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Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:43 pm
'Uh-oh!' The thought came as Kaze watched as his opponent turned to face him not biting on the fake one bit. 'That's impossible how could he have known what I was doing, there's no way.' The boy was surprised to say the least, how his strategy had been read so flawlessly was beyond the Uchiha. For a split second he lost his cool, the evidence being in his facial expression during the moment Kotsuzui swung around, but he was back to normal now. The boy was in a tough spot currently, his sharingan picked up that the Kaguya had moved to kick him and was already in the act of doing this; although this was a rather difficult spot to be in he quickly analyzed the situation. 'Okay, I have one and a half maybe two seconds before the kick hits, if I'm lucky. It'll take me half a second to finish the last two seals unless,' A smirk played on his face even now, 'I get lucky. That leaves one to one and a half seconds to somehow deal with the impact, he's to close and moving to fast for me to dodge it but... my hands are directly in the path of his kick which I'm guessing is aimed at my chin from the angle he's taking. So once I finish the seals, if I interlock my hands I can block the kick, but even then I wouldn't be able to stop it since I'm not strong enough. Alright, here's what I'll do, my sharingan should allow me to time his kick out so that I can move my hands upward in unison with his foot, that should soften the impact on my hands. Then if I propel myself up into the air along with the force of the kick I should be out of harms way of my jutsu and I'll have sore hands instead of a bruised face.'

Time had seemingly slowed down as Kaze thought but he had solved this problem, and in doing so hoped he won this battle with his following actions. Kotsuzui was more than a worthy opponent and had pushed the Uchiha close to his limits. The actions that had just gone through the young boy's head now played out in reality only now his jutsu came into play. The seals had been finished just in time and it should be close to if not impossible to avoid, a mere second before the kick connected Kaze's demon lanterns would be appearing around the body of Kotsuzui. They would hug close to his form only a couple of centimeters away from his skin, meaning that if he moved after finishing his kick he'd need to be rushed to the hospital. There was no way out of this trap, was there? It had been executed rather well in the boy's predicament. 

He was now high in the sky out of the reach of the Kaguya below. Up here he was safe and could see everything, but most importantly he could move his lanterns and be safe from their explosions if they were to blow; although he hoped that wouldn't be the case, he was starting to believe that Kotsuzui would make a good friend, because nearly trying to kill each other brought people together :). 

(Ok so no Demon Lanterns in last post meaning Kaze has 55 AP to start this post. Oh and not that it really matters but I think your attack gets a +31 speed instead of 41 regardless it's still really fast lol)

-35 AP for Demon Lantern
-10 AP for Sharingan

10 AP
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:35 pm
(41 is right. My speed is 53 higher(with flicker movement) than the original speed boost of the jutsu, which means it gets +25 speed. That would make it +46, but since it can only be boosted to a max of double the original boost, it's 41. I can't post today, I'll try to get to it tomorrow)
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:22 pm
Kotsuzui saw that the Uchiha managed to both finish performing his hand seals as well as get his hands in place to take most of the impact from Kotsuzui's taijutsu. Kotsuzui wonder if this was because of his sharingan, was is so powerful that it allowed Kaze to read and react to his moves that quick? If so, Kotsuzui was glad to have sparred with an Uchiha as skilled as this one. Kotsuzui still had the strength required to break through the Uchiha's hands and onto his chin. He knew something was coming next. He knew the jutsu Kaze had performed was not another substitution because he did not recognize the hand seals as so. It was definitely one of the few fire jutsus he had used multiple times during this spar. Whichever one it may be, Kotsuzui knew he had to get out of the way. Just as the first fire heads started forming and trying to surround the Kaguya, he vanished as a blur yet again using the same shunshin he used last time.

If Kotsuzui calculated correctly, he would find himself standing a safe distance away from the fire heads and located just under the landing area of where Kaze would be falling to. The Kaguya chose this spot because Kaze was basically wide open for a strike once he landed back down to the ground. The second reason he chose to go where Kaze was bound to land was because if Kaze decided to send his flaming heads towards Kotsuzui, he risked hitting himself or getting hit by the explosions of his own jutsu. Making sure to keep an eye of the flaming heads, Kotsuzui waited for the moment right before Kaze would hit the ground before swinging his elbow upwards to collide yet again with Kaze's chin. Kotsuzui decided to refrain from using a taijutsu or jutsu for this attack because he was starting to feel the strain on his body from this spar. It was the first time Kotsuzui was pushed this close to his limit and the first time he's used this many skills all within the same session, and it took its toll on his body. He was going to basic hand to hand combat for the moment to see how tired his Uchiha training partner was also, if he was just as fatigued or if he still had enough energy to continue because if the Uchiha still had enough energy, the Kaguya was going to have to preserve his remaining reserves.


