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Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:40 am
Megami had been back in Konoha a while. She had returned home, despite being PERMANENTLY on lockdown by her father, she still somehow manages at night to sneak out. Yeah the clan ninja he has guarding her, apparently do NOT know how to watch a window, so she easily sneaks out at night. Since she has been home, her father has yet to take her to the Hokage himself! Sadly this means, well, she is still considered a Missing Ninja! She is also a huge disappointment to her clan. Not like she cares, in her eyes she will someday be in charge of the Kuoga clan! After all, no one can manipulate wires quite like Megami herself! Her sister, Akki Senju, is the one they like better than her, even though she is a Senju and not a Kuoga. Both girls were adopted, simply for the fact, her father was married to Azha Senju. Well, enough back story detail...lets get on to the scene at hand!
Megami ran swiftly through the village, dodging behind trees, darting behind buildings with her cloak wrapped around her! The point was not to be seen or detected, as she ran to her secret lab in the city.  Not a meth lab! Get your minds straight, this is a rp about a anime! Geez! Anyways, the lab was located under a older abandoned building close to the Hokages building! Yeah not a good place for a lab, but she was young when she built it! The only other person who knew where it was, Sephora Hyuuga!
The storm clouds above blocked out the moon so she did not cast any shadows across the ground. Only lightning flashes would show her form and they were only visible for an instant! She stopped for a second leaning against a building, for some unknown reason she was lost! This was unusual for the young ninja! She usually always knows where she is! Great, now she would need to take cover in case anyone just happened to be about! She did not have a headband and if anyone got wind of her name, she was on the damn list as missing!
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:59 am
Yen walked  among the normal business area of konoha as it was now silent a small rumble in the distance spoke of a storm from earlier brewing comming closer. As yen relaxed feeling the breeze moist from the impeading storm the fact remained that the area should be clear as the residents of konoha were now resting within their homes yen smiled as he kept in mind that the night was still young and a visit to hotaru was in order. As he walked through the area the rustle of leaves caught his ears as yen noted the flash of lightning flash through the sky as the figure of long hair darted among the trees nearby. Although she may have tried to be stealthy her job wasn't the best as the girl as he assumed seemed to be looking for something. A bit suspicious to the aburame as he noted the shadowy figure stop in confusion to where she was. It was comical to yen as he stifled a chuckle with a clearing of his throat speaking up. "Lost young lady?"
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:42 pm
Megami looked over at the person speaking slightly startled! Someone had seen her? How? She made sure to be really careful and remained hidden on her trip! Damn the lightning! As a matter of fact she was lost, but no way was she going to admit this!
"Well I was just taking a stroll through the village and thought I would stop by and looked at the Kage building, then I noticed the lightning and decided to stay under cover!" She answered rather hesitantly! Her lie sounded rather good, to her anyways. Saying, Oh I am heading to my underground lab and can't get caught because I am not supposed to be out around Konoha due to the fact I am still considered missing, is not a good line to use. Even though it's the truth. She wasn't suppose to be out anyways because she was PERMANENTLY grounded!
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:41 pm
Yen shrugged as he looked the girl over and sighed. she has no headband, no jacket and acting suspicious as well, sure tells of a missing ninja as for her tale why in the world duck for cover when seeing lightning and then wander around the village without identification. Such a pain. Yen thought to himself as he decided to speak. With a flurry of quick questions to as a quick test of the girls knowledge but a confirmation of her identity and intentions "So first off where's your headband? What squad do you belong?, what clan do you  belong to? Where is your jacket? And what is the real reason why you are out this late? You can't lie in such a manner and expect me to not peg you with all of this? What Is your name? If you allow I'll make certain that your movements in the village are tracked. So kneel in front of me and state your awnsers" 

Yen spoke with a frown as his bombardment of questions were systematic as well as his request was to ensure the lady wouldn't cause any ruckas or trouble by tagging her with his kilshiku chakra bleeding he would be able to use them to track her down with their powerful scent of smell for chakra as yen called out two of the insects male and female to fly around him. He smiled as should she be foolish to act in the village and not comply with his request he would have all the reasoning to subdue and turn her into the kage and ambu for questioning.
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:44 am
Not only did  this guy frighten her, but she felt kind of annoyed! Kneel in front of him! NO! She crossed her arms, but prepared to use her wires in case he attacked her. Lightning lit up the sky yet again and the low rumble of thunder above seemed to set the mood for the scene unfolding.
"My name is Megami Kuoga of the Kuoga clan. I am a resident of Konoha and I am the daughter of the head of the clan. My mother is Azha Senju-Kuoga. A lot has been going on in my family and I was, out looking for my sister Akki Senju. The poor girl is probably out here lost and me being the good sister I am decided to look for her! That's all, no need in worry about me. I apologize for lying a second ago, you caught me off guard is all. Now if you don't mind I will be on my way, she probably is at home, and I don't want to be out in this weather! You are such a good citizen for stopping me!" She said as she began to slowly back up. Maybe she could get out of here, she would go to her lab later when a storm wasn't brewing and she could keep better watch and not get caught!
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:53 am
Yen listens to the lady and although through admitting the lie  was good her explanation was off as yen had an eye on aki and though it was good yen took a step closer  and shook his head as he decided to not play around and get to the point sighing once more he step down his foot in literal terms. " if that's so then you must comply as I need to keep track of you. As no headband and no vest means your a potential threat till properly ID you. So once again kneel  so I can track you or I'll force you to kneel before me and drag you to the ambu conscious or not your choice. So make a choice megami for I already know of you." 

