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The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk)

Mon May 16, 2016 5:58 am
Kenshin would listen with Dusk as the Queensmen explained their duties more in depth “So would you say that the queensquard have a considerable amount of trust in the people? If so I want to be just like you guys, since you protect the place” Dusk would say in an enthusiastic tone that got a light chuckle from both of the queensmen, and a small smile from Kenshin himself. When Kenshin pointed out Kousuke and explained his history with the man he would watch as Dusk gave the clothes of one of the queensmen a light tug “How about you two wait by the gates and we will chase him there. He doesn't know about you guys or maybe if he does he isn't expecting you to do anything, but if me and Kenshi here chase him without getting anyone hurt or anything destroyed you can apprehend him and do your cool stuff~," Dusk would suggest in a happy tone, the silver haired teen took note of the fact that Dusk referred to him as Kenshi but took it with a small smile. He would see the queensmen give Dusk a strange look before shrugging and giving a nod to Dusks plan, giving a light nod to his partner and taking off in the direction of the gates

Kenshin would see Dusk look at him and nod while tightening the headband that he had beneath his blue locks “Let’s do it!!!” he would exclaim in an enthusiastic tone as he ran towards Kousuke “You’re under arrest! Run!!!” Dusk would yell at Kousuke, who would now be looking in shock and annoyance at the kid, until he noticed 2 things, the first being the Hoshigakure headband that Dusk was wearing, and the second being the extremely familiar looking pale skin and scarred face of Kenshin, of course he was unable to see most of his body or even the upper half of Kenshins face but the man had recognised him instantly. “Remember me” Kenshin would say with a sadistic chuckle, something that caused the man to pale and begin running in the direction of the village gates, which were not all that far away, obviously the man was trying to get out of Hoshi in order to avoid getting arrested now that he had been identified as a bandit

Kenshin would watch with a smirk as Dusk gave chase to the bandit and motion for Kenshin himself to follow suit and flank the man, a direction that Kenshin himself decided to follow through with and begin to chase the man and flank him from the right. The silver haired teen would keep a close eye on the man and if it looked like the bandit was going to change direction, attempt to strike someone or grab a hostage then he was ready and prepared to strike at him before he could, the only reason that he was not already captured was because Kenshin actually liked Dusks plan and wanted to follow through with it. He watched with a smirk as Kousuke continued to run towards the gate, not knowing that he was walking right into an ambush, and by the time he reached the gates it was too late, rather than running into freedom like he had thought that he was doing he ran right into a pair of queensmen, who wasted no time in restraining and arresting the bandit. Kenshin would turn towards Dusk with a smirk on his face and guve him a light thumbs up “Good plan Dusk, the plan worked like a charm and the best thing is nobody got hurt in the process” Kenshin would say with a small smile on his face

WC: 617
Toshiro Senju
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The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk)

Tue May 17, 2016 11:37 pm
Dusk kept on his usual pace, speeding up slightly as he ducked and weaved under a few people given his short stature, sometimes it was good being short because of this one moment. As the male continued to run away from the smaller male, Dusk slid under a cart before jumping upwards honestly having fun from a little chase like this. Though he could see the gates in view, he didn't see the queensguard so that had worried him quite a bit though when he had thought about what had been going on he smiled," I see now," the male thought to himself as he continued to run. Catching a glance of Kenshin he continued to run until the suspect ran headlong into the ground of guards, getting caught which had to have pissed him off quite a bit. Seeing that their plan was a success, Dusk offered Kenshin a high five before chuckling," That was fun! It went off without a hitch and everyone played an awesome part in it. Maybe now he will get justice served to him and be put away for a very long time," with that he finished talking to the Queensguard before walking off to turn in his paperwork. Before he had left however he turned to Kenshin and the guards quickly," Was there anything else that needed to be ask or done before we go? You guys have been super helpful in me getting used to the village and how things work and now i really wanna be a Queensguard," with that he hobbled off towards the mission building where he turned in his report and walked off.


