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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:11 am
Akihana had always found the nights of Haven uniquely beautiful. No matter what happened in the city by day, at night the stars always came out, almost as though promising protection and blessings upon the people who resided below them. On these nights it was easy to see how the city had gotten its name. For even though the various sects in Hoshi may all bide by different interpretations of God and the divine, they all agreed on one thing - that Hoshigakure was indeed under the protection of the stars. And it was on these starry nights Akihana wandered the streets, dressed in a dark cloak over a dress fraying at the hem, the huge cowl of her hood not only drawing attention away from her blonde hair that shone like a beacon in this city but also her tired, sleep deprived eyes.

Today, the kunoichi had found herself drawn to the church of The Mother, one of seven deities believed by a particular faith to watch over the world. The six other shrines dedicated to the other six were also nearby but the Mother's church was the most opulent and welcoming. From her reading and her chats with the common folk, Akihana knew it housed almost a hundred young acolytes in addition to the senior staff. The church was involved in various charities such as teaching the words to those who had never learned them and taking in orphans off the street when they could. It was a good establishment, even if one that insisted their faith upon anyone who would listen, but that was hardly their fault. Widespread acceptance was still distant dream in Hoshi but Akihana believed one day it would be real.

"Hey, I get to ring the gong for tomorrow's mass, I played the worse prank!" A group of young sisters were making their way out the side door, their voices carrying into the night.

"No I did," another protested, stepping in front of the other two and blocking their way. "I filled her beddings with horse shit. Try getting some sleep now when you come in tired Ms. Ninja," she sniggered. The first one, not to be outdone, started to argue when the third, the quiet one, piped up.

"Do you girls think we're wrong? Would the Mother forgive us for bullying her..?"

"The Mother doesn't care for ninja," the second one spoke up confidently. “She wouldn’t care what we do to that bitch,” the young sister finished just as Akihana stepped out from the shadows directly in front of the small cluster of young ladies.

“And why does Her Mercy not extend to Ninja?” the blonde spoke softly, shedding the hood off her face and revealing her pale heart shaped face along with her glowing golden eyes and hair. All three girls sunk into a curtsey straight away, almost hugging the pavement in fear. Three frightened mumblings of “Your Majesty” and “The Queen” escaped the girls in a myriad of confusion and the third one, the kinder one, Akihana could tell, had started to weep silent tears.

Making her way to the girls, Akihana sank down on the stone path beside them, pulling the crying one close to her in a hug. “It’s alright, you’re not in trouble,” she spoke to all three while comforting the smallest member of the group. “If the Mother in all her infinite wisdom can forgive, who are we to hold grudges? The Mother brings peace and forgiveness, and you are tasked with spreading her message. Do her proud sisters, do not shame her.” After that, it was only a small matter of returning them to their building and stopping by the reception area.

“Well met, Sister. I’m looking for a ninja among your midst. Could I trouble you to fetch her and find us a private room to speak in?” the kunoichi requested. The woman in charge seem to take it as order, directing her into a study and asking her to wait while she fetched the child.
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Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:50 pm
Darkness was doing her nightly chores. she was getting the clean clothes folded. she hummed softly to herself. then she heard foot steps coming to her. she looked behind her and it was one of the sisters, apparently she got a visitor. which was odd, so darkness stopped and walked to the room the sister said. she knocked on the door then entered. she slowly walked in seeing her, but not fully knowing who she was, all she knew was she seen her somewhere before. "you wanted to see me miss?" she asked trying to be nice. she was still bothered of the events that had happen to her. her hair was kind a messy and she had her arms behind her. a bit nervous. she didn't think she did anything to get someone to get her, by name it seemed to darkness.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:22 am
Akiihana had been sitting off to the corner, her hands resting on the arm of the chair she'd chose when the young ninja came in. The little girl reminded Akihana of the children of the city had been before she and Den had transformed it, scared, unsure, always on guard. Rising to her feet, the blond walked over to the nervous child, wondering if she too would recognize her or if introductions were in order. The medic had never liked the titles associated with royalty but they had their uses, like earlier. Still a pauper should never start feeling like a princess, the fall would hurt all the more.

"Good evening," she greeted the girl with a smile. "Yes, I did ask to see you. Did I disturb you? If I did, I apologize," she said with a friendly smile, motioning for the young girl to come sit down.

"I'm afraid I was passing by earlier and I got to know there was a ninja in the sisterhood, and I was very impressed so I came to meet you myself. Tell me sweetheart, what is your name? And how did you decide to be a ninja?"
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Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:11 am
she was a bit confused about this woman before her, darkness doesnt really seem to know her. and why she wanted to talk to darkness puzzled her greatly. "hello im darkness tengai, and well my parents were ninja so i wanted to be a ninja in there steps." she said with a small sweet smile. she did not feel nervous about the woman. she didnt seem to have a bad aura or ill intent. she studied her. she had a dress. blond hair. darkness still couldnt place her. "is there anything i can help you with miss?" darkness put a hand threw he long hair. her only thoughts were how do i know this person and what does she want with me? moments before she was folding clothes so she could sleep for the night. "i didnt do anything wrong did i? the only event that happened was i bought a katana." she said trying to think back. of course she wouldnt say anything about the sisters. it was her problem. darkness kept her eyes on the womans eyes. she played with her hands and her legs moved side to side. mainly because she didnt like to be still.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:14 am
Hearing about Darkness's parents confused the kunoichi further. From the revaluation though, Akihana could draw several conclusions. One that she was an orphan clearly since she lived as part of the sisterhood. Now that Akihana knew her parents were ninja, it wasn't a stretch to assume how the young lady had become an orphan in the first. Still it was better to know for sure than make assumptions. "Could you tell me what happened to your parents?" If the girl wanted to follow in their footsteps, they must have been a very sound influence on her.

