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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:42 am
The sun was high in the sky as Jace waited in the training grounds. He had been sitting with his back against a tree for about twenty minutes now. His eyes were closed and the warm sunlight washed over his face. Every once in a while a soft breeze would tousle his hair, but he didn't mind. He was supposed to be meeting Kyori here. Jace wondered how the boy was doing since his mother passed away. It had only been a couple days now and Jace hadn't seen him since.

This morning Jace was surprised to receive a message from Kyori asking to meet him in the training fields. Jace had been happy to know that the boy wanted to see him again. Maybe he wanted to talk. Jace hoped he was doing ok. But that was why Jace was now waiting. Waiting with his back against the same tree he had first met Kyori in.
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:34 am
Kyori was in his home as he was looking at his mom's headband, it was still shiny as the light hit it as it sat upon Kyori's desk in his room. He still did not know why his father did not take his mom's eyes before she was buried like all Uchiha typically did for their love ones so their graves would not be robbed. There were still sick people in the world who did things like such. Throwing on his cloths, which consisted of a burgundy V-Neck, black leather pants and some burgundy combat boots. He had just purchased the cloths a night before when he was picking of flowers for his mother's funeral which had happened only hours ago. He had sent a message to the younger Uchiha, who's name was Jace. He need to get his mind off of his mom and training was the best way to do it, as well as he wanted to see how far the boy had gotten in their week of separation no matter how gay that sounded. He would open the window to his room as he did not want to see his deadbeat of a father who had not even come to his mother's funeral.

Once he opened the window he would jump out of it landing on his flat balcony that had a large tree in it's front. His third mutation of his Sharingan was already activated like it always was since the day he had activated it, like all Uchiha who also had the third mutation. Jumping into the tree searching for the specific chakra signature of Jace, he had told the young Uchiha to meet him at the training grounds so that would be the first place he would search for him. Jumping from tree to tree at his max speed he would see a chakra signature that looked like that of an Uchiha. In case no one did not know, someone with a doujutsu had chakra behind their eyes so that was how you could tell if your opponent had a doujutsu or not. But of course you would need to have a doujutsu yourself to view the chakra. He would see that the kid had his back sitting up against a tree like the first time they met, and Kyo did not know if it was a coincidence or not but the kid was sitting up against the very same tree. Landing on the ground from a tree that was like 7 meters tall so when he did land his legs did not buckle. Walking a little he would appear 5 meters to the left hand side of the boy and say " Hey Jace, how does it go. "

He would continue to walk slowly which was pretty hard seeing as everything around him was moving slower and he could not control the speed he had gotten from his Sharingan yet. Another reason why he kept his Sharingan activated seeing as he could not fully control as of yet.

(1AP taken away from AP if you want me to post that)
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:55 am
Jace's eyes were closed but his hearing was perfectly fine. So it was no surprise to him when Kyori had spoken. Jace had heard him perfectly as he landed and began to walk towards Jace. After hearing the boy's voice, Jace would open his eyes and look up at the boy. He immediately noticed something different from the last time he had seen him. His eyes were crimson with three black tomoe surrounding his pupil. He had evolved his sharingan all the way to its final third tomoe form. 

The smile at seeing Kyori had slightly lessened when Jace noticed this. His eyes were still new to him. How had kyori been able to advance his sharingan so far in such a short period of time when Jace hadn't? The boy was older than Jace by a year or two. Maybe that had something to do with it. Then again Jace had rarely used his eyes since he himself had awakened the power within. Actually, Jace hadn't really done much at all since the last time he had seen Kyori. He had met a strange pervert girl in the forest though. She had taught Jace some significant jutsu. Although the ending was extremely weird. She had bitten his neck like the pervert she was. Still, she was a strong pervert. 

Another soft breeze tousled Jace's hair as he looked back at Kyori. Seeing the sharingan looking back at him, Jace's own forest green eyes began to swirl and change colors. In an instant his own sharingan was activated. "H-hey. Erm...How are you doing? I-I mean after your mom and all....I was worried about you.."
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:40 am
As he had got fairly closely to the young Jace who he assumed was a Genin would take quite some time to even react to Kyo's words or so Kyo thought as the world around him was going quite slower as if he was slowing down the time around him. So as the boy did not begin to do anything Kyori would begain to think about how he would learn the jutsu he had planned on learning today called the Hidden Mist jutsu which was derived from the blood mist land of Kirigakure. He was in the Konoha library and read that you don't need to have the dna of a Kirigakure ninja to use it, but mainly the Water element and enough chakra to cast the jutsu. But seeing as the jutsu was only a D ranked Jutsu it should be quite easy to learn seeing as stated by his mother before she passed he had high chakra reserves. Thinking that sometime during the day he would learn the jutsu he would hear the voice of young Jace say "H-hey. Erm...How are you doing? I-I mean after your mom and all....I was worried about you.." he was still quite annoyed that the boy kept stuttering every time they had met, but Kyo just knew that most people had their tendencies.