(2/3) Flicker Movement
10 ap for Taijutsu Style Shunshin
109 speed with Shunshin

Health: 15 (35) [+20 from bloodline]
Chakra: 30
Speed: 64 (+10 = 74)
Reaction Time: 124 (+15 = 139)
Strength: 35

AP: 81 - 10 = 71
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:06 am
Again is attack had been evaded, which by now came as know surprise to the young Uchiha. It seemed as if he hadn't landed a single blow on his opponent, honestly he wasn't sure if he had or hadn't. It was like Kotsuzui was always a step ahead and Kaze was trying to play catch up, whether this was true or not, well the only person who could answer that would be the Kaguya who stood below the falling boy. Then again if there had been any spectators that Kaze hadn't noticed, because so far he was sure there weren't any, but if there was they could have answered how they thought the fight was going.

As he fell from the sky there were few options he could choose; undoubtedly Kotsuzui would try to hit him as soon as he was within striking distance, why else would he stand in the spot where Kaze would land. His two choices were either be hit, which he didn't want, or the one he had decided on seconds before. While he could have tried to use the effect of gravity and over power his opponent with a strike that was swung downwards the boy decided against this instead he prepared to block the inevitable blow, simply because trying to attack would only put him in a bad position if he were to miss or some other non-welcomed outcome were to happen. 

Meanwhile the lanterns that had been summoned seconds before would all be moving towards the two genin, that is all except one. That single head of fire had been commanded to separate from the other nine the moment Kotsuzui had avoided them. It was the safety valve one could say, it would most likely go undetected as Kaze doubted hit Kaguya training partner had taken the time to count the heads when they first appeared and secondly because he would most likely be paying attention to the large group of heads that were heading his way instead of a single fireball that was creeping towards him from the rear. All of the heads would arrive at their destination at the same time but the two groups would have different targets, the main group of nine would simply be a distraction keeping the attention of Kotsuzui on them as they appeared to bare down on him. The single fireball would be directed at the ground below the feet of Kaze's opponent, the explosion should be enough to throw him off balance and keep him from being able to attack the Uchiha who would be landing roughly a second or so after the ball made contact with the ground and detonated.

A reasonable amount of dust and smoke would be created from the explosion hopefully blocking the view of Kotsuzui. Assuming Kaze landed safely he would immediately leap backwards several times giving himself a large berth from his opponent. While his movements were not at top speed, he hoped this would either go unnoticed or simply not be seen due to the smoke in the air. The boy made a conscious effort to keep his breathing steady to give off the impression that he was far from tired and could easily continue, only if the truth was known. With the nine remaining fireball now surrounding him in a protective formation the young boy waited to see what would come next.

One thing that would have gone unnoticed would have been the deactivation of Kaze's Sharingan, he was running on fumes and had to preserve his remaining chakra. It would have been shut off while he was still up in the air out of the sight of Kotsuzui, and the smoke should have kept it from being seen once the boy had landed on the ground and created a sizable gap between he and his opponent. Hopefully it would be assumed that his sharingan was still active, seeing that it would have been hard to notice with the precautions Kaze took to keep it a secret.

10 AP
Akatsu Akari
Akatsu Akari
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Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:09 am
Akatsu had been walking around the training ground's forest to see if there was anyone he could spar with at the time, all of the sudden he began to hear noises. "Is that coming from a battle." Akatsu said nosily. He followed his ears hearing clashes and things of that nature until he seen two ninja fighting in the forest, he watched them as the battle continued trying to see what moves he could take in. "Hm, this seems to be a pretty intense battle, wait til I get stronger! No one will be able to stop me." Akatsu said with confidence has he usually did when he talked to himself.

