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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:08 pm
Mako laughed loudly as the boy talked about the techniques he was here to practice. Not because the boy couldn't learn them but because when Mako himself trained the body flicker technique Sushma is the one who showed him it.  Additionally, Mako also knew the Great Fireball technique which was also taught to him by another of the Monkey Sages, Jenumba, in the land of the monkey summons.  Mako decided to show Nethero how they were done.  

Sushma said "Alright kiddie, I'm super fast, so you're gonna need to move fast ta dodge me.  Sushma leaped and spun the cane over his head like a whirring helicopter bringing it down toward Nethero.  Striking toward his right shoulder screaming like Bruce Lee, it was quite comical The attack came at a 25 speed and if Nethero didn't dodge it would be a painful attack due to the chakra infused rock.

On the other side of the field Mako launched his own offensive.  The masked individual was only about 8 m from him when he had summoned the Earth Cane he turned it around and launched it at Sal it had a health of 51 and a throwing speed of 95 for Sal he didn't think it would be to great of an issue but for Mako it just served as an oppurtunity to show Nethero the ability he was there to learn.  Mako leapt back a few feet, forming the Hand signs as he went. Then proceeded to inhale, as he exhaled the great several meter large fireball came out and flew in Salzem's direction.  Mako waited until he saw Salzem's reaction before he made his next move.


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:47 pm
Salzem's attention flicked back to Mako as he chucked the earthen rod at him. It was going at a pretty decent speed, 95. Fast, but not fast enough. Salzem backhanded the rod away as it entered arm's reach (speed 100, strength 70), barely fazed by the attack. The rod would shatter as it connected with Salzem's arm, sending pieces flying to his left. Salzem needed not to concern himself with such an attack, but the one that came next. At least, he thought so. Mako weaved a couple of handsigns and shot out a fireball about 6 feet in diameter at Salzem. The ball burned its way towards him at a relatively slow rate, not to mention it's power wasn't much to speak of either. Salzem simply raised his hand so that the open palm of his gauntlet would come into contact with the fire first. He focused his energy into the gauntlets, causing the runes that riddled the steel to glow a dark red. An invisible barrier formed around Salzem's arms (reduces Ninjutsu power by 25), causing the fireball o halt, then disperse around Salzem, not touching him and only close enough to warm him slightly. He would then lower his hand as the last of flames died out around him and the runes would return to normal.

Deciding that it was time to take this to close quarters, Salzem dashed at Mako, closing the 9 meters between them (80). As soon as Mako got within range, Salzem would throw his left arm forward in a couple of jabs aimed at Mako's chest and face (Speed 78, power 15) following up with a straight right punch (speed 79, power 18) aimed to strike Mako solidly in his left cheek. Should this be avoided, Salzem would raise his left leg in a straight kick aimed at Mako's stomach. The blow was intended to be more superficial than anything, more push than punch (speed 80, strength 10)

AP: 505

-20 Gauntlets of fortitude

Last edited by Salzem <3 on Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:04 pm
Nethero was at first puzzled at why Mako was laughing loudly, "An answer would have been nice..." the Genin silently mumbled as his attention was quickly directed to the speech being given by the so-called powerful monkey sage. Nethero would then realise him getting ready for an attack, so he would stop his slgith movements, completely readying his body for a fast evasion, which was obviously going to be needed. He watched as the monkey was getting ready to attack him, so his steps moved slightly to the point he would be able push himself to the left. The distance between the monkey and the boy, and Nethero being ready having watched the monkey's actions closely gave him the edge he needed to barely dodge the attack, whereas otherwise the attack would have been way too fast for him. Nethero would realise his body has reached a little further than he realised and at first was once again puzzled, but then realised that emitting the chakra helped his body a little bit.

"So this is how I do it?" he asked the monkey sage "The body flicker?". He was getting the hang of it. Between and during the attacks, he still had time and energy for talking. He would then get ready for another attack, using the dodge to his advantage. He would spur in a speed that would not be impressive to any others in the area, running for few meters to close the gap, then jumping to increase the force he would put into the next attack. He would then join both of his hands in the air and aim them down at the monkey. even if the monkey didn't dodge, which seemed quite easy for him, he could probably stop the boy's hands mid air. So, Nethero was ready for any kind of counter attack. "Take this!" he would shout, while jumping, and give another battlecry "RRAAAGH!" as he landed.
Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:32 pm
Sushma responded to the attack easily and was only ever so slightly frustrated that he had missed.  The boy then questioned him on how to use the body flicker technique.  Sushma dodged Nethero's next few attacks by join and leaping and climbing his cane similar to how a monkey would fight.  Then as Nethero burst forward with a double hand lock downward punch Sushma reacted quickly. Where he stood he had the cane in his right hand both as outstretched.  Sushma threw his right arm out and hit Nethero in the stomach while both arms were over his head. Stopping the attack dead in it track. It didn't hurt too bad because given Sushma size he was relatively weak but it didn't feel good either.  Sushma then stepped back and began informing Nethero how to focus his movements for the speed gain that body flicker could offer.  He showed him the ram sign, then said "Now I can sense you infusing chakra throughout yourself, however you need to focus the channel to your legs.  Then concentrate on the next area you go to. You need to enhance your legs with chakra not your whole body kiddo. Then you need to focus on where you are going."  As Sushma stepped back and waited while Nethero attempted it. 