Looking at the boy he had begun to see that his forest green eyes had began to turn into the ones of the Uchiha's clan Sharingan, however he could see that the boy still only had his first mutation of the jutsu. He did not know why the boy had activated it, maybe the kid's mind had just reacted to seeing another Sharingan activating it by its self. Deciding to answer the questions the boy had asked Kyo would say "I am doing quite good, as you can see more things happened over the week since me and you have met, I only called you here to ask if you wanted to train and maybe after we could go and get some ramenfor real. " laughed Kyo as he walked up closer to the boy leaving only 3 meters of distance between them.
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:51 am
Jace watched Kyori as he kept slowly approaching Jace. Kyori would stop when he reached about three meters in front of Jace. The boy had answered Jace's questions quickly. He didn't seem upset or out of place at all. Jace actually found Kyori's mood to be pretty weird for someone who should still be grieving the loss of his mother. Maybe the boy was just good at hiding his true feelings. Or perhaps he hadn't cared about his mother as much as he had seemed to last time they met. Maybe he was a sociopath who only wanted to gain power. Whatever it was didn't really matter though. 

The boy had said that he wanted to train with Jace. He had said something about getting ramen afterwards too, but Jace wasn't too hopeful about that. Jace's smile promptly returned at the thought of training. Something he was good at and was definitely not awkward about. That, Jace was always ready for. He quickly got to his feet and brushed off the dirt from sitting on the ground with his back to the tree. "Sure! What exactly did you have in mind for a training session?" Jace had asked the boy.
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:03 am
Kyori was quite amazed with how fast the boy had replied to his question to train, even though the boy was quite shy he loved the idea of training. At least there was something inside Jace that was not annoying. Kyo would reply to Jace's question saying "I was hoping that we could spar." if the boy would agree to spar with Kyo, Kyo would bow and straighten his body as he backed up his body at least 5 meters putting 8 meters between the two as he motioned his hands for Jace to attack first.
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:38 am
Kyori had answered Jace, telling him he wanted to spar. Jace remembered the last time they had tried to spar he had completely overwhelmed Kyori. That was only a week ago. He wondered how much the boy had grown since then. Jace himself had gotten at least a little stronger since then. Kyori had managed to develop his sharingan further too. Perhaps this would be interesting. Jace nodded at Kyori in response, telling the boy he was ready for a spar. 

Jace watched as Kyori backed up until there were at least 8 meters between the two boys. He had motioned for Jace to go ahead and make the first move. Jace grinned at the boy in front of him. There was a very brief pause before Jace acted. He took a deep breath and performed several hand seals at his top speed(30). Horse-Tiger. Immediately after performing the hand signs, Jace would spew forth a massive ball of fire heading straight toward Kyori. The fireball technique was moving at a speed of 25 with a power of 25. Jace kept his eyes peeled for a counterattack.
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:22 am
After the giving the motion to go first Kyori's high reaction time began to kick in as he saw chakra begin to pool in the bottom of Jace's stomach, seeing the chakra begin to pool Kyori eyes power begin to kick in as he would assume the boy would begin to throw handseals. At the speed of 20 he would have his hands gripped in the small circle in the middle of two shuriken, a shuriken in each hand. One hand seal had been preformed, so as Jace was doing the second handseal the two shuriken flew out of his hand at the speed of 31 one aimed at Jace's right hand and the other at Jace's left kneecap. Knowing that the jutsu was about to commence Kyo's right leg would cross in front of his left one as his right foot was rested in front of his left foot as his whole body rotated after seeing the chakra that had formed in Jace's stomach move to his mouth, looking as if Jace's mouth was going to open Kyo's body would surge forward taking one step after another as he ran the distance of 5 ft. However he felt great heat rush pass his back as he had gotten from at least 4 ft of his place of origin smelling his hair being smeared by what he had predicted to be a fire ball, and he was correct as he had stopped his running now 5 feet away from where he stood as the fire ball struck a tree that was behind his place of origin. The tree had sat ablaze.

Kyo did not know the kid had already learned such a powerful technique it had looked like Kyo was the only one who trained within the week's time.
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:09 am
Jace had been watching Kyori the entire time for any sign of a counter attack. That was why he saw the shuriken coming. It was easy for Jace to predict their line of flight. He had spent a lot of time with his father sharpening his mind and becoming more and more observant. He was now able to assess a situation and come up with a counter strategy almost instantly. It was like second nature to him. He did, however, wonder why Kyori had decided to counter his jutsu with shuriken instead of a jutsu of his own. Was he trying to conserve chakra? Maybe he just hadn't learned any offensive jutsu yet. After all offense was a great defense. If the situations were reversed Jace probably would have countered with another jutsu of his own.

