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Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:25 pm
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It was that time of the day for yet another mission involving the two starstruck lovers from district twelve— I mean Konoha. Oh, and the Daughter of the Hokage was joining them again as well. There seemed to be a pattern going on between the two. Queen awoke from her slumber around nine in the morning before eating a nutritious breakfast and heading off to complete the day’s mission, it sort of began to be like deja vu. The mission revolved around the same kid that they stopped last time. It was that Jason kid from the week prior, apparently causing a ruckus once more throughout the streets of Konoha. Instead of stealing, he was vandalizing property. Looks like the duo would have to really teach him a lesson this time around. Kids, Queen hoped she’ll never have any of her own, and if she does, they’ll be hella disciplined.

Rei stood atop a large building, scouting the village for any signs of the child while waiting for her teammates for the assigned mission. She didn’t care much for the Hokage’s daughter but she would at least await Jace.

[ignore the stuff about the crazy lady since kyo bailed]
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Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Re: Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:49 am
Jace had awoken this morning ready to tackle his next mission. He had been assigned another mission on the same team as his first crush, the pretty blonde taijutsu user known as Queen. After waking up, Jace went through his normal routing of showering, getting dressed with his gear and eating a hearty breakfast made by his mother to start the day. It seemed that Jason kid was up to no good again. Perhaps this time Jace would have to do more than just say a few words to the boy to get him to stop his nonsense. On the bright side, he was no longer stealing, which Jace definitely considered to be a plus. Still, he WAS vandalizing now and that wasn't exactly good behavior either. He decided he would deal with that when he actually caught the kid. So after he had finished his breakfast, the Uchiha would leave his house and make his way through the streets until he found himself atop a large building near the center of the village with Queen already present. "Have you seen anything yet?" were his first words to her. He was sure she would have noticed him arriving and he felt comfortable getting straight into business with her instead of having to go through annoying formalities that were usually necessary.
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Re: Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Sun Feb 21, 2016 7:40 am
Maloren awoke at six in the morning before showering, and dressing as was his usual routine. He joined his family for a quiet, nutritious breakfast before going out to one of his clans training areas to perform his warm up exercises. These generally included stretches, a few Gentle Fist Katas and meditation. Before long however he realized how late in the morning it was getting to be and left to perform a mission he had been assigned the day prior. He was told to meet his two teammates atop a rooftop not far off to find and capture a kid that was vandalizing property. He didn't know the two in question, but he wouldn't mind getting to know a couple of new faces. He arrived at the specified location to find a girl who looked a couple of years his junior with long blonde hair and lilac eyes. As well as a buy who seemed far younger than one might think. He had messy black hair and green eyes. He bowed his head slightly in greeting, not wanting to really deal with formalities at the moment, but doing so nonetheless. "Maloren Hyuuga, I've been told to work with you today." He said as he looked to the two of them. Judging by the comfortable air about them he assumed they knew each other. Which made him the odd man out. He sighed internally at this before shaking his head lightly at the thought and activating his byakugan to search for their target. Which he quickly discovered a few blocks down. "The boy is a few blocks to our south tagging a wall.." He supplied, pointing down the direction. He'd let them lead on, they were more comfortable with each other. So they had their own way of doing things.
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Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Re: Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:19 pm
It wasn’t long before Queen’s teammates arrive. Jace was first to join her on the building. It seemed as though they had been spending a lot of time together since they had first met a few weeks back. It was weird now to think of a time when they hadn’t been acquainted. “Not yet.” Rei responded to his question, still keeping her gaze on the village. She could feel the warmth of the sun hugging her skin as her arms were across her chest.

Shortly after Jace arrived, another boy landed on the roof. His arrival brought a sudden surprise to the girl, as she was expecting the Hokage’s daughter as their third. Looked like there had been a sudden change of plans. “Queen.” The girl responded, giving her name in response to the boy’s greeting. Malarian Hyuuga. The blonde fighter let the name sink in. She had heard of the Hyuuga but had never seen their talents first hand. Surely, she was not disappointed. Within seconds, the boy activated his doujutsu and was able to spot where the boy was. ‘That sort of talent could be useful’, Queen thought to herself. She would definitely keep a close eye on Malo, and see if he could be a valuable ally in the future to come.

