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Shika Yabusame
Shika Yabusame
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Ryo : 500

Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei) Empty Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei)

Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:32 pm

She sprinted forwards, a canister of water resting on her hip. The acrid smell of smoke filled the air like a parasite, crawling its way into her throat and lungs and making her want to double over. There were people still in the shop! She grabbed the first thing she could out of her pockets, a yellow piece of cloth that was fluffy and thick. Without thinking, the water in her canister sloshed onto the cloth of its own accord, evidence of her latent affinity with the element of water. She tied it around her mouth, knotting it tightly at the back of her head. Her eyes stung and blurred.

Come on, wasn't anyone else around to help? She complained to the air, easily tearing down the door of the building without a second thought. She frantically turned her head from side to side, looking for any civilians. Instinctively, her eyes blazed red, and five distinct chakra networks registered on her doujutsu through the smoke. "Hold on!" She yelled, as the blaze spread above to the roof. Come on, come on, she thought to herself as she dashed madly into the upper stories of the building. She grabbed the first person she could, a teen boy who flinched at her contact. She threw him over her shoulder easily and jumped out of the window, landing on the ground sixteen feet below. Her ankles stung briefly, but she set him down on the ground before rushing back inside. Damn it, she thought to herself. Wasn't anyone going to help?

WC: 251
Total WC: 251
Training for water element (derp).
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei) Empty Re: Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei)

Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:47 pm
Ashareil and Reial Sun were on the scene fairly quickly.... Well. i suppose it isn't quite propper for me to lie. They were made aware of the situation and responded.... After a few minutes of arguing ending in rei realizing that if she didn't give in to her sisters wishes the home would burn down. The three each did however reach the scene quickly once they'd been informed of the situation. Each wore a blue gi top with white edge work and tan pants with brown wigs that made them look far too much like they were taken directly out of an episode of avatar the last air bender, with Ashareial's outfit in particular taylored to be the signature avatar character from the second series. where. do. they. get. the. time....... Like... A burning building and they STILL COSPLAY.

"Ash. It's time. Avatar mode!" Turning she saw a group of villagers rushing with buckets of water and had a brilliant idea. She hoped someone was within the building of course to actually ensure that the people within were getting out safely but that wouldn't be their problem. They were water benders. As such they'd.... like... bend water? IN perfect unison the two girls spun, taking up position directly in front of the house.... but about fifteen meters away. As they turned they released invisible strings of their chakra in the style that only a puppet master could, and grabbed not one.... not two.... But all of the buckets of water from the rushing villagers. The water buckets flew quickly thanks to their control over the strings, reaching the inferno of a building before a flick of the wrist pulled them back, releasing the suiton with a little help from their chakra, which attempted to control the water and shift it to the points on the building that needed it most.

"More. Everyone. Just fill buckets. We'll get them onto the fire. By the power the avatar will save you all!" Ash's voice rang out loud and shrill as a siren. No use trying to ignore when she spoke. Whew wee.

"Ignore her. She's an idiot but we're here to help. Go go. Get as many buckets or containers as you can and fill them up. We'll take it from there." They grabbed another round of water buckets after speaking, their movements looking too much like a dance as they pushed another set of water towards the house, using control to more effectively aim the suiton towards the worst parts of the house. It looked like a large fire near the doorway that was blazing to ensure no exit was finally dying down, the sizzling tssss of water on open flame filling the area.

Shika Yabusame
Shika Yabusame
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Ryo : 500

Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei) Empty Re: Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei)

Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:14 pm
A support beam fell in front of her, nearly scraping and burning her face. An elderly man was being carried in her arms this time, leaving three others in the building. Screw this, I can carry more. "I'm moving you to my back," she announced, slinging him around her neck. He had a pretty good grip for an old guy, she had to give him that. Shika's sharingan flared again, and she picked up two chakra signatures inside a small room. She kicked open the door, flinging it on top of the blazing inferno. "And this is why we don't construct an entire building out of freaking wood," she muttered to no-one in particular. A shrill scream caught her ears, and her head shot towards a towering wardrobe in the back of the room. The fire danced higher and higher, but rescue came in the form of water dropping down from seemingly nowhere. Her eyes widened at the implications.

Shika managed to shield the old man from most of the steam, but it was thick and hot and it burned. Her entire face, saved for the covered portion, stung painfully, and her arms throbbed as well. She didn't look down. She didn't want to see what was there, what her skin looked like. She ignored her own pain and dashed through the room with a poorly executed taijutsu style body flicker, flinging open the wardrobe to see two small children cuddling each other. They looked up at her, scared and startled. How many kids were in this damn building, anyhow? Shika wondered. Deciding not to answer her own question, she grabbed one with each arm, and old man on her back, attempted to find an exit. The only one that was glaringly obvious was the open window she used earlier. She taijutsu body flickered out of that as well,  landing once more on her already sore ankles. With the added weight, she collapsed on the cobblestone ground immediately after her land. The children managed to scramble out of the way, and the old man wasn't in a position where he'd be harmed. He got up before she did, though.

She stood up, feeling like death itself. She summoned water from her canister, and it felt like a cooling balm against her skin. Judging from the looks she was getting... She got burned bad. But there was still one person inside. She took a step forwards. Her entire leg felt like lead. Her ankles felt like they were on fire. Another step. She limped towards the building at a relatively quick pace, and hoped that whatever idiots were on extinguishing duty realized that dumping lots of water onto a fire as big as this would create copious amounts of burning hot steam. And that stuff hurt like hell.