Meanwhile Mako, noticed he was highly out gunned. Not only did easily destroy the Earth Cane which was fused with his chakra, he caught the fireball and crushed it in his hands.  Salzem was indeed an impressive leaf shinobi.  
"You're much more powerful than Cole made you sound, that Kumo nin must have been a monster," Mako declared as Sal came rushing in. With fists flying toward him at speeds just above what he could dodge easily, Salzem didn't realize Mako knew his full strength. Mako back pedaled and side stepped the jabs, he did not let them touch him for fear of the gauntlet. Then Salzem threw that Haymarket towards his jaw and Mako ducked avoiding that one unfortunately Mako was not prepared for the kick which he had to take though using his arms crossed before him to cushion the blow.  Mako was knocked back and slid through the dirt.  He ripped the tanto off its straps and held it in his left hand still in its sheath preparing for Salzem's follow up.  Mako would not go down easily, this was his mantra.  

"I am happy to have a shinobi like you beside me on the front lines should anything befall the Leaf,"  he was smiling excitedly caught up in the heat if battle.

Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:01 pm
Salzem was intrigued that Mako was able to dodge his punches but not his kick. Apparently, Salzem was right that Cole had been spreading the word of his power as Mako had told him.

"You know Cole...?" Salzem asked, curious. And for that matter, why was he spreading rumors about him...? Regardless, Mako brought out his own weapon, a tando Katana and held it in front of him. Was it time for a sword fight or something...? Well... if he was going to raise a sword, Salzem would meet him, and raise two more. He reached around behind him and slipped out a katana from it's sheath. He would then toss it into the air with one hand, and with the other, slipping the mask down so it no longer covered his mouth.  Then, as the sword came down, Salzem would cross draw his two other swords, keyblades, Olympia and One Winged Angel out of their sheaths. How would he catch the third sword if his other two are occupied? As the sword reached eye-level, Salzem clamped his teeth around the handle of the blade, completing the transition from Marshal Arts to Santoryu (Three Sword Style).  When Mako spoke of being proud to fight along side him, Salzem internally rolled his eyes. Little did Mako know that Salzem didn't plan to stick around for that to happen.
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:25 pm
Nethero was not suprised that his attack did not really succeed. the monkey seemed to do it quite easily too, without much of a trouble. Nethero was astonished by the monkey's strength and "existence" in the battle. He would be carefully watching him as he was fighting, since he was sure he could elarn from every movement of the monkey. The counter attack hurted a lot. A lot more than nethero had expected. But it was something he could take. He knew he had to get used to the pain anyway. "Good one." he would say, laughing with sincere joy. He would really admire strength and especially strong comrades. He would carefully listen to what the monkey would say about the Body Flicker Technqiue. "Rushing chakra only to the legs?" he would think to himself, examining the situation and the plan in his mind, "That sounds very meaningful, but at the same time, wouldn't the rest of my body be blown behind by the force that drives me forward?". He would not be a hundred percent sure with his own thoughts, but would respect, recognise, and acknowledge the sayings of the sage.

"I will try doing what you just said." he would answer, and then try as he said. His body would rush forward a little bit, just as far as he wanted to go, aiming casual punches at the monkey while talking, "It works better than I expected. Thanks. Anyway that's something I can train and get better at on my own anyway. Mind helping me with the Fire techniques? Is there any weaker Fire jutsu that I can train before starting the training of the Great Fireball?". Nethero himself would somewhat know what he was talking about. He once heard of a technique used mostly by the Uchiha to train the young boys (who were probably a lot more talented at ninjutsu than Nethero himself was, but anyway) into the fire techniques so they could, in the future, learn the great fireball technique easier. He would not be sure if Mako or the monkey sage (whose name Nethero could somehow not remember) knew about this technique though, seeing as they are both not really assosciated with the Uchiha clan. He would be hopeful once again though, as it worked before.

