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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:23 pm
When the girl stopped and asked Jason if she could return home Jason would walk up to her and place his hand on her shoulder. He was about to speak but Yensung had decided to answer for him. Jason listened as Yensung spoke to the girl. If Megami would pledge herself to the leaf village then she could stay and Jason would pardon her of her previous crimes. She would of course need to have her mind read as Yensung had told her and divulge all the information she had on this hidden lab, it's contents and what type of experiments were done within it. Yensung had managed to cover pretty much all of that with his response to her question. Still, just to be safe, Jason had placed his unique teleportation formula on Megami when he had placed his hand on her. When Yensung finished Jason would simply say "Yensung is right. You will need to have your mind read and any and all information related to the lab will have to be divulged. If you wish to stay in the Leaf then you will also have to pledge yourself to the village. Now, continue taking us to the lab."
Megami Kuoga
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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:43 am
Between Yen and Jason, Megami knew she had to do as she was told. Having her mind read? This was something new most definitely to her. The only secrets she really held were those of Sephoras lab and the whereabouts of it, and of course her own lab! She sighed a heavy sigh, maybe it was time to change her ways, she had been caught and she was not liking the consequences.
"It's right this way." She said with a sigh. She led through a backstreet to a large hauntingly abandoned building. She opened the door and as the lightning flashed shadows were cast across the walls and floor looking like ghosts running for cover.
She led them into a room and pulled back a large rug covering the floor causing dust to fly into the air. She lifted a small floor panel and typed in a code on a keypad, after a few seconds the empty wall to their left slid open revealing a door and another keypad on the wall next to it. Megami stopped for a moment.
"What was that number? No it wasn't my birthday, not the twins...oh yea!" She suddenly remembered the number and typed it in! The door slid open and revealed a set of stairs that led downwards.
"Come on this is it...You aren't going to find much in here, you want to strike it rich you need Sephoras lab. This one is mine, you have to remember, there is a difference between her and I. I'm the good scientist, she is the mad scientist. All that you will find down here are DNA samples from Akki Senju and Me. She once gave them to me a couple of years ago because we were experimenting by mixing our blood together. I told her I didn't think anything would come out of it, she has a special bloodline, my clan is only a warrior clan. Shortly after that we left for Volcano and know the story from there. Sephora, on  the other hand has Senju, Uzumaki, Aburame , Kuoga and I think she has Nara and Uchiha DNA in her lab and she has experimented on live people. Live people being me, Tori and Akki. Well, I know a few other things she has done as well, but you have to remember, Sephora is a little crazy, maybe its the mix of two different bloodlines from her parents. She is a Kaguya Hyuuga hybrid. As for me, I preferred to help people more than hurt anyone. I stayed in Sephoras lab with her because she had more in hers than I did! And I could do more work in hers than in mine. Of course it caused me to become a missing nin and I lost a lot of credibility because of it but the work I was planning on doing would have been worth it! Then, she decided she wanted me to leave and go elsewhere. So I lost it all and I am back here. Which is fine, I am where I belong and I still have my lab!" She said as she led them down to her lab and turned on the lights, which took a second, each one came on with a popping noise. She then walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out three drinks and handed one to each of them if they accept it. She was being completely honest with them.
Alister Yama
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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:57 am
Yen gazed at the lab and shook his head not in amazement but sadness. "If for good then you have no point in focusing on messing with DNA unless for the better of the world. To share is caring yes but hiding a lab do secluded use is alone sketchy let alone since we know nothing of this we will have no use of the facility unless useful for the public and medical profession uses. If sephora did live experimentation well that would explain why the rest of the three konoha girls left  with her. However to judge your accompanying her we will still probe you for further information. As for what I know thus far your only job is to give us the remaining DNA samples. Of course with Jason's permission I would suggest this no longer be sealed privately but now open to public use and furthermore under consistant surveillance by ambu personal and three chuninn when ambu are not in area. No more secrets. Any DNA fusion must be charted as well. three medical professions will be placed here as well and you will do the work to change things. As your job megami for your punishment in my eyes is to run this and report all information to Jason directly after your screening session. If you want to help the world you will help your home first. If these conditions are acceptable then we will start immediately with this program. Starting with your probing and identification of sephoras lab and your take on the events done. sephoras interrogation should be done soon and our info gathering would be completed as well. Me and the other leaf highers will discuss further on what's to be done about her lab. If any konoha ninja are hostages then you both will be held accountable am I understood megami? If so then disable the locks and head with me and Jason to the mage office we have a long night ahead of us." 