He noticed the the ninja was in the air looking to be falling to his doom and the end of the match until a single fireball was sent to the ground causing a might eruption of smoke and dust particles. Akatsu shielded face making sure the dust and such didn't get into his eyes, but he was still able to see pretty clearly. All of the sudden Akatsu noticed a red glow coming from within the combination of dust and smoke, it seemed to be one of the ninjas were one of the three famous dojutsu users. "The sharingan, I've heard all about them, they are the sun when we are the moon." Akatsu knew his dojutsu and clan could be on par with the Uchiha, this gave him the motivation to train, but it looked as if he had to wait for this intense match to be over.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Sat Nov 21, 2015 9:26 pm
Keeping and eye on both Kaze and his flaming fire heads was not as easy as the Kaguya made it out to be. It turns out that while he was trying his best at multi-tasking, one of the flaming heads had veered off from the rest of the pack and made it ways around and behind Kotsuzui. Moments from being able to strike the falling Uchiha, Kotsuzui was caught completely off guard when he felt an powerful explosion erupting just at his feet. The blast knocked him off of his feet and away from the spot where Kaze was going to land lifting up a pretty large cloud of smoke. Kotsuzui was blasted out of the smoke screen as he rolled a couple of times to break his fall and came to a halt on his ass as he began padding down any burns on his clothing that may have turned ablaze to prevent himself from burning any more. "That hurt" Kotsuzui said has he forced himself back up onto his feet only to see Kaze had created some more distance between the two Genin's and was now surrounded by his eight flaming heads.

The two things that had caused Kotsuzui the most trouble during this spar were Kaze's sharingan and his flaming heads. And now the flaming heads were back. Kotsuzui did not have many options left; he could either try to fight Kaze with all those fire heads floating round him and expend most of the little energy he had remaining, or wait it out until Kaze could no longer keep the fire heads up and make his move once the Uchiha's defenses were down. Kotsuzui decided he was going to go with the latter. Until then, he was just going to have to do his best to evade the flaming heads. Having already faced them earlier the Kaguya knew he was quite a bit faster than the flaming heads and did not think he would have any problem keeping away from them, even though there were so many.

However, to show the Kotsuzui was not down and out of the fight he proceeded to move the left part of his kimono revealing his left shoulder. After doing so, the skin and muscles around his shoulder started to separate and rip apart as some of his bone began ripping through his shoulder. Once what seemed like a handle had made most of its way out of the Kaguya's shoulder, Kotsuzui proceeded to grabbing it with his right hand and yanking it out the rest of the way. As his muscles tissue and skin formed back together like nothing happened, Kotsuzui lifted his kimono back up and revealed his new bone blade held in his right hand. It was a short bone sword, about 3 meters in length created from the bones in his arm. He was going to use this as a defensive weapon in case Kaze came at him, which he probably would not. Once the fire heads were gone, the Kaguya would shift to the offensive and use it as a weapon to strike at the Uchiha.


(3/3) Flicker Movement
20 ap for Dance of the Camillia

Health: 15 (35) [+20 from bloodline]
Chakra: 30
Speed: 64 (+10 = 74)
Reaction Time: 124 (+15 = 139)
Strength: 35

AP: 71 - 20 = 51
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:38 am
He had saved himself and bout some time to recover all in one move, and was he ever thankful for its success. If he would have been hit it wouldn't have been the end of the fight but it would have been close. Now that he was safe Kaze could try to tire out his opponent until he was had enough energy to take another shot at ending the battle. To do that he would have to answer a few questions if he was going to have a chance, the most important question being how Kotsuzui knew where he was when he had used the substitution jutst. This late into their bout Kaze was sure that the older genin didn't posses any sort of visual prowess, so how had he done it?

He thoughtfully watched his opponent first douse the fire that had caught onto his clothing, pick himself up from the ground, and then pull a bone from his shoulder, honestly the Uchiha was a little jealous he couldn't do that. Quickly searching the field for ideas on how he could pull a victory out, his eyes picked out the figure of a newcomer directly behind the Kaguya whom he was sparring with. 'I wonder what he's doing here, hopefully he's only here to watch.'