WC: 465
Total WC: 716
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei) Empty Re: Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei)

Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:10 pm
While an intense terrifying battle was going on inside the small house with Shika trying desperately to survive against the horrific heat and dangerous falling debris in a seemingly futile attempt to get herself and those who once resided within the small home out to safety.... Things were different on the outside. Since the small puppet couldn't be terribly useful in hauling water, it was both flammable as all get out and any attempt to deal with water would of course end with its body swell and being less then useful, it had set up a large set of speakers to play theme music in the back ground while the twins...,, I can't deal with this. There's a burning fire going on and they need music to emphasize their heroism. I quit. 

I the omniscient narrator do apologize for my outburst. I was informed that my contract is binding and were I to quit they'd get both my soul and my car. My Camaro is my baby. Anyway, the music blared increasing tension as the twins continued to put out the fires three buckets at a time. The flames had died down completely at the front of the house thanks to their incredible work but it would seem that things weren't quite under control yet. Don't, however.... Tell that to ash. 

'We need to go slower. We're at the half way point and not even close to done with this thread' she thought to herself, words that were quickly shifted in the post edit to ensure all suggestion that this was not a true telling of real events was removed, as such what I meant was: 'we need to slow down. It needs to seem like a tough battle or we won't get our proper glory. ' she allowed a bucket or two to slip from the grasp of her strings early, its contents spilling out to far away to be helpful. She strategies the perfect time frame for maximum praise and adoration and at this rate they would not get the full amount. Ninety five percent just isn't good enough for some people.
Shika Yabusame
Shika Yabusame
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Ryo : 500

Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei) Empty Re: Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei)

Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:23 pm
She used the surface walking technique to scale the building, stumbling in the open window. Wisps of smoke and steam still curled skywards from the blaze, vestigial embers glowing. The fire in this particular area, however inefficiently, had already been extinguished. However, the burnt wood was unstable and could collapse at any time. She stood up, a burnt, limping, exhausted teenager, and decided that this may have been a bad idea in retrospect. She performed the only medical ninjutsu she knew- an E ranked healing technique- on her ankle, holding it for about ten seconds. It was nowhere near perfect, and still hurt to walk on. But she got the feeling that no bones would be broken in the process of her self-imposed rescue mission because of a bad ankle.

She let her doujutsu flare for a moment, eyes turning a dark, foreboding red. The last person... Was downstairs. Where the blaze was the worst. She pinched her wrist to snap herself back into reality, and scrambled down the stairs. She most certainly did not almost trip on the way down, and her ankle did most certainly not feel like it was being bitten and torn at by a ferocious animal as she scrambled onwards. She summoned some of the last drops of water from her canister, drawing some still dripping off her burnt skin, and gathered it above her left fist. Shika took a step back, glaring at a final locked door that lead towards the back of the building. She breathed in deeply, smoke almost causing her lungs to seize up, before using a taijutsu strike- Arhat Fist: Gangeki- to break down the door. Fire blanketed the entire room, and she could see the silhouette of a figure in the back corner. She flung the droplets onto the path immediately in front of her, just barely causing the tongues to falter, and taijutsu-style body flickered across the room, picking up the person, and flickering out. She literally ran through the fire; her legs had almost lost the feeling of pain.

She didn't even bother to try opening the door, which was already lost to the fire. She gathered her strength and punched through a weaker wooden wall, half of it already burnt away and extinguished. Splinters buried themselves in her knuckles, and she ran from the house before dropping the person- a middle-aged man - with the other victims. No one was left in the building, or she'd have picked up their chakra networks with her doujutsu. But it was still on fire, and there was still a chance that it could spread to bordering buildings. Despite her injuries, she turned to the person next to her, shaking their shoulder with a burnt and bloody fist. "Hey, do you have any more buckets?"

WC: 463
Total WC: 1179
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei) Empty Re: Where there's smoke... (Mission, Ash & Rei)

Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:34 am
"Ooh! SHIKA YOU'RE HERE" Ash turned to face her friend, throwing the next round of five buckets not on the fire... But more so onto the villagers that had just been saved, causing them to sputter and cough as a large volume of water was simply thrown onto their heads. her dance became more intricate as she continued to put out Bit by bit of the fire. Raising up on the tips of her toes she'd begin to use the space around her, gliding in long leaps across the cobble stone roads of Hoshikag...what? THey aren't cobble stone? Well. I suppose we'll fix this in post edit. Any way gliding gracefully across the NOT cobble stone roads in long leaps, spinning two full rotations as she sent another round of buckets fulll of water at the now dying out flame, her arms raising up and crossing above her before crossing, and then falling down to uncross at about hip level before her hands spread once more to her side. It was truly a remarkable sight. Also I might add it was truely a bunch of useless movement. Every perfectly placed pirouette succeeded in sloshing precious water from the containers, whether in large splashes or fully emptying one or more of the buckets due to her decision that it would be better transported in an upside down position. Overall very cool to watch.... Not effective at all.

"Ash. STOP SCREWING AROUND THERES A FREAKING FIRE. " Reial was getting quite a bit upset at this point. She used her chakra strings as her sister did... sort of. Instead of over the top intricate maneuvers that were completely ineffective she used quick short shifts in her hands or arms to sling the buckets at their target. About half of the fire was now simply smoldering wet soot thanks solely to rei. "You can play AFTER we get this done. We need to make sure that nothing else catches fire cuz yanno.... That's kind of how fire freaking works. " Her gaze was shifted as she noticed shika, thankful to have someone there that could be of at least a little bit of use. Man these two really are something hm?

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