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John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:36 pm
John smiled. now this is what John would call the start of a spar. John took out his sword with his right hand, while holding his spine in his left. John measured the distance at how far Mako was away from John, and got it to around 50 meters. John then put his sword back at his scabbard and closed his eyes and focused. John was aware that he couldn't stand there for too long, so he had to hurry up. John thought up of what he could use against Mako and his speed. it seems that the only option that John could think of was the gates. there was no other option. John then quickly thought of what number of gates he should open to even things out and make the balance of the scale be even. John then knew. he knew what gate to open. John had to open the 7th gate. it would be a lot for him, but he had no choice. not this time. besides, it was just a friendly spar. nothing serious was going on. John took out his sword with his right hand as he opened his eyes full of determination. John then crossed his arms but kept them out from his eyes so he could look at Mako. John then said to himself before the action happened: "here i come, Mako." .

John uncrossed his arms as he activated the 7th gate. As John uncrossed them, a huge aura was shot out from him like a cannon that would probably make Mako feel it from where he was standing. the grass straws that were under John were blowing so much that they could lift off any moment. the sand and dirt shot everywhere due to the incredible aura that was shooting out from John as he was screaming, though not screaming in pain. John's eyes glowed with a dangerous effect. the irises of John's eyes weren't visible and the sclera of John were glowing an ominous shade of white. maybe there were the color of death. or it could be that they meant defeat. utter and destructive defeat. but for whom the defeat was gonna get, nobody was sure. what John was sure of; today, an incredible battle would happen. and if John was unlucky, the entire training ground would get destroyed. and John didn't want that. at all.

John's muscles were growing at an alarming rate. at this point, he almost looked like the incredible hulk, but a smaller version. John was growling as he felt his chakra moving at an alarming speed, and John felt himself get stronger and faster at every second that passed by. John then bent his legs and stretched out his left leg back 10 centimeters backwards and then took off towards Mako with the speed of 143. when John got within striking distance with his spine, which was 30 meters. John swung the spine as a whip aimed at Mako's left shoulder with the speed of 120 speed and 45 strength. whether Mako was successful in blocking or not, John would then swing his sword from his right hand with the same speed of 120 speed and 45 strength aimed at Mako's right shoulder at a downward strike. if Mako had blocked the two attacks with the staff, which was most likely, then John would grin and then proceed to kick Mako with the speed of 130 and strength of 40. should the kick land it's target, then Mako would be flying backwards. John would then use this opportunity to play pinball with Mako. if Mako did indeed fly backwards from the leg strike, then John would hurry over with the speed of 130 and kick Mako at his back with the strength of 45. Mako would then fly forward if the kick landed. John then would stand there with a smirk and did a hand motion that basically said: "bring it".

( AP used: buttojutsu: quick draw = 20 Ap, Finger bullets =20 Ap, dance of the clematis:vine = 35 Ap, 7th gate opening = 50 Ap. in total John has 195 AP left.)
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:47 pm
(I am not sure we were 50 meters away as that one and a half football fields)

Mako chuckled from where he currently was, he always had admired John's tenacity and considering he was such a highly gifted and talented warrior he knew that at some point John's physical capability would surpass his own, if they hadn't already.  Just as he had that thought he witnessed John activate his Seventh gate and come flying toward him at the speed of a rocket.  Mako knew though that he had one thing in his repertoire that John did not.  He would have to show John one more lesson.  He did regard John very much as his equal, but his viewpoint of him being a lot like a student to him would never go away. 

Mako thought about how this combat might unravel if he knew the shadow clone jutsu that he had been working to master and completely develop, so instead of actually using clones he would use what was one of his favorite tricks in the book.  He did however have some brief moments to reflect on the ability so he could use it when the time came in the fight, as Mako did not particularly like being outclassed and out manned.

John in 7th gate unlock flew at him at an alarming rate and Mako buckled down knowing that in order to take John out and to cinch the battle for himself he would have to let the first attack come in cleanly so he could return and counter it.  Mako buckled himself down watching everything in slow motion he could see John closing the distance.  Mako placed the bo staff in front of him held out at arms length to prepare for John's attack.  As the whip of the clematis came down to connect with his shoulder John would release a barrage of punches and kicks that would easily clean Mako out of the fight. Then after the attacks John would not see Mako skid off down the street, he would actually see a stump thud along the ground of the training grounds, as Mako had already prepared the hand signs for his netxt two jutsu and would launch them in the area.  Mako had actually prepared the sub before ever entering here having had the foresight to know that when him and the Kaguya boy met a fight was bound to happen.

