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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:03 am
It was a cloudless night in Konohagakura, the stars showing brilliantly throughout the village, glittering up in the sky. It was quite a wonderful sight, and it reminded Haru of home. Not Kirigakure, no, this reminded him of the place he was born. He sat on a bench in the street, arms resting across the back, as he waited for Tori to finish getting ready. He had decided to let himself relax a bit for once, as he had done nothing but fight and train and work for the past few months. It was exhausting.

Haru wore a simple pair of cargo shorts, something he had in abundance now due to the hot weather of the island country, along with a collared white shirt with rolled up sleeves, and a pair of simple sandals. He looked like he was from Shimagakure, no doubt about it, but he was comfortable and didn't look half bad to boot.
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:26 pm
Tori decided to surprise her boyfriend! She had put on some short blue jean shorts and a white halter top on with a pair of cute sandals on. Her long thick red hair was hanging loosely instead of being pulled back. She saw him on the bench and decided to approach him from behind. Wanting to mess with him a little bit and be playful, she decided to sneak up on him. With him being am ANBU, he could probably sense her, but she still wanted to play!
Moving quietly she was approximately six feet behind him, she fired out a chakra chain from her palm and let it wrap around him if he didn't stop her!
"Gotcha!" She yelled giggling as she ran up from behind and hugged him! Yes this was going to be a fun night with the two of them! They had not spent any time together in quite a while!
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:39 pm
Although Haru's senses were refined through his training, Tori's chakra was not powerful enough for him to detect without conscious effort, and as he had no reason to search for her, she would manage to get in pretty close without him noticing. However, when the chain was fired, the audible jingling sound would startle Haru, causing him to catch the chain reflexively, yanking on it to find the one who sent it towards him. Turning in the bench, Haru reared his free hand around to make a grab at his assailant...

...Bright red hair and a very familiar face greeted him as he turned to face Tori Uzumaki. Without thinking, he caught her with his free hand, embracing her.
"Y'know, you shouldn't sneak up on a Kirigakure ninja. We're awfully jumpy." He joked, releasing her from his grip. "Sorry about that, sweetie." He apologized, standing up from his seat.
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:45 am
Tori gasped when he grabbed towards her! Maybe it was not such a good idea to sneak up on him! But the minute he caught her and embraced her, her heart began to race. “It’s okay, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that.” She said as she stared into his eyes. “That was one of the more exciting things to happen to me in a while!” She added smiling at him. “So are you ready? I have a very interesting place to take you, it is where I use to go as a kid!” She said still smiling and taking his hand into hers. “I have never shown this place to anyone else, you are the first, it is out on our property behind the house. I don’t even think Shinji knows where it is!” She added as she began to lead him towards the place.Considering Haru is the first boyfriend Tori has ever taken home or had visit, this was a special occasion for her! Haru was very special to Tori anyways because of all they had been through together.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:35 am
Haru just shook his head, nudging her teasingly. 
"You're fine, Tori. I don't mind at all." He assured her, kissing her on the cheek. "I'm just lucky I turned around before I swung. I would have felt horrible." He teased, as Tori explained what they were doing. Apparently, they were going somewhere behind her house, a place she used to go as a kid. Not even Shinji Uzumaki, Haru's former leader, and head of the Uzumaki clan, had been told about this, so it must have been dear to Tori. Haru felt a pain of confliction as he heard Shinji's name, remembering that they had been banished from Tengakure. He wished he could have seen him once before he passed.