Yen bowed to Jason as he adressed him. " what would you like done my Lord to the DNA samples here?"
Jason Senju
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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:36 pm
Jason was yet again impressed by Yen's quick thinking and attitude towards the situation they were in. He listened as Yen would tell Megami that the lab should no longer be hidden but open for public use. He said that the lab should be guarded by ANBU personnel at all times and no less than three Chuunin when ANBU were unable to guard the area. This was definitely a good idea. Yensung would also say that medical specialists would be assigned to this lab and that if Megami was found competent after her screening she would be allowed to continue her research as long as she reported directly to Jason which Jason also found to be a good idea. After everything that had happened lately and the way Yensung handled this situation with Megami Jason was beginning to think that he should be made into one of Jason's personal advisers. Jason had already been assured that Yensung was loyal to the village and the Hokage, which in this case would be Jason himself. He also knew by observing tonight's happenings that Yensung would have been perfectly capable of handling this situation on his own without Jason's interference, which in all honesty was pretty much what was going on. In fact Jason had only really come out of curiosity and to observe the Chuunin's actions with Megami. Remembering how quickly Yensung had neutralized Megami and the chain of events that followed Jason began to think it was time to promote Yensung. The only thing he needed to know now to be sure of the promotion was how well the Chuunin could lead a team. Normally he would also need to know how well he could think on his feet and make decisions during combat situations but Jason already had a good grasp on that from their spar as well as his actions tonight. 

Jason would take the drink from Megami and look at it with scrutinizing eyes. 'Is it safe to drink?' Jason would ask Nami, his fox familiar in his mind. Only now would the fox show herself, walking into the light from the shadows. She had been following them the whole time, keeping an eye on Jason and the others. In fact, she had told Jason that there were no apparent hostile thoughts coming from Megami which is why he had decided to reveal himself in the first place. 'It is safe. You can drink it without worry. The girl's thoughts are not hostile in any way at this point. In fact she seems to be quite complient.' Nami would say to Jason through their telepathic link. With that information now known to him, Jason would take a sip of the drink before turning to answer Yensung's question about what to do with the DNA samples. "Take them to be analyzed by our medical specialists. Once that is done we will keep them preserved in case we need them in the future. They could probably be useful in future experiments and studies. You've done a good job tonight Yensung."
Megami Kuoga
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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:33 pm
Megami listened closely to Yen before Arching an eyebrow at him and speaking calmly yet disapprovingly. "Do you know nothing of what testing DNA can do? Mixing bloodlines can be to our advantage if done properly! Granted the best way is...well letting nature do it, which is where Sephora and her twin came from, and if that is not evidence enough that two bloodlines can create something amazing if trained correctly, then what else could be?" She said as she walked back to the refrigerator and pulled out four small test tubes. One was marked "Senju" another was marked "Kuoga" the third marked "Uzumaki"*** and a fourth marked "Senju/Uzumaki". She handed the tubes to Jason as Yen continued his speech. Then she walked over to her desk and pulled out a large paper filled 2" binder and as soon as Yen was done speaking she held it out to both Yen and Jason. "Charted already, right here, I AM A SCIENTIST! Not a mad one like Sephora but yes I can conduct various experiments, and I kept it a secret...well because my clan is more a warrior clan and I felt as though I would be an embarrassment spending more time in here than out there training these!" She said holding up an arm letting her sleeve slip down revealing her wires and gloves. She listened to what Jason had to say after Yen and sighed.
"I understand you don't trust me . But I have nothing to hide and I am only listed as missing in the books because I was kidnapped and never returned. Sephoras lab was bigger......wait a second! Stay right there!" Megai said as she ran into a spare room that had a glass paneled wall that looked more like an observation room. She had remembered that Sephora had given her the DNA samples she had taken at the birthday party, and the reports with them were on top of the refrigerator in which the samples were held in!
She removed six more test tubes labeled, "Kaguya"*** "Kaguya/Hyuuga" "Uzumaki" "Kuoga" "Senju" and "Aburame" and took them to Jason as well. If he takes them she returns back to the other room and grabs two large 3" inch binders full of papers and brings them to Yen. "More charted proof, trust me yet? Feel free to probe my mind, as I said before I have nothing against my village nor have I done any crimes against it, I would like to be art of it again!" Megami said as honestly as she could. 

***Given full permission from Sephora to give DNA to Jason and Kaguya DNA was given to Sephora from her mother Mitzukai Kaguya before her death. Uzumaki DNA given to Megami by Tori Uzumaki.
Alister Yama
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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:59 pm
Yen raised an eyebrow that's quiet a bit of DNA for sure but still it's what she does.  Yen went silent a moment as he thought through the things and info given. A moment of silence as yes many samples and a sigh escaped his lips. Night was deep now and yen shook his head. "It can be used for good. All of it megami it's not trust but how the world works. If you think the numbers of DNA samples changes things sure. I would be frank with you. The use of DNA infusion and transformation to the village can do wonders. But not behind closed doors. Not when even through the fact that this was hidden. Now as tempting as it is to take a bribe and go you are in the pre sences of Jason senju hokage and member of the senju clan. And yensung aburame head of the aburame. Now I know that we have been hard on you. And with mercey of avoiding time and exile or both the condition stays. Any and all DNA/parts and even eyes we will compisate. I'm not questioning your genius but if you comply to authority. As this all of this under our noses is now at our attention. You recall what happens  when I'm not listened too don't you? You will wear the konoha headband and jacket. I'll assess your strengths and weaknesses after your screening. And the lab is no longer private. You got it? I'll determine if fit for the minimum of chuninn and if so maximum of joninn but only if you comply to our request. Join us and change the world in public for the world to see without fear of rejection. Or wander the dangerous path and fall like sephora. Choose." 

