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Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Delivering the Bones Empty Delivering the Bones

Sat May 14, 2022 11:48 am
E-Rank Mission - Give a Dog a Bone

Hard at work early in the morning, Shiro was standing inside the cooler of a local meat market. Typical butchers crafted loins of delicious human food, this one Shieoyasha was working for was not the type. This man butchered meals for the local Inuzuka Kennel Compound. The dogs were huge and what the butcher was cutting up equaled in enormity. Shiroyasha was tasked with delivering a large shipment of meat by cart, and loading up the cart was just the begining of his work. 

Before the meat could be loaded the butcher had to cut it in the cooler. This meant Shiro was stuck in the cold, hauling fifty pound beef bones into the cart. The butcher was a friendly guy and talked Shiroyashas ear off. The young Senju was miserable but he didnt let it show. Shiro hated the cold. 

It was still real early in the morning though and the butchers coffee was kicking in. The man told all sorts of jokes and seemed to be a real nice man. Shiroyasha did his best to go along with the upbeat candor but deep down he couldn't wait to be done with the cooler. As eight o click rolled around Shiro was done loading the three hundred pounds of meat. The wagon was loaded, and the butcher sent him off with a friendly pat on the back. 

Shiro would have a three hour journey through the town with this wagon. He had to go through the Mumbara District before he would make it to the compound, and the Mumbara district was built overtop hills. Never one to falter Sguroyasha prepared himself for the journey. 

Using the shadow clone jutsu Shiro sat on top of the wagon and his clone began to run it. The ninja wasn't sure how many clones he needed to haul the load, but one seemed to move at quick enough pace. The Konoha native had friends at the inuzuka compound, and figured he could get there quick enough for his friends to feed their dogs. 

As Shiro was contemplating the ride his clone piped up. "Yanno, I could use some help!" Shiro hadn't anticipated his clone tiring so quickly, having only journeyed for a half an hour; and so he created another clone to help. The three of them pressed forward for another half hour before the first clone disappeared in a poof of smoke. Shiro chuckled, it was always funny to him the way the smoke suddenly appeared. The genin jumped down to help his remaining clone. 

The cart was heavy! Shiro knew from his clone that the task was a tough one but he had no idea the gravity of the situation. After another half hour his clone poofed away and Shiro was stuck doing the leg work by himself. When this clone disappeared he didn't laugh at all, instead he started sweating profusely. This was an arduous journey for him, and now with his chakra depleted he could really experience the struggle. Thankfully for Shiro he was almost there.

When the Senju arrived he met his friend Kokou, who took care of the cart. That man was strong, hauling it off by himself with no struggle. With the mission completed Shiro wished his friend a good day, and left for the mission desk to recieve his reward.

WordCount: 555

Stat Allocation: +5 Vigor 

Jutsu Training: 
Previously -
Earth Style Wall (1,442/1,500)
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Delivering the Bones Empty Re: Delivering the Bones

Sat May 14, 2022 1:28 pm
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