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Anri Uchiha
Anri Uchiha
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:47 am
The hammered Uchiha made her sluggish way throughout the dark streets of Konohagakure no Sato. Her cheeks, which were usually as fair-skinned as the rest of her average sized physique. Her blurred gaze made her fail to realize that she was far off from her apartment in the Uchiha district, but rather within the residential area of Konohagakure no Sato. Anri's saunter fell to a stop when her gaze lingered upon a building that, in her drunken stare, looked like the one belonging to her home, caught onto it.

"H-hnnnn... gon.. na -hic- call it a ni-night..." She stated, her voice rather composed, aside from the drunken stuttering and constant soft hiccups. She loosely wore a short skirt, whitish-green kimono with green floral designs on it, and a black sash. One sleeve hung off of her shoulder, Black bordered the cleavage-revealing, rather low neck of the clothing. Her hair messily flowed down to the middle of her back, a few silky strands and locks tied into half-done braids.

It had been quite a night for her.

With the small bit of sense she had in her mind, she'd focus a thin veil of chakra to the soles of her shoeless feet. The black-haired female would crouch down just a bit, before she performed a chakra-enhanced leap, her onyx stare flickering wildly amongst the windows as she ascended and ascended, looking for an open-window; since she kept hers open every night.

The moment she caught sight of an open window, she extended her arm out and latched her hand onto the window sill. She yanked herself upward, hopping into the apartment and landing on the wooden floorboards.

"This p-place.. looks -hic-... surprisingly.. sm.. -hic-.. aller..."
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Re: Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:22 am
What did little Risako’s dream of when they slept their sleepy slumbers? Surely they didn’t dream of a world where it was dangerous for one to leave their windows open, where drunken and well-endowed people could climb into the window of a third floor apartment. Nor did they wake when certain drunken and well-endowed people did so.

In fact, little Akara’s kept right on sleeping through the night, because when they fell into unconsciousness, not even the all mighty hands of the great and powerful could shake them from their beauty sleep.

So what’d Risako do when Anri the Uchiha mistakenly entered her apartment? Why, she continued sleeping, as if that wasn’t an obvious answer. Not a single little black hair on her sleepy little head was disturbed by the intruder within her apartment. If she was awake though, well that’d be a different situation.
Anri Uchiha
Anri Uchiha
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Re: Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:28 am
She sauntered across the floorboards at a slow rate. The black-haired female looked in drunken unease around the rather small apartment, not really caring about the change in it's size. Anri eagerly seeked out a bed. The moment she caught sight of it.. she arched a brow and squinted. The hammered Uchiha didn't understand the sight.. someone in "her bed"?

Perhaps someone had been waiting for her? Maybe they fell asleep while doing so. With brief application of her sensing capability, she easily realized that this wasn't false sleep.. the person was actually out cold. That easily explained why they didn't wake up when she made her noisy arrival.

Anri scanned the precinct, proceeding to give off another carefree, uncaring shrug. What little logic she had left diminished from the alcohol. She stumbled forth, dropping onto the bed beside the unknown individual and clocking out,
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Re: Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:03 am
Now we come to the point where the confused and intoxicated Uchiha had plopped down on Risako's bed. When it happened, Risako merely grumbled incoherently, "Ehh.. no you do," before rolling onto her side, facing away from the bed intruder. Sleepy Akaras do not wake, for anything... It ran in their blood or something. Seriously, they slept like bears during hibernation. It wasn't until much later in the night/early morning that she did begin to stir.

Not once in her life had Risako ever awoke in an alert state. Even when it came to nightmares, they couldn't rouse her from her sleep for too awfully long. So when she pulled the covers off of herself, and climbed over her uninvited guest, she didn't really register the presence of the other individual. Half sleep walking to the kitchen area of the one room apartment, she turned on the sink and cupped a few drinks of water from her hands, soothing her dry lips and kinda helping fight that stank morning breath. She was still gonna brush her teeth, don’t get me wrong, but she wanted to eat something first. Before turning off the faucet, she ran her wet hands through her straight black hair a few times while massaging her head to work that gross oily feeling out of her scalp. After turning off the sink, her hands instinctively went to her light gray cotton night shirt, abruptly pausing as if time had stopped, just before she could dry those hands.