Choosing to ignore the presence of the stranger the young boy turned his attention back to the figure in front of him. With a flick of his eyes roughly half of his lanterns broke out from their defensive position around him rushing forwards. The four heads of fire wove around each other in an attempt to confuse their target. Once they reached four meters the group would separate all breaking upwards each taking a side so that the would have formed an aerial diamond around Kotsuzui. The fireballs would take turns diving solo and in pairs towards Kaze's opponent staying just out of reach of the older genin and his bone sword. A fifth fireball would be creeping towards the Kaguya while he was focused on the wild antics of the demon lanterns in close proximity to him. It was a rather smart move by Kaze, from his position he could direct the fireballs without having to worry about any attacks coming his way because of the distance between he and his opponent. Although that was a great thing, the second part of this attack was even better, being able to sit back and just focus solely on the attack he was able to take in a great amount of things even with his shraingan deactivated thus allowing for him to be able to react to Kotsuzui's movements rather well. If the Kaguya didn't pay close attention to the four flaming heads above him Kaze could quickly sweep them in for a finishing blow, and if the Kaguya placed his attention solely on the four fireballs in the sky then the fifth demon lantern being directed by the young Uchiha would be able to get close enough to Kaze's opponent to end the fight as well. All around it was a win-win situation.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:24 pm
As Kotsuzui expected, the Uchiha Genin sent in his flaming heads but not all of them. He sent four in as they zigged and zagged towards the Kaguya. Kotsuzui was there steady as he slowly took a few back steps watching the flaming heads closely. Before they reached him the Uchiha sent them soaring into the air. It was at that moment Kotsuzui figured they were probably used as a distraction. Kotsuzui knew he was faster than the fireballs so all he had to do was keep moving and he would be fine. With that, the Kaguya quickly shifted his stance and began running. The fireballs having shot into the air gave the Kaguya enough time to get a steady pace as he ran backwards creating a greater gap between himself and the jutsu. But he did not want to run off and just create a greater gap between himself and Kaze, so to avoid it he ran in a semi-circle arch which allowed him to create distance from the fireballs and circle around towards Kaze. The distance between them was pretty great and at the moment it would take Kotsuzui a while to reach Kaze, but that was the plan. By running this course, it allowed him to watch the four fireballs in the air and the one Kaze secretly tried to sneak on Kotsuzui. Being faster than the jutsu it was fairly easy for him to dodge the flaming heads if any came at him by simply taking quick side steps. This was how Kotsuzui was going to run the jutsu out, by running around. But his partner was a clever one and would likely come out with a new method to his attack. But a slight grin spread across his face, all he had to do was figure out ways to psych Kaze out and he was good to go.


Health: 15 (35) [+20 from bloodline]
Chakra: 30
Speed: 64
Reaction Time: 124
Strength: 35

AP: 51
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:21 pm
Kaze watched as his opponent did as he had almost the entire battle, avoid his attacks, but to be fair the amount of jutsu the Uchiha had to work with was very limited he would make it a point to expand his arsenal. Kotsuzui was faster than his demon lanterns so in choosing to run from them he made it pointless to continue chasing him with them. Instead the boy changed their trajectory to cut off the older genin who was currently running in a semi-circle towards him, if they did indeed manage to intercept the Kaguya a new strategy would go into play. Knowing that his fireballs were at a disadvantage he had to compensate for their weakness, so he would no longer try to hit his opponent with them this time he would use something unknown to his advantage.

Waiting until the heads of fire made their way diagonally across the battlefield towards Kotsuzui he separated the four fireballs into two groups, while the head that had been flying solo returned to its place at his side. With the four remaining heads now in position he separately directed each group simultaneously, the first group, which consisted of a single lantern, would be aimed low sweeping in at an angle toward the feet of his sparring partner slamming into the ground in an attempt to make him jump. Meanwhile the second group would come in high only if Kotsuzui did leap from the ground to avoid the explosion below. The remaining set was perfectly spaced three and a half meters apart from each other in the shape of a triangle, waiting to drop down to encircle the Kaguya as soon as he left his feet. They would explode around him far enough away from the older man as to not cause any serious harm to the Kaguya but close enough to disturb his senses as they detonated.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Come get stronger together (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Come get stronger together (Open)

Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:07 pm
As he moved he kept a close eye on the set of fire balls that Kaze was controlling towards the Kaguya. Kaze decided to change things up as he separated his jutsu into groups to come at the Kaguya with a more organized and planned attack. As Kotsuzui continued running in his semi-circle, he continued to keep an eye out to see what the Uchiha had planned. As the first fire ball came in Kotsuzui got a sudden idea, almost like a light bulb lighting up in his head. This first one came in low and headed right for the ground or Kotsuzui's feet. Yet again using his taijutsu style shunshin, Kotsuzui vanished form where he was standing as a blur just as the fireball would have made contact with Kotsuzui. The Kaguya reappeared only a couple of feet behind the Uchiha yet again, except this time he did not strike at Kaze because he wanted to keep his distance but keep it short. Having seen and analyzed the explosion of the flaming Kotsuzui now knew how big they were. Now the Kaguya stood close enough to the Uchiha where if he wanted to strike with his jutsu the explosion would end up hitting them both. His plan was to mimic Kaze's movements, keep the distance between them short enough so that Kaze would risk injuring himself if he hit Kotsuzui. Also, Kotsuzui was sure of himself to be able to dodge something if need me.


10 ap for Taijutsu Style Shunshin
moved with speed of 99

Health: 15 (35) [+20 from bloodline]
Chakra: 30
Speed: 64
Reaction Time: 124
Strength: 35

AP: 51 - 10 = 41
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