The jutsu Mako released as John was still punching on the log was an ash cloud that would fill the immediate area with a thick black ash cloud that would linger and with its power of 35.  Anyone with a health score below would immediately begin suffocating on the thick ash. The ash cloud came in just as John finished punching.  Mako would then prepare his newest jutsu he had learned after becoming Chuunin and would leap down within the cloud sensing John's location and following it, with 7th gate active it wasnt hard to locate, and while John's senses were off Mako would HOHO at a speed of 120 over to him and connect the bo staff with John's back having a health of 100 plus 40 from booster at a speed of 120.  John would be fast enough to react but he also could not see within the cloud meaning he had no way to know the attack was coning at him.  This attack would not damage John too bad as it was in a nonlethal location, but it would be among the most painful attacks John had ever experienced at Mako's hands.  Mako continued his sensory preparing for John's counter attack having prepped one of his newest Jutsu prior to entering the fold.


-25 Channeling from staff, -34 from Ash Cloud,-5 substitution, -64 total 391/455 remaining
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:55 pm
John was struck at his lower back, but John couldn't see what it was. it was most likely Mako's bo staff. John couldn't see anything in this ash cloud. John was about to get angry, but then he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. since he couldn't see Mako, he would have to feel him out with the chakra sensory. John had closed his eyes and attempted to feel him out by sensing his chakra. John stood still, and had now found out where Mako was. since John was practically blind in this ash cloud, he might as well have closed his eyes. John had remembered that there was a log that John had punched, and so John sheathed his sword and John began to do the hand seals for the substitution technique. very slowly to get it right, as John wasn't used to using ninjutsu techniques. tiger... in actuality John had devised a special trick to trick Mako, though John would have hoped that this trick would work, and if it didn't work, then John would be in trouble. Boar. to be fair and honest, John thought this trick up on the fly, and John didn't usually think things up on the fly without clearly thinking them through, and John wasn't exactly the thinking type. John the made the hand seals of ox and the dog sign. John would then wait until the last moment. should John get attacked again, then John would quickly switch out with the log that John had punched at earlier and then have to act quick. he'd do so by quickly grabbing the bo staff and grab it tightly, if he could, and yank on the bo staff by pulling his hands backwards and hoped that Mako would come tumbling in within John's vine reach. if that happened, then John would quickly slap the vine across Mako's face and chest with the speed of 140 and the strength of 45. if all of this was successful, then John would then take off and run away from the ash cloud. if he wasn't successful, then John would have to dodge the attack that it had came from and then continue to dodge until the ash cloud would dissipate.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:42 pm
The attack Mako delivered on John's back would ache excruciatingly, and after this spar was over John would likely need to have it checked out and sit on some ice for a week. Though Mako knew that John planned to show mako the finest he could provide by using the 8 gates.  The 7th gate was a terrifying sight to behold, and pairing that with the physical prowess of a Kaguya and the warrior mindedness Mako knew he would be downed with one single blow.  He had to rely entirely upon his superior speed to rescue him in this case.  

Mako did not have the sight to deal with the ash cloud for longer than one attack as the cloud was only good for one attack for the most part.  Fighting the superior John in a haze was not an exceptionally good idea as John's attacks could be thrown without accuracy and still hurt Mako.  Mako buckled his feet into the ground and launched back the way he came to exit the slowly drifting and settling ash cloud so that him and John would once again be on even terms.  He wished he had finishing developing his replacement technique before he picked this fight so that he could keep up in his own cloud, but he hadnt.  He came out from the edge of the cloud without focusing any more attacks on John so as not to let John use his superior, strength, speed, and health against him.  The moment he exited the cloud he used the cloth on the staff to sling it over his shoulder he would then take a stance on the ground with his hand resting on his blade preparing for the ash to settle and get ready for John's next offensive assault.


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:38 pm
John had sensed that Mako had left the ash cloud, and so John decided to leave it too. John had gotten out and opened his eyes and it took a few seconds until he regained his eyesight. John had locked his eyes with Mako. John could see that Mako was prepared for an attack that John would do. but John could feel it that the next attack would knock him unconscious, or worse. John closed his eyes momentarily and thought. "what am i gonna do? if i hit him too hard, he'll die.. but if i hit him too softly, he's not even gonna feel it.. i need to use the exact form of strength to knock him out, and not put him in a coma. hmm...what to do..." John thought for a while, and hoped that Mako wouldn't attack him in his thinking processing mode.John then opened his eyes which signaled that he was done thinking. "this is gonna hurt, more to me than to Mako..." John thought. John readied the right arm of his into a Lariat. John then charged Mako with the speed of 72 but when John gets close to Mako, he would activate the Lariat attack, which boosts his strength and speed. the speed being a whooping 233 and the strength being capable of reaching 251, though  John would make sure the attack hitting Mako would not be lethal.
(ap left from maintaining 7th gate = 145, Lariat = 30. this would mean that John would have 115 AP left.)