500 Ryo, 1 AP and 1 CD post with Village Leader

WC: 1,120
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk)

Tue May 17, 2016 11:43 pm

Approved @ Jaye <3
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The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk)

Thu May 19, 2016 4:54 am
Shortly after Kousuke was taken into custody by the two queensmen the silver haired teen could feel Dusk approaching him, and when he turned his head to face the blue haired teen he saw the bright smile that was plastered on his face. The scar faced teen could only give a small smirk when he noticed Dusk offer him a high five, and without a seconds hesitation Kenshin met Dusks gesture with one of his own, their palms meeting with a loud clap. Kenshin would eye Dusk in amusement as he heard the blue haired teen start chuckling after their high five “That was fun! It went off without a hitch and everyone played an awesome part in it. Maybe now he will get justice served to him and be put away for a very long time” he would hear Dusk say in a rather exuberant tone. Kenshin himself agreed with some of Dusks words, he felt that Kousuke should have justice served down on him but he didn’t feel that sending him to prison would be serving justice on him, he was a bandit in Waterfall Country and he had no doubt killed many innocents before out of greed. Personally Kenshin felt that the only true justice that could be served on someone like Kousuke was death, in his opinion the man's very existence was a stain upon the world and he would be more than happy to erase said stain, but in the end he would adhere to the laws of his new home and simply allow the two queensmen to escort the bandit to jail, where he would no doubt be staying for the rest of his days. In the end though the pale skinned teen knew that he had absolutely no right to judge Kousuke for his actions, as he knew that by doing so he would be being a hypocrite of the highest order, during the years he spent as a missing nin he had committed countless crimes and he knew for a fact that in that immense list of crimes there would be quite a large number of instances where he had murdered completely helpless and innocent people in cold blood.

Despite the reverie that Kenshin was in he could sense Dusks chakra signature begin to move in the direction of the mission centre, no doubt to report the success of the mission and complete the required paperwork, something that the silver haired teen should definitely be doing himself, but before he got far Kenshin felt Dusk stop. “Was there anything else that needed to be ask or done before we go? You guys have been super helpful in me getting used to the village and how things work and now i really wanna be a Queensguard” he heard Dusk say in a rather happy sounding tone of voice. The scar faced teen would turn to face Dusk with a small smirk on his face “I think that’s all for now Dusk, I did enjoy doing this mission with you though, so any time you need a partner for a mission I’ll be happy to help” Kenshin would say in a rather kind tone, something that still felt a little alien to him whenever the words reached his ears. With the mission over and done with Kenshin himself would begin to head back to his rented room, he would simply write up the report for the mission there then hand it in later, but while on the way home he began to think about a technique that he had been practicing with lately, it was a rather difficult technique to learn because of just how it worked but it was actually an extremely dangerous technique, quite possibly the most dangerous technique in his arsenal actually. The technique worked by Kenshin moulding his chakra within his body and then using it to form a special substance that when exposed to air turned into an extremely deadly toxic mist that will kill anybody who takes but a single breathe of the mist, of course the user of the technique could use the same method to create any toxin that they actually know how to create and thus change the poison from a certain death toxin to a paralytic kind, but in the end it didn’t change just how deadly this technique truly is

He could have used that technique with a paralytic effect to incapacitate and capture Kousuke but in doing so he would have no doubt got a great deal of the civilian populace that surrounded him in the market, and that was something that Kenshin just couldn’t allow to happen, which is why he went along with Dusks plan. But in the end the result had been the same, Kousuke had been escorted to prison by the two queensmen and he had learnt a great deal about the order, and in the end that is exactly what he had set out to accomplish, so with a satisfied smile on his face Kenshin continued his walk back to the inn he was staying in, where he would write up his report on the mission and later on hand it in at the mission centre

WC: 869


TWC: 3740

Claiming 500 ryo, 1 AP, 1 post CD with village leader

3000 words towards Poison Mist, Claiming

740 words towards Chakra Scalpel, 3260 words remaining

2000 words spent with Dusk, memorising Chakra signature

Last edited by Kenshin Uzumaki on Thu May 19, 2016 5:05 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Queensman with Two Shadows (P, Dusk)

Thu May 19, 2016 4:55 am

Approved <3
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