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A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den]

Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:14 am
Den still wasn't sure about Kozai's motivations but Den often preferred to be safe rather than sorry. Sure he could monitor Mitsui using Sanctuary Pond but there was only so much he could discern with that, as proven by how he misinterpreted the situation with Kozai.

The eagerness Kozai showed made Den further suspicious of the librarian, closing the library at the mention of their being a possibility of summoning Mitsui soon.

Motioning for Kozai to follow Den would make his way to the door. If the librarian did Den would wait until they were walking through the streets before he continued talking. If Kozai didn't follow Den would wait at the door.

"If you won't tell me about how Mitsui's betrayed you at least tell me of some crimes hes committed, the reasons you think he would want to come murder you. I need to be able to go before the nobles and give them a reason why this man is dead once this business is concluded and I can't just tell them he was a trouble maker and you were worried he would come after you." The summoning site was a mile north of the village, so they were heading towards the gates.

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A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den]

Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:47 pm
Who was the person Mitsui attacked, the leader of Ame or something? That was Den's assumption seeing as Mitsui apparently had a large bounty there. And if he was causing trouble in konoha then it would be wise to deal with him, Maku had created an alliance between the Fire and Haven nations before he... departed. There was a new Hokage now, perhaps if he dealt with a missing nija that was causing problems there he could garner favor with the new leader.

"Yes.. knowing he's caused problems else where will be enough for them." Unless Kozai said anything further or stopped following Den the two would continue in silence, the Hoshikage picking up speed once they were out of the confines of the village. The site for the summoning circle was to be a mile north of the village, Den didn't plan on using the summoning site to bring allies to the village so he didn't want to put the citizens in danger.

The two S ranked ninja would arrive to see Tomoya and Shina working on a fuinjutsu seal 10 meters in radius. The location of the seal was out in the plains, just grass to see in all directions except for Hoshigakure barely visible a mile away. The spot the seal was in was clear of grass, a good 15 meter radius of ground was cleared before Tomoya and Shina had begun their work on the seal.

"The seals almost done. Why'd you both come all the way out here, is there someone you want to summon already?" Tomoya looked between Den and Kozai as he asked the question. Shina continued to work on the seal as he got up and approached Den, who would be standing at the edge of the grass. "If you plan on doing that I should warn you... the seal isn't as powerful as Shina and i hoped it'd be. I'm still figuring out the exact ratio but... I'm thinking we'd need the 3 of us here to summon someone with a chakra as potent as mine, and that's if Denkiteki makes his chakra more potent using his jutsu. Otherwise we'd need Shina's help."

Den frowned at this, "That's not good... the summoning will also have a delay so that means.." Looking towards Kozai Den would ask, "Does Mitsui have any techniques that can make his chakra more potent, how much stronger has he become?" If Mitsui could make his chakra potent enough he could resist the jutsu, Den wondered if he might need to call in more people to assist him.

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A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den]

Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:36 pm
Tomoya wasn't sure who this Mitsui was but he wasn't sure if they could summon him using the fuinjutsu seal that was prepared, if he could increase his chakras potency he might be able to resist.

"There's another thing.. you never taught me the summoning Jutsu Denkiteki. So I can't actually assist in the summoning itself until I do learn the technique.." Tomoya felt like he was letting Den down for not being to help him in whatever mission he and Kozai were on, but in his defense the two shinobi had just sort of showed up while he was making the seal, Tomoya and Shina hadn't been planning on attempting any summonings once they were finished.

"Alright... well let's hope that my chakra's enough then.." As his voice trailed off Den activated his Power of the White Dragon technique, enhancing his chakras potency as well as increasing his speed and reaction time. His chakra took form around him as he activated the technique, trails of white chakra floating upwards from Den's body. His pants created a hole for his tail to grow out of but Den didn't manifest his wings, unfortunately his brothers robes were not made of manipulated fabric.

Den had rarely used this ability, normally remaining in his fairer form that still resembled that of a normal human. The humanoid dragon looked down at the summoning seal as he prepared himself for the next step. He'd never combined Kokou's power with this form before, he could guess at what he was capable of in that form but had never actually activated both abilities at once until now.

As golden ernergy began to form around his body and clothes Den's chakra reached new heights, reaching a level very few had ever achieved. He had expected there to be pain, unleashing so much power at once, but instead he only felt elation. So much power coursing through his veins! An aura of golden and white energy surrounded the Hoshikage, the size of the aura reaching an immense size as the man let his power flow freely for the first time in awhile.

A rare smile appeared on the Hoshikages face as he did the seal of confrontation needed for the summoning jutsu, "Are any of us at risk of being injured by your technique?" Kozai's technique sounded like it was potent bbut other than that he hadn't given any explanation for how it worked.

As Den asked the question Shina would finish preparations on the seal, she had stopped working for a few moments to stare at Den when he had transformed. What was he? Sanding up from the seal shina would back away a few meters, her eyes still a bit wide and staring at Den's now golden form. Tomoya would walk to her side, though he was less obviously impressed by Den's power, he had of course never seen the two abilities combined before but he knew of Den's transformation and bijuu.

Once Kozai made it clear he was ready, asking Den that they get on with it, Den would activate the Summoning Technique on the Summoning Site, his intent to summon Mitsui into the center of the circle.

80 AP Spent on POWD
200 AP on Golden Cloak
280 AP Spent
989 AP Left

10 AP Spent from Golden Cloak for summoning
490 AP Remaining from that

stats are:
70 Health
245 Chakra
20 stamina
230 Speed
110 Strength

Requesting 500 words towards Summoning Site creation (Fuinjutsu users are Tomoya and Shina) and after that trying to summon Mits
Current WC: 2549 (2049 WC unclaimed now)

Last edited by Denkiteki Hayato on Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den]

Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:57 pm

Approved <3

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A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den]

Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:52 pm
Mitsui did not want anything to do with the summoning. As soon as Den and Koz attempted to summon Mitsui, Mitsui would simply refuse to be summoned. Mitsui was not marked, so Mitsui simply could decline.

(Den told me that he found that the summoning site allows people who are not marked to go and just resist summoning. I am also not marked, exit)
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A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Dance of Doctors [p,nk,Den]

Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:19 pm
(can I claim that I have safely exited? I think that there is not really a way to stop me from exiting, and I think I can 48 hour Koz and 72 hour Den.)
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