While punching the monkey, he would be smiling from happiness, both from finding some company at the training grounds, and learning some new things in the process. He would like to join the other fight that is happening, but knew that it is not yet quite the time for him to spar with these two. Nethero would, for now, be focused on his current strength and how he can get past it.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:12 pm
Sushma jumped around much like Rafiki or something jumping back and forth l.  Listening to the boy talk and it almost drove Sushma to a frenzy.  Sushma thought about how the boy didn't seem too awfully sharp considering not 15 meters away Mako had just launched the very technique that the boy had asked about earlier.  Following the barrage of punches Sushma flipped the cane and smacked the boy upside the head with it. Not to hurt him too bad but to knock some sense into him.  

"Of course mah boy Mako knows the great Fireball" Sushma said as the boy likely had to rub the knot to make it feel better. "Never go weaker always go stronger, the Great Fireball is the most essential Jutsu in a Katon users arsenal. There is a technique called fire stream but I don't particularly suggest learning it.  It's ok but has no combat strength.  Now sit down right over there Nero boy and watch how Mako does the Fireball." He pointed the cane to a spot on the sideline of the current battle. Sushma had a new found appreciation for his current contract holder bUT even if he thought the boy was hard headed he could still pass on sage advice to the boy.  "He likely won't do the fireball again but the key to it is to build chakra in the lugs and create ignition.  Then when it hits the oxygen it will form. I can't show you here in your land but in my land I can do it all the time." The monkey then took a seat beside Nero and showed him the hand signs for it. Guiding him through his training. (I figure this can count as Mako teaching it since he knows it, statistically the same I would think.)

Mako had only prepared the battojutsu ability to take advantage of its speed.  He doubted it would ever connect with Salzem and do any damage. Additionally, he had yet to craft The Sarutobi blade and so he had to settle with a basic hand me down tanto.  Mako had no idea why Salzem had a sword in his mouth but he was worried that Salzem might cut an ear off.

Mako eyed the strange weaponry style sheepishly.  He doubted it's potential effectiveness as it would highly limit neck movement and would also make basic parrys difficult due to having one side of your body obstructed.  Mako stood in a stance left leg forward right leg back.  His left hand holding the tanto just below the connection on the sheath his right hand on the handle.  He watched Salzem intently preparing for his strike. This was the art of Battojutsu: Quick draw and was a deadly counter in most cases.  "Yeah Cole told me about you, So did Risako some, though not as much as I would've liked to have known."


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:13 pm
Salzem noted the expression Mako had mate while observing Salzem's three sword style. He was used to such a look. It will soon change once he gets moving. Salzem dashed at Mako, wasting no time (speed 100). Salzem would then bring Olympia around in a swipe at chest (speed 75, strength 15, sharpness 50 +20 via Three Sword Style). He would then follow up with an upper slash with One winged Angel aimed to cut from the base of Mako's ribcage to his throat (Speed 75, Strength 15, Sharpness 100 + 20), ending with a swipe at Mako's cheek with his mouth blade, swinging his head around, almost like he was head-banging (Speed 75, strength 15, Sharpness 50 + 20). Should these moves be avoided, Salzem would throw a quick round-house kick at Mako's left cheek (strength 16, speed 80) aiming to disorient. Salzem would then follow up with a quick series of 3 strikes. First, He would slash at Mako's stomach with Olympia, almost as if he was intending to spill Mako's guts. Almost. He would follow up with another horizontal slash with One Winged angel, but this one was aimed at Mako's chest. This would leave both arms crossed over Salzem's chest, swords pointed at the sky. Should any of these blows connect, Salzem would divert the blade enough so that it doesn't do any fatal damage, just enough to hurt. A lot. Mako wasn't his enemy after all. Yet.
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:30 am
"Mako knew the fireball technique?" Nethero repeated in his mind. This was quite a lucky day. Nethero could have never expected how lucky he was going to get when he first woke up, or even as he was punching the training dummy. He would have expected kicking and punching and biting dummies the whole day. But there it was, two other stronger ninja fighting each other, one guiding Nethero wit the help of a sage monkey as he was using techniques, seemingly showing Nethero what to do. He carefully watched the genin do the fireball technique as the monkey sage had said. "Wow..." he would unintentionally say as the word slipped from his lips. Salzem's actions would be quite more impressive though, crushing a fireball with his bare hands as far as Nethero could tell. "Wow..." he would repeat in his mind. Nethero would once again carefully listen to the monkey sage as he told about the weaker technique and that it was unnecessary, adding he sohuld go straight for the fireball technique instead.

Nethero would try and repeat the handsigns necessary for the technique. He would recognise these two handsigns frrom the academy, as Horse and Tiger. He would repeat, and as the monkey added, would direct chakra into his lungs and from there into his mouth, trying to create ignition that would result in the creation of the fireball. He would seemingly succeed at first, creating a small ball of fire that would then start expanding. The ball after a few seconds, would reach a not very impressive size, and shoot at an empty part of the grounds. "Not too bad for the first try, I guess..." Nethero would think to himself, then turn to the monkey sage and keep talking, "Well, I know that is not quite impressive, but still, thanks for the tips and teaching me all this.". He would then watch the other two ninja for quite a bit more time. He would once again think about how the tall man with the beard was the same age and rank as him. It sohould have not been easy to rank up, he assumed. "Look at that man go, how is he a genin?" he would think to himself, quite interested in how the rank system works. Nobody has really explained that to him earlier.

