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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Wed May 11, 2016 11:10 am
At the boy's words about being well versed in the use of weapons, his older brother seemed to produce a sword out of thin air and tossed it at the Genin's feet. Kasuga told the boy to pick up the sword and show him what he could do. He mentioned something about hoping the boy was better than their sister....or could provide a good laugh for the older brother. Kurisu Jr smirked at that remark. He wasn't going to be shown up by his sister. With one swift movement the boy kicked the sword up with his left foot and grabbed the hilt of the sword with his right hand. He swung the sword around in a circle, first forward on the right side of his body and then backward on the left side of his body before holding the weapon in front of him with both hands on the hilt. It had a nice balance to it. It wasn't too heavy and felt like an extension of his own arm. It was as if the sword had been made for him. "Alright. Here I come." said the boy to his older brother. He had noticed that Kasuga's clothes had changed as well and a black sword had appeared in his hand while the boy was focused on checking out the weapon that had been handed to him. 

The boy charged forward at 9 speed(god I haven't moved so slow in forever) and aimed a strike with the sword at Kasuga's left shoulder at 19 speed, feinting at the last second to switch his strike to aim to slice the male horizontally across his waist line instead.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Fri May 13, 2016 6:26 pm
Decent stance though his speed needed some fine tuning. Either way he would watch the boys movements with precision, noticing the tensing in his swinging arm before he had made the motion. By seeing the feint, Kasuga quickly switched the stance in which he would hold it reverse style. Taking the full brunt of the blow, he pushed his younger brother back without effort and smirked," You may be better than your older sister...I might like you already," switching up from defense to offense, Kasuga made slow jabs with his sword at his brother, stabbing at him instead of swinging to get a feel of his defense game.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Tue May 17, 2016 11:17 am
The boy's older brother would switch his grip on his sword and take the full brunt of the swing before pushing Kurisu Jr backward with ease. Kasuga then complimented him, saying he might be better than his sister after all. The redheaded boy smirked at that, happy to hear he was better than his sister. The older male then switched his tactic from defense to offense, making jabs at the younger sibling with his sword. Kurisu Jr could tell that his older brother was skilled by the stabs aimed at him. Each was pointedly precise and they were numerous. On seeing the first incoming stab, the Genin quickly moved his sword to be holding it horizontally across his body with his right hand gripping the hilt of the sword and the left hand steadying the tip of the blade. He used the flat of his blade to block the first two stabs made by Kasuga. When the third one came, Kurisu Jr moved his sword slightly so that it would be just underneath Kasuga's sword and then he pushed the blade upward and away from his body in an attempt to deflect his brother's 'attack'.  If he succeeded in pushing his brother's sword up and away, then Kurisu would immediately follow up using the momentum he created to bring his sword into the slight opening he had created and aim a diagonal slice down his brother's body from Kasuga's right shoulder to his left hip.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Sat May 21, 2016 8:23 am
Pretty good. He thought his brother could easily become a good swordsmen though he had a lot of openings that could be exploited. As such Kasuga continued through with his motions until his sword was ripped from his hands though instead of panicking he smirked and used this moment while his sword was high in the air to summon a more suited one. As Kurisu used the small opening to bring his blade down onto his brother, Kasuga summoned his favored sword, the one that started it all. In a flash of black fire and light, Judecca was summoned into his hand blocking the attack and locking the blades in a stalemate," I gotta admit that would have been pretty nasty if I had let that happen, but you must know what your bloodline is do you not?," the smile persisted as he pushed his little brother back and proceeded to swing his sword. One attack towards the right, another to the left and finally the last would be forward jab with the tip of his blade towards little Kur's stomach. Though he wasn't aiming to kill the male he had made sure to stop himself if it came to it.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Mon May 23, 2016 10:12 am
Kurisu Jr had succeeded in knocking Kasuga's sword out of his hand continued with his intended strike against his brother. Just as he brought his sword down, there was a flash of black fire and light and suddenly the elder brother was blocking the small redheaded boy's attack with a new sword of his own. The older male then complimented the Genin on his swordsmanship and asked the boy if he knew what his bloodline was. Bloodline? What was he talking about? That caught the boy off guard for a moment and was pushed back by his elder brother. "Bloodline? What bloodline?" the boy asked as Kasuga began his new attacks. First was a strike to the boy's right, which he parried with a swift movement of his sword. The next was a similar strike to the boy's left which was dealt with by the boy swinging his sword to the left to parry that strike as well. Then came a jab from Kasuga aimed at the red head's stomach. In on swift motion, the seven year old switched to a reverse grip on his sword and pivoted so that the attack would be aimed at the boy's side instead of his stomach. While he pivoted, he brought his own sword backwards to deflect the stab and immediately dropped into a crouch that brought him just underneath his brother's waist line since Kurisu Jr was so small. Without any hesitation, he quickly flipped back to a normal grip on his sword, this time with both hands, and dashed forward aiming a jab of his own at Kasuga's stomach.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Tue May 31, 2016 7:49 pm
A hearty laugh left the Ametsuchi's mouth as he kicked Kur junior away and pinned him down onto the ground with no real effort. Looking down onto the male he shook his head and wondered when or where his father would teach him about his own bloodline, but then again what was his bother for huh? " So you see how that black fire formed my sword and summon the one you have in your hand now? Your bloodline, the bloodline of your father. Re-quip. It is the ability to summon weapons, whether they are actual weapons like these swords or armor like this," in those words a gold glow took over his body as he began to wear a gold and white gi with a strange pair of gauntlets on them," this is our bloodline. Not to mistake it with your other bloodline which i'm not getting into, but this one will save your life one day. So here is your first exercise. Desummon that sword in your hand and summon it back. Now for every failure I will kick go," smiling he would wait for his brother to try it.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:34 am
Seemingly without any effort at all Kasuga evaded the boy's attack, kicking him aside and pinning him to the ground. Kur Jr struggled against his brother for a moment and tried to get up, but soon realized it was absolutely pointless and just gave up. Normally he would never give up in a fight, but since this was just training with his brother he figured it couldn't hurt.