It was in that second where she almost froze, that she realized she had heard someone aside from herself, snoring within her apartment. Unable to see clearly due to the darkness, she used her ears to guide her to where the sound was coming from... Her bed.

All at once, she felt a bit of fear, anger, confusion, and most of all she questioned, easily forgetting that she left her windows open all the time, "How?" How did some... some grotesque, fiend? Make his way into her apartment.

On the same subject, "Why?" It was really kinda creepy. Actually, it was downright despicable. Some man had managed to worm his way into her apartment, not just her apartment but, but her BED! What if...

She pushed that thought out of her head. Either way, now was the time to deal with the stranger, while they were passed out. Silently, she began to creep over to her own bed, something she thought she'd never have to do until she had kids or a partner or something along those lines. As she got closer, her eyes began to trace the the figure of the person in her bed, starting at the individual's lithe shoulders, and working down to her narrow waist. Her eyes formed over the person's short skirt that showed an awful lot of thigh-

Wait. Gentle curves? Lithe? This wasn't a man. Its snores just sounded like one.

That didn't really change anything, but now Risako was put at ease with the thought of "what might have happened" during the night. That said, she felt as if she could snap the individual in half still. (I mean not literally cause she’s not that strong and all, but emotionally. Yea.) At the very least this was an invasion of her home, and she would have to deal with it as such.

Where to begin?

Gently placing an open palm upon her target’s bare shoulder, Risako would place a hand fuinjutsu seal known to most as “The Self Cursing Seal.” Which, when placed, caused the victim’s muscles to lock, placing them in a paralyzed state. In actual combat, if this technique were pulled off, it could potentially score either a kill or allow the user to take their target prisoner with little to no difficulty, depending on how much they could carry. Now, for this instance, she would merely be taking this stranger prisoner, and hopefully not for long.

With the same hand, she then gripped the lady’s shoulder with every ounce of strength her muscles could pump out, and then placed her on her feet. If the lady had woken up by now, she would continue with her actions. If not, she would snap the lady out of unconsciousness with a violent but ultimately harmless act. Or maybe the lady had just enough chakra to break out of the seal’s effects, but who knows? Certainly not Risako.
Anri Uchiha
Anri Uchiha
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Re: Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:42 pm
The feminine Uchiha slept light, whether alcohol was in her system or if sleep-inducing drugs got to her. Risako's hand alone was enough to make her shift a bit before the entirety of her physique was paralyzed. Upon being lifted upright, she'd start to awaken more gradually. She still wasn't all that there, but soon she would be. Her drunken-mind flicked on and her half-lidded gaze addressed the culprit, the person who awoke her. The messy-haired woman found that to her surprise she was unable to move. At all.

"Hnnn...?" She wasn't familiar with Risako's identity, seeing as she'd never saw her around Konohagakure, nor did she bother to take a look at her before deciding to take a nap in her bed. Her gaze flickered about, vision much more clearer this time around seeing as she'd slept off some of the alcohol's effect on her body. She pondered if she'd managed to awaken the female with her snoring, which completely contradicted the quietness of her sober-snoring with it's loudness while she's hammered.

The Uchiha briefly detected the seal on her shoulder after scanning the vicinity with clearer vision. ".. This i-isn't.. -hic- my apartment.." She'd lazily mutter, her voice softer than one would expect after she was snoring loud enough to alarm someone in their own home. Confusion filled her facial features and her voice, eyes locked on Risako as she practically demanded an explanation without verbally saying so. Anri's visage briefly scanned Risako's figure for any... 'points of interest', before deciding to address something.

"Mmm.. where did I get this seal from.. ? I must've really urked someone." She murmured, her breath, luckily for Risako, not tainted in scent by alcohol, since sometime during the endless hours she spent in nightlife she'd managed to dsicover mints. She'd only see the seal if Risako had relocated her hand from somewhere other than her shoulder. One of the sleeves to her kimono slipped down further, exposing more of her left shoulder(assuming that's where the seal is), upper arm, and some more cleavage.

