either, it's a complete diversion of the fight..." Lucien thought to himself before he sheathed his Galaken at the speed of 50. 

From what Lucien could hear, Atem was questioning the ninja before he simply stopped and turned around to the ninja that was proctoring the battle from above. He would then jump up to the platform and begin talking to her as well. 

"While I'm one to never complain, I can't simply take something like this. I have no problem with your verdict, but after having my ass handed to me by that previous puppet user, I can't let myself win by default. Your royalty, I wish to redeem myself. What do you find fit to do so?" Lucien would say calmly in a wondering manner. 

Lucien also didn't enjoy the fact that this random person would receive quite the at least temporary attention from the higher-ups. Welp, it couldn't be helped. What he pulled was quite the odd maneuver. 

[615 WC]
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