Not Kyori. No. Instead, just as Jace had made the second and final hand sealf for his fireball technique, Kyori had let fly two shuriken. Judging from where Kyori's eyes had been looking and the movement of his arms when he had thrown them plus the angles at which the shuriken were flying, he was able to guess that one of the shuriken was headed straight for Jace's right hand while the other looked like it would impact his left kneecap. Alright. There was no need for him to stop his jutsu. The Shuriken were moving too fast for Jace to move his entire body. But, it wasn't his entire body that he needed to move, thanks to the spots that Kyori had aimed for. 

Jace decided now was probably a good time to try out a new jutsu he had been working on. If things went according to plan he would have the advantage. Jace was talented with genjutsu. So, he planned on using one to disorient his opponent. He wondered if the genjutsu would actually work on Kyori. He had been able to advance his sharingan to its limit. Were his eyes able to discern genjutsu yet? Maybe they were still new and Kyori hadn't learned how to do that yet. The only way to find out for sure was to try. 

All of this had passed through Jace's mind in a fraction of a second. The instant Kyori had released the shuriken, Jace would act simultaneously. He ducked beneath the line of the shuriken that would have made contact with Jace's right hand while also angling his body so that his right side was facing where Kyori had been standing, taking his left kneecap out of the way of the second shuriken. While doing this, Jace also saw Kyori turn and take off in a straight line to the right of where Kyori was standing. Jace kept his face turned toward Kyori's body as Kyori ran, releasing the fireball aimed just three feet to the right of it's original destination at a speed and power of thirty five. Jace managed to do all of this at his maximum speed, since he was only moving portions of his body, and by the time the shuriken had passed Jace, the fireball would reach Kyori. 

The right most part of the fireball, the last foot of it's width, would now be in line to just barely catch Kyori as he stopped four feet away from where he had been before. The same time Jace had released the fireball, he had also activated the false surroundings technique. He made only subtle changes. The six foot diameter fireball would now only look like it was four feet in diameter. If Kyori was unable to see through the genjutsu with his sharingan he would most certainly get burned.
Kyori Uchiha
Kyori Uchiha
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Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori] Empty Re: Here Goes Nothing...[P, NK, Kyori]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:40 am
As Kyori ran to his new destination with his eyes on Jace he would see that the kid this some simple movements to avoid the shuriken he himself had thrown, Kyo would see that the boy was planning on directing the jutsu this time towards Kyo's new position. However something appeared in Kyo's village something he had not ever seen before in his life. A fire ball had erupted from Jace's mouth however it had a darker color to it at it's four foot diameter. It appeared as if it was a hologram. Something had sparked in Kyo's mind as he remembered his father saying something about the final form of the Sharingan being able to view all genjutsu as if they were a hologram. Could this be a Genjutsu that the boy was trying to use on him. How stupid thought Kyo even though he did not want to say it seeing as the kid just tried to use a Genjutsu knowing that he had mastered his Sharingan. Kyo knew he could avoid the jutsu easily but he wanted to get to the kid quick. He would would preform the ram handseal as his body shot to where he first stood when he had bowed to Jace. However seeing as he was moving at the max speed of 60 to the point of origin the fireball wouldn't even get close to him helplessly going off into the distance. However Kyo knew that the boy was not quite fast enough to turn in time for Kyo's next attack as at his now new destination 8 meters in front of Jace he would preform the Tiger handseal at the speed of 30. At the speed of 19 a thick gray mist would rise up from the melted snow caused by the sun. As the mist rose Kyo would once again use the body flicker technique as again at 60 speed he would shoot forward covering the 8 meters between him and Jace but not before pulling out a kunai with his right hand gripping it around the handle. Moving forward at the speed of 60 with a kunai in hand Kyo would now be in front of Jace with the Kunai heading for the boy's neck and his left hand aiming for the boy's stomach in a attempt to force his own wait down on the kid to knock him down to the ground. However the mist had fully risen when Kyo had got within 4 meters of Jace giving JAce no vision of anything around him.

Even if the kid tried to locate Kyo with his Sharingan he would only see Kyo's chakra everywhere around him. Though since the mist was so thick he would not even see the glowing red eyes of Kyo either. However if Kyo's attack was to happen he would stop the kunai aimed at Jace's neck roughly 1 inch away from his forming adam's apple.

(Know that you cant change the positon of the fireball again as that will be cheating)
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