Further inspection of her upper arm would reveal the ANBU Black-Ops mark, but seeing as she was so debilitated by her drunken-thought process and way of action, she didn't notice it was revealed. With an almost nonchalant rush of chakra to the seal on her shoulder, the seal would've faded, but only if she'd noticed it in the first place. Her gaze now lingered upon Risako's own, her lips pursed with the faint blush of an intoxicated individual still on her face. A small smile formed.

"I'm guessing you're the one who lifted me up, no? Were you looking to have your way with me?" She'd inquire, chakra flooding to her eyes and revealing a really....-really- immature Sharingan. The sight was comical.. an ANBU with the first stage of Sharingan. Whether it was funny or it just made her look inexperienced, she'd expect laughter at the sight of her weakly-developed, glowing red eyes. "I wouldn't have a problem with that if you asked nicely.." She'd coo, the smile growing in wickedness.

The pounding headache that came from her drunken-high beginning to wear off wasn't making her thought process any more efficient.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Re: Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:04 am
Her eyes seemingly flashed with her intent as they met with the eyes of air headed Uchiha, closing almost into slits as her face contorted from the anger. "Of course this isn't your apartment!" she thought. The girl had even thought she had said it aloud, but in her flash of internal frustration, her throat produced no sounds, her mouth simply remained agape at the start of her sentence.

Since her eye contact had remained unbroken, she noticed when the stranger's gaze lowered to any "points of interest" that happened to be a part of her own figure. It didn't matter who the individual was, being checked out in an unwanted manner as such made her feel... Vulnerable. Even Maloren was subject to a beatin’.

Deciding that she no longer cared whether the individual in her grasp remained standing or not, (due to the paralysis,) Risako slid her hand down the length of Anri's arm, accidentally knocking the fabric loose, before removing her touch from the individual entirely. Crossing her arms, she lowered her head, but kept eye contact as she took a step backwards, aiming to shield herself from the eyes of the intruder. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, causing her skin to flush, but even for Risako it was difficult to tell if it was due to anger or embarrassment.

"Mmm.. where did I get this seal from.. ? I must've really urked someone."

Lifting her head to appear confident of herself once more, she began to remark "That's an understateme-" but was cut short as she choked on her own words while the stranger merely "shrugged" the seal off. Of course Risako mostly stopped because of the sudden rush of chakra that accompanied the breaking of the seal. Easily, it rivaled her own, which was intimidating. The individual within her apartment was no longer a common person, but a full fledged shinobi.

“Were you looking to have your way with me?"  

What? “W-what!?” No, that was most certainly not her intent. Taking another step back, she let her arms unfold and drop to her sides in a defensive stance. Risako had only ever seen a three tomoe Sharingan, and unfortunately she had never been able to test herself against someone with one, so she wasn’t sure what a single tomoe was capable of. Besides that, surely someone with as much chakra as the lady before her wasn’t limited to just one. This was already a less than desirable situation, and the out of control spiral wasn’t helping anything.
Anri Uchiha
Anri Uchiha
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Re: Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:16 pm
She peered at the owner of the apartment that she practically invaded. The Uchiha let out a soft, despairing sigh when the fabric of her kimono was uninentionally brought downward. The female could only show off a drunken sneer towards Risako when her hand dragged down the length of her arm, still interpreting things in a wrong way due to her intoxication. She was rather aloof about the whole situation, and that could be considered foolish. "I assume the seal was yours? All you could've done was wake me up."

When she showed honest signs of not having intended to 'have her way' with the Uchiha, the high-ranking female chuckled softly and shut her eyes, allowing them to go from glowy red to onyx. She re-opened her now normally-toned orbs, scanning Risako's frame and preparing herself for attack, judging by the defensive stance the girl got into. "Those icky seals aren't fun to break out of. Uhh.. now then, if you weren't planning on doing it while I was asleep.. were you waiting for me to wake u---mmm nevermind that, relax will you? You're making me nervous." She cut herself off, a small frown on her still-flushed face.

