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A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Sumire Furukawa
Risako Akara
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
12 posters
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A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:37 am
I sighed for a bit, started walking around the streets, hands in my sweatshirt's pockets. It seems like the village was full of activity and that most people were quite happier than they usually more. So much happier than even Ichiraku gave a ticket to everyone that came to them between seven and eleven in the morning. And obviously I had to be the one who woke up at eleven fifteen. So here I was, just wandering in the streets and taking a little walk looking for people to chat with. I knew a couple of genin, sure, but not enough to consider myself "social". And even with that, I was spending way too much time on gaming and training, I truly do need a balance between shinobi life and social life.

After a little ten minutes of walking, I saw Lord Hokage having a little fun with a bunch of local ninja. Or at least, based on what I saw, he was giving a demonstration of kissing in public, and clearly giving a great example to the future generations that were supposed to be his heirs. There were maybe ten, more or less, people gathered in a circle around Lord Hokage and his beloved, including one couple (that, based on the looks of it, broke up five seconds ago), one ANBU and some shinobi and kunoichi that I never heard of. Well, that's more than what I've bargained for.

I walked towards their direction, but decided to keep a low profile. I walked up to some person that I didn't know, and asked gently, whispering in his/her ear. So is that how the Hokage acts nowadays? He makes his people drink and demonstrates his kissing talents in front of his own people? I wasn't expecting any answer honestly, I just wanted to break the ice with someone and become a part of the group of Drunken Shinobi.

> I'll let whoever feels like it to be the person I talked to. Please don't just leave me hanging though ^^
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:44 am
The side effects of the alcohol were hitting Ita hard. What appeared to be a fun time was beginning to take a turn for the worst and when you get too messed up, it seems that your body has a homing device to get you back to safety. Not trying to be rude or anything, Ita simply decided it was time for him to get out of there. Whether or not he seemed to be sketchy to everyone else; now was not the right time to be making any formal introductions, especially to all the people whom he had never met that seemed to be showing up out of the wood works. Ita clutched the neck of the jack daniels bottle that he had received from the hokage. Took a nice swig of it.
“Thanks drunk lord hokage sir man, see you jace.”

That was all Ita said before body flickering out at his max speed form the area and to his home where he would lay the bottle of jack underneath his pillow and knock the f out.
[exit w/ bottle of jack]
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:20 pm
A lot seemed to happen after he'd decided now was as good a time as any to ask Ari to marry him, which thankfully she had said yes. He nearly fell back when she hug tackled him, getting up to his feet and raising her up with him. After they'd kissed their son Kasuga joined in on the hug. During all of this there seemed to be a lot going on, Jace loudly cheering them in congratulations while everyone seemed to be more calm about their congratulating, Ayumi gave her name and his ANBU was not dressed for the job at the moment and its not like anyone would know it was an ANBU drinking so he'd hold out a bottle towards Anri to see if she wanted some. A new kid also showed up and so he'd toss a bottle of Jack over to the new kid.

Seems that love was in the air with Jace and Queen sharing a kiss that ended with Queen slapping the poor boy incredibly hard and then walking off and apparently damaging a building. Young love is tough love. Maloren also seemed to be going with the trend although in a stranger way, Kurisu couldn't hear it very loudly from where he was standing but it was still loud enough that he heard Maloren tell Risako she was really pretty. "Jace, go check on Queen you dumb dumb." meanwhile he'd keep one arm around Ari and wait to see how things played out with the kids.
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A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:57 am
Multiple congratulations passed by as Ari and Kurisu were engaged to be married; she turned around, leaning her back into him so they could both face the crowd. With his arm wrapped around her abdomen she was able to lean both her arms on it with an abundant sense of security and comfort. It seemed things were slowing down, as more people were succumbing to the alcoholic beverages passed out. This was the natural outcome of underage kids drinking presumably for their first time. Ita left shortly after the earlier events, seemingly in a hurry. Maloren started flirting with Risako, the boy named Jace made his move on Queen before receiving her "love." Not that she seemed happy about the events as she punished a building with her fist.

Ari wasn't sure what to make of the events surrounding them, as she remained possibly the only sober one in the vicinity. The "new" arrival that had been stalking them didn't seem drunk of course. Whatever she was up to, Ari was suspicious and kept her senses sharp. It was tough trying to enjoy Kurisu's company and that of friends or new acquaintances while the oddball hung around. Ari was referring to Anri in these circumstances. A new boy turned up at the right moment to break some of the romance, asking someone nearby if this was how the Hokage acted nowadays. Such a rude question to ask someone when they were having fun. Ari didn't wish to spoil her night on answering him and decided against butting in, allowing the one he asked it of to respond if they chose to.

Looking up at Kurisu by tilting her head back, Ari asked a question of her own. "What's the plan then?" Whether she was referring to the group's situation, getting married or anything else, she allowed Kurisu to interpret it and answer however he wanted to.
Anri Uchiha
Anri Uchiha
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A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:02 pm
The young Uchiha looked amongst the bundle of people, not very interested in remaining where she stood. It was getting far too populated for her, and she wasn't a fan of crowds. Anri would accept the bottle of jack with a small, gentle smile. The black-haired female would arch her knees only slightly, proceeding to flood a thin surface of chakra to both of her feet, proceeding to wave at the bundle of individuals before she hopped backward, ascending high into the air onto the top of a building. She'd pivot on her heel and leave in a hasty dash.

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A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:44 am
After the boy kissed the girl's cheek she surprised him by pulling him close and kissing him on the lips. He hadn't expected that, but what came next he expected even less. When the kiss was over the blonde would slap him across the face and take off. The boy was so confused he just stood there in a daze trying to figure out what the hell just happened. He didn't really pay attention to anything else that was going on around him until he heard the Hokage tell him to go check on Queen. "Right. I'm going." the boy said in response as he looked around for the girl. It was probably because of the alcohol, but he couldn't see the girl so he just ran off in a random direction looking for her. The group was left behind as the boy went off into the night to try to find his would be lover.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:57 pm
Riskao gave Maloren a rather lengthy blank stare, before placing an open palm on his shoulder. As soon as contact would be made, she would focus her chakra into a seal that would paralyze the boy, before running on home, bottle in hand. He'd probably be there for a while too, so yanno.

[exit, skipping Jaye cause he said to do so.]
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 17560

A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:37 am
Well with the sudden turn of events where a blondie called Queen (or whatever) kissed a boy named Jace—good for him! Anyway, as nice-ish as that sounded, the girl proceeded by slapping the boy across the face. Ouch; that escalated quick. A few seconds later, Ayumi cocked her head to the side, her eyes meeting the sight of a boy whispering to a trash can. Weird. As the night wore on and as a number of people had decided to take their leave, the kunoichi thought that it was also the time for her to take her leave. The girl would bid farewell before quickly walking away from the group.

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:46 am

Approving exits <3
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A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Drunken Walk Through Konoha [OpentopeopleinKono]

Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:33 am
After punching the wall, the world began to spin, yet she found a sudden urge to fight crime while in this drunken state. And so, Queen went off into the night to become a vigilante and rid the village of evil. In the famous words of another vigilante, she would find those who have failed this city village.

48 houring malo but it's actually been like 100+ hours

Claiming 1900 words towards drunken fist cus getting wasted op
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