Darknes displayed all the signs of being worried, and Akihana assumed she would be too if a stranger came to visit her in the night. Well, if she was this girl's age anyway. Akihana had seen enough in ehr life to know what real fear was, and this wasn't it. Regardless, she would try to put the girl at ease. "You're not in any trouble sweetie. My name is Akihana, I live at the palace and its my job to make sure all ninja are being taken care of in Hoshi. When I heard you were living here, I came to check up on you," she explained kindly, smiling warmly at the child.

"So tell me, what kind of ninja arts are you interested in? Do you have enough space to practice here at the church? Where do you usually train?"
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Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:58 am
Darkness looked down a bit. "well, when I said ninjas I meant they wanted to be ninjas, they- we are part of the tengai clan. and my parents didn't like it at the clans home, so we came to hoshi. and the cities guards toke them away, and I don't know what happened after that..." she said bit sad. then looked up at her. "I'm studying how with weapons. and I don't train here, I do my morning chores then I go to the training grounds, then come back to do my nightly chores then eat and sleep." she said. slightly more relaxed with knowing her name. darkness was also less confused. she was just checking on her. she didn't know this happened. "some of the sisters here don't like me being a ninja, well most. but they don't really do anything..." she had clearly lied. she would never say anything bad about someone. she was too caring. "plus I'm trying to learn the dance of the blade, which I think the sisters like even less..." she looked down at her feet. "some times I think I should stop and be a sister, to be accepted by them." she said sadly. the words sounded forced.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:13 am
Akihana shook her head sadly when the girl described her parents being taken away Through her own sources, the blonde knew what had happened to those who displayed chakra in Hoshi before Minorin had arrived. Ninja were feared en masse because it had been missing ninja that had bought Hoshi to her knees and the mistrust still dwelt true in the hearts of the citizen. There was no point in telling the child that her parents were probably dead. She probably knew that by now already. At least it seemed so the way Darkness had simply accepted ehr life in the sisterhood.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your parents," Akihana said, sincerity clear in her golden eyes. "If it helps, people call me "mother" a lot. And if you ever find yourself missing your mother, you can always come talk to me," she offered with another warm smile. The girl was not only unvengeful, she was also kind. Akihana could see as much the way she tried to defend her sisters despite them being cruel to her. It was people like Darkness that strengthened Akihana's faith in humanity. If more like this girl existed, Hoshi would know true peace.

"Well, it sounds to me like you could use your own place to stay. Somewhere you'd have a nice yard to train in, and other ninja to help you out. You'd still have to do chores but they would mostly be for you What do you think, would you like to leave the church for a bit and try living in your own accommodations? You know our ninja get their own home, clothes and food right? And you can do missions to earn extra ryo if you need it."
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Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:40 pm
Darkness listened to her words, and thought about what she said. her own place... where she can live and  train... darkness smiled. a bit over joyed. she didnt know what to say. this was so sudden. but darkness stopped smiling and looked at her. "It sounds like a really good offer, but I never lived on my own before, and I don't really wish to live on my own... I would be so lonely..." darkness looked away from the woman. darkness didn't want to be alone, she almost was alone when her parents died. the tension was awkward now. she was rubbing her arm. "so I have to decline your offer..." the sisters where horrible to her, but she was not alone. she looked at the woman again. "i have a weird name... darkness... but I don't want to fall into darkness, and I feel being alone for too long is the start of that, coming home to nothing, to no one. I do thank you for asking me." darkness looked at her not moving her eyes, she really didn't want to go and be alone. she was never good at being alone.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:51 pm
Akihana's heart went out to the child when Darkness mentioned not wanting to live alone. It was clear the way the girl had first been happy and then her smile had fallen. She would rather stay here and be tormented than be on her own. Akihana supposed she would never understand that since she herself had always had Arata. And though the blonde had felt lonely many times in her life, she had never truly been alone.

Not like this poor child.

"You don't have a weird name," the royal medic assured her, reaching over to pat the girl's small shoulder reassuringly. "Parents often name their children as the thing they hope their children would conquer. I read that somewhere. And I'm sure your parents called your Darkness because they believed you could conquer it, never let it hurt you." With that, she removed her hand from the child's shoulder, letting her think it over.

"Well, I suppose I can understand not wanting to be alone. I expect I wouldn't enjoy it very much either. But I'm afraid the only other place I could offer you would be the royal palace. If you like, you can come live with us. I have two sons who'd love to play and train with you and you won't be lonely with them around. Though living in the palace is often boring for young shinobi, at least that's what my boy tell me."
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Mother's Mercy (Darkness)  Empty Re: Mother's Mercy (Darkness)

Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:03 pm
Darkness looked at her. "t-the palace? d-do you think I could meet queen guards there? t-that's my goal.. to become a queens guard..." she said a bit shyly, trying to not seem over excited. darkness blushed. "I-I mean yes I will love to join and play and train with the boy's." she cleared her throat. she had no idea for how to express her thanks. "I, thank you, I will return your kindness." she was excited, not because she was living in a place. but because she might meet queens guards. she was inching closer to her dream. she felt so happy. "but would I get in the way? I don't want to be a bother." she looked at her. and was worried. but she was more happy then worried. maybe she could impress the queen and have the queen ask her personally. she felt like a little girl wanting to meet a fairy. she was extremely over joyed.
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