The boy listened as the older male spoke about their clan's bloodline and how it allowed them to summon and de-summon weapons and armor at will. That explained where the sword had come from at least. After the brief lesson was over, Kasuga let KJ stand back up and told him to try to de-summon and re-summon the sword he had been given and for every time he failed Kasuga would kick him. The eldest Ametsuchi didn't look like he was joking, so Kurisu Jr decided he'd better do his damndest to make sure he got this down quickly. He knew he was no match for his brother and wasn't looking forward to being kicked repeatedly. Hopefully that was enough motivation for him.

"Alright." was all the boy said as he stood grasping the sword with both hands and started to concentrate. He had absolutely no idea what he was doing, but it had to be some sort of jutsu, right? Even if it wasn't he had better do something quickly for risk of sustaining another kick. Letting his chakra flow, the boy imagined wrapping it around the blade and pulling it into another dimension, ANY dimension. After a few short moments the blade seemed to flicker, but nothing else happened.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:30 pm
He was certain that Kasuga meant it when threatening to kick him for every failed attempt. That was why this had to happen. Kurisu Jr had to get it right or else he would probably be in a lot of pain. Focusing again, the boy let his chakra flow into the blade once more. He felt his instincts taking over; the chakra beginning to push the blade into another space. After a few moments, it was gone. He had done it! Well, the first part anyway. Now that the blade had been de-summoned the only thing left to do was to bring it back. "Well I managed to make it go poof." he said aloud. Though it was more to himself than to Kasuga.

This time he let himself focus on where he had felt the sword disappear to. It was somehow both familiar and yet distant. The seven year old closed his eyes now and began pulling on the small amount of chakra that he could feel still connected to the sword. It took some effort, but not as much as he had thought it would. After another few moments of seemingly nothing the sword returned to this plane in the boy's hands. 

"Er, I think I got it right."
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:07 pm
Kasuga crossed his arms as he watched his brother, every move he had made was watched with the utmost scrutiny and he was going to hold onto his promise of kicking the boy to the moon and back if he messed up. He had slowly been winding up his right foot just in case KJ had messed up, his aim taking form as soon as the blade had disappeared. He waited for a moment or two before watching the boy pull the sword back and his food soon touched the ground and he clapped," Good good. You learn fast when threatened to be punted to the moon and back. Now we get back to the fighting part. I want you to cut that tree down behind me in less than five swings. In order to know your blade you must feel it as if it is your own body. The blade breaks? You break. If its stolen? Your soul is gone. See my point? Now go on and get cutting. By the way for every two strikes over fast i'm going to punt you across the training field. Good luck~," his smile had became quite the sadistic one as he stepped away from the tree and let KJ have at it.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga] - Page 2 Empty Re: Brothers, bond or feud?[P, NK, Kasuga]

Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:55 pm
The boy's brother applauded his success, saying something about he learned quickly with the threat of being punted hanging over his head. That was probably true, even if little KJ was a quick learner normally. Of course now that he had managed to desummon and summon back the sword Kasuga had another challenge for the seven year old to overcome. There was a large tree behind the older Ametsuchi sibling and the redhead was expected to cut it down in under five swings of his sword or else he would really get punted across the training grounds. "Ok. Here goes nothing." the boy said as he made his way over to his newly intended target.

The tree was enormous! Jr knew that he was good, but he didn't think that he was THAT good. Still he had to try. No. He had to DO it. He would do it. Whether he was going to get punted across the training field or not didn't matter at this point. This was going to help him grow stronger and that was what he truly wanted. He took a deep breath and prepared himself now, sword in had like some kind of ninja lumberjack. 

Gripping his sword with both hands, Kurisu Jr pivoted his entire body and swung the sword with his full force using the momentum of his pivot to increase the impact of the blade on the sturdy wood. It was a shallow cut, but not as shallow as it could have been. The sword still felt foreign in his hands; separate from his body instead of feeling as if it were a part of it. He pulled the blade free and prepared another strike. This one was a little easier; the sword penetrated deeper into the tree. Again the boy returned to his stance and attempted to strike the tree down. Again. And again until on his fifth swing there was barely anything holding the tree up, but it was still there. 

It looked like a strong breeze might knock it over. Afraid that his brother would be disappointed and surely kick him into next week, KJ pushed on the tree with his right index finger and down it went. Sure it was five swings of his sword and a small push, but it was down, right? He turned to look at Kasuga with caution, the fear of being kicked plain in his eyes. " was that..?" he asked, sounding much less confident than he had intended the words to come out.
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