Yen spoke calmly as he stood patiently awaiting the woman's response.
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:17 am
"I refuse to kneel before you! I am an heiress and therefore I do not kneel before ANYONE except the Kage or my father! As for the vest....not my style! I prefer leather! As for a headband I do not have one because it was taken from me sometime back by another ninja who shall remain nameless! And if you know of me, then you know my circumstances! If you don't mind I must get home before my father notices me missing!" She released her wires and personally she really did not want to have to use them against a fellow ninja. The only person she had ever really fought was in training and it was Zach, but she first trained with her father using them.
"I don't want to fight you and use these! Please let me go home so I don't have to." She said to him again.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:47 am
Yen released his chakra and stated her down as he shook his head. noting the wires nigh invisible and useless by the look. Still it didn't matter as his chakra filled the area like a sea as his voice became serious"You take heiress like it's pride and pride in your judgement is blocking common sense . I am head of the aburame and you better know clan rules and duty of village preceed all else. If I were you I would tread carefully here. It matters not on clan or heirs even God's but the moment here and now. You are without headband and havnt been fully ID and as an official of the village you should know that and awknowledge what I told you. Now kneel and submit to tracking megami or be forced  to the kage. If you run I'll catch you and drain you. Should you resist I'll make sure you are sorry for drawing the weapons. Heir ogle kuoga you 've been warned." 

Yen stated as he telepathically ordered his kilshiku on his shoulder to land in the girls hair and start reproducing and draining her chakra. The tiny insects began to fly over towards the girl at the speed of 5 unless stopped as lightning flashed once again yen took a step forward as he slowly followed his insects as he expected the girl to kneel but if not yen began to build chakra up as he remained in his calm disposition.
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:06 am
Hotarus boyfriend? She knew Hota was dating the head of the clan! Shit! She can't try to even hurt this guy, no it would be a huge mistake! The Aburame's deal with bugs and the bugs, drain chakra! She would be stupid to fight back. Fine, she would follow him and somehow when they were not standing near an alleyway or building she could run from him and make it home! By now the Kuoga clan would note she wasn't in her room. So she had to get home FAST.
"Look, all violence aside I draw back my wires." As she said this the wires wrapped back around her gloves. "I do not kneel I explained this to you already. but I hold my hands up and you see I have no weapons on me. Now, where are we going?" She said as she held out her hands to show she gives in.
"And if you know of me, please tell me how as we walk to wherever you are taking me!" Megami said giving in, or so he thinks, because she plans on escaping as soon as she can.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page :
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Alone at Night (P/NK/IO) Empty Re: Alone at Night (P/NK/IO)

Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:39 am
Yen keeping his chakra up yen continued forward as he continued towards megami till he stood a meter from her. As his kilshiku  had landed on her they went deep in her hair and shook his head. We will continue here till we are clear and further should you run it won't go well as I'll track you down till you come back to me megami as you won't make it even halfway to the gates where I'll track and stop you. Now tell me the real reason why you are wandering here. As you drew your weapon in fear and protection and your demeanor is demanding me to leave you be near the kage building. What were you hoping on accomplishing here as I suggest you lay your secrets bare now before ambu extract whatever you are hiding. I'll further add secrecy to our discussion. I would suggest in this time you tell me the truth now as your activities here further lead me to suspicion" 

Yen weaved a few handsigns As he spoke. keeping an eye on the girl as yen first began with the first of his genjutsu  and a secret technique of his own meant to keep types he confront under his control. Bird,monkey,monkey, ram, tiger, Dragon resleasing a grey wave spreading 50 meters around yen in a 360 degree dome from him as he finished should megami look towards any part of him she would fall under the genjutsu as she would notice the world wouldn't change at all and be as if nothing would happen.  As the first of the effects she would find that her movements would be reversed as if she wanted to step forward she would instead step backwards, or  backwards she would go forward, left would be right as right would be left, and up would be down as down would be up.

Yens kilshiku would meanwhile bite into megamis scalp causing chakra bleeding and begin mating on her scalp as the female would soon lay 4 white eggs along the bite area as microscopic it would be his insects would scurry to another part of her head before setting up to bite into her scalp once more.

(Look to insects for more info on kilshiku)

Actions: 1,200/1,250

-50 actions formad world

Kilshiku outside body:2

Kilshiku eggs:4
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