With a rather-respecting mannerism to her actions, she'd bow low, the loosely-worn kimono doing little to cover Risako's sight up from her cleavage as she bowed. Her eyes fell closed and her arms straightened out at their sides. She speaked, pausing within the action. "You have my deepest apologies.. um---" She looked up at the female with a questioning gaze. "What's your name again?" Her aura was that of a pacifistic, oblivious nature, hence her telling Risako to 'relax' with the former, and how she hadn't fixed her kimono yet.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Re: Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:19 am
The spiraling had stopped. The situation was under control once again? Would it have really been so easy that all she had to do was wake her up? ... Maybe it would be helpful to think things through a little better next time you wake up with a stranger in your bed. Then when that stranger tells you to relax after flashing Sharingan around? Oh nuh-uh gurl. Risako would comply, but only enough to drop her combative stance. It was very clear that she was still annoyed with the whole situation up to this point, and she'd make that known if it wasn't clear. Then came the apology? Wut. This whole situation. Just. No.

Or maybe yes. She wasn't sure anymore. Picking up on the obvious cues of innocence, whether they be feigned or no, she would allow the Uchiha a chance to correct herself before she branded her with any more negativity and it's totally not because she feared the Sharingan. Somewhat puzzled, she'd say "I never gave you my name in the first place? I woke up and you were in my bed..." 

"It's Risako, now why are you in here?" she droned, dropping the confused questioning for the more demanding tone that she used with the academy students. She almost forgot she was supposed to be pissed when the Uchiha gave that superb apology.

[weak post is weak]
Anri Uchiha
Anri Uchiha
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Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa| Empty Re: Hazy Meeting |p/nk/Risa|

Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:34 am
Anri lifted upright from the bow, a relieved smile on her face as Risako got out of the combat-ready stance. She understood that she was in the wrong for telling her to relax. Though, she was surprised that she actually did as she half-pleaded for her to. The female finally took notice of how loose her kimono was. Her gaze slipped over to her shoulder, and she quickly, as well as hastily proceeded to slip it upright. Not because of her cleavage, but because of the ANBU tattoo. She prayed that Risako hadn't seen it, though by the way the female was acting it seemed she didn't.

An inner sigh of relief hit her.

Anri's relieved smile formed into that of a gentle, genuine one. An aura of friendliness practically emanated from the entirety of her being. The chakra that'd previously thrusted from her was now active, coursing rapidly and at ease. The implication that it gave off was that it was settled, and wasn't dangerous or hostile under any circumstances. Risako would be able to see this through sensory capability, or just looking at the still partly-drunk Uchiha. Her hangover was coming far too early.

She recognized the demanding tone in the Chuunin's voice, but she didn't bother to stop looking and sounding friendly. Her smile remained as she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you, Risako... I'm---" She suddenly realized that it'd be suicide to tell her her name, just in case she brought her up or knew her name. Something like this could tarnish her reputation! Well.. it wasn't like she cared much about it anyways. She was pleased that Risako wasn't so mad, though.

"I kind of assumed it was my apartment. I always enter my place through the open window since I don't bring my home key with me.. since there's nowhere I can really put it.. or I just haven't thought of one.." Despite being sobered up, her mind was still in spirals and she was still thinking at an idiot's pace. Airheaded wasn't far off from a proper description of her current way of acting.

"Uh.. I apologize again for this! Allow me to make it up to you.. and.. please don't tell anyone this happened. It's sort of more than just duncy to presume someone else's place is yours and leap into their bed while they're asleep, ya'know..?" When she apologized she bowed deeply again, then raised her head upon pleading for her not to inform anyone of what happened. She let out a nervous laugh when she admitted how dumb she looked for this altercation.

'Yeah, it's stupid as hell..' Herself, and a voice in her mind remarked in sync. She flinched a bit upon noticing the familiar voice that overlapped hers. Her onyx gaze flickered away from Risako, as though the female had heard the voice too, even though she knew deep down that she hadn't. She looked back towards her quickly, trying to maintain the genuine posture and mannerism that she had. Even within her endless abysses of eyes it was easy to see she was apologetic about this whole thing.

'You should've had your way with her. You can't blame that lustful way you stared at her on booze, baka. Why don't you ever look at me?' The voice resonated once more. She flushed a deep red upon recalling, pursing her lips and placing her open palm against her forehead. "U-um.. sorry. The alcohol's still in my system. Don't mind me..!" She'd state, beet-red and giggling awkwardly out of nervousness. Her giggle became an embarassed sigh. 'N-Nana.. not now..'
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