Shaking his head, Haru remembered that now was not the time to feel bad. He was here with Tori, and he was truly happy for once. It was not often he got time off work, after all. Taking Tori's hand, he smiled and nodded.
"Lead the way, darling." He told her.
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:45 pm
Tori took his hand and began to lead him behind her house. It was a beautiful night and the stars supplied the lighting for them. As she lead the way through a fence that lead to the woods behind the house she turned to look at Haru. “Stay close my love!” She whispered as she lightly kissed his lips. She took his hand again and lead him down a small path in the woods after walking for two minutes, the arrived in at a small lake surrounded by trees, and reflecting the stars and moon. she lead him to a small area close to the water with a fire pit and some furniture,Fireflies would lit up now and again making the area quite breathtaking!
“What do you think? I made the firepit and brought furniture out here myself, there's a small little building over there with a bed and refrigerator and table. Occasionally I stay out here.” She asked and said as she started the fire in the fire pit. This is the perfect place for her and Haru to relax and enjoy themselves.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:08 pm
Haru followed Tori behind the house, holding on to her hand as she led him down the path, coming out of the woods at a clearing inhabiting a lake and what looked like a pavilion, with a fire pit and furniture, the fireflies lighting up the scene. 
"Nice..." He said, smiling as she started a fire, Haru himself falling down into an armchair by the fire. "Do you own all of this?" He asked, surprised. He'd never had this much open space before, as Tengakure had been a huge, cramped city, and Kirigakure was a small, crowded cluster of islands. The effect was that Haru had never had much room, which had been a prime factor in creating his claustrophobia. "I've never seen anything like this..." He said, taken aback. He had never really gotten to spend much time out in nature. Rather, he was always stuck inside the city limits, even in Tengakure's plains, he still had the giant skyscrapers looming over him like guardians.
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:49 pm
“As a matter of fact I did put all this together, but I had some help! LOL I started actually when I was in the orphanage. I heard the Uzumakis owned this property, and I came out here to explore it. I saw a hole in the ground and a small shack. So I began to fix it up with my twin sister Kochou. We were little then and we both pushed past what a small child could do! She found all this furniture and I made the hole into a fire pit. I worked on the shack, cleaned it up and made it a small home! Sadly Kochou disappeared shortly after and she was killed. That was 3 or 4 years ago. I still come out here off and on to get away from everything.” She explained as she sat down next to him in another cozy chair. It was a beautiful warm night. You could hear the frogs and crickets making their music. Occasionally an owl would hoot somewhere in the forest behind them.
“Do you want to go swimming? The water is not too deep and it is a nice night out. And...we are alone out here because no one else knows this place exists.” She said and asked getting up and moving behind the chair as she began to massage Haru’s shoulders.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:05 pm
Haru listened with interest to Tori's explanation. Good lord, he just learned so much about her in such a short time, he needed a minute to process it all.
"Wait, you're an orphan? I didn't know that..." He asked, cocking his head. "Do you have any other siblings? I wasn't sure if you were related to any of the friends I met in the forest. I though it impolite to ask." He inquired politely, looking around at the area. She had certainly fixed the place up nicely, and they could easily stay out there as long as they wanted. He wondered how she came to possess all of this land... It was mind boggling to Haru, who hailed from cramped, overcrowded spaces and huge, towering buildings, obstructing the skyline from those below.

Haru smiled at her request to go swimming, glancing warmly at the water. He had always had a special connection to water, and so he was always willing to take a swim, especially because Tengakure lacked any sort of large water source. No lakes, just little pools in the plains. He looked back at Tori, kissing her lightly and playing with her hair idly.
"Sure, we can go swimming." He said with a grin.
Tori Uzumaki
Tori Uzumaki
Stat Page : Tori's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Longevity
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8000

Better Days (P, IO, Flashback) Empty Re: Better Days (P, IO, Flashback)

Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:49 pm
Her face kinda blanked out as Tori began to think about her twin sister Kochou and her older sister Belladonna. Both were deceased. She felt him playing with her hair and returned the kiss as they kissed each other!“I had a twin and an older sister. My twin sister was killed by missing ninja, and my older sister tried to attack another village ninja and the head of our clan at the time, killed her! I was an orphan because my parents only wanted one child, not twins, so I got sent to an orphanage.” She said explaining the situation after they kissed. It didn’t bother her anymore. Of course she missed them and loved them, but sadly she had not gotten to know them. Arashi and Shinji had been closer to her than them. “This is Uzumaki property, so technically it's mine.” She said with a wink taking off her shirt, she had a black sports bra on. Which made no difference, he had seen her without clothes on before. She took off her pants and had on a pair of boyshorts that were black. Since they were the alone it didn’t matter anyways!
“Ready to get in the water?” She asked as she wrapped her arms around him. She had been waiting to spend some alone time with him, it had been a while for the both of them and she enjoyed every minute they were together. And it was a perfect night.
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