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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:34 pm
mission specs:

Jace was waiting outside of the book store he frequented as he waited for the other genin he was supposed to do this mission with. Apparently there has been a lot of minor thefts in the village and Jace had been tasked with finding and stopping them. Weirdly enough, he had gotten a letter saying he was supposed to be accompanied by the pretty blonde he was crushing on. The taijutsu user, Queen. He was only a little nervous about having her accompany him on this mission, but he was excited at the same time. He stood there, his back against the outer wall of the bookshop reading a book of his own as he waited. She should be here soon.
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:42 pm
It had finally come, Queen’s very first mission as a shinobi of the leaf. Granted, she didn’t really need the ryo that was provided from doing the mission, but it seemed to be a necessity that she partake in these missions. Something about building character as a ninja. To her surprise, the taijutsu elite found out that she was paired up with none other than the Genjutsu user whose skill was questionable. It was a good thing he was cute.

Knowing where she could find him, the girl arrived at the bookstore just as she tied her hair into a ponytail. She was wearing nothing but a white tank top and black legging, her usually workout gear, sported with some black combat boots. The mission seemed pretty simple so she didn’t bother bringing the blade Jace had given her. “Hey.” Was the only thing that came out of the girl’s mouth as she spotted the boy, flashbacks of the last time she saw him rushing through her mind. She wondered if she would ever be able to forget that day...
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:55 pm
"Catch that little shitturd." said the voice of Tartarus from within her head as Kyoto ran across the buildings of Konoha chasing a young boy who she had assumed name was Jason from the amount of people screaming "Jason, bring my shit back!" You see the little fucktard was running around grabbing various items off of the stands in the village, and since she was the daughter of the Hokage she had to show the little ones that it was not good to just sit around and watch bad things happen. But of course if the little shit wouldn't start running she would slice his body in half with the sword Sacred Silver that she held in her left hand as she ran across the rooftops and jumped off of them."Stop you little runt before I kill you." screamed Kyoto, though of course she was not actually kill the kid. Probably cut his legs off or something along those lines.
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:15 pm
Jace was halfway through his book when his future lover had shown up. Dressed in her normal white tank and skin tight black pants that made it hard for Jace to take his eyes off of her. It was a strange thing for him to see her like this after the last time they had been together. It had been a very dark and emotional day for both of them he was sure, but he knew Queen would never admit as much. She simply walked up to Jace with a brief 'hey' and that was it. Jace heard her before he saw her though. Her voice tore him from his fantasies about dragons and magic and brought him to an even more fantastical reality. One where an angel was standing before him as beautiful as ever. A soft smile spread across his lips as his eyes drifted over her face. The brilliant shade of lilac that were her eyes seemed to draw him in the way they always did. 

"Hey. You look pretty. I like that outfit on you." he said in response. He had somewhere along the line become more comfortable around the girl. She still gave him butterflies and made his nerves tingle all over, but he was less inclined to stutter and trip over his own words. He was about to ask her if she was ready to search for the thief they were supposed to stop when suddenly some kid ran by them that looked to be carrying a lot of random objects ranging from a watermelon to someone's rainbow feathered hat. The shouts of 'Jason, bring my shit back!' could be heard up and down the street. In other words, it had been made completely and utterly obvious who they were supposed to be chasing. He was about to ask the blonde if she was ready to take off after him when he noticed a girl running along behind the boy shouting obscenities at the poor misguided kid. Jace simply turned to Queen with a half amused half confused look on his face. "Uhh. I guess that's our third?" he said to her, trying to suppress a laugh.

Without waiting for a response, Jace closed his book and took off after the kid and the girl. Hopefully the blonde would be right behind him and they could get this mission done quickly and quietly.
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:30 pm
The boy’s compliment left Queen unfazed, taking every part of the girl’s will not to let out any emotion. She hated how Jace made her feel, all warm and bubbly, as if she were some school girl crushing over an emo kid that was probably gay. Well, she had thought Jace was gay once upon a time, but she was certain that it was just her subconscious mind making excuses as to why she shouldn’t give the boy a chance. “I wear this all the time…” She said rather coldly, unaware as the how the words had come out. Only realizing after that she came off as rather rude, she thew in one final word in a rather playful manner just a second alter. “Silly.” It was off beat, but a rather nice save if she did say so herself.

Just then, a boy came running by like that dodo bird in those cartoons with spinning motor wheel legs. If she wasn’t mistaken, atop his head were a pair of panties. It looks like crooks weren’t very picky with the items they stole. Chasing after him was some girl in a rather revealing skirt and a plate of armour on her upper body who jumped from building to building, swearing the boy’s death. Her fashion sense was rather abysmal and she seemed rather tasteless in comparison to the lilac hued girl.”I suppose so.” Queen replied quietly to Jace. “Let’s move before the girl does something stupid.” Queen took off at full speed with her bloodline fully activated, chasing after the boy and hoping that Jace would be right behind her. Assuming the quality of the mission, it should be over rather quickly
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Fri Feb 19, 2016 6:26 pm
Kyoto would continue to chase the not realizing that he had a pair of panties in his head which caused her to blush but at the same time get even more angrier."Come here you little shit." Kyoto would scream as she would serr that the boy had come to a dead end on the edge of a building's roof balancing himself so he wouldn't fall."Please ms, don't hurt me" the boy Jason would say as he had fear on his face.