Last edited by John Kaguya <3 on Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:13 am
Mako already planned his next course of actions, as every combat he had ever been in he used his most powerful weapon, his mind.  He knew that John would track him with his chakra sensory out of the Ash cloud and try to deliver a finishing blow. He knew in combat every attack that you wished to deliver needed to be a finishing blow because if you weren't giving it everything you could you dishonored your opponent.  However in some cases your all didn't have to mean the complete annihilation and death of your opponent.  Mako watched as John came clumsily bustling out of his cloud of ash with the steam of blue sweat pouring off of him and murderous intent in his eyes as if to inform Mako that this next attack would be the last however he noticed that even though John's attack could've been delivered almost twice as fast and twice as powerfully, almost as if he didn't even use the advantage of the 7th gate unlock he was currently channeling, a mistake that Mako would quickly make John regret. 

Mako did not move from where he stood, he just watched as John slowly moved forward toward him rushing with a Lariat, Mako would wait and since John's attack came in slowly movement wise but would be 233 with the attack..  Since Mako was only 8 meters from the edge of the ash cloud and there was very little distance that would need to be covered anyway he could have made his attack all out.  John approached Mako in a run, and Mako would wait until John was only 4 Meters away and he would kick off in a flash, using the flash step HoHo ability and the incredible speed and power boost from the dancing blade risk to modify his speed forward and the speed and power of his attack.  Mako would shove off with his right foot but the attack at this close would look more like blur.  The attack would go through without the Lariat ever getting a chance to connect though if John hadnt had held back his speed they wouldve likely ended in a draw.  He made the attack by drawing out his Heavens sorrow Ninjato which was a shorter sword, modifying his swing speed by +15 he would then move at 205 speed toward John at point blank range and swipe the ninjato upward from the lower side of Johns torso up across his chest the attack would come in  at a speed of 225 which was the maximum speed he could pull off with this technique using the channeled boost he gained from Garumpa's meditation.    The blades sharpness would be 50+30(flying swallow)+85 booster from enhancements=165 which Mako would hold back its lethalness to prevent John from dying.   Mako made an attempt to steer clear of John's arm during the attack though John would still connect with Mako's right shoulder sending him back and knocking Mako down.  Both of them would be incapacitated as of now as though the attack on John was just barely enohg to hurt him in gates he would feel it much more after he left his ability.  Mako's shoulder had been dislocated though he could still walk, and he waited to see what John would do.

TWC 3689

391/455 -25 for summon channel, -30 for flying swallow, -40 for Dancing Blade risk 296/455 remaining
John Kaguya <3
John Kaguya <3
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:18 pm
As John felt the blade get struck at his chest, John dropped to his knees, but not before seeing Mako crash to the ground after hitting his right shoulder, effectively dislocating it. John had cancelled the 7th gate and was now in pain. though, he could move, but it'd be in great difficulty to do so, as John was now incapacitated from Mako's attack. looks like there'd be another trip to the hospital for him. but if John was correct, Mako would join up with him to the hospital. maybe. John tried to get up, but only got back to the ground by landing on his rear. clutching his chest, John looked at Mako with a smile. "well buddy, i guess we're both going to the hospital." John continued. "one day, buddy... i'm gonna get my win. then you'll see how strong i've gotten." John grinned at his words. because they would come true one day. and then, Mako would truly be surprised at what this Kaguya can do and what he's truly capable of.

(exit. 3819 wc. claiming weaponry, 1000/1000 learned from Mako Sarutobi, claiming 19 stats. claiming quick draw, 1000/ of the clematis:vine, 1819/3550.)

Last edited by John Kaguya <3 on Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:35 pm
Mako would be in a great deal of pain, though he refused to let it be seen.  He would manage to stand and limp his way over to where John was laying.  He faced John while holding his jacked up shoulder and would reach his hand out balling it up in a fist.  He would also give a some what half hearted smile.  After John would reach up and fist bump, Mako would use his good arm to pull out a smoke and match, then would proceed to collapse on the ground beside John.  He would put the cigarette in his mouth and light it taking a large drag and blowing out a huge cloud directly up in the air.  Him and John would joke and laugh about the fight even though laughing made them both wince in pain.  MAko continued to smoke a few puffs even after John passed out, though he knew it wouldnt be long until he did as well. As he laid there he thought about his life and where it might take him.  He was glad he had good friends to fight, though he knew he needed to rise above and become spectacular.  Once he mastered all the jutsu he had been working on he would be proud to have the sarutobi name and wear it proudly like a badge, but for now he would finish the cigarette and pass out near his "Eternal Rival" and wait until the next time they met to prove who was best though Mako already knew who that would be.

That was when the bo staff transformed back into the old baboon who came up and grabbed both of the kids and drug them out to get their injuries healed.  They werent serious enough to warrant a hospital but might need some attention.   So he took them down the street to an urgent care ward for a little fixing up.


twc 4010 claiming 20 stats (that will max them) and 1000 toward ash replacement, 1000 toward temp paralysis jutsu, 1023 toward shadow clone, and 987 toward Giant Body Shuriken technique
Ryuk Uzumaki
Ryuk Uzumaki
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of bones and blades (p) (nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: of bones and blades (p) (nk)

Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:14 pm
o-o approved
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