“Let’s move.” Queen commanded, as she leaped off the building to another nearby roof and proceeded to head towards the boy’s direction. With her momentum built, she continued to run, now being able to see the boy quite clearly tagging the wall in letters that spelled ‘Anti Quee'. Based of what was spelled so far, she only assumed the next possible letter was n. Whatever the boy’s reason, she was almost certain now that someone had put him up to this. Still, he would have to learn a lesson.
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Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Re: Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:10 pm
The blonde had responded quickly to Jace's inquiry on whether she had spotted the boy named Jason yet. Of course the answer was no but the slight disappointment would quickly fade thanks to the new arrival on the rooftop. The boy looked to be only a few years older than Jace himself and judging from his eyes he was part of the renowned Hyuuga clan. He introduced himself as one Maloren Hyuuga before apparently activating his byakugan eyes judging from the straining veins that were immediately produced to surround them. Of course Jace was right about the boy being a hyuuga. Jace would activate his own eyes in response. It wasn't long before the boy had said that he spotted Jason a few blocks away from their current position. Queen took the lead, as usual, and took off I. The direction the hyuuga had indicated while motioning for the two doujutsu users to follow her. Within what could only have been a matter of minutes, Jace could see the boy clearly painting some large letters in the side of a building. They seemed to be splling out 'anti queen', since the 'n' had been finished by the time the Uchiha had spotted him. This kid really didn't know what he was getting himself into. The last bunch of anti queen gang members Jace had met were now six feet under thanks to himself and the blonde. That was not a memory that the boy liked to think about. His anger showed on his face as he quickly approached the boy. Without a second thought Jace would increase his pace so that he was moving as fast as he possibly could. He arrived beside the boy in nearly an instant and grabbed the boys right arm in his left hand to stop him from painting anything else with the can of spray paint the boy was holding. Jace's Crimson eyes locked with the boys blue ones and the boy was instantly put under a genjutsu from the sharingan. Jace would toss the spray can away and turn to his teammates as the boy went limp in the Uchiha's arms. "So what do we do with the kid?" was his only question to them.
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
Stat Page : Here
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Re: Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:27 pm
Maloren watched as the unnamed teammate activated a sharingan in response to his byakugan. This caused him to raise an eyebrow in interest at being teamed up with an uchiha. He of knew about their bloodline, the legendary sharingan. It was a powerful tool to be sure. He then proceeded to dash after queen and the uchiha after they ran toward the kid. He landed next to them and watched his teammate hypnotize the kid. Maloren didn't see the point in performing such an action as the kid would simply wake up later on and proceed to do it again and again until he was happy. They needed get the point across that this kind of behavior would not fly. He thought of this conundrum for a moment before an idea struck up. He walked over to the child and placed a palm on his. He then proceeded to send a blast of chakra through the kid, breaking the genjutsu his uchiha teammate used on him. The child, still slightly disorientated would not be happy with what he did next. Maloren proceeded to begin using his gentle fist to strike a few choice tenketsu along the kids body, particularly ones that corresponded with pressure points. The child would be in moderate pain and discomfort for a few days while they opened up naturally. "That should get the message across..." He said simply before nodding his head toward his two teammates "On that note, I call this one a success...Good day to you Queen, Uchiha." He said simply before turning and heading for home. This was his first successful mission, and he hoped they couldn't tell. He didn't want to be nervous but he could admit he liked them. The were both quiet and efficient. Both aspects he could very much respect and he looked forward to working with them in future. He wished he could've seen some of what Queen could do though, he could easily figure out their team dynamics if he had that information. But alas it was not meant to be this day. He was positive he'd work them again in the future however. After all they were the same rank, and had the same goal in mind.

(WC 671 claiming rewards and exit)

Last edited by Maloren Hyuuga on Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Re: Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:37 pm
Queen allowed Jace to grab the boy and put him into a genjutsu. It was much better than what Queen had in mind. If it were her, she would have turned the boy’s brain into some scrambled eggs. “Now we find the men who made him do this.” Rei responded to Jace, memories of that day flashing back into the forefront of her brain. She would destroy all those who were a part of that gang until they disappeared from existence. “Let’s drop the boy off at the hospital, we have work to do before we can call this a success.” Queen would tell Jace after their other partner had already left. She waited until he left intentionally since the business with the Anti queen gang was more personal than it was for the village. “Let’s make sure we get some answers from the boy.” Without saying anther word, Queen would tai flicker toward the hospital. She was going to get vengeance, one way or another. And on top of all, make sure they would leave the boy alone once and for all.

claiming mission rewards and 689 words towards block
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Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Re: Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:17 pm
Jace watched as the boy was taken from his grasp by the Hyuuga that had also been assigned to his team. Jace would let the Hyuuga break the boy out of the genjutsu that he had put him in. Obviously the Uchiha didn't expect the boy to stay in that state for very long, it was just a way of stopping the boy's immediate actions. What happened next took Jace a little by surprise as he watched his teammate 'beat some sense' into the boy before finally leaving, calling the mission a success. After the Hyuuga had left, the blonde would suggest to Jace that they drop the boy off at the hospital and go looking for the men who had surely put the boy up to this. It was obvious that the girl still wanted vengeance for what had almost happened to her. Jace just sighed and agreed to help Queen, as he always did, and they both left together.
TWC: 753
claiming mission rewards and 3ap
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Jokes on you (p/jace/malo) Empty Re: Jokes on you (p/jace/malo)

Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:37 pm
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