Kyoto's eyes would turn red as a black colored aura would appear around her body." You gave us quite the run kid." said Tartarus as he would speak out of Kyoto's mouth grabbing a kunai by the handle out of her weapons pouch as he stared at the boy.
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:27 pm
Jace would take off, chasing after the little thief boy named Jason and the strangely dressed and obviously obscene girl that was chasing the kid. At least the girl had found the thief already which made things considerably easier for Jace and Queen. They seemed to be running side by side once they got on top of the buildings their target was running across. Jace's eyes had already turned from their normal shade of green to one of deep crimson, signifying the activation of his clan's sharingan eyes. Really it was probably completely overkill for him to use his clan's doujutsu on this mission since he was just chasing some kid that looked to be around 8 years old. He hadn't been running for very long at all before he saw the duo he was following stop at the edge of a large and colorful building. He slowed his run to more of a brisk walk than anything else as he watched the obscene girl began to be cloaked in some kind of strange black aura and grab a kunai when she closed in on the kid. She wasn't going to try to kill him, was she? That was certainly something that Jace could not allow to happen.

Seeing what was probably going to go down, Jace didn't hesitate to step in . The first thing he would do was to activate one of his most used techniques, the demonic illusion: flase surroundings genjutsu. Since the girl was only five meters in front of Jace and the boy named Jason was about 5 meters in front of her, the girl would see the boy suddenly disperse into a flock of crows that flew away, leaving nothing behind. In reality, the boy would not move at all. Jace had simply made it appear that way to stop the girl from doing something overkill. Immediately after casting the genjutsu, JAce would dash forward grabbing the boy under his left arm and drop off the building into the street below. Of course the blonde would see through the genjutsu completely, but that didn;'t matter at the moment. "You will return everything you've stolen and stop stealing things unless you want me to let that girl kill you, understood?" he said to the boy with a stern tone.

"Y-yes sir. I promise I'll behave from now on." the boy responded before running off, presumably to do what JAce had told him to. Well that was that. The mission was over. JAce would ask the blonde if she wanted to go get something to eat before he left the streets below. If she had agreed then he would take her to his favorite ramen shop. If she had denied, then he would simply go back to the book store.
TWC: 1739

claiming mission rewards
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:14 am

Following Jace’s lead, Queen parkour her way up the building’s side at a speedy rate, getting up just as fast the her Genin counterpart and witnessing him grab the boy off the roof. Rei placed herself between the youngling and the woman who was now trapped in a genjutsu. As Jace consoled the boy from stealing again, the blonde fighter kept her eye on the crazy psycho woman who had chased after the poor boy. No wonder he ran for his life, she looked like a wannabe cosplayer with a dangerous sharp sword. There was something about her though that was… different. If she wasn’t mistaken, it had been the Hokage’s daughter. Queen was rather disappointed. She expected more for being the daughter of one of the strongest ninja in the world. Standing at the edge of the building, Rei glanced down at the two, winking at the little boy as Jace had mentioned how she would kill the boy if he did it again. The boy shivered before agreeing to behave.

The other woman who queen wasn’t sure was apart of the mission or not seemed to be snapping out of the Genjutsu that Jace had put her under. The blonde fighter would give her a lazy salute before jumping off the building and landing near Jace just as the little boy began to run along. The girl warmly agreed to the ramen invitation. She was more of a fancy five star meal kind of girl, but she enjoyed regular villager food every once in a while. “Let me just make sure the boy gets home safely.” Queen referred to the crazy woman that had been chasing the boy. “meet you there?” She asked him, as she began to run after the little boy.

twc: 2035
my word count: 759

claiming mission rewards and 759 words toward tai body flicker.
Raizuko Akari
Raizuko Akari
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:57 am
After Tartarus pulled a kunai from Kyoto's weapons' pouch the world had went blank. When her senses had came back to her she would stand on the rooftop alone as she observed the area looking around for any signs of the boy. Or the female and male who had helped her catch the boy. She would sigh as she would head back to the mission board. It was a job she had completed but she had blacked out because of Tartarus. She needed to go see her dad to ask him how he had gotten his inner demon under control. She would jump off the roof heading to the mission board."Well your father is quite more powerful than yourself, so I do not see how you will be able to master me." laughed Tartarus from within side her head causing her to frown as she would begin walking to the missions board after landing. She would place the kunai tartarus had took out when he had controlled her body back into her weapons' pouch so she could use it for later. Cause truth be told when she saw that little runt again he was going to have some pain inflicted upon him. Before Tartarus had reawoken in her body she would have just grabbed the kid and hauled him back to where ever the hell he had come from. But now since Tartarus's power was inhabiting both her chakra and mind her thoughts were slowly becoming evil.

After putting the kunai back into the pouch she would pull out her swords Sacred Silver from its sheath that was strapped to her back. She would analyze the sword she had created a week ago along side her mom, the Chuunin Ari. It was made with both iron and silver and graced with her chakra that burned inside of it. She would swing the sword downward as she held it within the palm of her left by it's handle. As it made its move downward she would hear the whistle of the air being sliced in half by the sharpness of the sword's blade. Truly an agile blade that may even save her life in the future. She would put the bladed weapon back inside of its sheath as she would continue to walk towards the board.

666Wc gonna go towards mastering Tartarus Possession

claiming mission rewards and 3 ap

exit topic closed

Last edited by Raizuko Akari on Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto] Empty Re: Stop that Kid![P, NK, Kyoto]

Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:07 pm
Unfortunately, all members are required to do a portion of the word count.

(Kyo still needs another 200 something words.)
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