As emphasises of his words yen went over and claimed the DNA samples in viles and viles and flaring his chakra and speaking to megami "you havnt trained enough with enough work and study you will become better. I'm sure if you think about it our offer may be too good but it's pardon on the count that if cleared of crimes you won't suffer punishment as for sephora I have an idea and way to handle her. But you would be a fool to not accept the offer. And regardless of choice the lab would remain open. The question is are you going to make the right choice? Or end up on a leash like sephora? She's not allowed to leave the village for her threat is low and also she contains knowledge. So now megami to help the world out of her shadow and in the safety of a village with supplies and equipment. Is being open and a screening worth the hassle or will you comply this once.?" 

Yen finished gathering the remaing samples and looked at megami awaiting her response to hand over anything else she would have hidden .
Jason Senju
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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:59 pm
(sorry short post. Im pretty bust but dont wanna hold up the thread so here it is)

Jason took the dna samples that Megami had handed him and watched as Yensung began to speak to her again. It seemed like this little 'raid' on her lab was coming to an end. Apparently Yensung had everything under control and there really wasn't any need for Jason to be here at all. He trusted Yensung, just like he trusted all of his ninja. Megami seemed to be very compliant and didn't seem like she was planning anything. He listened to Yensung tell Megami that she still needed to have her mind probed and she would be allowed to use the lab but the lab would be open to the public.
Megami Kuoga
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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:41 am
"Very well, after my mind probe can I become a citizen of Konoha again? And may I go home?" She asked Jason and Yen. "I would like to do whatever I can for Konoha and help however I can! If it takes leaving the lab open for research, then so be it. I do however believe that mixing bloodlines could become an advantage in case of emergency and I think continued research would be a good thing!" Megami said as she sat in a chair. "I gave you everything I have, now if you want to probe my mind for information on Sephoras mind, it's fine with me. But, I would also do it to Akki Senju, Tori Uzumaki and Hotaru Aburame. They were under Sephora's control at one point. i know for a fact Akki and Tori were both attacked by Sephora. That was when Akki escaped finally and right before Tori arrived back in Konoha! I also know an even better way to get information out of Tori besides using mind probe. Anyways, I am ready, do what you got to do to me!" Megami said as she spilled out all the information she withheld. Honesty is the best policy when trying to get back in good graces after being caught. Maybe this would help her issues with her father as well. They had been meaning to go talk to the Hokage anyways. "Oh and Tori Uzumaki, she was actually living as a missning nin for a while before the former head of the clan, who took her in made her ditch the lifestyle. Well, The former head of the Uzumaki clan and Haru Hyuuga. They both made her come to her senses and realize it wasn't the lifestyle to live. But she was kidnapped and I am sure she could give you many names and details of missing ninja." Megami added to her information.
Alister Yama
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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:23 am
Yen nodded As Jason spoke and bowed as he spoke " understood Lord Jason she shall be ready when done." Yen then listens as she spoke through everything said and done although a grand deal he already knew from hot a confessing yen cross examined megamis story and nodded with approval after she was finished. "So the same I heard before seems sephora has all the awnsers well she will tell the full tale in short order. However when you face authority please don't start defying it. You awnsered to Lord Jason fine but don't go acting high and mighty when asked a question. I'm glad you made up your mind and mixing bloodlines is a possibility however you are not allowed under any circumstances to do it in private. We are already on edge with genin dying and must tighten up. Tomorrow I'll test you out. But if you leave again unauthorized and marked we will find you and bring you back megami. The nights late I'll check and see the lab is open in the morning and as of now this lab is under konoha property. You have the rights to the charting and informal things and as our medical advisor and DNA distributor you can allow open DNA transfusion. Funds will go to the village and must be marked down am I understood? If so your screening will begin at dawn. You are to report to Jason's office at 9 and no later. Dismissed," 

Yen spoke as he handed Jason the DNA samples he grabbed and adding to Lord Jason "perhaps I can take the first test a little senju DNA never hurt eh?" Yen smiled at Jason And outstretched his hand for a brief shake " I'll talk to you on news on salzem tomorrow we have a bit of work to do and nights late rest up Lord Jason you might want to take a seat on this one. It's not good." Yen left the lab on that note as he headed home the storm in full kick as he brooded on the thought for tomorrow and the heavy conversation that would follow.

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Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:39 pm
Jason took the dna samples and tucked them safely away in one of his weapons pouches. Listening to Megami and Yensung speak again about going home and having a screening in Jason's office at dawn Jason decided that this little 'raid' or whatever they were doing was finally over. There wasn't really anything left for Jason to do or say. He had already left a teleportation formula on Megami and Yensung had pretty much taken care of everything else. "You may go home now. Do not miss your screening in the morning or I will know and I WILL find you. Thank you for being so cooperative this far. I hope you continue to do so and become a productive member of Konoha. Have a good night. Yensung I need to speak to you soon. Perhaps sometime after the screening tomorrow. You've done a good job tonight." And with that there would be a flash of yellow light and Jason would disappear, reappearing back in his chambers so he could prepare to go to sleep.
[claiming all the dna samples Jason was handed, an FTG seal on Megami]
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