Even doing this weak fireball would have tired Nethero quite a bit. Only then would Nethero realise that the ninja with the gas mask is using three swords at the same time. It would be quite impressive, especially for someone at Nethero's level. The genin himself was not even good at using one blade at a time, he was not really talented at Kenjutsu. "That... is suepr cool..." Nethero would think to himself, "I should also train a bit in Kenjutsu... And also Taijutsu... And also pretty much anything else.". He would then turn again to the monkey sage and go "O.K. Now let's continue, shall we?". After saying that, he would realise that his excitement was not as high as before for his own training, but he was quite a bit more interested in the ongoing fight between the stronger two. He would still be able to focus on his own fight either way, he would flex his muscles once again, and then attack the monkey sage with several punches that are quite sloppy, even more so than before, after the great fireball (not being so great being performed by him) tiring him a bit more.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Train to live another day! [P,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Train to live another day! [P,NK]

Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:01 am
Sushma sat beside the boy Nethero, and watched as Nethero's attention shifted all over the place not capable of paying attention to one thing at a time.  This frustrated Sushma, but only because he was also incapable of paying attention to so many things at once, and the frustration only added to this inability.  He was still a spider monkey after all and still really enjoyed bananas and bugs and everything else for the most part.  He watched as Nethero clumsily did the hand signs then shot out a little tiny ball.  The ball was so measly it made Sushma laugh out loud and fall over unable to control himself.  He laughed for a little while and unless he was forced to stop he would assume he was being ignored and would stop.  He walked over and coached Nethero's hand movements showing him the best way to flawlessly shift between the hand signs so that there was much less clumsiness.  Telling him that switching between hand signs was crucial.  Then he watched as Nero tried again,  and this time the fire was perfect but just not quite large enough to warrant a good Fireball.  Sushma yelled "Big breaths kiddo, big massive inhales, big massive exhale."  Sushma loved this part because he knew it was crucial for learning the jutsu but whenever he trained newbies how to do it htey always took alot of big breaths all at once and end up passing out from light headedness, and these were the kinds of things that brought the youngest monkey sage joy.  However, Sushma was becoming kinda fond of Nethero and as such would only laugh slightly when he passed out.

Mako watched as Sal proceeded with his attack.  the three sword style was one he had never heard of and honestly even if he had he likely wouldn't use the style.  He had to admit that 3 swords were better than 2 because as Sal came in he was able to pose a non stop barrage of threats and it made Mako have to think more than several steps ahead.  MAko is a weaponry specialist though and his understanding of how weapons function informed him of the wakness of this style.  Anytime Sal would make an attack with the sword in his mouth Mako would take that oppurtunity for a counterattack.  The tanto in his hand would flash blue with chakra enhancing its capabilities to a vast extent making his basic tanto capable of holding up to these enhanced swords of Salzem's. 

Salzem's first attack was aimed as a horizontal swipe coming across Mako's chest and Mako had no issue avoiding that attack as with his weapon style it required a crouch to bring out its max potential.  He entered the Battojutsu crouch avoiding the swipe all with one move.  Then he realized that the original start of the attack was actually a cross gambit swipe to prevent the opponent from having any real opportunity to dodge.  Mako saw the incoming attack and barely avoided it slipping to Sal's left it caught his left arm slightly in the crossfire.  Mako knew that he had to take that blow because gauging the speed and everything and the fury of Sal's barrage he needed to be deep within threat range and in a perfect opportunity.  Sal's first two attacks went by and now Mako was slightly bent forward directly in front of Salzem.  As Sal turned his head to swipe with the mouth sword he took his eyes off of Mako for a fraction of a second, and in that fraction Mako made his attack.  Quick drawing the glowing blue tanto from its case it came flying in at lightning speed and stopped just as the blue enhanced flames touched Sal's neck forcing him to stop his mouth swipe.  ( Speed 110 (75+20 battojutsu+15 spd sword mastery) Sharpness 50 +30 flying swallow (booster of 55)) The blade against Salzem's throat with Salzem stopping his swipe to avoid bringing his own neck down onto the tanto.  Mako was an excellent swordsman and knew that to use your mouth as an appendage would force you to lose sight of your opponent in the midst of combat.  A fault that cannot be afforded in kenjutsu. 

So as it stood Mako had the blade which was about 3 feet in length with the flying swallow active against Salzem's throat and Sal unable to complete his third strike from Santoryu.

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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